台湾对滞留在中国大陆的民众表示担忧。 [美国媒体]


Taiwan brushes off concern about stranded citizens amid China route row


Reuters•February 6, 2018


TAIPEI (Reuters) - There are still seats left for Taiwanese people to return home from China over the upcoming Lunar New Year, Taiwan said on Tuesday, brushing off concern a dispute over air routes could leave thousands stranded.


The dispute has become increasingly bitter, with both sides trading accusations after two Chinese airlines canceled extra flights to self-ruled Taiwan over the Lunar New Year, the most important holiday in the Chinese calendar, potentially leaving thousands of Taiwanese without tickets to go home.


In January, China, which considers Taiwan a breakaway province, opened several new air routes, including a northbound route up the sensitive Taiwan Strait that divides China from the island.


Taiwan says it was done without its agreement, contravening what the democratic government in Taipei has said was a 2015 deal to first discuss such flight paths.


The Lunar New Year begins on Feb. 16.


Seeking to alleviate worries about stranded holidaymakers, Taiwan's China policy-making Mainland Affairs Council said there were already 418 extra flights added for the holidays in addition to 586 regularly scheduled flights, serving 50 Chinese destinations.


"At present there are still seats on other airlines' regular and additional services," the council said.


Taiwan says the new routes could affect flight safety as they pass close to two groups of Taiwan-controlled islands close to China which have regular flights to and from Taiwan.


The council said it sympathized with people being inconvenienced on their return home.


"But safety comes before all else, and the government doesn't have the space to compromise," it said.


China denies any safety threat, and says the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has told them the M503 route - the main point of contention - has been assessed and approved by them.


In a statement sent to Reuters, ICAO said the route had been approved in 2015 by an amendment to an air navigation plan for the Asia-Pacific region.


"These amendments are undertaken through a formal process that includes a consultation with the user and provider states concerned, as well as relevant international organizations," it said.


(Reporting by Jess Macy Yu in TAIPEI; Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in BEIJING)

(由Jess Macy Yu在台北报道;本·布兰查德在北京报道。)

DenisDenis 13 hours ago
My Taiwanese friend came back from Taiwan and mention that current situation in Taiwan is one of the worst time in many years. People really dissatisfy with the current government. The approval rate for the pro-independent leader is less than 30%.


Gabriel Lu 9 hours ago
your imagery friend? we know you are a wumao poster..


William 5 hours ago
Don't you fret. The good news is the people in Taiwan can always vote out the party they do not approved. The bad news is if the people in China disapprove of the party in charge, they can keep their mouths shut or they can go to jail.


Wan-Chieh 1 hour ago
It's true that people are unsatisfied with Tsai's in general. However, people do support Tsai's action on this M503 route dispute. Polls show that over 60% people approves not giving the Chinese airlines extra flight rights.


God Delivers America from Evil 1 hour ago(上帝将美国从邪恶中拯救出来)
So? That’s why they are a democracy! In China, their leader approval rate must be 100% or someone’s head will fly! Go Taiwan!!!! God Bless Taiwan!!!!

所以呢?这就是为什么他们是一个民主的!在中国(大陆),他们的领导支持率必须是100%,否则某人的头会飞!去台湾! ! ! !上帝保佑台湾! ! ! !

Mike 54 minutes ago
Get tougher towards the hans and the approval rating will soar.


True 50 minutes ago
@GOD Delivers America from Evil, what are your pts, inbred. Your brethren, india, is the largest democratic country, and yet, we commies out trump in everything, from infrastructures, economies, educations, weapons... so, what is really your point, m0ron?

@God Delivers America from Evil,你的观点是什么?你们的兄弟,印度,是最大的民主国家,然而,我们共产党人在基础设施、经济、教育、武器……都胜出了。那么,你的观点是什么?

DenisDenis 15 hours ago
Taiwan says it was done without its agreement, contravening what the democratic government in Taipei has said was a 2015 deal to first discuss such flight paths.
There is no need for discussion. The Route was already approved by ICAO and it is on the mainland China side. Taiwan is make something out nothing because it runs out reasons to pick on mainland China. The Taiwanese government is making fool out itself.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Chuck 9 hours ago
Taiwan economy is in free fall and Tsai is trying to deflect the problem by picking a fight it has no leg to stand on.


William 7 hours ago
your definition of free fall must be different than rest of the world. Q3 and Q4 2017 had the strongest annual GDP growth in two years. Forecast growth rate for 2018 and 2019 are 2.4% and 2.3%. Pretty good for a free falling economy.


StevenH 3 hours ago
@William, not need be so desperate to defend. only get worse. congratulations 22k for young people. severe brain damaged, man


God Delivers America from Evil 3 hours ago
LOL! Taiwan’s economy is in freefall??? Fake news!!! Must be day time in China!!!

哈哈!台湾经济处于自由落体状态???假新闻! ! !中国现在一定是白天(译注:讽刺做白日梦)!!!

Denis 15 hours ago
"But safety comes before all else, and the government doesn't have the space to compromise," it said.
This is completely a lie. There is absolutely no safety issues and the route was approved by ICAO. China is flying on mainland China side within safe distance according to international aviation standard. Taiwan is running out reasons to pick on China so uses whatever the stupid reasons it can come with including this stupid reason. I am sorry for the Taiwanese working, studying and living in mainland China and want to come to Taiwan to spend the Chinese New with families.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

onomatopoeon 9 hours ago
I think the #$%$ in the CCP better make sure they're not gonna bite off more than they can chew with Taiwan. For them it's political, but for the Taiwanese it's personal. China might just find out that their "Island Garrison" idea might not be such a good idea after all. The Taiwanese are personally motivated to defend themselves, and so the killing of Chinese will become a primary motivation in many Taiwanese people's lives, i.e., even if their guns are taken away, pretty much everybody has a bit of string for a garrotte. Take note, little wee wumao dang. We know you're here, and we know where you are. :-)


Elb 1 hour ago
@onomatopoeon You still living in the basement of your parent house.


Patrick 38 minutes ago
obviously you don't read Taiwan/China news. Taiwan has a serious problem with getting young men to join the military and those who are already in it cannot leave early because there is simply no replacement coming in. All those crying for independence are not joining the military...isn't it funny? If the majority of Taiwanese want independence all of them should join the military and prepare for a fight. Moreover the retired military members' retirement benefits are being slashed and being called 'lazy' and names like 'leeches' when the government already promised them their retirement when they joined the military. You have been watching propaganda and never even watched any local Taiwanese programs. So shut up when you know nothing about Taiwan!


Truth 4 hours ago
Reuters news lied to support this LittleJap remnant Tsai Ing-wen. 
The truth is in 2007, International Aviation met in Asia to approve this new route 503 running along the central line of the Taiwan Strait. 
Shameless LittleJap Tsai Ing-wen today uses this as excuse to punish those Taiwanese who work in the mainland by disapproving 176 extra flights to cater for Taiwanese to return to Taiwan for family reunion.


God Delivers America from Evi l4 hours ago
Tsai is not Japanese, and why ate you belittling Japanese anyways? China has ZERO contributiin to Taiwan and China claims Taiwan is theirs! Japan actuakky built dans and the presidential palace in Taiwan, and they have taught Taiwanese industrial know how! I’d say Little IS China!!!!!!!!


Elb 2 hours ago
The ICAO meet in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2007. The ICAO approved the new route M503. The route is on China side.


Monk 5 hours ago
Finish the civil war, all issues will be solved and disappeared.


manu 14 hours ago
China (PRC) is free to take any unilateral action it wants, but it is not free from consequences. Taiwan has every right to refuse planes from PRC that use the route that it objects to. Typical China, take unilateral action and call foul when others refuse to recognize and comply with their bully behavior


God Delivers America from Evi l3 hours ago
You got it!! Chinese ate bullies!!!!


yahooreader 3 hours ago
You call going through ICAO which said: "These amendments are undertaken through a formal process that includes a consultation with the user and provider states concerned, as well as relevant international organizations," "unilateral"?


m 1 hour ago
pardon him... he is filipino = ignorant and thief


wow 3 hours ago
Ban all travel to China!??? problem solved!


Subra 3 hours ago
Sounding like a jerk not knowing anything outside US as one former Sr Diplomat from Singapore to UN said, each time he came to NY and turned on TV news, he was shocked to see how much Americans are isolated from the rest of the world.


Jing 2 hours ago
lol, with over a million taiwanese work in china, ban traveling would devastate entire Taiwan economy. China is helping taiwanese economy by allowing them in.


m 59 minutes ago
yes please ban them... so they can revolt in taiwan


MICHAELC 6 hours ago
Feel like current Taiwan government is like current Trump administration, always talking about the "Alternative Facts".


Dan 1 hour ago
Siblings bickering. Nothing to see here. Move along.


Wawa 5 hours ago
What is this? Punish your OWN people to make a point? Of what? This old crazy dumb witch has to go!!!


thong yesterday
China is stupid to create the conflict with Taiwan. It's only make the big different between them. ONE CHINA: TAIWAN.


Sino-USA-Troll 22 hours ago
Oh really?? Taiwan is stupider as Taiwan blocked the two new routes that were supposed to facilitate the travel of Taiwanese residents back to their sweet home in Taiwan.

哦,真的吗? ?台湾更愚蠢,因为台湾封锁两条为了方便台湾居民返回他们甜蜜的家的新航线。

Denis 18 hours ago
@thong: you are stupid. Mainland China did not create conflict but Taiwan did. You stupid need to tell the truth and not lies.


Wawa 6 hours ago
Tsai Ying wen is the biggest loser ever. I cannot wait for her to step down


fen su 5 hours ago
I'd like invite Yahoo news to take care Taiwan ,the island is not a country ROC is a country, It is China including mainland. It is an issue inside China


Dan 5 hours ago
Hey all you Chinese... yes the slants from Taiwan, I'm talking about you too. Outside of Chinese areas such as China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, the rest of the world all thinks if you as Chinese. That's because you all talk the same, all drive terrible, cheap, and have horrible hygiene all the same. I'm glad you are all so proud of your countries... kindly stay there and stop having your anchor babies in the USA. And for all of you idiots saying the US is going to help your colonies against China, you are in for a rude awakening. That's your problem, President Trump already said America first.

