【别拦我,我要搞事情】日本夫妇婚后很少有性生活,这是真的吗?为啥子呢? [美国媒体]


Is it true that many Japanese couples are sexless after marriage? Why?


Aya Nakazato, Translator, Linguist, Cross-Cultural Consultant
Answered Aug 24
Thank you for the A2A. The short answer is yes, many Japanese couples are “sexless” after marriage. But I will go into the common definition of “sexless” and its prence.
According to Japan Society of Sexual Science (JSSS), being “sexless” for a couple means “not having a sexual intercourse for more than a month, when there is no medical reason to prevent it”. So if you have sex every 1.5 months, that would be technically considered “sexless”. (The definition of sexual intimacy should also be broadened.)
With that in mind, when Japan Family Planning Association (JFPA)conducted a research in 2014 among 3,000 men and women aged 16–49, 44.6%of the married respondents were considered “sexless” - i.e. haven’t had sex in over a month.
With surveys in western countries, the definition may be a little different - a “sexless” marriage is defined as a marital union “where sexual intimacy occurs fewer than ten times per year”. In the U.S., approximately 20 % of the couples in the National Health and Social Life Survey fall in this category.
So, almost 1 in 2 “sexless” couples in Japan, vs. 1 in 5 in the U.S. It does appear Japan has a higher percentage of sexless couples. When asked why, these were the responses:
· Tired from work: 21.3%
· Other: 16.9%
· After childbirth, for some reason or another: 15.7%
· Wife is either currently pregnant or post-baby: 11.2%
· Too much work/trouble: 10.1%
· Too familiar (feels like family, not opposite sex): 10.1%
· Partner is unavailable: 7.9%
· Other activities are more fun (hobby etc.): 4.5%
· Nervous about ED (erectile dysfunction) etc.: 1.1%
· No answer: 1.1%
· Too much work/trouble: 23.8%
· Tired from work: 17.8%
· After childbirth, for some reason or another: 16.8%
· Other: 13.0%
· Either currently pregnant or post-baby: 9.7%
· Other activities are more fun (hobby etc.): 5.9%
· Too familiar (feels like family, not opposite sex): 5.4%
· Partner is unavailable: 3.2%
· No answer: 4.3%
So the biggest culprits are:
■ Tired from work, “too much work/trouble”
Long hours of work, commute, housework and child rearing on top of work, are said to be the biggest reason why Japanese couples are sexless. It may not be so much that they don’t like sex, but many people say they’d rather sleep or rest.
■ Lost drive after childbirth/feels like family
This seems common in the west, too, but many couples get into a sexless routine after childbirth. After becoming a family unit and parenting partners, many people reported they look at their partner as family/father or mother of their child, but not as a sexually exciting mate. This doesn’t mean they don’t love each other.
For men, the answer “other” was very high (16.9%) - I wouldn’t be surprised if part of this is attributed to infidelity as Brandon Holmes mentioned. But at the same time, past certain age, it probably becomes hard to find an affair partner (I’m being realistic here), so I don’t think the prence is as high as people would like to believe.
Along with infidelity, in another survey, some men cited that they like 风俗 (fūzoku) more - i.e. nighttime entertainment, which may not be necessarily prostitution, but establishments that provide sexual services to men. Some of those men had been rejected by their wives in the past, and said they didn’t feel like trying anymore.
Physical communication for Japanese people is very rare. Traditionally, we don’t hug or hold hands after being married. And a lot of couples have separate beds. So after long days of work/housework, you might not touch each other at all for months.
On top of that, culturally, we are taught not to talk too much - that a person of too many words must not have important things to say. So many couples become quiet once they feel comfortable, and have very little conversation. Plus, there’s not much sex education or any positive reinforcement about it being good for you. With these factors stacked against them, it becomes increasingly difficult to communicate with one another about sex.
Experts say more women are becoming clinically depressed due to being sexless in recent years, because they feel as though they are being rejected as a person. Hopefully the sex education in Japan and communication among couples improve.





1  工作疲倦,太多的工作/烦恼  
2  生完孩子没有动力/感觉像是家人  

调查中,男性回答“其他原因”的比例非常高16.9%。如果是Brandon Holmes提到的那样,部分原因归咎于不忠,那我就不会感到惊讶。但与此同时,现实地讲,人到了一定的年纪,找外遇是非常难的,所以我不认为不忠的行为是那么普遍的。除了不忠外,在另一项调查中,有些男性表示,他们更喜欢“风俗”,即夜间娱乐,可能不一定会有卖淫,但风俗店是可以为男性提供性服务的。有些男人过去被妻子拒绝后,他们就说再也不会尝试求欢了。


Brandon Holmes, Currently live in Tokyo, lived off and on in Japan past 20 years
Answered Jun 28, 2016
Yes it’s absolutely true, but the truth is many marriages around the world are sexless. A better way to phrase it would be a higher percentage of Japanese marriages are sexless than American marriages.
I think that most people would agree that many marriages are sexless worldwide so a few points on why it’s more prent in Japan’s culture than the United States. My explanations will be brief as really this could be the topic of an entire dissertation.
Low divorce rate due societal views on divorce. Unhappy in a US marriage? No biggie, file for divorce. Unhappy in a Japanese marriage? Tough luck or wear a scarlet letter D on your forehead for the rest of your life. It is of course becoming more common and view among the younger generation leading the way but still nothing compared to the US.
Availability of pornography. Prior to the Internet, pornography was not uncommon but it wasn’t mainstream either. Availability is much higher in Japan. Pretty much every single video store even in rural areas would have an AV section.
Views on sex and sexuality. Every group and culture has different things they find attractive in the opposite sex for different reasons. In Western cultures, the or one of the most attractive traits is if someone is sexy. Subjective term for sure. If you ever spent more than 10 seconds in Japan, you can easily understand “kawaii” (cute) reigns supreme. While girls with millions of followers on Instagram often post pictures which look more appropriate for a gentlemen’s club dancer, the cuteness implies that the person is pure, nice and wholesome.
Sexuality in the mainstream media. While on primetime TV in the US you couldn’t go a single night where a show has a couple having sex in various locations including the work closet and showing a good part of the action, you will still very, very rarely see a couple engaging in any physical activity even kissing. This isn’t to say sometimes it MIGHT be implied but think of Leave it to Beaver.
Longer work hours and very grueling commutes. While commute times in SoCA can get extremely long, commuting via 3 pack trains, a bus and a short walk is much more draining than an hour in a car. Imagine an hour or more on your feet, walking and standing twice a day, 6–7 days a week. I find the commute actually is the absolute worse thing about working in Japan. It’s not bad off peak times or if you can get a seat but I don’t go a day without thinking of leaving Tokyo every time I commute home. Sex is the last thing on my mind. Getting home by 7 is considered early. Average is between 7:30–10:30 with some still normally returning closer to midnight only to wake up at 5:30 to repeat the process.
Definition/function/interpretation of Marriage. In Japan there are two types of marriage, omiai (arranged) and renai (love). It has to do with how the people meet. Regardless, in my experience both still view marriage as more of a social function or agreement rather than the Western view of love and soul mates. Just like in the olden days of the US, marriage was much about function. Having kids, the man makes the money and the wife takes care of the kids and home. In fact, after the couple have children they call each other mother and father even when the children are not present. Having a connection to the person, communication, and love are far less important than things like duty and consideration.
Very high rates of infidelity. While people openly talking about dating a married person or having a girlfriend is still largely taboo in the US, it is still quite common for people to talk about it openly because of how common it is. I asked my wife if she knew a single married man that she felt confident never had a girlfriend and she could not name a single one. Either they were known to have one, did have one or didn’t know them well enough to know definitely one way or the other. Of all the Japanese people I know close enough to be privy to such information it is the same case. I largely view it as a product of both their view of marriage and divorce.
Sleeping separately is the norm. Most couples sleep either on separate futons, separate beds or even separate bedrooms. The later is not that uncommon. Of course younger couples have less distance between them and the older ones the most up to including sleeping on a separate floor or wing of the house.


1  日本社会对离婚人士的偏见导致了低离婚率。
在美国,婚姻不快乐?没什么大不了,离婚去。在日本,婚姻不快乐?运气不好,只能认栽,在你的余生,额头上绑着一条红字布条决志。当然, 日本的年轻一代中,离婚会比较平常,但跟美国还是比不了。

2  触手可及的色情音像品。

3  对性的看法。

4  电视黄金时间段的性。

5 工作时间更长,通勤非常辛苦。

6  婚姻的定义、功能和解释。

7  劈腿的概率很高。

8  夫妻分开睡是常态。

Manish Mirani, lives in Japan
Answered Sep 2
I think I can comment on this one. Japanese do have sex but in many cases it is not with their married partners.In my 7 years of stay in Japan and having met Japanese men of different age groups and from different walks of life, I just came across only one guy who resisted visiting “fuzoku” (brothel) or any related activities on business trip. I can confidently say that most Japanese men will cheat without a second thought, if given a chance. Exchanging reviews of fuzoku, snack-bars etc is one of most interesting chat topics for Japanese men after work. Most of them don't find it wrong as long as their wives don't find out.
Surprisingly, a lot of Japanese take pride in sleeping around with women and love to brag about it. Lack of communication, spending time and good relationship between couples are some of the reasons of infidelity in Japan. Likewise, many women are also equally involved and they don't find anything wrong with it as long as it does not involve love and disrupts their family. The number of people involved in extramarital affairs in Japan is shockingly huge and it is sort of indirectly encouraged, at least amongst men.



Juri Nakahara, lives in Japan
Answered Jun 14, 2016
I cannot answer your question well, and only thing I can tell you is that I have a friend who married someone whom she never had sex with, she will never have ever after. My friend and her partner are asexual and agreed to be a partner to spend the rest of their lives together. I believe this is not just about Japanese.


Johnny Smith, lives in Japan
Answered Jul 3, 2016
The most likely explanation is that… they’re too busy. The guys basically stay at work all day and all night. They start to see their family less and less. The couples become estranged from each other.


Ernie Ke, Sexless and staying because of comingled retirement
Answered Jun 26, 2016
Its not just japanese, if at all. Its all races. I have been married 24 years. I have had sex with her once in the last two years and that was a mistake I wont make again. She is still attractive, but has zero interest in sex. She is not having a affair nor am I, although if the chance were there I would. I stay because of comingled retirement. So thats me and I am not japanese. respond if you want

