Based on historical claims (Mongoldynasty), shouldn't Mongolia own most of China?
Ayhan BilgiliAnswered Dec 4,2015Theyshould. And if there is any decency and honesty in world's diplomacy, theyshould get piece of China (Dear Chinese friends, don't be upset, please readfurther please)Israel is established with support from UK,France and Russia. The claim was:Israel belongs to Jewish people as it washistorically their land. Kingdom of Israel existed circa 1000 BC foraround 100 years (after being divided 200 years more) and compared to theempires around, they were very small. Here is a map
JC Hóu,studied at National Taiwan UniversityUpdated Jul 29,2017Originally Answered: WouldMongolia claim China's territories based on historical claims just like China?Would Mongolia claim China'sterritories based on historical claims just like China?China claims all of the Mongoliabased on Yuan dynasty(1271–1368) but Mongol Genghis Khan retaliated andoccupied big chunk of China.Invalid question: China DOES NOTclaim all of Mongolia. China acknowledged the independence of Mongolia from day1 of the current regime (PRC) in 1949. Evenduring the bitter Sino-Soviet Split, China never claimed any part of Mongolia,let alone “all of Mongolia”.The “alternative” China, theRepublic of China, on the other hand,initially claimed Mongolia (because Mongolia forcefully broke awayin the 1910s with Russian help), then acknowledged theindependence of Mongolia (according to the Sino-SovietTreaty of Friendship and Alliance signedin 1945),hen claimed Mongolia again(based on the argument that the Soviet Union did not keep its word as agreed inthe treaty) in 1951,hen finally acknowledged theindependence of Mongolia in 2002.o to summarize, the claim that“China claims Mongolia” is simply astonishingly false as of today (July 2017),and I personally think by anonymously asking this question without showingcredible proof for this claim, the OP is deliberating promoting misinformationor anti-China propaganda.I am equally surprised that noneof the other answers I see by far clarified such simple historical facts.It is also noteworthy thatGenghis Khan DID NOT “retaliate” and occupy China “because China claimedMongolia”. I mean seriously, not one bit ofthe above claim makes sense!Genghis Khan occupied part ofChina in his lifetime because he was simply a conqueror with never-endingdesire for land. China back then, the SongEmpire, had trouble dealing with the northernJurchen Jin Empire (1115–1234) andnorthwestern Tangut Western Xia Empireto begin with, so how was China able to claim Mongolia, which it had no borderwith? Genghis Khan did not completely beat China (Song Dynasty) either. He diedhalfway conquering the aforementioned Xia Empire in 1227 (andtold his successors to wipe it out for him, which they faithfully did - sotoday we have big-time problems deciphering the Tangut scripts).he Yuandynasty was established by the GRANDSON ofGenghis Khan, Kublai Khan, in 1271. How could Genghis Khan“retaliate” something that never happened, or happened AFTER HIS DEATH (in analternative timeline)?Geez, at least get the timelineright.
JCHóu 在台湾国立大学读书
Chen Haicun, 天下为公,世界大同Answered Dec 11,2015Thenumber of mongolian survyed to be 10,000,000 . There is 6,500,000 ethnic mongolian chinese inChina.There is 2,280,000 mongolian citizens inMongolian nation.Rest are scattered throughout the world.Mongolian Chinese mostly resides in Inner Mongolia. They stillkeep the use of traditional mongolian language and practice tradition duringmajor holidays and festivals. They are the core representation of Mongolianhistory and culture. What is more, they consists 65%, more a third of Mongolianon earth.So to answer your question. Yes, Mongolians owns China, because every single Chinese owns every piece ofChina. They definitely can makes the claim that Mongolia and China are one, andthey do make that claim.
Chen Haicun天下为公,世界大同
Rachel Lai-Smith,studied at University of WaterlooAnswered Jan 11Excellent question. As this is animportant area to understand when studying Asia.
A simple answer to your questionis that Mongolia does not have the power. And why they don’t have the powertoday has myriad of varying reasons.The most important thing is thatthe Mongols prior to their conquest of China and rest of the world did not havea kingdom or a civilization to expand their “identity” and “culture”.The so called Mongols prior totheir rise to power were still in a tribal state, who went by their familyclans and ancestry to identity which tribes were of their descent.Now the idea of “Mongolia” as anation is a very new concept and its fuzzy. That’s because there are moreMongolian identities living in modern China than Mongolia. And from a geneticperspective, the Mongol tribes that were unified under the Mongols haveexpanded far more across the world than anyone else has in history from theAsian continent.But still they do not claim allof those identities as falling under the “Mongol” peoples or a subgroup. Andthere are three reasons to this. No establishment of culture andidentityNo sense of belonging between theso called Mongol tribal ancestryThe modern ethnic gap between theMongol subgroups cannot be closedIt is unlike that of the Europeanwave of migration to the Americas that created independent nations such as USA,Canada, Australia etc.The Mongol conquest failed tothis. But still, from a genetic expansion they succeeded which leaves room forgrowth later.Nations such as Korea and Japanwhom have a strong Proto-Mongol tribal ancestry successfully establishedethnic-nation states right beside China.
RachelLai-Smith 在滑铁卢大学学习
Harrison Shone,Mostly Unemployed (1998-present)Updated Jul 19,2017People need to realize that justbecause their country controlled something hundreds of years ago doesnot mean that they have a legitimate claim to it now.If Mongolia can claim China,which they conquered by force, they may as well also claim the Stan countries,most of Russia, all of Korea, the caucuses, Iraq, Iran, the Levant, Turkey andall of Europe east of Poland, Hungary and Croatia. That is a full 9.27 millionmiles of land, which is two and a half times the size of the United States.Edit: This map has some minor inaccuracies and does not show thefull extent of the Mongol Empire. I just used it because it was the only one Icould find that uses modern borders.
Harrison Shone 大多数时候处于失业状态(1998-至今)
Can Zhang,Student of HistoryAnswered Dec 2,2015Mongolian independence referendum, 1945According to this official referendum, theMongolians voted overwhelmingly for leaving China.You can't then come back and claim China ifyou broke away from it in the first place, unless you claim the referendum wasrigged or unfair in some way, which... I don't see happening.
Can Zhang 历史的学生
Anand NyamdavaaAug 27, 2017 · 2 upvotesitsnot exactly correct interpretation of history. Mongolia declared independencein December 29, 1911 from Manchu dynasty. In 1945 The Chinese communistgovernment has agreed to accept sovereignty if Mongolia does referendum onindependence. Upon finish Communist govenrment of China has accepted theresults. Of course the Kuomintang Government in Taiwan didn't accept Mongolia’sindependence until 1990s t
Can ZhangAug 28, 2017Howdoes any of this change my conclusion?
Mongolialeft China, so she can’t then claim China as hers.
Beforest Wangep 30 · 2 upvotesWhat?correct interpretation of history?
In1945, the Chinese communist party is just a insurgent groups. China was stillthe republic of China, and Kuomintang was still in Change. What the CCP saidcounts nothing. BTW, the referendum was also oversaw by the KuomintangGovernment. It has nothing to do with the ccp.Andit is true that Mongolia declared independence in December 29, 1911. from Qingdynasty not Manchu dynasty.
St.Fang, studied at South China University of Technology (2018)Answered Jan 8Of course, Mongolia should ownChina, Siberia, Central Asia. All of regions Genghis Khan conqured.So, please form a United Statesof Greater Mongolia.Western countries are unwillingto let it happen due to their hegemony consideration. I think we Asian shouldtry our best to revert the honor of Genghis Khan.So, do you dare?
St.Fang 在华南理工大学学习(2018)
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