我妈问我随她搬去中国工作生活感觉如何 [美国媒体]


My mom asked me how I felt about moving to China for her work


I didn't know how to feel about it at all. It would be such a huge change in my life. For reference, I'm an American moving into my junior year of high school (I'm 16). I don't know a lick of Chinese.
She told me it wouldn't be likely that it would happen, but in the case that it does, how different would life and school be?
Thanks in advance. I haven't posted here before, so I hope I'm not breaking any rules with this post.


I moved with my family and did my senior year of High-School in an international school there. Afterwards I stayed a year extra (my family still lived there though) and studied Chinese at the university. I have zero regrets about moving. You'll make friends from all over the world, you'll learn a new language (the basics, at least), and get to really see a and experience a foreign culture. Visiting is one thing but living there is another. If you're going to go there as part of some company's expat program it's going to be sweet beans. It depends on her job ofc but at least for me and most of my friends in that high school had drivers, housemaids, and great apartments with a relocation office to help with moving, visas and stuff life that.
Honestly, I'd urge her to take it. I don't think I know anyone who regrets moving there. And even if you don't like it that much it'll only be for a couple of years and you'd be back in wherever and realize nothing has changed at home and you're an experience richer.


/u/timlars is offering some good solid advice, and great perspective. It will be hard, it sucks to feel like you are leaving your existing friends (and possibly the kids you have grown up with) right when you turn 16. you are walking away from a lot of quintessential American Teenage things. Driving, prom, etc. that being said, all your friends now, will be going their separate ways in a few years to college, so you are just doing it a little earlier. Assuming you are headed towards an international high school, you will have tons of fun, tons more freedom, and will expand your horizons in unimaginable ways. that's not to say that it's an easy decision or position for a teenager to make, but it's a cool, unique opportunity. The people I've met who grew up here, and went to US college and came back, are all very mature, distinguished young adults. but I know it sucks...trying to put myself in your position, I'm not sure if I would have been able to be objective enough to pull the trigger and make the plunge, but as an older person, I hope you are able to make the jump, and do it with enthusiasm and get the most out of it that you can. Good luck OP! come back and let us know what you decide!


[deleted] (美国)
Excuse me for this long ass comment:
My dad got a job in china when i was 9.
Initially i was pissed, depressed, and hormonal but it got better. The original plan was to stay one year, then one more, then screw it lets finish elementary school in china before moving back, this time its a promise they said. A year later, nope we're staying for middle school too. And then high school. Thank god my mom dragged my sister and I back to the states. I missed home. Currently in high school here and there really is no place like home.
But at the same time, I miss china too. It grows on you and if you actually integrate yourself successfully into chinese society, its a great place (i obviously failed). Transportation if you live in a big city is just amazing. Food is amazing. All the interesting shops, people, and places. The big cities are extremely diverse and modern. Smaller cities let you experience a more authentic china.
Where you live and what school you go to really matters too. As an expat, most people live in kushy white neighborhoods with white neighbors or at least english speaking wealthy neighbors. Most companies pay for international schools for the kids too which is great. Personally i love international schools. Theyre basically preppy rich kid schools exclusive to foreigners which sounds terrible but isnt really that bad. Sure there are stuck up snobby kids who treat chinese natives like shit but most kids grew up normal in suburbs and just happened to get relocated. The extracurriculars activities, facilities, teachers, staff, and just school in general are usually top notch (youre paying quite a lot too). Compared to an american public school? Theres no comparison. At the same time i have also gone to a completely local school and lived in poorer neighborhoods. My neighborhood convinience stores ripped me off money, children pissed right on the ground, people smoked and littered everywhere. It wasnt violently dangerous, but it was filthy... and the rich/poor gap was appalling.
All in all china was an amazing experience and while i wouldnt say it was the best place on earth, it was certainly memorable. Sometimes i wish i hadnt gone and other times im glad i did. It really opens your eyes to how big and different the world is versus this american dream illusion that we all live in.




Sounds like a great opportunity. One thing to keep in mind is that preparation for college might become a bit more difficult, as you'll have to chase down transcripts and other stuff remotely. Hopefully if you get into a good international school in China, they will have experienced counselors to help out with that.
Speaking of which, I want to second what a lot of other people have said: your mother needs to figure out now what her company is offering in regards to your schooling. International schools can be very expensive (several tens of thousands a year), and if her company isn't covering that, it could wipe out any other financial incentives they are offering.
Chinese schools basically aren't an option for you, unless you are already a native-level speaker of Chinese.


AFAIK usually companies and governments completely cover the bill for the international schools. If the employees on the expat packages had to foot the bill for the schools it would be unpalatable.
There are some Chinese schools that have "international sections".


Porkius_MaximusUnited Kingdom(英国)
If your mum gets sent out to China, she will most likely be on a good salary and live in an apartment which will shelter you from the shittier aspects of Chinese life. I assume the company will also help with relocation etc so she won't have the hassle of looking for a place to live. As timlars said, living in China on an expat package is on a completely different level to that of living in China as an English teacher, student, or someone working at a Chinese company.
As for the language, I wouldn't worry about it. It is a lot easier to learn to a decent level than people would have you believe. The hardest part of trying to learn Chinese will be stirring up the courage to speak to the locals, no matter if your Chinese is shit or not. Don't let people always use you to practice English. I assume the top international schools are similar to schools in the US/Europe so you probably won't be studying night and day like the locals do.
Of course, the living conditions in China will be worse than those in a decent part of the US or a wealthy European country. There is not much care for hygiene and cleanliness so be prepared for a few bouts of explosive diarrhea. The rest you probably know about (pollution, food problems etc). As i said above, if your mum is on an expat package you will avoid most of the shit a lot of us here have to face on a daily basis and so it should be an enjoyable experience.
I would tell your mum to go for it if she has the opportunity. After you have graduated from high school with good grades you can go wherever you want (if you don't want to stay in China).




Your experience will be very different depending on what city you move to. But at the end of the day, if i was you i would look at it like a great opportunity. You will get the chance to expand your horizons in a way that most people never have the luxury to. You will become a richer person for it.
I moved away from my home country when i was 4, and have since lived in several foreign places. I feel it has made me who I am, a true cosmopolitan citizen with connections all over the world.
Embrace it, and dive in headfirst!


I moved to the States around the same age from China, and that shit ain't easy. You may be the precocious type, but when I was 16 I was just developing my self identity, and changes like that threw me for a big loop.
But I turned out alright! Seriously, it would be great to learn Chinese (you will pick it up so fast), and have adventure stories at an early age. If it does happen, just keep a positive attitude, knowing one day this experience is gonna help you get laid.

