[ 美国 外交官 ] 中国的常胜之道 [美国媒体]


China and theGeopolitics of Knowledge: Winning the Long Game
Beijing has proven itself adept atplaying the long game, and its efforts are coming to fruition.
  By Dawisson BelémLopes February 27, 2018


Image Credit: Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

An important piece of news went practicallyunnoticed in January 2018: according to Nature, China surpassed the UnitedStates in the number of articles published on Elsevier’s Scopus, one of theworld’s top scientific databases. Although on average, Chinese publications arenot as influential as North American and European studies, they do help settrends for many some disciplines, and might well push the Western world into apeer-to-peer dialogue that would not be happening otherwise. As recent figuresshow, there has been a sharp increase of 37 percent in the number of citationsof China-based authors in academic articles over the last five years. Thatserves as a telling proxy indicator for who is now massively investing inknowledge and will, in all probability, harvest the power of that knowledgein the future.


China’s scientific leap forward comesaccompanied by a persistent effort to catch up with the best and the brightestin at least two related fields: innovation and higher education. When it comesto innovation, the World Economic Forum reports that China is now thesecond-largest R&Dinvestor in theworld, after the United States. In many metrics, such aspatents, China is rapidly catching up to the United States.


In the domain of higher education, Chinahas now four universities which stand among the world’s top 100 research-ledinstitutions – namely Tsinghua (24th), Peking (39th), Fudan (43th) and JiaoTong (61st) – according to Quacquarelli Symonds, Britain’s education consultingcompany. Just a decade ago, there were no Chinese institutions among the top100.

据英国Quacquarelli Symonds教育咨询公司统计,在高等教育领域,世界大学前100强当中,中国有四所大学跻身其中,即清华大学(排名24)、北京大学(排名39)、复旦大学(排名43)和交通大学(排名61)。

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This consistent drive to position thecountry in more favorable ways within the global academic and educational mapsalso manifests in both inbound and outbound student flows. While almostone-third of all Chinese educational emigres leave the country to study in theUnited States (around 225,000 every year), China is itself becoming anattractive destination for students, especially those coming from South and SoutheastAsia. China’s mainstreaming endeavors have brought the country up to sixthplace in the QS 2017 World University Rankings for overall higher educationperformance – a remarkably steep rise.


Another interesting dimension concernsChina’s aggressive policy on English-language learning. Several years ago, itwas suggested by a Cambridge University Press report that China had as many as350 million English language learners, surpassing not only India but also theUnited States (which has a total population of over 323 million). Curiouslythough, China remains a country where English is not well or widely spoken —thus the country’s levels of idiom proficiency are low. While there are goodhistorical, as well as linguistic, reasons to account for this relativehandicap, one should be not doubtful of Beijing’s determination to completelyalter this state of affairs within one or two decades.


Take the case of research-led think tanksin China. An almost nonexistant entity in the country a few years back, theyare now a relevant part of China’s foreign policy establishment and lookactively engaged in the mission of making the “Chinese way” more palatable toforeign peoples and governments. Ideas such as “panda diplomacy,” “human rightsas social harmony,” and the Belt and Road Initiative — which has proven usefulfor the sake of boosting China’s soft and hard power — are the products ofingenious political engineering and marketing, and definitely relied oncutting-edge social research methodology and large-scale opinion polls to cometo life.


What’s more, China’s approach to knowledgeis already bearing fruit in terms of making foreign policy. A collection oftopics as cognitively sophisticated and even futuristic as the exploration anduse of outer space, global demographics and big data analytics, informationtechnology and connectivity, cybersecurity and espionage, sustainability andrisk management, renewables and energy governance, financial economics,robotics and artificial intelligence, new materials, quantum physics andwarfare, and so on, have become the bread and butter of Chinese careerdiplomats, thus catering to the country’s most urgent present and future needs.


China’s bet on knowledge is already payingoff; but this game, which requires lots of strategic thinking and stamina, isto be played in the long run. In many ways, that sounds even better and morepromising news for the Chinese decisionmakers, who are traditionally not givento fast cooking.

