quora 为什么亚洲没有能比过牛津剑桥的大学,他们不是对教育很重视吗? [美国媒体]


Why is there no Asian equivalent to Oxford or Harvard universities, since education is so highly valued in Asia?

quora 为什么亚洲没有能比过牛津剑桥的大学,他们不是对教育很重视吗?

Chia Jeng Yang, MBA from Harvard Business School (2023)
Answered Dec 21
There are not enough successful alumni to justify Asian universities deserving this prestige. But there will be, soon.
A fundamental principle for what makes a prestigious university is the strength of its alumni. Many parents and students apply to a university because they want to mimic the path of a particular alumni.
It is easier to see that a good decision is made if you apply to the Universitythat Stephen Hawking teaches in, or the University where the most US Presidents graduated from.
It makes sense at least in one way that if you have a similar starting path to these great individuals, that you may potentially have a similarly successful future.
What has this to do with the future of Asian universities?
Asia is a large continent with huge amount of variances within countries and regions, but there is a general trend and principle to take note of.
There are in overview 3 waves of entrepreneurship in modern Asia.
The first wave of Asian entrepreneurs were uneducated. In many of these countries, they were one of the pre-war ‘forefathers’ and did not receive significant education, a reflection of the difficulty of obtaining tertiary education in Asia at the time. Tan Kah Kee of Singapore is a prominent example, reaching a modern net worth of ~1.4 billion USD in the 1920s, yet educated only in his village’s school.
The second wave of Asian entrepreneurs were largely (with key exceptions), educated overseas. These entrepreneurs can be seen especially in the post-1970s, in the post-war boom. At a time with the world opening up, intelligent and ambitious people were increasingly given the opportunity to learn and network from universities around the world, and they took it. The richest man of India, Mukesh Ambani, dropped out mid-way of his Stanford MBA education.
The third wave of Asian entrepreneurs, which are an increasing trend, are those that are educated locally.
The third wave is particularly interesting because they tend to reflect a paradigm shift for the psychology of the country. These entrepreneurs tend to emerge after the country has undergone periods of political, economic and educational reform.
These individuals are educated locally, do not inherit a family business and are able to build large scale businesses from scratch in a globally competitive environment. There is likely to be a growing feeling that it is not necessary to be ‘Ivy-credentialed’ to succeed; that a local network through local universities are sufficient. The rise of successful IIT, NUS and Tsinghua alumni have started to result in sentiments like:
Why India’s best tech schools produce more entrepreneurs than the Ivy League
Why Go To Harvard When You Can Opt For An Asian Ivy League?
The Ivies will still have many decades before they are dethroned. But increasingly, some of the best and brightest are opting for local choices, and becoming examples of success for their local communities.

Chia Jeng Yang MBA剑桥商学院:



第二波亚洲企业家大部分(少数是例外)在海外接受教育。这些企业家在多数出现在战后繁荣期,属于70后。随着世界的开放,聪明而负有抱负的人越来越多地得到了来自世界各地大学的学习和人脉的机会, 并抓住了这些机会。印度首富穆凯什•安巴尼就接受了斯坦福MBA教育,随后中途退出。



Luke Svasti, studied at Rutgers University
Answered Dec 21
Chia Jeng Yang’s answer is great and I think that it is analytically complete. However, I’d like to add some points, because I feel that his, and the answers of others are strong but don’t really answer the question completely. They answer why Asian universities might dethrone Oxbridge or the Ivies, but they don’t address the discrepancy that comes from your second premise—that given the rich tradition of education in east Asia, there logically should be natural equivalents.
The short answer: in general I think that western educations tend to allow and favor for critical analyses, as well as more creative problem solving methods through the use of Socratic teaching methods. I remember that when I was 19 and choosing universities, I had tried to reach out to several seniors who were already in their courses (and who were doing the same courses that I was interested in, such as political science and history). Their answers were that while the education was great, there were some ‘topics’ that were simply off the table—and that in general, the classes were still a function of memory and rote learning, driven largely by whatever the lecturer chose to present. Obviously, this might work for a hard science, but for a social science such an approach isn’t very helpful.
This is an anecdotal story but in general the state of education and the use of Asian pedagogies don’t emphasize a critical approach. Critical approaches are very, very necessary in developing new ideas. I’m slightly doubtful that even with the trend of increasing rankings in Asian universities, such institutions will dethrone the current elite. This is because it is quite widely known that 1) many east Asian universities focus on cultivating ‘numbers’; that is, focusing on the quantifiable aspects of a ranking system in order to increase their own ranks. Secondly, rote learning is quickly becoming a thing of the past. A focus on soft and managerial skills, critical work, and resource management is more essential today. Western universities, with their contemporary conversations on gender, work, resistance and cultural changes are well suited to producing citizenry taht can contribute to that—and my view is that most Asian universities frankly aren’t. That isn’t to say that Asian universities or pedagogies have no place in the modern world, but rather it is a cautionary approach that we should reuate what, and how a university plays its role in society.
There are a couple of things that have to be discussed and controlled for, though. First, the idea of ‘education’ is completely different in the east than it is in the west. The purpose of an education is, ostensibly, to create a good citizenry and workforce—a person who can contribute well into society. But if you consider the fact that eastern and western societies are so different, then it follows that their educational systems are different. In a way, your question doesn’t work very well because it’s comparing apples to oranges. BUT, ranking systems try to feature universities from all parts of the world, so that a reader might get the sense that there are common features. There very well might be, but it’s a bit like comparing a Toyota Camry to a Nissan GTR. Both drive well, but they’re totally different machines. Comparing Oxford to Qinghua might be possible on paper, but they’re such different institutions that any difference in any quantifiable aspect is quite a poor causal choice.
The second thing that should be discussed is that the entire world has a colonial past from the west—specifically, the English speaking world. It stands to merit that the best institutions there would be the best in the world if US-UK culture and economic systems form the global ‘norm’. In that sense, university rankings are circular in nature because they judge universities on their ability to produce students that can perform best in that cultural ‘norm’. And if the US-UK culture is the ‘norm’, then naturally their universities have that much of an advantage already.
I don’t know that Asian universities need to necessarily compete with Oxbridge or the Ivies. It’s a different school system for a different culture. And that’s not necessarily a bad thing either. For one thing, I think that the IIT schools in India are an excellent example of functionalism. Yet none of them will feature in the Times top 100. My personal opinion is that there are some strengths in oxbridge and the Ivies (and the west, in general) that are really hard to beat in terms of exposure, critical development, and creativity. Even if (more like when) Oxbridge falls under a slew of Asian universities in any ranking, I’d still be dubious if the overtaking universities, particularly ones in the East, are truly stronger in critical thinking.
There’s more to be said about education but I hope this is a good enough answer.

Luke Svasti,就读罗格斯大学:







Sukhmeet Dhingra, AA from Northern Virginia Community College (2019)
Answered Dec 21
There are good Asian universities out there, but the biggest problem is in Asia, the average person can barely make American minimum wage in a full day of hard-work. So the reputation of hiring potential educators especially in higher education goes down-hill. Also, there is so much competition in Asia, and salaries are so low even if you graduate college that it's nearly pointless to continue working hard. The reason Asian kids in Asia study harder than anything western students do is because they have dreams and aspirations of becoming something; and that increases their desire for education. The problem arises that when they grow-up, many of the youth have had their dreams shattered and more or less feel that they won't be any more well off than their parents were; (which is why so many Chinese and Indians want to go to the West).
When your dreams are shattered, (in Asia usually right after high school), a person works less harder; which is why even though in k-12 Asian education has western education beat by a wide margin; whereas many American students get more serious in their education after high school and into college; Asian countries give-up hope and many regret wasting long hours).

Sukhmeet Dhingra,弗吉尼亚社区学院:

