中国警察使用面部识别眼镜扫描游客 [美国媒体]

在中部河南省省会郑州的火车站,中国铁道警察正在使用面部识别太阳镜抓嫌疑犯。 美国网友:中国是美国和其他自由世界的最大威胁,除了特朗普外没有哪个领导人敢这么说,至少他说的话最接近这个意思。


Chinese railway police are using facial-recognition sunglasses to catch suspects at train stations in Zhengzhou the capital of central Henan province.


The eyewear which looks similar to the original Google Glass was unveiled earlier this year and has already helped identify seven alleged criminals according to the Communist Party's official newspaper People's Daily.


The glasses are lixed to a database that can match travelers with criminal suspects. It is unclear how long it takes for a match to be made in the real world butWu Fei the CEO of LLVision Technology which developed the glasses told The Wall Street Journal that during testing the system could identify faces from a database of 10000 in 100 milliseconds.


So far the glasses have identified people suspected of misdeeds ranging from traffic infringements to crimes like human trafficking.


A further 26 people using fake identity documents were also prevented from traveling.


In China people must use identity documents for train travel. This rule works to prevent people with excessive debt from using high-speed trains and limit the movement of religious minorities who have had identity documents confiscatedandcan wait years to get a valid passport.


While this is the first time Chinese officials have used glasses to implement facial-recognition the technology is widely used by police. China is also currently building a system that will recognize any of its 1.3 billion citizens in three seconds.


These programs have been condemned by human-rights groups that say this implementation of the technology infringes on people's right to privacy.


“Chinese authorities seem to think they can achieve ‘social stability’ by placing people under a microscope but these abusive programs are more likely to deepen hostility towards the government” Sophie Richardson China director of Human Rights Watch previously said about different facial recognition technology being used to monitor religious minorities. “Beijing should immediately stop these programs and destroy all data gathered without full informed consent.”


The glasses are likely here to stay having arrived just weeks before Chinese New Year when it is expected that 389 million train trips will be taken between Feb 1 and March 12.


原创翻译:龙腾网 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


Human rights? How about Human Rights of the victims of these criminals?


Cindy13.000 hours ago
Isn't she looking cute?


My Little Friend14.000 hours ago
Sounds like China is tough on criminals and on immigration. Where is the liberal outcry on this one? As well as illegal crossing of the boarders legal crossing via VISA and overstay could be rounded up in a heartbeat if they allow the officers to have this technology.

好像中国对移民和罪犯的态度很坚决。在这一点上自由派的抗议呼声何在? 如果他们允许警方拥有这项技术,那些非法越境者,合法越境者以及非法滞留者会瞬间被逮捕。

We should use this technology at the voting booths and all criminals.


White Power Outage15.000 hours ago
They bought them from the back of old comic books.


Ethel8.000 hours ago
I wonder why we don't (use or have) that type of technology.
just asking...


Andy22.000 hours ago
Sure like USA and UK is not using this kind of technology now


WorldWide19.000 hours ago
China is the biggest threat to America and the free world. But none of those leaders have the balls to tell it. Except maybe Trump. At least he has come the closest.


wayne20.000 hours ago
It will not work on Chinese because they all look the same.


PrinceofPeace2.000 hours ago
Ok time to invest in disguise companies that sell in China. $$$$$ This is how we get rich folks.


Snikes...well mark that country off if you are wanted.


this is very useful in the philippines....


Tim3.000 hours ago
Why do people act surprised when a communist dictatorship acts like a communist dictatorship?
