quora网友:媒体想要收视率。印度和中国之间的战争不是一种选择,他们都知道。中国花了数十亿美元来改善与印度的贸易关系,我不认为他们会想要打仗。 中国过去一直在跨越国际边界。但自从莫迪执政以来,印度军队采取了“不容忍”的政策。印度人现在用自己的语言回应中国。中国发现这一点很难消化......
Will there be awar between India and China?
AshutoshShandilya, reading and experiencing
Answered Jul 4,2017
Media wants TRP.War between India and China is not an option and they both know it. China hasspent billions of dollar to improve trade relation with India and I don’t thinkthat they will want a war.
China has beencrossing international border in the past. But since Modi has been in power,Indian army has adopted a “no-tolerance” policy. Indians are now respondingback to China in it’s own language. China is finding this hard to digest.
It is not a wartime for the nuclear powers.
In case of a war,China knows that it is on a weak side. USA has trump and Russia has Putin.Russia will never go against India while USA is busy finding a excuse to take astrong stand against China. Most of the South Asian and East Asian countrieslike Japan, Malaysia, Philippines , Taiwan “HATE” China because of it’sexpansion policy.
If India and Chinawere to go to war, India will face huge destruction but the war will completelydestroy China. None of the country want that.
Ricki Sardana, MBAIn Professional Accounting from University of Technology, Sydney
First of all hatsoff for the absurd question. Now some realty check. India will never go on awar with China, unless China takes the initiative to instigate it. China is apowerful country, but India is also an iceberg, where not everything isrecorded in Government books (to scam Tax and other purposes). The GDP you seeis just the tip of the iceberg. The government is trying to resolve this Issue,but the civilians are always one step ahead. Now if India is on attack, it willbe a different game all together.
And now I willtell you why, going on a war in this day and age is absurd. The main issue isboth are nuclear country and both packs the power to destroy each other.Knowing that no country wants to go on a war. The most they would do is goingon a cold war which may have been the direction they are heading into.
Aaditya Vadnere,Indian
Often theimpracticality of a third world war is pointed out by the fact that the rivalcountries are major trading partners of each other. However, this has notstopped countries from going to war in the previous world war. Britain was infact a major trading hub for a number of nations till the war broke out.Nuclear weapons in fact provide a clear deterrence for war. Nuclear weaponsassure mutual self destruction. Hence, no country can afford to go to warwithout preparing to sacrifice a few million of its citizens.
Despite this the threat of war from Chinastill looms. This is because of the existence of a totalitarian regime inChina. It can happen that to downplay a civil war, China can attack India. Inthe event of war, citizens of a country forget their internal differences andunite against the common enemy. Thus, China can declare war on India, to divertits citizen attention from the totalitarian regime and thwart any internaldissatisfaction.
Can India willfully declare war on any othernation? By its previous track record, we can safely say, NO. In most of thewars fought by India, it was clearly dragged in the wars. It has always triedto follow the philosophy of non violence. Even when Indian citizens were beingoppressed in other nations( Idi Amin forced many Indians out of Yuganda,Forceful removal of a democratically elected Indian leader in Fiji etc.), Indiahas resisted the temptation of war.
With its current military capabilities, thereis a strong probability that China would win in a Sino-Indian conflict. Chinahas already humiliated India in 1962 war. However, as one Indian generalrecently pointed out, that the current Indian military is not theunder-prepared military of 1962. China might win but it would not be withoutsome serious losses.
Some analysts may assume that U.S. would sideto India in a Sino-Indian conflict. However, historically U.S. has eitherremained aloof from Indian military conflicts or on the wrong side of it. U.S.didn't participate in the second world war till the Pearl Harbor attack byJapan. With both India and China as its trading partners, it may just remainneutral or become a negotiator between them.
Nakul Kaushal,Operations Associate at TEDxGLAU (2017-present)
Answered Jul 19,2017
Actually the waris not gonna happen for sure or if it happens, it'll not take place all of asudden.
You might haveheard the media and people everywhere that they want war but they don't evenknow the consequences of it!
One war with anycountry means spending thousands of crore rupees in a quick span of time andthe risk that include of getting killed of un-countable CIVILIANS of both thecountries!
China is behavinglike it shouldn't. We aren't the biggest market for Chinese goods but we areand in globalized economy, it's almost impossible to boycott Chinese productsbut can mollify its usage !
Thanks and regards!
Saurabh Kandhvey,Indian Enthusiast
As both aredeveloping countries so they will avoid the war unless and until some veryserious problem occurs. India is a big market for Chinese products so no pointto destroy the big market but yes they will try to make India weaker bysupporting Pakistan and other neighbors countries.
One, it will askits lackey Pakistan to make the entire western border hot when it wants topressure India. Pakistani firing and shelling of Indian positions has been notso much on the Line of Control (LoC) but the settled international border (IB).This has probably been done at the urgings of China. It means, when Chinawinks, Pakistan can make the entire Kashmir LoC and IB a live battleground.
Two, insurgency inthe North-East will keep the army busy in Nagaland and Manipur, whiledistracting us from Arunachal.
China'scalculations could revolve around a quick surgical strike to capture Tawang -despite adverse terrain - or a bigger grab in Kashmir to use as a bargainingchip to gain Tawang. It may also be betting that India will not fight too hardfor Tawang or threaten nuclear mayhem in retaliation. India has made themistake of not developing tactical nuclear weapons unlike Pakistan, which willhave no qualms about using them if we make territorial gains on the westernfront.
In essence, Chinais developing a two-front war capability vis-à-vis India and hobble it withvarious insurgencies – a Pakistan-propped one in the west, and a more covertone in the north-east. The aim may be to get us to part with Tawang, with orwithout a short war. With Tawang won, China will put up a show of"magnanimity" and offer to settle the border elsewhere.
从本质上讲,中国正在发展一种对印度的两线作战能力,并让印度在各种叛乱中蹒跚而行—— 西部战场是巴基斯坦维持的,东北部战场则更为隐蔽。这样做的目的可能是让我们与塔旺分开,不管有没有一场短暂的战争。在赢得塔旺后,中国将展现出“宽宏大量”的姿态,并提出在其他地方解决边境问题。
The point issimple: China will not see a "short" border war as necessarily a badthing. India should be more than ready for it, and must lose no time preparingfor it.
The key elementsof our strategy should be the following: strengthen the army's preparedness todefend Tawang and Ladakh at all costs and make this obvious to China; createthe new mountain corps quickly, and speed up investment in borderinfrastructure; create a crash pan to develop and deploy tactical nuclearweapons and make it clear that these will be used only on the China border.
我们战略的关键要素应该是: 加强军队不惜代价保卫塔旺和拉达克,并让中国明白这一点; 快速创建新山地兵团,加快边境基础设施投资; 建立一个应急小组来开发和部署战术核武器,并明确表示这些武器只会在中国边境使用。
The paradox ofNarendra Modi successful Asian diplomacy involving China's rivals (Japan andVietnam specifically) is that China may want to strike before Modi manages tostrengthen India's economy, defences and alliances. This calculation may havethe adverse consequence of making China rush into a short war before Indiaimproves his fighting capabilities.
The only way toprevent Chinese adventurism of the 1962 kind is to prepare for one.
Apoorva Banerjee,Born Indian. Shaped Indian.
Answered Jul 19,2017
No. War will nothappen.
PM Modi and XiJinping are both smart enough to realise that.
If a war happens,nobody will benefit from unnecessary bloodshed. India and China already havebillions of dollars in trade, plus billions more in investments in business andinfrastructure. Nobody would want to lose that .
Plus if a warbegins, there's no saying that which other countries would get involved?
Prashanth Bantwal,lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Answered Jul 4,2017
Rule one when itcomes to Indian media which every Indian knows is Indian media people arefucking insensitive morons who would even sell their parents for a juicy story.Ask the Nepalese. They got a taste of Indian media when they were sufferingfrom the tragedy of the recent earthquake. These guys single handedly managedto destroy most of the good will generated through Indian support and relief.
A war between twonuclear powers is a terrible thing and is not very likely. Saner minds willprevail and both parties will de escalate and the disputed region will go backto being a sort of no mans land. Now both parties are testing the resolve ofeach other. Building structures in disputed regions and cementing their claimof those regions has been Chinas preferred tactic. While many of its neighboursare small countries which can be pushed around. India wants to make it clearthat it is no push over. Bhutan is under the protection of India and if China wantsto bully Bhutan it has to go through India. Even through all this tension,there has been no bullet fired by both sides which goes to show how much bothsides want to avoid war. A war between India and China would be extremelyexpensive and damage the growth of both economies.
Avinash Avi,Software Engineer (2017-present)
Answered Jul 13,2017
There is nopossibility of war between india and china.
China and indiahas the largest army in the world along with huge nuclear warhead reserves.ifthe war could happen then both the countries would be destroyed.
Both are Risingeconomies growing at average speed of 7% . If any war could happen betweenchina and india, Investors will stop investing in these countries hencebringing down the growth. This will result in huge loss for the business mensin both countries. Share markets will probably will have worst crash inhistory.
Both Chinese andindian officials will solve any problems diplomatically rather than head tohead fight with arms.
Most of theChinese State run companies or supported by Chinese goverment have hugeinvestment in india(Like huawei,Chinese Railway,SAIC,wanda etc).and it tends toincrease in coming years.
India is theattractive destination for any Chinese company. India is the biggest market forany chinese company after there home market. This leads to business leaderforcing the goverment to stop war against india.
对于任何中国公司来说,印度都是吸引人的目的地。在他们的国内市场之后,印度是所有中国公司最大的市场。 这导致商界领袖迫使政府停止对印度的战争。
Dhananjay Mishra,Masters in Electrical Engineering, SUNY Buffalo
Answered Jul 14,2017
Long answer short- NO.
War is inevitable,but not between China & India.
A war is veryunlikely due to the nuclear weapons and trade relations. Also just for yourinformation 2/3rd of Chinas export import business happens through the IndianOcean. So Gen Bipin Rawat knows it very well that China won't go to war, henceall those comments about India is prepared for war with China.
Politicaly, therewill be lot of threatening, taking here and there but not a war.
Thanks forreading!
由于核武器和贸易关系,战争不太可能发生。也仅供您参考,中国进出口贸易的2/3是通过印度洋进行的。因为Bipin Rawat将军非常清楚中国不会发动战争,因此所有关于印度的评论都是准备与中国开战。
Rakesh Gandhi Dr,Practice as an Advocate (1997-present)
Updated Aug 21
There are rarechance for war because there are few reasons
First India is oneof biggest market for China and about 60% Chinies Mobile and electronicsproducts are consumed in India beside than other products.
Secondly most ofChines companies have invested in India
Third China isalready over debted and have thrice time more foreign debts than India.Hiseconomy is already in critical position. Recently it was published China isretiring 12 lakh soldiers.
China has borderdispute with 13 countries.
This time All mostdeveloped countries like USA, Russia, Japan, Israel and many more are withus,In 1962 both USA and then USSR refused to supply arms and ammunition toIndia.
So China willthink twice before indulging in war.Economy of both countries will suffer a lotif go into war.Chines will more sufferer than India.
Raja Babu, LifeCoach
Answered Jul 7,2017
I hope not. Whatwould be the aim for either side, how would they define victory, at what cost?It's very likely that the costs in terms of money and human life anddestruction will heavily outweigh the benefits. Let there be peace, everyoneloses in a war except for foreign moneybags, arms suppliers and the westernworld that's feeling the heat of a rising 3 billion Asians
AmartyaBhattacharjee, Manager (2013-present)
Answered Jul 7,2017
I dont think i aman expert of international politics so would just give my thoughts on thisquestion.
War is a psycologythat one needs to see.. Imagine some day you get a licence and buy a gun andyou have job of money collection agent with a company. Your job will requireyou to incite fear in peoples head to get your objevtive done, i.e recover thepayables from them. Now you may show the gun sometimes to tough client but youwont shoot them necessarily. Because shooting will kill that person and thatwill have consequences for you.
The countries todo the same, they have the guns and bombs as show of strength, they dont usethat unless its absolutely unavoidable. Military might a way to get their saywith other countries and ensure the world takes them seriously. ( tomorrow ifbangladesh wants a war with india you wont be so alarmed as bangladesh iscomparitively weak. So china is succesfull as it is clearly able to create thefear that it want to incite and vice versa)
Earlier, the warswere less destructive as the weapons were less powerfull, but todays nuclearage a war can cause absulte destruction of the whole humanity, and thecountries know that and no one wants that to happen. The world has seen enoughwars to know what a war can do.
No one can sayabsolutely if it is impossible that a war might break out, but yes thepossibilities are less, the world is watching and there are other strongcountries who will ensure this does not happen, Especially between two nuclearcountries like India and China.
Suraj Singh, UPSCAspirant (2017-present)
Answered Aug 14
Do not go for newschannels and rhetoric of diplomats to consider the any probability of warbetween India nd China that's not gonna happen .Everywar that had happenedearlier between any countries that had happened for particular reasons eitherevident of secret.
As far as theIndia China case is concerned it's not the first stand off case but theunstable globalsituations nd current increasing nationalism in both countriesas well as media has made this situation noticable to all. OBOR , CPEC, SOUTHCHINA SEA CONFLICT ,ECONOMIC SLOWDOWN IN CHINA, all these reasons are beingconnected to this stand off but that's more of media creations not the reality.Undefined boundaries create these kind of situations but war is not even theminiscule possibility.
Both countries cannot survive the war leaving the topic who will win .China will loose its globalinfluence nd India its growth ,nd many more adverse effects not difficult topredict .as far sovereignty is concerned when the area is not clear defined ithas its own limits to cause the war.
Better hope fordiplomatic solution to resolve this stand off .
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