你不能错过的中国军力报告 [美国媒体]

OK, 美中经济安全审查委员会出了一份厚实的631页的年度报告,你可能不能很快地阅读完。但是,对于像我们一样想要得到最新的中国军事的公开材料的人来说,似乎有几个重要的数据点值得寻找。

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Okay, so coming in at a beefy 631 pages, the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s (USCC) annual report might not exactly be a light read. However, for those of us on the hunt for the latest non-classified, open-source material on China’s military there appear to be several important data points worth seeking out.

OK, 美中经济安全审查委员会出了一份厚实的631页的年度报告,你可能不能很快地阅读完。但是,对于像我们一样想要得到最新的中国军事的公开材料的人来说,似乎有几个重要的数据点值得寻找。


Potarick • 2 days ago
With 1.3 billion humans to protect from a swooping eagle that has left its homeland feeding grounds to perch on others sovereign territories, the Chinese have little choice but to fatten their dragonS. The Russians are trying to send ISIS and its sidekicks into a black hole, yet the wolves-in-sheep's-clothing are using the usual stealth and redundant FOXY-proxies to protect their terrorism interest. So the Chinese will form an unholy military and economic alliance with Russia, not out of bedroom-friendship, but rather on account of sheer necessity. Washington is self-destructing at the rate of two foreign policy blunder at a time, and its post war allies are slowly becoming alLies!


Gatteo  Potarick • 19 hours ago
Look that in full dictatorship the PLA is at direct control/defense on only the CCP members, the citizens are completely expendable~



Potarick  Gatteo • 18 hours ago
Honestly, I strongly believe that the Chinese community in general is far more patriotic and closely knitted than we are being 'CNNed' to believe. Yes, their leadership has made some terrible decisions in the dark past, but so did every other country..small and great.


The Chinese are destined for greatness, and we start learning the very basics of Mandarin. As a matter of fact, we should begin familiarizing ourselves with the look and feel of the Yuan, as it is coming to our banks soon and very soon. Amen. :-)


Shooi Dan Tom • a day ago
With all these bombings and killings going on, people are worrying about China. Wait until
China is radicalized and becomes more like IS. Instead of 1 bombing every few weeks there could be 50 bombings everyday. 100 million of Chinese could be refugeeing to 
Europe, US,.......... Think about that. You are now concerned about going to concerts,
sporting events.................................. You are now spending half of day getting checked
at the airports, court houses,......................... You might not want to get out of your
house when we start believing in something. Leave us alone. We are just a 3rd world 
country trying to defend ourselves against invasion from Britain, US, Portugal, Russia,
Japan, Germany, France.................. by building and buying the best weapon we can.
Can you fault us for that??????



Alejandro  Shooi Dan Tom • 21 hours ago
A typical paranoid. LOL invading by what? the last time I checked is that your country is the one who building a military installing from out of the blue inside the other country's exclusive economic zone, Stationing a coast guard vessel inside the other country eez and chasing its people out of that area. Yeah your right China is more like becomes IS except for the towel head.


Shooi Dan Tom  Alejandro • 12 hours ago
It s better to be paranoid and safe. You do what you want; we will
do what we want. Please don t offend our muslim brothers. You
use your towel your way; let others use their towels their way. 
These countries have invaded China: US, Portugal, Britain, Japan,
Russia, Australia, New Zealand.



Elvis • 2 days ago
I've read those annual reports before but this one doesn't seem to have anything new if the summary by Mr. Kazianis is accurate. All the points made were covered in previous reports not to mention studies by the Rand Corporation & the CSBA, declassified reports by the US Navy & Pentagon, and the Eastern Arsenal blog by P.W. Singer (author of Ghost Fleet).

我之前读过那些年报,但如果kazianis先生的总结准确的话,这篇并没有什么新的东西。以前的报告覆盖了所有这篇的观点,更不用说由兰德公司和CSBA的研究,美国海军和五角大厦的公开报告,以及P.W. Singer (幽灵舰队作者)的“东方兵工厂”博客了。

Swiftright Right  Elvis • 2 days ago
I was hoping to read that they where spliting their conventional ballistic attack from the second artillery corps. Having conventional forces that intertwined with their nuclear forces is dangerous.
Over all its seems rather ho hum. Eventually I'll Wade into it but to be honest I think the trade chapters will be far more relivent to the potential for conflict.



TDog • 2 days ago
A lot of flawed analysis based entirely upon hawkish day dreams of war with China...
For one thing, China has an openly stated no first use policy of nuclear weapons. Furthermore, the use of AIP and stealth in their subs and fighters respectively is nothing new or even all that threatening. Submarines are a problem, but only if we intend to use our navy to coerce, intimidate, or otherwise threaten China. I know an awful lot of folks proudly thumped their chests when US carriers got China to "back down" in times past, but that time is past - get over it.
As for China's stealth, a whopping 20 planes by 2024? Ooh... pinch me. Why, that would mean they were only outnumbered twenty to one! How oh how will we ever survive?
I'd yawn or laugh if this wasn't the caliber of echo chamber nonsense Congress hears on a daily basis to help formulate and enact foreign policy. The rank alarmist hyperbole in this makes me wonder why so many folks want war with China so badly. Perhaps the non-victories in Iraq and Afghanistan got them to hoping that the third time's the charm...



Swiftright Right  TDog • a day ago
I agree with most of what your saying Tdog but China's official No First Use policy is shot full of unless's, exceptions and statements reserving the right to change policy at any time as China's needs evolve. It's also out of step with China's SAC literature.
I don't begrudge china its deternt but the reality of dealing with a nuclear power be it china, America Russia GB or France is that they can nuke you at anytime for any reason as they seem fit.



TDog  Swiftright Right • a day ago
While that is true, one has to look at how consistent China has been with its policies. Thus far they have been very scrupulous in their adherence to what they view to be their core policy statements, foremost among them non-interference in domestic affairs and no first use - neither of which have been breached as far as I can tell.
So while assuming the worst can be construed as prudent, it's also a really good way to engage in self-fulfilling prophecies. There is such a thing as being paranoid, after all. For example, here in the US we have concealed carry licenses that allow private citizens to carry handguns. If I take the capacity to carry a handgun to mean the likelihood that it will be used against me and react "defensively" to all comers by attacking anyone I know has a handgun, then not only have I gone beyond self defense, I have made a situation that could get out of hand definitely get out of hand.
That's why policies are stated - to keep situations from getting out of hand. The failing here is not that China could change their policy, but that we assume they will and act accordingly.
TDog回复Swiftright Right:




Justanotherviewer • 2 days ago
While the author does hit most of the most important milestones. Most of this is yesterday's news rather than "breakingly fresh". The best the US can do is to plan accordingly.


Anthony Papagallo • a day ago
When Custer was having his genitals cut off and shoved down his throat by the Cheyenne and Sioux indians at Little Big Horn Chinese culture was already two thousand years old.
I dont think they are going to roll over and let America screw them seven ways from sunday without making them bleed.


译注:卡斯特州(Custer)又名南达科他州,小巨角河(Little Big Horn,又译作小大角河、小大霍恩河)流经此州。1876年,在达科他州爆发了小巨角河战役,号称是史上“最惨烈的”美军与印第安人之间的战役,其中原住民一方就包括了夏延族(或译作夏安族)和苏族。


Island_Boi  Anthony Papagallo • a day ago
While China may be far older than the USA, it is a fact they were far more backwards. From humble beginnings around the mid 1400s, in about 500 years the USA developed the technology to land men on the moon multiple times and return them to earth. Chinese technology? Didn't really exist.
Meanwhile China was doing what? Horse drawn carts, ancient and transportation farming methods, backwards in so many areas.
During WWII in the 40s the Chinese were in awe of the USA's military power. Able to project so much power away from our country. Fast forward to today, over 50 years later, China still has far less capability than the US Navy had. Not a whole lot of progress.
Lets also not forget the entire Chinese military is rookie from the top down. No credible, real world combat experience. Basically boys with shiny new toys. And we all know how boys will break those toys.

