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50 WeirdThings You Will See In Japan


Cuddle Cafe


Life in Japan isharsh. Working whole day and dealing with stress when you don't have asignificant other can take its toll on you. Japan also happens to be thecountry with record low birth rates and people there generally consider datingto be too annoying and expensive. No wonder places like Soineya exist. For thehefty price of 77 dollars per hour you can lay down with girl and cuddle.Nothing naughty though, just sleeping in her arms and some eye contact to makeyou feel like you are loved. These cafes prosper, it goes to show that Japanesemen do enjoy the illusion.


The Cat Railway


Miracles canhappen. When Wakayama Electric Railway decided to destroy a cat shelter whileexpanding their train stations, the president of the company appointed Tama thecat as the station master. Well, being a station master is not really that hardof a job, all you have to do is to wear a hat and greet customers, a feline cando it just fine. This curiosity brought many tourists to the town and boostedup the economy in the region, everybody wanted to see Tama in action. The catwas promoted to Deputy President in 2013 because of its achievements and hasthree cutesy trains designed to promote her even more.


Cat Cafe


Oh dear, thisagain. Japanese love cats, they also love cafes, cat cafes seem to be thenatural progression. It is all about space and unfortunately most Japanesepeople, who live in the big cities, don't have enough room for pets. If youenjoy the company of friendly felines your only option then is to visit the CatCafe and be surrounded by them for a couple of hours. Some people even chooseto do their work there, the presence of cats soothing them and making them workharder.


Station Pushers


If you don't knowwhat that is you better check Youtube for some hilarious videos on the matter.Basically station pushers are the only way for some train stations to deal withthe numerous passengers during rush hours. They push everybody inside and savesome time. Thankfully this "job" is either done by the station staffor part-time workers, like students. It is mostly needed in the morning.Station Pushers first appeared in Shinjuku Station and ever since have beenaccepted as a must have convenience.

如果你不知道啥意思,你可以上YOUTUBE 网站上看一下这件事儿的搞笑视频。(视频内容)基本是在车站的高峰期用来对付乘客人多的唯一方法。为帮人们赶时间,他们可以把任何人都可以塞进车厢里去。还好,这份工作要么由车站工作人员,要么类似像学生样的临时工完成的。推人服务最早出现于新宿站,后来被认为是必备方法而一直延续至今。

After World War Two the Japanese absorbed a lot of the suggestions which weregiven to them by the Americans. This includes the Deming Philosophy. It dealswith the way we work and produce results, and has been widespread in Japan eversince. What this causes is for people to overwork themselves. See, Deming saysthat you shouldn't be satisfied with your work and should always strive formore, working and working until you prove yourself. Combine this with therespect the Japanese have for their elders, aka the employee should never leavetheir workplace before their boss does, and we have a recipe for a long longhardworking hours. Which can lead to suicides. There is even a wordfor them - karoshi.



Did you know that Japanese were not wearing any underwear before World War Two?That's right, it only became popular after the Americans came and taught themto be ashamed of their private parts and to cover them up. Right, but pantieswere expensive and only high level hookers and rich people could afford them.Later on, when they became more widely spread, males started to associate themwith sexual desires. It is weird to see how many Japanese men are obsessed withpanties but here you go, you know the reason now.





The Kaijuword has become popular nowadays. Japan is the source of all these giantmonster movies and Godzilla is some sort of an icon there. It is a giantdinosaur, who feeds on nuclear energy and fights the Japanese military, andother giant monsters. This seems to be what scares people there the most, notcheap stuff like vampires and werewolves. It is funny because once a movie wasmade, which featured Godzilla attacking New York, the Japanese mocked itbecause there aren't even nuclear power plants nearby. Silly, sillyAmericans.


The HemorrhoidShrine


As you already know the Japanese have a shrine for pretty much everything. Eventhe most painful and embarrassing problems. The Kunigami Shrineis known to cure Hemorrhoids and people with this  condition visit it forthe yearly Kisai festival. At first they wererequired to wash their butts in the nearby river and eat offering eggs. Howeverthe tradition evolved. Now to cure your hemorrhoids you need to pull down yourpants, wave your ass in front of an egg shaped stone and chant a prayer. It isnot a laughing matter though, people with serious illnesses go there assomething of a last resort to get better. Hopefully the shrine helps at leastsome of them.




They are in massproduction now. All you have to do is go to the shop and buy one(assuming youhave the money). They are young looking and pretty, mostly in their twenties,and they will make your life much better, supposedly. This is only thebeginning though, expect things like robotic hostessand robotic news anchors in the future.


Apology Agencies


For all thesetimes when we want to say "sorry" but we don't have the guts to doit, the apology agencies come to help. They are a shortcut of a sort, insteadof apologizing yourself to someone you can pay them to do the job for you. Itcan be done verbally or in a written format, with the latter being muchcheaper. But this is not all, you can also pay them to pretend they are yourparent and to help out in a painful breakup. Some see them as creating a web oflies and enforcing anti-social behavior, and shyness, others simply seem themas another timely convenience.


Training Your Face


Yes, we havemuscles in our faces and like every other muscles they can be trained. TheJapanese invented such a thing, the Facial Fitness PAO, which allows you tobeef up your head. No really, people who used the device claimed that theybecame more beautiful thanks to it. The training machine itself consists of amouthpiece with two plastic wings on both sides. gobble it up and bob your headup and down to make it move. It looks silly but for only 1 minute a day you'llnotice results......hopefully.


Dealing withWeight Problems


Japanese don'treally have problems with obesity(unlike Americans) but still, they are wayahead when it comes to weight regulation. Diets? Pfft, this is too old school.How about eating with the slimming goggles attached to your head. Wearing themwill trick you, make you think the meal you are eating is bigger than itactually is, which means in the end you'll eat less. It has been scientificallyproven to work. Even the opposite is true - when you put the goggles in reverseyou will consume more food because it will look smaller to you. Amazing!


Mobile ToiletPaper


It is great tohave some no matter where you go. Especially if you got a runny nose, sometimesbringing some tissues in your pockets just won't do the trick. This is whereone of the crazier Japanese inventions comes into play. It is not very techy,it is rather silly in fact. A hat on your head, a strapped roll of toilet paperon top, you get as much as you want with a little move of your hand. Of courseit is a finite supply so bringing up reserve ones is mandatory. I am honestlynot sure how humiliating it is to walk like this, even in Japan.

无论你走到哪都会遇到一些小麻烦。尤其是当你流鼻涕而兜里的纸又不够用咋办. 这时候的日本疯狂发明就派上用场了。这玩意没有一点科技含量,实际上反而感觉会有些蠢。这是一种头戴帽子,帽子上固定着卷纸,只要你稍稍动下手,你想要多少纸就有多少。当然,纸不是无限的,纸多纸少全看你带了多少。老实说,即使在日本,要是这样上街不知道会有多丢脸。

Take Care Of YourEars


Our ears are asensitive subject. They not only deal with hearing, they also keep ourbalance(equilibrium) in check. Contrary to popular belief, regularly cleaningthem can be detrimental. Removing ear wax with sharp objects can seriously hurtour inner ears. Japanese have noticed that too and tried to help matters withtheir two inventions - the ear explorer and the ear enhancer. The first one isactually awesome. It is a small device, which allows you to see exactly what'sup inside your ears. Anytime, anywhere. If you notice a problem you can theneasily contact a specialist. The ear enhancer is a completely different type ofstrange. It helps people with poor hearing, but by itself it is very big andcumbersome. Two bowls on both sides of your head will only bring more attentionto your problem.


The UselessInventions


If you haven'tcaught on already, Japan is famous for its inventions. The people there justlove creating new and quirky devices, most of them completely useless. Todaythey have their own name, Chindogu, which also comes with aset description of what Chindogu has to be. The invention must be both uselessand useful in some situations, it shouldn't be patented and sold, it must havea clear purpose and a prototype has to exist. A popular example of a Chindoguis the so called Personal Rain Saver, which is an upside down umbrellaconnected to a tube. It collects rainwater.




Sudoku is afascinating numbers game, which tests a person's logic. You need to complete itwithout putting the same one digits in rows, columns and zones. Peopleassociate it with Japan, but its origins might not be Japanese at all. Thefirst example appeared during 19th century in a French newspaper. Today'smodern Sudoku certainly has its roots in Japan though. The rules were set in1984 and the game became a worldwide sensation in 2005.


Elevator Girls


Some countrieshave elevator operators, some really don't. In Japan this job is done by women.Their uniform, looks and even voices are finely tuned to cheer up thepassengers. But there is more, they also serve as a security of sorts. Manyelevators span from the underground parking lots to the upper floor penthouses.The normal building security can't really take a good look of the people, whoarrive inside cars, so it is the elevator girl's duty to report any suspiciousindividuals.


Drunk Pets


Ok, not really.Alcohol can be very deadly when consumed by cats and dogs. This doesn't stopthe Japanese from having their very own beer and wine, designed for their pets.No alcohol, just some grape juice. But why? It all started withdressing up our pets in funny costumes. The next step is to take them to adinner. Finally we make them celebrate their birthdays. We buy them cakes andsome beverages, it is a special occasion after all. Unsurprisingly the dog beerand cat wine are popular and sought after products in Japan.


Technology For TheLazy


Convenience isJapan's middle name and let's be honest here, cleaning up floors is never apleasant experience. Naturally a way to keep them clean even when lazysufficed. The aptly named Sugoi Mop is controlled remotely by somethingresembling a game controller. It can clean up even the most difficult places,while the operator can sit comfortably in his sofa. But this is not all. Thenext level is the so called Mocoro Mop Ball. It is a fluffy sphere, which rollson the floor by itself, recognizes and cleans up the dirty spots it finds. Arobotic cleaning device, which is easy to clean up afterwards. Every lazyperson's dream!

“方便”在日本是个中性词。但老实说,擦地板的活是绝不会让人感到舒服的。当有种一动不动也能保持干净的办法。就是这个可以利用游戏手柄远程控制叫SUGOI的拖把。操作者可以躺在沙发上,控制它打扫比较难清理的地方。但这还没完,还有个更高级的名为MOCORO的毛茸茸清洁球 ,他可以自动在地板上来回滚动,发现有脏的地方即刻清理。这种清洁机器人,方便清洗。绝对是每个懒人的梦想。

The Shouting Vase


The Japanesepeople appear very peaceful and collected most of the time. But they are stillhumans. A human can experience dissatisfaction, frustration, anger. They'llwant to yell and curse in loud voices. Bottling up negative emotions can leadto an ever bigger outbursts, Japanese understand this perfectly. And yetshowing them in public is frowned upon. What to do then? The cheapest solutionis the shouting vase. It is easy to hold, just put its opening on your mouthand shout to your heart's content. The vase's form absorbs most of the soundand is sure to make your neighbors happy again. 


Super Cool Bras


Spring and summercan be hard for the Japanese, especially if the temperatures exceed 30 degreesCelsius. It doubles for the women, who have to endure very uncomfortable braswith many layers and foam inside. This is where Triumph's Super Cool Brasprings into action. It contains, wait for it, ice packs. No, not really, justgel which can be cooled off and put inside the cup to keep the hot temperaturesaway. Unfortunately this clever concept has turned into a gag because thedesign of the bras is laughable.


Solar Powered Bras


While we are atit, let's tackle another piece of crazy lingerie. Being eco friendly is verypopular in Japan, especially in the clothing industry. Triumph went one stepfurther and introduced their solar powered bras. The idea is that women can usetheir special sun panels for a power source, to power up their mobile phonesand iPods when nothing else can be found around. (PS:bluebit)Triumph didn't consider onevery important thing though. The solar panels can't be washed, whoops!Definitely the device.....lingerie needs some further upgrades.


Diet Water


The idea of a dietwater is confusing to say the least. First and foremost water can't be used asa supplement in a diet. Next we have the fact that water by itself containsexactly zero percent fat, so you can't actually transform it into a dietbeverage, right? Chiba Brewery disagrees. According to them their product hascertain bonds, which seek out and destroy fat inside your blood vessels. Theyeven did a special survey, which showed that 2 out of 100 people drinking dietwater lost weight. It is sketchy but Japanese are still buying it so I guess itcan work.


Bug Lovers


Oh yes, Japanesepeople are one of the biggest bug lovers in the world. Maybe the mostinteresting aspect of their passion are the beetle battles, which are similarto dog and cock fights. Then we have video games on the subject, bug-lookingheroes, bugs for pets, people who spend their entire lives breeding bugs, hell,even Pokemon has its own bug collecting origins! The pinnacle of this obsessionare the toys. Remote controlled caterpillars especially are extremely realisticin their movement, colors and skin. Those pranksters better get ready!


JapanesePsychological Horror Games


The Japanese aremessed up, alright. In a good way. You've probably already heard about theirhorror games, maybe even played some. It all comes down to something, calledpsychological horror. It doesn't contain many in your face scares, oh no, itdepends on other primal fears to deeply disturb you. Like loneliness,isolation, paranoia, distrust, feelings we can all relate to. In the Japanesehorror games we are forced to play a character, who is not very powerful, buthas to go through unimaginable horrors, which are mostly subtle and coming fromhis own consciousness. He doesn't have allies and even if he does they are asmessed up as him. Meanwhile the atmosphere itself surrounds him, chokes him,constricts him. The grandfather of the genre, Silent Hill, came out in 1999.Ever since the market has been stacked.


Leg Pillow


This is really notwhat you think it is. Made for the gents, the leg pillow represents the legs ofa woman, kneeling down. You can put your head on them and relax in a peacefulsleep. It is not that crazy once you realize Japan has one of the lowest birth ratesin the world and establishments like the cuddle cafes are widely popular.Japanese men are just lonely and need some lovin too, especially consideringhow hard they work for their salaries.


Boyfriend Pillow


Made for theladies, this pillow is actually not that bad of a thing to have. It representsthe torso of a man(duh) with one arm sticking out. You can hug it, orjust....sleep on it depending on your mood. Thanks to its fancy arm the pillowwill keep your head, neck and back in the right position, plus it has a memoryfoam inside, which will provide maximum comfort for your body. Upgrades exist,boyfriend pillows with two arms for when you have to watch TV or read a bookcomfortably.


Book Pillow



We covered the menand women already, now let's take care of their kids. School sucks, moststudents agree with this. Sleeping there can be troublesome though. Desks arehard and uncomfortable, bringing your own pillow from home seems to be a verysilly idea too. Book pillows solve this problem. They are shaped as a big bookyou just need to open and put your head on. Voila, a quick nap to regain yourstrength. It is not too bad, after all studies have shown that you work betterwhen you sleep for a bit rather than forcing yourself to stay awake. All in thename of knowledge.


Finger Toothbrush


Sometimes we justhave to brush our teeth in a hurry, there is no other way. However, chances arewe didn't bring our big and cumbersome toothbrush along, oh no! This is wherethe finger toothbrush comes in handy. The tiny thing is usually attached to somerubber. You put the rubber on your finger and start brushing without fear. Itis surprisingly small and easy to use, you can even wash your baby's teethwithout much of a trouble.


Tie Umbrella


Two in one, howabout that? Never again wave an umbrella around when there is no sign of rain,never again let water ruin your precious suit because you left home withoutprotection. The tie umbrella solves it all, or does it? While it certainlyseems like a useful invention and it doesn't really worsen your image(as longas your suit is buttoned up), what happens when you actually use it to shieldyourself from the rain before reaching your workplace is a big question. A wettie or no tie at all, both options suck.


Japanese Crime Fighting


You'd be surprisedto see how creative the Japanese people are when it comes to marking andapprehending thieves. In some commercial buildings, shops and malls forexample, there are bright orange baseball balls next to the cash register.Contrary to the popular belief they are not for relaxation. filled with an orangepaint they are used to throw at the robbers and thusmark them for easier recognition. Doesn't sound that effectivebut it is cheap and can be used as a decoration when  things are peaceful.


Macho Cafe


There are dozens of strange and weird Japanese cafes but did you notice howmost of them are for men? Women can be lonely too! Or want to watch some beefedup meathead serve them their coffee with great delicacy. Surprisingly, themacho cafe only recently opened its doors in Tokyo. What you'll find there area bunch of Asian bodybuilders dressed up in tight vests and playing waiters toblushing businesswomen and flirty schoolgirls. One to look out for.


Lollipop Art


Amezaiku is this rareskill, which allows you to sculpt a lollipop, or other candies, like somethingout of an art museum. Animals are the preferred objects, but there is really nolimit to the imagination the Japanese masters put into their work. Amezaikuitself is about 500 years old, but there are no schools for it. Allpractitioners are self taught, discovering their talents as they go. Shinri Tezuka is one such artist. He owns one of the onlytwo stores in Tokyo, which sell these precious lollipops, and is very happy toshow his craft in front of his customers.

Amezaiku是一种稀有手艺,是种在棒棒糖或其他糖果上进行雕刻手艺,就像艺术博物馆里的东西一样。动物是他们心目中的首选形象,但日本大师们想象力并未受到局限。Amezaiku大约有500年历史,没有学校。所有艺人都是自学成才,他们在揣摩中学习。Shinri Tezuka就是这样的艺术家。东京仅有的两家出售这种珍贵棒棒糖的店铺,都是他开办的,他非常喜欢在顾客面前展示他的手艺。

Hotel Rooms ForCrying


Hotels in Japancan be as exotic and strange as the cafes. There is something for everybody, ifyou are willing to look for it and pay a little extra for the service. This iswhat crying rooms offers in Mitsui Garden Hotel,Shinjuku. They are designed for women(a bit stereotypical, don't you think) andare stocked with items to make your sadness a bit more bearable. Expensivetissues are spread around, even a special steam eye mask is offered to wipeyour tears and soothe your swollen eyes, while sad manga books and films arereadily available to help you let it all out. Visit one of these littlebeauties and you won't be crying again for months!

日本旅馆也可以成为充满异国情调的咖啡馆。每个人都可以在这里找到你想要的东西,当然得多花点钱。新宿,Mitsui Garden酒店推出个叫什么哭泣屋的服务。专为女性服务(感觉是不是有点过分啊),里面有很多可让你哭得痛快的装备。屋里遍布着价格不菲的纸巾,甚至还提供一种特殊的喷雾眼罩,用来擦眼泪,或是减轻你的肿胀的眼泡。而且还提供悲情电影或漫画为你催泪。你要是看到这些小美女,估计你好几个月都不会哭了!

Collagen Beer AndJapanese Beauty


A relatively newtrend in Japan makes women consume great amounts of collagen to keep their skinbeautiful and young. While Japanese females do tend to have better skin thantheir sisters from the rest the world, it is not an easy job to keep yourselfbeautiful while aging. New "cutting edge" beautification extracts anddevices are produced constantly. Collagen laced food and drinks just seems tobe the newest one. And of course a smart company took advantage, and promotedits very own collagen beer for the ladies. Even its name is clever  -"Precious", if you want to be pretty and drunk at the same time,every man's fantasy.


Sand Bathing


Most peoplealready know what an onsen is. Japan, being a country with strong volcanicactivity, enjoys numerous hot springs, which are being used for some healthybathing. If you want to try something new though, using volcanic sand can bejust as good. The procedure is very deliberate and interesting to observe.First, a huge box of sand is filled up with water and heated up.(ps:bluebit) When it getshot enough, the liquid is drained and people lie down in the newly formed warmand soft substance. Resort personnel then grab shovels and cover them up to theirnecks in sand. Usually one sand bath lasts 30 minutes and is known to behelpful while dealing with anemia, diabetes and even weight loss.


Kamen Rider Against DrunkDrivers


Kamen Rider is avery popular Japanese show, involving masked superheroes. It is not thatstrange then  to find a guy, dressed up as a grasshopper, who is riding abike and represents his favorite character. No, the strange thing is that heactually actively seeks and busts drunk drivers during nighttime. ShinjiroKumagai is a priest, an artist, who uses trash for his work, and apatrolman cosplayer all in one, fully supported by the local temple and policedepartment. Only in Japan.

蒙面超级英雄——假面骑士,在日本是个非常受欢迎的电视节目。那么,要是有人披着蚂蚱戏服,骑着摩托车,扮演者这最受欢迎的角色,那不奇怪。如果这个“英雄”一到晚间就跑去抓醉驾,就有些怪了。Shinjiro Kumagai就是这种人,他是一名牧师、废品艺术家,同时还是位巡警。他的这种形象和做法受到当地神社和警察局的大力支持。但只有在日本呦。

Smell Like A Cat


Japanese lovecats, this much is very obvious. But of course people there have differentlevels of obsession, some are content with just stroking a cat's head, otherswant to smell like a cat. The latter group is big enough to be targeted by themarket, and this is how the idea for a cat cream came to be. Use Felissimo'shand cream to make your hands soft and smelling like feline paws! Guaranteed toinvoke new fetishes in the populace. 


Talking Pillows


Otaku's life is ahard one. Sacrificing social interactions in your quest to watch animatedgirls/play computer games whole day can be taxing. Anime pillows already exist,but they can leave you wanting for more. Hugging and watching your person sizedfluffy girlfriend will eventually make you very sad. Oh god, if she can onlytalk to me! Yeah, this is what KoichiUchimura has been thinking. He is fully prepared to bring the extremeanime loving community one step further in their quest to live with theirfavorite characters, screw the real world.

挣扎在生活中的Otaku,舍弃社会交际,整天沉迷于找有女孩的动漫去看或玩有女孩(角色)的游戏。因此动漫人物抱枕应运而生,它可让你随心所欲。但死抱着或盯着和人大小的女孩枕头终究会使人伤心的。哎~(你会想)她要是能和我说话就好了!是的,这就是Koichi Uchimura整天所想的。他已做好了充分准备,带领迷恋动漫的粉丝们先行一步,追求与他们最喜爱的角色生活在一起,远离现实世界。

Predicting When ToTake Toilet Breaks


The nature's callcan come suddenly, without warning, humans are really not that good atpredicting when it is going to strike. We need a device to help us, right?Thankfully the Japanese have already invented it, it is called D-free. Just putit on your stomach and connect it to your smartphone. It will monitor yourbowel movements, notice if there is a swelling, and warn you 10 minutes inadvance. It is pretty cool actually, especially for sick people, who will bebetter prepared to face the danger now.


Robot Dogs


Robot dogsare.....were famous in Japan for some time. Between 1999 and 2006 Sony producedthousands of these cute devices, called AIBOs. Equipped with a specialartificial intelligence, which allowed them to develop their own personality,they were beloved pets for many despite their steep price of over 2000 dollars.Unfortunately Sony was forced to discontinue the production and eventuallyclosed the maintenance too. Many robot dog owners couldn't repair their petswhen they broke down. Distraught, they buried them like you'd bury a real dog.It is a sad story.


Citrus Eggs


Yuzu is a citrusfruit, native of East Asia. It looks like a wrinkled mix between lemon andorange, and is liked a lot in Japan. Maybe deliberately, maybe not, but afterfeeding huge amounts of yuzu to their chicken somefarmers noticed that the eggs smell and even taste like the famous fruit.Needless to say this was made into a successful business and today you canpurchase, and consume these tasty citrus eggs.


The Lonely MenStrike Back


Japan is filled tothe brim with lonely men, obviously. While most of them decide to go on withtheir lives quietly and spend their hard earned coin on girlfriend pillows andcuddle cafes, some of them decided it is about time to be heard. The RevolutionaryAlliance of Men That Women Are not Attracted To or in short Kakuhidouwas founded in 2006. Their purpose - to protest against the capitalist romanticholidays like Christmas and Valentine's. They note that the celebrations are abig conspiracy created by the "oppressive chocolate capitalists" andthey are most unjust. Revolution is the only option.


Shining Skirt


It is called themissing link, the thing which will bridge the gap between the everyday clothesand cosplayer costumes. The shining skirt, or hikaru skirt,is a very peculiar fashion choice. Women with short skirts usually bring enoughattention to themselves already, but with small LED lights inside they canilluminate their thighs now, creating a pleasant show for onlookers during thedarker hours. The light changes as the person moves, so any pursuers can't missthem easily. Whether this is a really smart invention or not has to be seen.


Shave Your Face


Maybe the mostcommon way for Japanese women to achieve their smooth porcelain skin is toshave their faces. It is not like they actually grow beards, it is just an easyway to remove completely the facial fuzz and create this dreamy doll-likeappearance we've all seen. It is cheap too! Some women do it every four months,others - every month, the most passionate ones shave their face every day athome. In the most extreme cases the entire body is being shaved, including theeyebrows. Body hair is just that disgusting to them.


The Cotton Bar


A bar, calledTokyo Cotton Village, in the Setagaya ward, Tokyo,offers a unique activity for its customers. While they are waiting for theirdrinking, or are already drinking, they'll be offered to spin cotton for free.It is, as you might have guessed, a special cotton, which while being spun onthreads soothes the person. As it turns out this method of relaxation is sogood the bar gets many regular customers to go there several times a week andkill their stress with cotton.


Solo WeddingService


Nowadays manywomen in Japan choose to focus on their careers instead of becoming housewivesfor rich husbands. It is a path, which sometimes leaves them without thepleasures of having a man around, and of course without the magic that is thewedding day. Not anymore, the crafty Japanese people(located in Kyoto) havecreated the so called Solo Wedding Service. It allows single, but wealthywomen, to experience everything a wedding has to offer. Food, drinks, hotels,guests, a dress, a ceremony, even a prop of the "husband", createdfor photo reasons, are taken care of. The service costs more than 3 000 dollarsbut if you are already rich and old, why not?


The Turtle Taxi


A new breed oftaxis has been gaining popularity during the last two years. The turtle taxiservice first started in Yokohama. Drivers were taught how to accelerate, howto brake and how to turn the cab in a way to create as little stress, andvibrations as possible. It is slow, yes, but it is also perfect when you arenot in a hurry. The turtle taxis became immediately popular with the elderly,mothers with small children, tourists and people with disabilities. They areeasy to use too, just enter one of the designated cars and press a button toindicate to the driver that you want to take it slow, and gentle. Furtherexpansion of the service is planned in future years.


Toy Lie Detector


Truth or dare canbe an interesting game, but unfortunately you can easily lie in it withoutgetting caught. Not anymore. Takara Tomy, a Tokyo based company, created aspecial scanner(Kokoro Scanner), which will show your lies to everybody, whocan see you. Strap it to your forehead, leave it there for a bit until it picksup your baseline heart rate, get asked a question and respond to it. If yourpulse remains on the baseline(truth) a green light shines, if not - a redlight(lie). The best part is that you can't actually see the color, buteverybody else can. No more cheating!

真心话大冒险可谓是一种有趣游戏。但不幸的是你会很快败落下风被人抓住手脚。总部位于东京的Takara Tomy公司发明了一种特殊仪器(kokoro扫描器),它会向所有能看到你的人表明你是否在说谎。它可以戴在头上,然后静置一段时间直到你的心率曲线与仪器的基准线重合,然后就可以提问并回答问题了。如果你的心率曲线与基准线吻合(真话),那么然后就会闪绿灯,如果不是则闪红灯(谎话)。最棒的是你看不到灯闪的颜色,而其他人能看到。所以可不要作弊哦!

Tasty Maple Leaves


Deep fried mapleleaves are actually a popular snack in Japan. But how can you eat a leaf? It iscomplicated actually. The leaves are carefully selected, then put inside a saltbarrel, where they stay for over an year. They are then taken out and dipped intosesame seeds, flour and sugar, and fried for 20 minutes. The crispy finalproduct is a star shaped leaf. Is it tasty though? Hard to say, people in theknow say that the leaf itself doesn't have any taste. What makes it soappealing is its beautiful shape. 

