NASA最近重新发现了失联太空十多年的一颗卫星,这真是应了那句话:柳暗花明又一村啊!这颗“磁层顶到极光全球探测成像仪”(IMAGE) 卫星,于2002年发射升空,创建了第一个大气等离子体综合图像。
NASA makes contact with satellite lost in space 13 years ago
Proving that things tend to turn up when you least expect them, NASA has just rediscovered a satellite it lost in space more than a decade ago. The Imager for Magnetopause-to-Aurora Global Exploration (IMAGE) was launched in 2000 to create the first comprehensive images of atmospheric plasma.
NASA最近重新发现了失联太空十多年的一颗卫星,这真是应了那句话:柳暗花明又一村啊!这颗“磁层顶到极光全球探测成像仪”(IMAGE) 卫星,于2002年发射升空,创建了第一个大气等离子体综合图像。
It completed its initial mission in 2002, but failed to make contact again on a routine pass by the Earth in 2005. Scientists hoped an eclipse in 2007 would kickstart a reboot, but when it didn't the mission was declared over, and IMAGE was expected to spend the rest of its days floating peacefully through the universe. Earlier this month, however, an amateur astronomer spotted it in the skies.
It's taken NASA a couple of weeks to confirm that the mysterious observation was indeed IMAGE, because the types of hardware and operating systems used in the satellite no longer exist. Other systems have been updated several versions beyond what they were at the time, requiring significant reverse-engineering. But after some tinkering, the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab in Laurel, Maryland, successfully collected telemetry data from the satellite, confirming its ID. The team will now spend the coming weeks analyzing data from the satellite to learn more about the state of the spacecraft, and maybe a little about what it's been up to all these years.
注释:the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab约翰霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室,是一个非营利性的研究和开发中心,同时也是世界一流研究型私立大学约翰·霍普金斯大学的一个下属机构。该实验室主要从事民用和军用太空计划研究,包括导弹、防空及对国家安全的分析等。
Give that amateur astronomer a reward!
Didn't they have an old Windows 98 machine in the back of a closet like I do?
他们没有跟我一样在壁橱后面还有一台旧的Windows 98电脑吗?
The Wrath of Khan
The message it sent back was "We are the Borg. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”
I'm sure when they made contact tack it replied with: your system requires 5,000 updates. Do you wish to continue: y/n
The Man
I bet the satellite has spent its years in hiding evolving into a higher dimensional being like V-GER from Star Trek.
Chris A
Ok, these satellites work for decades in SPACE. Why can't I get an electronic device to work for more than a YEAR here on earth? Sooooo shaking my head!!!
Dont Be A Tool!
Well, that really didn’t say a whole lot except they found it!
Is takes a while to extrapolate the data, and then to see if there was anything unexpected in it, which I doubt.
Flounder 111
This article really should be about the astronomer that discovered it. The satellite is LITERALLY worth hundreds of millions of dollars. And the story of how he found it is far more interesting than what NASA has to say about it now, because they are still in "cover your *** " for not being able to find something this important even with all their tremendous resources.
What equipment did he have to find the satellite? Wow. Quite an achievement.
made in america
Great story AND nice to read something that hasn't anything to do with Trump
After reading this article of how after 13 years they were able to locate this satellite, I have renewed hope we will find Hillary's 30,000 missing emails.
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