With everyone focused on Russia, China is quietly expanding its influence across Europe
In his first official visit to China, French President Emmanuel Macron asserted his "determination for the Europe-China partnership to enter the 21st century." (Reuters)
BERLIN — Shortly after the turmoil surrounding President Trump’s repeatedly rescheduled visit to Britain, Prime Minister Theresa May embarked on a trip to Beijing where she celebrated a new “golden era” and was cheered by the Chinese news media for not bringing up pesky human rights issues.
When it was President Emmanuel Macron’s turn earlier in January, the French leader similarly announced his “determination to get the Europe-China partnership into the 21st century.” He gave his host, President Xi Jinping, a rare gelding horse named Vesuvius in what the French said was an “unprecedented diplomatic gesture.”
而早些时候,今年1月份法国领导人埃马纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)刚刚结束对中国的访问,同样宣布了“决心把欧中伙伴关系带入21世纪”。他向主持人中国主席赠送了一匹名叫“维苏威火山”的稀有骏马,法国人说这是一个“前所未有的外交姿态”。
Two new studies, however, suggest that Europe’s embrace of China, even as it warns against Russian meddling, might benefit from a certain degree of wariness. When it comes to Beijing, they argue, European leaders appear to too willing to overlook China’s authoritarian ambitions.
“Political elites in the E.U. and its close neighbors have started to embrace Chinese rhetoric and interests, including where they contradict national or European interests,” write Thorsten Benner, Jan Gaspers, Mareike Ohlberg, Lucrezia Poggetti and Kristin Shi-Kupfer, in a study released on Monday and financed by the Global Public Policy Institute and the Mercator Institute for China Studies, two Berlin-based think tanks. A report by the European Council on Foreign Relations with similar conclusions was released last December.
欧盟及其邻国的政治精英已经开始接受中国的花言巧语和利益,包括与国家或欧洲利益相抵触的地方。编写安全问题专家Thorsten Benner, Jan Gaspers, Mareike Ohlberg, Lucrezia Poggetti 和 Kristin Shi-Kupfer,,在周一发表的一份研究报告,由两个位于柏林的智库,全球公共政策研究所和墨卡托中国研究所资助。去年12月,欧洲外交关系委员会发布了一份类似的报告。
In their more recent publication, five researchers examined a number of covert and more public means the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is believed to be using to influence European politics, such as infrastructure investments in eastern and southern Europe in cash-strapped countries such as Greece. Improved Chinese-Norwegian trade ties have coincided with a Norwegian effort to drop some of its human rights criticism of Beijing. China has also pushed its narrative in advertisements taken out in leading media outlets across the continent.
Beijing appears reluctant to use some of the other aggressive measures blamed on Russia, including the use of bots to push its views on social media. Perhaps with the exception of Germany’s Social Democrats, Russia has mostly focused on lobbying or supporting far-right parties across Europe, which are unlikely to gain power anytime soon, such as the Alternative for Germany or the U.K. Independence Party. Whereas Russia’s efforts have mainly shaped the discourse of the wider public while offending Europe's ruling elites, China's influence mainly appears to target leading politicians, academics and journalists in an active outreach effort at conferences, receptions or less public meetings.
“Very few outsiders see Putin’s Russia as a successful model for sustained growth and development, and Russia invests less in building stocks of influence,” the researchers explain. “By comparison, the CCP leadership’s buildup of influence across Europe is reinforced by China’s emerging status as a successful socioeconomic model. . . . It is China that is set to be the bigger long-term challenge to Europe’s values and interests.”
研究人员解释说:“很少有人认为普京的俄罗斯是经济持续增长和发展的成功典范,而俄罗斯对建立影响力的投资则更少。 “相比之下,中国领导层在整个欧洲的影响力正在加强,因为中国作为一个成功的社会经济模式正在形成。 。 。 。对欧洲的价值观和利益来说,中国是一个更大的长期挑战。“
The study argues that Beijing pursues a number of goals, which include portraying China as a role model and as an alternative to liberal democracies. But the efforts are also aimed at “creating layers of active support for Chinese interests” that may eventually pit Europe against the United States when it comes to the recognition of disputed territorial claims in the South China Sea, for example, or meetings with the Dalai Lama.
“China senses that a window of opportunity to pursue its goals has opened, with the Trump administration seen as withdrawing from the role as guardian of the liberal international order that the U.S. has long played,” the authors write.
In its quest to gain more international leverage and respect, China has gone far beyond European borders. Beijing is especially active in Africa where it has offered sweeping trade and infrastructure deals to a number of nations and is expanding its network of educational Confucius Institutes as part of a soft power outreach effort. Critics say that those efforts are overshadowed by more covert activities. In January, French newspaper Le Monde claimed China had bugged and systematically hacked the African Union’s headquarters in Ethiopia for years — a building built and financed by the Chinese.
Beijing rejected the reports, even though they matched broader concerns among some observers who have long pointed at Africa’s experience in dealing with China as a warning to Europe, too.
China’s offers to Europe, a recent study by the European Council on Foreign Relations’ François Godement and Abigaël Vasselier concluded, are “are not very different from those offered to African and other developing nations: a flurry of projects creating competition among recipients, loans at commercial rates, and a strong insistence on identical statements and agreements.” Like African nations, Europe countries, especially those in the east and south, appear to have fallen for a trap, which ultimately mostly benefits China, Godement and Vasselier write.
“China practices ‘pick and choose’ in its relations with the European Union, focusing on its direct interests, and often ignoring EU norms in its proposals,” they argue, writing that bilateral deals have focused on Europe’s periphery instead of the European Union as a whole. “China holds its own summit with central and eastern European nations, the so-called 16+1, and it seized the opportunity of the euro crisis for massive takeovers in southern Europe.”
While both Russia and China appear to be keen on exploiting the E.U.’s weaknesses, China has found a way to also make Europe thank it for doing so.
6 hours ago
With the connection between China and EU, there is no hope that they will be on the side of the US if there is ever a war breaking between China and the US. So there will be no war.
7 hours ago
Lol, this article is a complete propaganda piece, and the comments are a planted platter of ever major US state-run media outlet. Breithart. Fox News. Politico. NYT.
The over the top single sided hysteria and demonization of another country, really?? Was it just a few years ago that the entire media sphere was crying about Afghanistan. Then it was Iraq. Then it was Syria. The US and its complicit sociopathic media outlets need get over always needing to have an enemy to hate. This isn't 1970s when stupid numbskull babyboomers only had one news outlet and they just believed whatever they were taught. We have facebook, youtube, twitter now, that is not run by Murdock. Lol at the US government when it cries that Facebook is putting many of the most "reputable" US news sources into the same bin as China's Global Times and Russia's RT.
The only thing that Washington Post does now is it plants comments to create the illusion of agreement. Pathetic. The US doesn't need to create more enemies.
8 hours ago
It remains to be seen how sustainable China's influence is on Europe. Since the 2008 financial crisis Europe has been struggling to recover economically, only to find itself grappling with a refugee crisis, that had further fuelled the rise of populism. China has the financial means and political will to expand its global clout.
China and Europe have little in common in terms of socio-economic and political systems. In philosophy, Confucius and Aristotle did share the same idea of ethics.
Japan dominated the world in the 1970s when it was an economic powerhouse par excellence, and it possessed much soft power - more than China does. But the interest in Japanese art, culture and language etc diminished in the course of decades since its economic decline.
6 hours ago
Check: Xi's ideas is part Confucius, which has dominated East Asia for over 2 millennium.
10 hours ago
It is shocking to me that there are so few comments on this article about China and how it is moving into the arena of global influence. American's have been complacent in their attention of global matters. Yes we had a resession, Don't blame Obama, try Bush and his Republican predecessors.
Wake up MAGA people! We live in a global society. BREXIT supporters are in the same blind eyed bubble. China and Russia want there ideologies spread globally as the one true way to lead a country, by minimizing the killing of those who dare defy their system. There is no freedom in those societies. Communism is not kind. They will stop at nothing to gain world dominance.
6 hours ago
China has no "ideology".
12 hours ago
China is literally nothing more than a military junta run by the 'princelings'--the sons and daughters of Mao's elite--that has made a fortune selling its slave labor and cheap raw materials to manufacturers across the globe.
Because of their new-found wealth, they find it easier to push their propaganda, touting themselves as a 'new, enlightened form of government'.
They are nothing more than a military junta that perverts the terms "communism" and "Peoples Republic" in order to legitimize what is a pure autocracy.
In the meantime, citizens of China and it's like-minded admirers have...
No right to government representation
No vote
No right of legal redress
No Independent/Free press.
Even now in the USA, you can often be accosted on-line and even personally in your neighborhood for criticizing China's despots, and it is getting worse each and every day.
A Chinese state-controlled company now owns Bloomberg Media and they just fired one journalist for criticizing the junta. But, hey--when your country worships nothing but wealth, then wealth is the only voice you hear.
7 hours ago
People like you are trump voters.
3 hours ago
People like you are Xi voters - oops, would be Xi voters, if Chinese citizens were considered grown up enough to be allowed to vote for their leaders.
像你这样的人是选民 - 哎呀,如果中国公民被认为长大到可以投票给他们的领导人的话,他将是Xi选民。
12 hours ago
I think this article from the Times illustrates just how inherently evil the PRC leadership really is.
I could easily visit that country but I certainly never will:
13 hours ago
Mrs May's strategies post-Brexit Referendum have been more or less a continuation of Cameron's. They are attempting to make themselves as attractive as possible to China.
It never was a very sensible strategy as many UK jobs already moved to China. Hi-tech and ludicrously low priced goods are flooding European markets. Soon the niche Aerospace industries that Europe is quite good at will start making their way east.
Mrs May would do well to remember the 29 Confucius Institutes and 148 Confucius Classrooms in the UK. The people from South Wales and the North East who voted for Brexit would do well to remember that Cameron did nothing to protect jobs in British Steel. In fact the UK vetoed European attempts to protect the steel industry against China.
7 hours ago
Actually, most of Europe's high tech jobs are sucked up by the US. the EU has been in decline for far longer than China has been around. Get your facts straight.
3 hours ago
"The EU has been in decline for far longer than China has been around".
So the EU has been in decline for 5000 years. Interesting.
13 hours ago
In 45 years of traveling the globe, I've spent time in more than 100 countries, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that money trumps everything: politics, religion, ecological concerns...everything.
13 hours ago
The Economist estimates that China is spending $10 billion a year to promote its image abroad through efforts like cultural festivals, foreign media (think of those China Daily inserts that are slipped into the Washington Post) and educational exchanges.
CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES are a vital part of this mission, and they are putting them into American Universities and now CONFUCIUS CLASSROOMS for younger students in America.
It’s not hard to envision how they might work, for example, by one day weakening Americans’ loyalty to Taiwan.
It seems that Beijing probed, and found a weakness: money.
It may be intellectually indefensible for universities to host CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES, but at a time of reduced funding, it makes eminent sense.
How ironic that the ostensibly communist Chinese seem to understand financial imperatives better than we Yankees do.
13 hours ago
CHINA is here in America and have set up a web of CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES.
The CHINESE are funding CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES at various universities.
CONFUCIUS Classrooms, for younger students, are also ascendant these days: In October, media reported that three new ones would be planted in Texas public schools, and UMass Boston is helping develop them at schools in Massachusetts, including the prestigious Cambridge Rindge and Latin School, where a CONFUCIUS Classroom just launched.
At scores of universities, meanwhile, the institutes are expanding both physically and programmatically.
New courses and scholarships at existing ones are announced all the time.
Today, there are signs of a backlash.
Just last month, students and alumni from UMass Boston, home of a CONFUCIUS INSTITUTE , wrote a letter to the school’s chancellor expressing deep concern that the university is “unwittingly assisting the Chinese government to promote censorship abroad, while undermining human rights and academic freedom.”
就在上个月,孔子学院所在的麻省大学波士顿校区的学生和校友给校方写了一封信,表示深深的担忧,这所大学“不知不觉地协助中国政府推动对外检查,同时破坏人权和学术自由。 ”
The National Association of Scholars suggests universities shutter their CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES.
The American Association of University Professors, America’s leading professorial guild, also recommended in 2014 that “that universities cease their involvement in CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES unless the agreement between the university and Hanban is renegotiated,” so that the universities have unilateral control over the curriculum and faculty, CONFUCIUS faculty have the same rights of free inquiry as their fellow teachers, and contracts between Hanban and the partner universities are made public.
Instead, CONFUCIUS INSTITUTES continue their forward march: Tufts University, New Jersey City University, Southern Utah University and Northern State University in South Dakota, Savannah State University, UNC-Charlotte, Transylvania University in Kentucky is launching a new branch.
12 hours ago
The core function of all these Confucius Institutes is to support Chinese Language teaching and learning. That's 95% of their activities. What kind of research is disallowed by these Chinese language teachers? How could Confucius Institute 'censor' any discussions in the US?
It's not like the CI curriculum is glorifying the CCP either. Anyone can check up on the materials and curriculum.
7 hours ago
All of these words were manufactured to tell people how to hate, and how to stop thinking about the real nuance of issues.
Also manufactured words to turn off people's brains and get them to do whateever they say.
Repeating propaganda doesn't mean you are thinking.
14 hours ago
The PRC doesn't call you names when you protest Glorious Leader ..... they just run a tank over you.
14 hours ago
That's how the huge companies in the west have contributed to the decline of western democracy: cheap labour, shoddy goods, sold at low prices in the west.
China was and is a communist dictatorship. The capitalists had no principles in setting up their factories there and inundating the west with shoddy goods. Yes, yes, apple has factories there.
Nothing is free in life. And now a new empire is rising, and Trump is aiding and abetting by his utter irresponsible behaviour.
14 hours ago
The US was and is a capitalist dictatorship.
14 hours ago
Hey, CHINA is expanding their influence WAY beyond Europe. NOTE:
China’s State Council Information Office published a white paper on Friday outlining a plan to extend its “New Silk Road” trade route and infrastructure project through the Arctic Circle, creating what the paper dubbed a “Polar Silk Road.”
The trade project, officially known as One Belt, One Road (OBOR) or the Belt and Road Initiative, was loosely conceived as an attempt to rebuild the fabled Silk Road trade route that flourished until the 15th Century.
There was not much commerce flowing through the Arctic back then, but modern technology brought both shipping and resource development to the area.
China expressed an interest in the region’s oil, natural gas, minerals, fishing, tourism, and scientific research.
“Concrete steps can be made to coordinate development strategies with the Arctic States, encourage joint efforts to build a blue economic passage linking China and Europe via the Arctic Ocean, enhance Arctic digital connectivity, and build a global infrastructure network,” China’s Xinhua News wrote in its summary of the new paper.
14 hours ago
Need a non-comic book source.
10 hours ago
That's not the story here. China has been expanding influence in Asia, Africa, and South America for years. The story here is the gains they are making in Europe - a bastion of Western democracy.
Funny how their advance coincides with our retreat from international agreements and partnerships.
7 hours ago
Breitbart is one step away from Fox News. Posting blatant hate generating articles cooked up by them to muck hate doesn't really lend credibility to your argument.
15 hours ago
Mercantilist, not "authoritarian" ambitions. Yes, they should be concerning. Of course the US is without credible or capable leadership now for the next 3 years and the State Dept. has been eviscerated on the orders of Putin.
15 hours ago
Where two are fighting, the third wins
鹬蚌相争 渔翁得利
16 hours ago
Everyone focused on Russia? You are kidding me, right?
13 hours ago
"Everyone" in this case means the Washington Post.
16 hours ago
Not "everyone" is focused on Russia - just the media. China is far more dangerous (and more aggressive). Check out China's growing influence in Africa: https://www.ft.com/content/0f534aa4-4549-11e7-8519-9f94ee97d996
7 hours ago
Building infrastructure is hardly evil. It's exactly what the US did in Europe after WW2. The degree to which the media can make you think China doing the same thing that the US did makes China evil and the US better, is the degree to which you've signed out.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...