美国一位母亲在学校因天气寒冷关闭时为200多名学生准备免费午餐 [美国媒体]



Mom organizes free lunches for more than 200 kids when schools close amid freezing temperatures

Amy Price was not planning to feed more than 100 kids when she woke up on Wednesday morning.


The mother of three from Lorain County Ohio was thinking of her eighth-grade son who would be spending the day at home due to schools closing for cold temperatures when she had an idea.


“I was happy for my son to have the day off and the kids who didn’t have to walk in the freezing cold but then I started thinking about the kids who may not eat” Price 41 an attorney and real estate agent told ABC News. “I remember being a child services prosecutor and caseworkers mentioning sometimes that kids may not eat on snow days when they’re home from school.”


PHOTO: Amy Price center poses with family members who helped her deliver lunches to kids. (Courtesy Amy Price)

  PHOTO: Amy Price center poses with family members who helped her deliver lunches to kids. (Courtesy Amy Price)


Price took to Facebook and posted a short message which she shared on her own page and local community pages.


“If you live in the Lorain County area and your kids depend on school-provided breakfast and lunch to be able to eat today and they do not have school please inbox me” she wrote. “Someone from my company will drop some items off to you. Please feel free to share.”


Price thought she would go to the grocery store and buy some meat for sandwiches and chips and fresh fruit to put in lunch bags but the overwhelming response changed her plan.


“Some people even contacted me for their neighbors and grandchildren and nieces and nephews” she said. “They just kept pouring in.”


Price received so many messages that she instead called a local McDonald’s and place an order for more than 100 cheeseburgers and French fries.  



PHOTO: Amy Price?s husband Jose Mendez picks up lunches at a local McDonald's. (Courtesy Amy Price)

PHOTO: Amy Price?s husband Jose Mendez picks up lunches at a local McDonald's. (Courtesy Amy Price)

图为:艾米·普赖斯的丈夫约瑟·门德斯(Jose Mendez)在当地的一家麦当劳买午餐。(艾米·普赖斯授权提供)

Price her husband with their 13-year-old son in tow and her adult daughter with her 4-year-old in tow then hand-delivered the lunches to homes across five cities.


“We knocked on every door” Price said. “Some kids were home alone and were taught well and wouldn’t open the door and we’d leave it there and I know they got it because the parents would private message me with their thanks.


“One parent wrote ‘You would have thought you gave my kid $100 he’s so excited’” she recalled. “Everyone was just so appreciative and thankful.”  


PHOTO: Free lunches were delivered to more than 200 students while schools were closed for cold weather in Lorain County Ohio. (Courtesy Amy Price)

PHOTO: Free lunches were delivered to more than 200 students while schools were closed for cold weather in Lorain County Ohio. (Courtesy Amy Price)


Price’s good deed quickly spread through the community. With schools closed for the rest of the week other community members organized lunch runs for Thursday and Friday.


Some people donated money while others came in person to help often bringing along their own kids who were home from school.  


Another 100 lunches were delivered on Thursday and Friday according to Price.



What a great thoughtful undertaking. You are a wonderful person Amy


This is news worth reporting. Thank you Amy for your thoughtfulness as well as the other volunteers who decided to help out.


What a WONDERFUL ANGEL-she will be blessed 10 times...


no name
At the risk of sounding like a "troll" why did they make the food so unhealthy?
Chef Boyardee? McDonalds? There are so many healthy options that would have been just as easy fast and cost less money... and be healthy. This seems like a wasted opportunity to put some good food in some deserving mouths.

他们为什么要冒着被当作“骗子”的风险去提供些不健康的食物?柏亚迪厨师(Chef Boyardee)食品?麦当劳?有那么多更经济且一样方便、快速、健康的食品选择不是吗.....倒像是浪费了把好食物给值得的人吃的机会。

There are some really cold-hearted comments. I suppose those people have fully bellies and are warm in their smug self-righteous positions. I'm glad America Is Great for them. Not all are so lucky.


Good to see something wonderful come out of the county I’m from. When I tell you the majority of the county is financially depressed I mean it. This woman is very kind and thoughtful to do this to families who need this.


Where are the Sloppy Joe's?


...then the kids opened their cheeseburgers and cried because it had onions on them and didn’t eat the fries because they wanted apples!!! I’m glad for this moms hard work and I really hope that wasn’t the ending to the story but all too often...it is!


Poor poor America...
Kids home alone hungry are waiting for someone to bring anything to eat...
Empty refrigerators (if any) empty kitchen cabinets...
Parents keep hope that Amy will take care of their unsupervised children...


michael g
In a world of rancor and discord in a landscape littered with the slander and perfidy of the major media this is so nice to see...


Kindness should be done for the act not the applause !!!


Finally a NICE STORY. Kids do have to eat and some don't get enough...


Mr. Wonderful
That's up to those dead beat parents to ensure their kids eat and if they can't provide that's what foster care is for.


In the first photo she is carrying two lunch bags from McDonalds which is an approved lunch provider from the Trump administration.


Mr. Wonderful
This reminds me of that old biblical saying and I by no means am religious.
Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish and feed yourself. He's a grown man. And fishing's not that hard.


nice. my basic question is why aren't the parents of the children responsible for feeding their own kids? by always giving handouts you reinforce their behavior in having their hand out.



This is the attitude that always has been what made America great! Don't listen to those who try to convince you that our nation hasn't always been the greatest they are simply parroting lies uttered by those whose memories aren't too clear. It's only the last year or so that America's reputation as the world's greatest has fallen to the point that other countries have began to doubt both our collective goodness and our judgement! Just remember that this too shall pass ...


Sorry but why do people have children in 2018 in a first world country + leave children at home and without food?


This act was Priceless


This is what people should be like. I'll even let it slide that she gave them McDonald's instead of something healthier. Because in this case it was about getting the job done. Back in the day the McDonald's weekly 29 cent hamburger special meant one day a week I got hot food and a little meat for a change.


What Amy did was nice.
It would be much nicer if she could help those communities to ELIMINATE THE NEED in free lunches.
