对亿万富翁的攻击暴露了马来西亚日益加剧的种族分裂 [美国媒体]


Attackon Chinese billionaire exposes growing racial divide in Malaysia


FILEPHOTO: Malaysian tycoon Robert Kuok attends a meeting in Fuzhou, Fujianprovince, China April, 18, 2005. REUTERS/China Daily/File Photo


KUALALUMPUR (Reuters) - A volley of insults hurled by ruling party officials inMalaysia at 94-year-old ethnic-Chinese tycoon, Robert Kuok, has exposed aracial and religious divide ahead of elections due by August.


Leadersfrom UMNO targeted Hong Kong-based Malaysian billionaire Robert Kuok in thelast two weeks, accusing him of funding a majority-Chinese opposition party tooverthrow Najib's government.

在过去的两周里,马来民族统一组织(UMNO)的领导人以常驻香港的马来西亚亿万富翁郭鹤年(Robert Kuok) 为攻击目标,指责他资助了一个以华人为主的反对党来推翻纳吉布的政府。

Theattacks stopped after Kuok, Malaysia’s richest man, threatened legal actionagainst a website he said had cast aspersions on his commitment to democracy.Prime Minister Najib Razak also stepped in to calm the waters.

在马来西亚首富郭鹤年威胁要对一家网站采取法律行动的时候,这些攻击停止了。他说,该网站曾对他对民主的承诺进行过诽谤。马来西亚总理纳吉布·拉扎克(Najib Razak)也介入调停。

Manyin Malaysia's economically powerful ethnic Chinese community saw the criticismagainst Kuok as racial dog-whistling ahead of a very close and hotly contestedelection.


Apolarised electorate poses risks for Southeast Asia's third-largest economy.


Malaysia'sethnic minorities may end up with the short end of the stick if this year'selectoral results remains racially split, warned Abdul Rahman Dahlan, strategiccommunications director for Najib's coalition.

纳吉布联盟的战略沟通主管阿都·拉曼·达兰(Abdul Rahman Dahlan)警告说,如果今年的选举结果仍然种族分裂的话,马来西亚的少数民族最终可能会以短暂的失败告终。

"Ofcourse we’ll be happy we win the election. But it will be better if the supportcomes from a broad base of support from the communities of all kinds, theneverybody’s voice will be represented," said Abdul Rahman, who is also anUMNO member of parliament told Reuters.

“当然,我们会为赢得大选而高兴。但如果这些支持来自广泛的各个社区,那么就更好了,每个人的声音都将被代表。” 同时身为世卫组织成员的阿都·拉曼告诉路透社。



Najib'sUnited Malays National Organisation (UMNO) has increasingly relied on majorityMalay Muslims to stay in power, after minorities deserted the ruling coalitionthe past two general elections. An election won entirely with the support ofethnic Malays could stall reform of a decades-old race-based affirmative actionpolicy favouring indigenous groups, officials and analysts warn.


Thepolicy, which grew out of 1969 race riots, reserves a large share of governmentcontracts for Malay businesses. It remains in effect, even after it was due toexpire in 1990.


Najibproposed a new economic model soon after taking power in 2009, aimed atspeeding Malaysia's transition to a higher-income, knowledge-based economy, butrolled back some of those plans after a backlash from the Malay-Muslimcommunity.


EthnicMalays and other indigenous groups account for about 69 percent of thepopulation, with Chinese making up 23 percent, and ethnic Indians and other theremainder. Opinion surveys have found indigenous groups robustly supportaffirmative action policies.


UMNOhas also been courting hardliners on the religious right, seeking support fromthe Islamist opposition Parti Islam se-Malaysia (PAS), which advocates a strictIslamic penal code that religious minorities fear could infringe their rights.


Divisionsamong ethnic and religious groups are intensifying in Malaysia, said theEurasia Group, whose list of top risks for 2018 includes the growth of identitypolitics in Southeast Asia.

欧亚集团(Eurasia Group)表示,马来西亚各民族和宗教团体之间的分歧正在加剧。该集团在2018年面临的最大风险包括东南亚身份认同政治的强化。

"Thereis a trend towards a more conservative interpretation of Islam and the keyIslamic party PAS will play a significant role during the upcomingelection," Eurasia Group said in a recent research note about Malaysia.

欧亚集团在最近的一份关于马来西亚的研究报告中说:“伊斯兰教的更保守的理解和关键的伊斯兰政党“泛马来西亚伊斯兰党” 在即将到来的选举中扮演着重要的角色。”



Dubbedthe “Sugar King of Asia”, Kuok became Malaysia’s richest man by expanding acommodities-based business to an international empire that includes theShangri-la hotel chain, plantations, property development and entertainment.


Hehas iconic status in the Malaysian Chinese community.


"Kuokis a successful man, and a true Malaysian," said 52-year-old Eric Hun at atea shop in Kuala Lumpur's Chinatown. "This kind of comment will win them(UMNO) the Malay votes in the kampung (village). That's all they want ... theystopped caring about us a long time ago."

“郭鹤年是一个成功的人,一个真正的马来西亚人,”52岁的埃里克·杭(Eric Hun)在吉隆坡唐人街的一家茶馆说。“这类评论将在甘榜(村庄)战胜他们(马来民族统一组织),赢得选票。这就是他们想要的……他们很久以前就不再关心我们了。”

EthnicChinese voted heavily for the opposition camp in the last election in 2013,handing the UMNO-led coalition its first-ever loss of the popular vote. Najibcalled it a "Chinese tsunami".


Twoyears later, thousands of UMNO supporters marched through Chinatown to supportNajib, and assert Malay political power threatening to burn down shops in aracially tinged rally that prompted blunt criticism from China's ambassador toMalaysia.


Withnational polls just months away, the attacks on Kuok has strained relationswith the Chinese party in Najib's ruling coalition, the Malaysian ChineseAssociation (MCA).


TheMCA has demanded an apology from Malay leaders who criticised Kuok.


"Rightnow we're on extreme ends, with the government on the extreme right and theopposition on the extreme left," said Kong Len Wei, youth leader at MCA,whose parliamentary seats halved to just seven in the last election.

“现在我们正处于极端,政府处于极右,而反对党则处于极左,”马来西亚华人协会的青年领袖孔仁伟(Kong Len Wei)说,该协会的议会席位在上次选举中仅同比减少了7个百分点。

Najibtried to calm tensions by saying later in the week that Kuok's success as anentrepreneur is an inspiration for other entrepreneurs to succeed. Thegovernment ordered the news blog that published reports on Kuok to pull downthe stories.


Oppositionparties, led by Chinese-based Democratic Action Party (DAP), have also rampedup the racial rhetoric.


"TheRobert Kuok incident is not an isolated incident," said DAP's NationalPolitical Education Director Liew Chin Tong.

“郭鹤年事件不是一个孤立的事件,” 华人民主行动党的国家政治教育主任刘镇东(Liew Chin Tong)说。

"Itis just another example of the past decade or so in which UMNO survives on manufacturingfear among Malays towards others, in the hope to consolidate Malay support forUMNO."


Najibis still widely expected to win the elections on the back of a rebound in theeconomy and the support of rural Malay voters. Parliament is also expected toapprove a periodic redrawing of electoral boundaries, which critics say wouldalso favour the ruling coalition.




Disillusionedethnic Chinese have been voting with their feet over the past two decades,migrating to neighbouring Singapore and Western countries in a troubling braindrain of talent and capital.


Atotal of 56,576 Malaysians gave up their citizenship between 2006 and 2016 withover 90 percent of them being ethnic-Chinese, Malaysia's Deputy Prime Ministersaid in parliament in 2016, The Star newspaper reported.


Thirty-oneyear old Oh, who stayed back in Melbourne after her graduation there said shewon't return to Malaysia unless meritocracy is restored.


"Itis the race-based policies that are causing a brain drain and holding back theadvancement of the nation," said Oh, who is a senior designer at aMelbourne-based architectural studio.


terminus20hours ago
Nooffence but is there any Malay who got rich without government's tongkatassistance?


Mickey14hours ago


ahmad18hours ago
Kannenacinababi become rich from bribery and illegal business.. nothing to be proudoff.. understand!! you stupid monkey..


Fook19hours ago
Thereare good and intelligent Malaysian Malays - the real Malays and not thePendatangs from Indonesia who are ruling the country. But the national policiesare making it extremely difficult for real talent to emerge from the Malaypopulation. If money talks, a smart Malay will join politics. He will then haveto talk stupid because Najib has made it clear that he does not want brains; heonly wants loyalty to him and him alone. And these are the people now rulingthe country. The rural folks have to be suppressed of knowledge. The end resultis that the Malay race will not progress and will always be behind the minorityraces. The minority races will either leave the country but with so stupid amajority, many will still stay to make a few bucks - the popular count is thatone minority feeds 4 majority ........ sigh. The cure? Out with BN. Out withUMNO. Out with politics messed up with religion. But OUT Najib and his cronies.


SLY20hours ago
andmost rich chinese businessmen admitted they wont become rich and may closetheir business without malay customers..fact


TheReal Sum Siew20 hours ago
Youmean like tycoon gangster kongsi gelap who got rich by bribing UMNgOk leaders?


D20hours ago
2sides of economy equation - over burden civil servants needs money from privatesectors to feed. Destroying private sectors will result in difficulty to feedso many mouths in civil services.


AGG20hours ago
Theruling party is just a bunch of corrupted thieves out to squeeze money from therich Chinese tycoons. Lazy, lack integrity and have no shame. Claiming creditfor others hard work. The rot starts with head of the party


lanun20hours ago
Whenumno's faults are exposed they become unruly.


james20hours ago
Malusiawon't change because the morons won't change as they get dedak from DUMNO informs of 13% discounts even if the property is 1 million and the minoritieshave to bear the brunt. Besides they get BR1M and other forms of help othersare not aware. Soon to be a failed state.


Fook19hours ago
Itis already a failed state


Khoo20hours ago
TypicalMalaysian politicians using the racial card to divide and rule... 60 yearsruling this country have made them a bunch of ingrates. The Government shouldalways be 'Beholden' to the People. Time to re-assert and re-affirm the rightsof the People. Time to Change.Time for Reforms. Should the Government of theday be unable to manage the country, we should 'Turf them out' too. HidupMalaysia! Ubah! Ubah! Ubah!


Anonymous20hours ago
Malaysmentality only can think for short term of success and not for long term. Thisis the race that can never go up further than other race due to lazy, mostlyjust praying to get subsidies from government and grant to succeed.


sumee20hours ago
Isall Malay lazy?how you define that...isnt this statement just like UMNO top


Yeoh19hours ago
Allthese dumno beggars and robbers had been over pampered until they totally can'tlive on their own. Originally, Robert Kwok , out of kind hearted and socialcommitment, gave them some shares to help them to improve their economy. Theybecame more and more lazy so much so they think that all the Chinese areobliged to feed them and they can just sit down and goyang bola and money willfall from the sky. Their greed grow and they non stop begging for easy money.When they can't get they money, they start to talk bad on R. Kwok. What a bigshame to all these dumnos.


jojo19hours ago
Thisis just another classic example of promoting racial hatred and condemningmeritocracy. There is nothing wrong with hard work and determination just likemany Chinese businessman not only in Malaysia but around the world. All we cando is to learn from them and not be envious of their success which does not comeovernight. If Malays can learn from these icons, why not?


Anonymous21hours ago
Obviouslysome people show their true colours. Cannot get rich because lack of brainusage and sense of entitlement then hate on others who do.


cassim17hours ago
Havebrains but very lazy to use it .


cassim17hours ago
Sayyour saying properly if not dont say .


TheReal Sum Siew20 hours ago
Chineseare famous as pirates n smugglers since Qin Dynasty


Fook19hours ago
SoBill Gates is also a #$%$? Unless that rich guy steals from the country, anyrich guy who works his socks off to become rich deserves to be rich. Green eyemonsters are all around - all you BN morons, go make a decent buck. BN moronsand supporters dread the day that BN will fall and that day will come. Themorons may survive but soon, their descendants will be beggars and theirchildren sent to China as Malaysian maids. They are digging the graves fortheir descendants. The minorities will always survive and they have been honedas real survivors.


sumee20hours ago
Peoplelike you that get majority of Neutral Malay go to UMNO side..you are as racistas UMNO just at the opposite group


citizen19hours ago
therogue UMNOputras want free money


KimFatt19 hours ago
Someumno leaders have been playing racist card for quite a long time. The p mfailed to control them . These umno are creating disharmony among the races allthese years. Umnoo is the source of racial polarisation. Sometimes they evenplay religious card to divide the citizens. Umnoo is the main cause of racialdisharmony. They take advantage of their majority to oppress and bully othersminority groups. It is v important that laws be drafted and passed to controlthese extremists


Andrew18hours ago
Whatis the point want government support and contract but he is not willing to workhard to make it success? There are many people who obtain government help andsupport but they are still a fail businessman after 30 years


Alice20hours ago
Wasn'tit attempt to grow racial divide? It failed tho'.


SarcasticBro19 hours ago
Umnoselling the country to china scumnos are dumb is in fighting chinese


TheReal Sum Siew20 hours ago
Whatsso special bout this bloody sial tax dodgers anyway?
Hehave ZERO loyalty to Malaysis. The fact that he prtmanenyly reside in HK andpaying tax to Commie China PRC, prove that thid backstabber Apek Kapir dexervedNO respect from Real Malaysian!!


MBBM12hours ago
Youare a Malay of lowest cast. I know and have friends of Malay origin, they arejust so friendly. Not like you>


@00718hours ago
Taxdodgers!!! There must be so many around in the country then. So they must allalso have no loyalty to the country!!!

逃税者! ! !在这个国家里肯定有很多这样的人。所以他们肯定对国家也没有忠诚!!

P19hours ago
Learnproper English first and maybe your fortune is equal to .0000001% of Kuokswealth. Otherwise try Najib's shortcut.


Coma20hours ago
Thetrouble with you people, and most people like you is that you just wait forgovernment's hand out,bonus, subsidy etc etc, you never work for it...now youblame Robert Kuok...he did not get his wealth through cheating, government'shelp...you only wait for the government to give you something...even if you pray50 times a day also won't work...it has been said, work until until sweat ofblood comes out to eke out a living...look t yourself in the mirror everymorning and say to yourself, am I qualified to blame or bad mouthed RobertKuok...


cassim17hours ago
Justbecause of some percentage of lazy , greedy and corrupted malays , the rest getscrewed. In Chinese , Indians and east Malaysians we have such people too.


Cire18hours ago
Thispiece of reporting appears to paint the people of Malaysia as in a racial chaosand in disarray. Bigots officials have now and then belittled successfulMalaysians of all races for political mileage which Malaysians is accustomedto. Its not a big deal, and its not representative of the larger community ofMalaysia. The latest burst on a prominent business tycoon was a follow-up tothe country's premier rhetoric speech was a campaign-like speech he had with acluster of audiences. As with Malaysian politics, there will be some littlenapoleons stepping up to earn some brownies points by fanning racialsentiments. Majority of Malaysians of all races are not in discord or racist.By large, they lived in harmony and go about their own businesses like usual.They know better not to mix race based issues in politics. Please be neutral inthe reporting.


Perawi18hours ago
UMNOwarlords beating the war drums but the peons on the ground hardly notice it.


cassim17hours ago
Comeon guys this kind of discrimination happens all over the world , in USA theysee your descendants are from which part of Europe , Australia too very racial, they threw out books of Chinese students in a few university , India job givenaccording to cast , a few percent of injustices happens every ,so does inMalaysia , a little more than other countries , as some malays became fanatics.


True1hour ago
Thecountry will be a better place if PRC @ Pariah Racist Communist don't existthis is due to their GREED. The want to copy the western countries and by learnfirst than betray policy. If they stop making Mandarin as the minimumrequirements in private sectors in order to make sure only their race is givenopportunity either for job or business.


Zaidi20hours ago
IfI'm a Chinese I will emigrate to other countries. Why stay and be trampled andbe called immigrants, second class citizen and many other things. I won't takeit, better I move to another country. I don't have deep connection here, all isin China so I can move anywhere in the world and go back to China to visitancestors grave, that's if I a Chinese. We only live in this world once andsurely we want to be happy and prosperous. I got Chinese friends living in Australiaand Canada now and a very happy there. They said to me If they know that theywill be happy elsewhere the emigrate long time ago when they are much moreyounger. So the advice to me sincerely to the Chinese out there search forhappiness and prosperity, if you cannot find it here God's world are big, it'sno use complaining as we only live in this world once.


henry18hours ago
Zaidirich Malays now are also immigrating like the retired Sarawak Chief
MinistersTaib daughter immigrating to Canada with a Canadian husband.


ahmad1hour ago
Chineseonly gain money from bribery n illegal business.. so what to be proud off??


GoGoogle!3 hours ago
Nota surprise for chinese people n malaysia to have the ambition to governing thecountry for they have the resources, big money and right now monopoly theeconomy and everything in this country. With the weakness of the other races, Icannot blame the Chinese if they want to rule the country!


Han9minutes ago
Thisguy's article is contradicting himself and only making sensational points.First he said that the indigenous people make up 69% and then he claim thatUMNO lost the popular vote because Chinese voted opposition. Hello, how canUMNO lose the popular vote if a mere 23% Chinese citizens voting opposition?You should also point out UMNO also lost a sizeable chunk of the Malay votes.Don't just try to make sensational news about racial divide.
