中国在无人机技术方面取得了显著进步, 这让中国政府对其无人驾驶飞行器的潜在军事化有了一些吹嘘的权利。一些好战的大陆军事观察员甚至认为, 无人机的攻击群可能会对更大规模的常规战斗实体如航空母舰造成严重打击。
China Has a New Plan to Kill Navy Aircraft Carriers: 'Swarm' Strikes?
January 12, 2018
China’s marked strides in drone technology have given Beijing some bragging rights about the potential militarization of its unmanned aerial vehicles. Some bellicose mainland military observers even go as far as to suggest that strike groups of drones may be capable of dealing crippling blows to much larger conventional combat entities such as aircraft carriers.
中国在无人机技术方面取得了显着进步, 这让中国政府对其无人驾驶飞行器的潜在军事化有了一些吹嘘的权利。一些好战的大陆军事观察员甚至认为, 无人机的攻击群可能会对更大规模的常规战斗实体如航空母舰造成严重打击。
Such seemingly far-fetched talk relates to a drone battalion unveiled by the state-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corp at an air show in June. It consisted of 119 combat-ready drones, all equipped with sensors and programmed to communicate with one another when airborne. Tests of strike groups involving up to 1,000 drones are underway, technicians at the SOE told reporters.
这种看似牵强的言论, 与中国国有的中国电子科技集团公司(China Electronics Technology Group Corp)在6月份的一次航展上公布的一个无人机大队有关。它由119架随时待命的无人机组成, 所有无人机都配备了传感器, 并在空中进行通讯。技术人员在接受记者采访时表示, 目前正在对多达1000架无人机的攻击组进行测试。
Drones for civil use have already been used to carry deliveries, and a legion of military drones may be able to carry missiles or warheads once load restraint issues are resolved.
用于民用的无人机已被用于运送货物, 一旦解决了装载限制问题, 一批军用无人机可能可以携带导弹或弹头。
The prospect of low priced, made-in-China drone groups taking on aircraft carriers has caused some stir overseas following reports by Western media.
在西方媒体的报道之后, 中国制造的低价无人驾驶飞机的前景在海外引起了一些轰动。
Yet Beijing mouthpiece Global Times rushed to downplay the hype in a feature story last week that examined the many technical issues of flying drones to battle carriers, noting that the typical range of military drones is negligible compared to that of an aircraft carrier – 50 kilometers versus 1,000 km.
然而, 中国的喉舌《环球时报》(Global Times)在上周的一篇专题报道中, 匆忙淡化了这种炒作。该报道考察了将无人驾驶飞机送往战斗航母的许多技术问题。他指出, 与一架航空母舰相比, 军用无人机的典型飞行范围微不足道。
“So in order to carry out an attack, these drones will have to be delivered, for instance, by stealth fighters, within close range of a carrier, risking being shot down midway, and, what’s the point of using drones when these fighters can launch attacks themselves when they are this close [to the carrier],” an expert was quoted as saying.
A carrier, moreover, is constantly within a holistic combat group of cruisers, destroyer squadrons, supply ships and other escorts, a sea-air shield that drones can hardly penetrate. Limited payload is another hurdle that drone makers may still take years to surmount.
此外, 一艘航空母舰一直处于一个由巡洋舰、驱逐舰中队、补给舰和其他护航舰组成的整体战斗群中, 这是一种无人机几乎无法穿透的海上防护罩,且有限的有效载荷是无人机制造商需要花费数年才能克服的另一个障碍。
The virtue of drones, according to the newspaper, is their complementary role in ground-air combat, and their agile application in gathering intelligence and launching valuable point-to-point attacks against small targets such as a vehicle or fortification.
据报纸报道, 无人机的优点在于它们在地空作战中的互补作用, 以及它们在收集情报和对车辆或防御工事等小目标进行有价值的点对点攻击。
Колян Реалов
A drone with weapon is a problem because you have the need to return a drone and weapon. Missiles decide the problem of returning drones.
Drones for finding targets are better decision than drones with weapon.
Swarming drones will form an entire new class of weaponry. They will require militaries to also need to devise new defenses against them.
Existing air defenses, such as the recent Pantsir defense of Russian airbase, can defend against limited mass attacks (with E.W.).
But, when the number and sophistication of drones increase, existing systems will be unable to successfully defend against them.
I suspect some form of new E.W., anti-drone-drone or laser system will eventually be created to protect from these forms of attack.
The eternal contest between offense and defense. I'm always a little hesitant to buy into so-called "revolutionary" new weapons. War changes all the time, no war is like the last. But the basic strategic, operational, and even tactical principles remain fairly similar. The only "weapons" that could be called revolutionary in the past century have been cyber attacks, satellites, and nukes.
LOL! It's "technology" is over a decade behind the US'
That's the sort of thinking that leads to nasty surprises.
It is "thought" moron. It is KNOWING what they have.
You think you know exactly what they have. Either way, underestimating a rival is never a good idea. The Russian fleet at Port Arthur thought much the same of the Japanese before regretting their assumptions.
R. Arandas
Can't the U.S. just detect and shoot those drones down though?
I think the general idea is to have so many of them, so cheap, and so small that they could swamp defenses. It's not particularly innovative, but it's part of the long tradition of solving problems by just throwing more resources at them.
Though yes, detection and interception would be the US's strategy for stopping this. Or, given the tiny range of the drones, just staying away from them would be a perfectly acceptable strategy.
Mark Levin
The advantage of drones over a fighter is first of all, they are more disposable than manned aircraft, and presumably, much cheaper too. Secondly, they would present many targets and could overwhelm defensive systems.
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