中国飞机在美国飞机附近进行了危险的动作 [美国媒体]


Chineseaircraft performed 'unsafe' maneuver near U.S. plane: Pentagon


WASHINGTON(Reuters) - A Chinese aircraft performed an unsafe maneuver during an airintercept of a U.S. spy plane last week, a Pentagon spokesman said on Tuesday,an incident revealed just as Chinese President Xi Jinping kicks off a week-longU.S. visit.


Theintercept occurred on Sept. 15, about 80 miles east of the Shandong peninsulain the Yellow Sea and involved an American RC-135 reconnaissance plane, saidPeter Cook, the Pentagon spokesman.


Trustfunded12 hours ago
SpyPlanes would be shot down if they flew over America.
MaybeChina out to start applying US tactics to all spy planes.


Ricardo 2hours ago
Thechinese military especially their airforce has never been in an air war.Mostprobably all they have are practice and classroom training. In case of anactual air combat maybe hope they will live up to their billing as they areshowing now but it's very doubtful.


Jim 2hours ago
Are thereactually some kind of formal rules that you can't buzz the h____ out of a spyplane coming way too close to your territory, or is it just another made-up"do as we say" US assertion? If the US is going to insist on stayingright up in everybody's face in its never-ending quest for world domination (wesure are looking hard for a big war), I wouldn't blame the target countries ifthey cruised a fighter right down on top of the US spy plane and fired a fewmissiles past the windshield to show the US crew what an aggressive maneuverlooks like.


Dave 3hours ago
LOL Iwonder what we would do if Chinese or Russian spy planes were flying 80 mileoff California coastline.


Tim 3hours ago
Well I amnot surprised at all. They will always performed 'unsafe' if we fly over theirterritorial space.


Donald C 1 hour ago
It wasn'ta spy plane, its a recon plane, big difference..if it was a SPY plane, itwouldn't have been reported. China has the attitude of the littlebrother...they want everyone to see them...and they want people to realize theyare a big player in the world. They are not They are copy's. If they are leftto be original, and create things, including jobs, on their own, the countrywould be at Civil War in 2 years. China is and always will be a feudal society.Chinese people, for the most part are secretive and throughout my years ofresearch I have found that they cant work together to do anything. The US'splight is that we are indebted to them, financially and cant just run away.However the US should quickly lessen its ties with this country and let iterode from within. China is pushing its young people to think that being inChina is the reason for their success...I feel that most Chinese people do notfeel they are successful, unless they can move to another country. Chinese hascapitalism, but its at the federal and provincial levels. China is a tickingtime bomb, and speaking in communist terms, the big fish is ready to eat again.Communism is Cyclical in Nature, and the 5% of the population that arecommunist will reap the rewards of the country no matter what.


BarackHussein Obama Is A Jack Off 1 hour ago
The USneeds to get serious. Obama is a complete and utter coward. The US holds allthe cards with this upcoming visit, ALL of the cards. China is a decliningcountry and is not coming back from this. The US is stable and still by far theworld's hegemon. Obama should sit this guy down and just tell him the way itsgoing to be. I have never seen a world power act like they are NOT the worldpower, constantly being scared of everyone and anything. Seriously, what isObama waiting for? And people wonder why a looney like Trump can get so muchsupport; because people are sick and tired of this clown.


loli 2hours ago
What acrybaby US pilot. ABC News reported the jet was 500 ft from the US plane. 500ftis ten big city lot width, more than one city block.


tim 2hours ago
Ok I'msick of relpearing myself on ridiculous comments on here. The U.S. Is flying ininternational waters NOT Chinese sovereign ground. Russian bombers recentlyflew near the coasts of Alaska and California and we(the U.s.) didn't act likelittle girls. The u.s.s and anyone else can travel through these areas becausethey are considered neutral ground. Just because Chinese give says otherwisedoesn't make it so!


jing wu 1hour ago
USAshould not get close to other cost line 200 miles. it is too sensitive. howmuch USa allow others?


Tom 2 hoursago
Theincident happened just 80 miles east of the Chinese province of Shandong , nearBeijing and Tienjin in the Bohai Sea area . . The presence of a modernreconnaisance plane is obusely a provocation in order to derail the state visitof China's president to the US . The ploy is old and shows lack of disciplineand foresight of whoever has isuued the reconnaisance order . The flight wasamateurish and was met with equally amateurish figher pilot. However theincident can never happen in Am,erica within America's turf.


Lou 2hours ago
I seeanother incident like the Hainan Island incident of 2001 happening soon. AChinese pilot crashed into a US aircraft and the Chinese pilot died. Theyblamed it on us even though we were flying in a straight line and the Chinamanwas doing irresponsible stunts. The Chinese never take responsibility for theirignorance and stupidity. Very child like


Rob 1hour ago
TheAmerican economy is picking up speed while the Chinese economy is slowing. Americastill maintains the most powerful military and economy in the world. Now may bethe time to reverse the tide as Reagan did with the former Soviet Union. I'mnot saying we should start a war or engage in any type of hostile actions.Rather, let's take advantage of our economic strength. We can begin byrecalling jobs lost to China back to the US. Of course, to make this happen ourcorporate and government leaders must have the will to do what is best for thecountry and the American people. Unfortunately, this is an area where China hasa clear advantage.

