你不会买华为手机,对吧? [美国媒体]


You wouldn't buy aHuawei phone, would you?


I'm sure we allread the story this week that the heads of the FBI, CIA, and NSA warnedAmericans not to use products from Huawei.


The heads of sixmajor US intelligence agencies have warned that American citizens shouldn’t useproducts and services made by Chinese tech giants Huawei and ZTE. According toa report from CNBC, the intelligence chiefs made the recommendation during aSenate Intelligence Committee hearing on Tuesday. The group included the headsof the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the director of national intelligence.


During histestimony, FBI Director Chris Wray said the government was "deeplyconcerned about the risks of allowing any company or entity that is beholden toforeign governments that don’t share our values to gain positions of powerinside our telecommunications networks." He added that this would provide"the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information. And it providesthe capacity to conduct undetected espionage."

在他的证词中,美国联邦调查局(FBI)局长克里斯•雷表示,美国政府 “深切的关注一些公司或实体,它们受惠于那些与我们没有共同价值观的外国政府,这些公司或实体有在我们的电信网络中获得权力地位的风险。”

Reading the comments, however, it lookslike some of you aren't heeding the warnings.


I interprete this as "Please don’t usephones that might have backdoors to Chinese government agencies, we’d ratherhave you use phones that have backdoors to our agencies"


Because Huawei makes decent devices and thegov is saying "don’t let them spy on us, only we can spy on us!"


And why would anyone take any notice of abunch of proven liars,wprking fot a security set up that hasnt understood theidea of honesty fot 70 years ? (Jeff - Is this a Russian bot?)


There are many reasons: Huawei is acompetitor to US business. Actually, China as a whole is threatening USeconomic dominance in the future.


I don't know about you, but I trust thatAmerican intelligence agencies have America's best interest at heart. Igenuinely think the folks who go to work for these agencies try to do the bestthey can to protect the nation. They try to do the right thing most of thetime.

我不知道你怎么想, 但我相信美国情报机构把美国的最大利益放在心上。我真的认为那些为这些机构工作的人尽其所能去保护国家。他们大部分时间都在努力做正确的事情。

On the other end of the spectrum, its evidentfolks working for those agencies are frustrated at the way American companies,like Apple, try to protect their customers from government snooping. Forexample, just this week we learned that some FBI agents wrote that they wishedTim Cook would fall off the face of the earth because of his stance onprotecting the privacy of Apple's customers.


Strzok: "NYTimes breaking. You saw thebyline right?"


Page: "It helps that the Director andDeputy really hate these phones too. And really love their personaliPhones."


Strzok: "Now if Tim Cook would falloff the face of the earth."


In conclusion - America's top intelligenceagencies publicly warn people of government snooping from Chinese Androidphones, while privately complaining about the way American companies lock theirdevices down to protect users' privacy.


Armed with this knowledge, will you everbuy a Huawei phone?


My thoughts? There are LITERALLY 127Certified Android partners. Just pick a phone from a different OEM.


Well I’m not sure what other countriesinterest the US intelligent agencies would have? You aren’t suggesting the CIAand FBI are working for the Russians or Chinese or North Koreans?
And what do I care if the CIA or FBI iswatching me? I’m not doing anything illegal. They’ll move on to someone elseonce they realize I live a pretty boring life reading video game reviews and listento Pardon my Take podcasts.
Posted onFeb 15, 2018 | 11:26 PM

我为什么要担心中央情报局或联邦调查局在监视我? 我没有做任何违法的事情。一旦他们意识到我过着无聊的生活,看视频游戏评论,听我的播客,他们就会转向其他人。

【I’m not sure what other countries interestthe US intelligent agencies would have? 】
First, it might surprise you to know thatsome of us actually aren’t American (I know, right!? How is our English sogood?) so we aren’t going to be thrilled by the prospect of US agenciesdropping in on our lives when ever they feel like it.
Second, you are assuming that theintelligence agencies have the national interests in mind and not just theirown or those of the government/establishment.
【And what do I care if the CIA or FBI iswatching me? I’m not doing anything illegal. They’ll move on to someone elseonce they realize I live a pretty boring life reading video game reviews andlisten to Pardon my Take podcasts. 】
That’s fine until someday in the futuresomeone decides that those things actually make you an evil subversive andsuddenly all those years of monitoring you didn’t care about because youweren’t "doing anything illegal" become exhibit A in the case thatsends you to the gulags for reeducation. Allowing these kinds of breachs ofcivilian rights to become the norm is a dangerous thing to do when you can’tknow who you might wind up passing the power to in the future.
Posted onFeb 16, 2018 | 7:36 AM

首先,你可能会惊讶地发现我们中的一些人其实不是美国人(我知道,对吧!我们的英语说的非常好) 所以我们不会为美国情报机构处于我们的生活中,即使那些特工喜欢他们的工作,我们也不会感到兴奋。

Yeah Apple and the Feds are totallyprotecting us and not their power and profits.
Having said that im not terribly interestedin Huawei phones. I’d rather use my Pixel cuz like you said – Americancompanies, like Google, prioritize our security and seem to genuinely care.
Posted onFeb 15, 2018 | 10:15 PM


Apple isn’t an American company that cares?
Google prioritizes your security?
Is this Bizarro Bizarro World?
Posted onFeb 16, 2018 | 12:20 AM


Dr Strange
Google prioritizes your security?
True as far as security from government orhacking is concerned , not as far as your security from them. And , of course,as they have the most data , they are the most likely target for government orhackers
Posted onFeb 16, 2018 | 8:56 AM


Doge Man
And what makes you think the FBI/CIAwouldn’t say the same about any one of those 127 Android OEMs? They are justpicking on Huawei because they are the one of the top worldwide sellers.

是什么让你认为FBI/ CIA不会对这127个安卓系统设备供应商中的任何一个说同样的话? 他们之所以只挑选华为,因为华为是全球最畅销的公司之一。

Doge Man
And other Chinese OEMs aren’t entangled?


Uncle Lincoln
For what it’s worth, the report also statesthe agencies warned against ZTE. Like, they were actually a pretty big part ofthe story. But CNBC, the Verge, and Jeff made it all about Huawei for whateverreason and didn’t even mention ZTE in their own respective headlines.

因为华为的价值,报告还指出,这些机构对中兴通讯提出了警告。就像,华为实际上是故事的很大一部分。但是,美国全国广播公司财经频道(CNBC)、(the Verge)网和杰夫(作者)都是出于某种原因把华为搞得成了全部,甚至在各自的头条新闻中都没有提及中兴。

Daniel Castro
Uh, Huawei is the 2nd largest smartphonebrand.


Analog Spirit 2.0
I see Huawei phones fairly often. Not halfas often as iPhones and Samsung Galaxies, but they’re out there.


Dr Strange
And because they have huge telecominfrastructure influence as well


I stick to Apple, Google and Samsungphones. I trust that they will deliver a reliable and secure experience.


I wouldn’t buy one purely becauseeverything they make is a downgrade from my Note 8. As for ‘security’, whatexactly should I be scared of? If it’s not the Chinese government, it’s yoursor the British or some random asshole who thinks it’s funny. Don’t haveanything to hide so so if Huawei ended up making a phone I really liked itwouldn’t stop me. Same as I plan on getting a DJI drone

我不会只买一个,因为他们做的每件事都会让我的Note 8落伍。至于“安全”,我有什么好害怕的? 如果不是中国政府,而是你的国家,或者是英国,或者是一些搞笑的混蛋。没有什么可隐瞒的,所以如果华为最终做了个我真的很喜欢的手机,我会买。就像我会买一架大疆无人机。

Dr Strange
I have but I wouldn’t again.
Nothing to do with spying , more to do withflimsy build and messy software


Yes, the only way to really limit this typeof surveillance is to turn off the internet.


Considering huge parts of the networkinfrastructure in most countries is provided by Huawei anyway I can get tooworked up about my cellphone (or ISP supplied router)


I’ve had mostly negative experiences withHuawei phones. Usually crap batteries. I still own and use two ZTE phones.Mostly positive experiences. I usually buy low end tech, so you develop a senseof what is cheap and ok and what is cheap and bad.


Analog Spirit 2.0
I personally wouldn’t buy a Huawei, but Iknow several people who have bought them and use them. Some have switched toSamsung Galaxies, tho. My little sister did just that – she had a Huawei for awhile, then later switched to a Galaxy S7 (and still has it).

我个人不愿意买华为,但我知道有几个人买来用了。不过它们中的一些人已经转而使用三星Galaxies了,我的妹妹就是这样做的——她用了一段时间的华为,后来转到Galaxy S7(现在还再用它)。
