Chinese mine boss drowns himself after deadlycollapse
BEIJING (AP) -- The owner of a Chinese gypsum mine drowned Sunday afterjumping into a well in an apparent suicide during rescue efforts for 17 workersstill trapped two days after the mine collapsed and killed one person, statemedia said.
Marisa 29 minutes ago
The reason so many chinese commit suicidein china is because of the justice system. He knew that he would be beat up andtortured by the police at the behest of the government, and then thrown in jailand starved to death. It is far easier in china to just avoid all that and justkill yourself when you are about to face the justice system. It is becausechina is a barbaric place for all its history. Don't be fooled by how they dresslike westerners.
ME 3hours ago
The honorable captain went down with thehis ship.
Mike 1hour ago
I will definitely copy and paste thisarticle to my fiance who lives in Shenzhen.
intel 6minutes ago
If Obama bowed deep enough to apologize hewould have to reach up to tie his shoe strings.
Mike D 1hour ago
Too bad the EPA head just made excuses forthe mine flood.
Tim 2hours ago
I wonder if he really "jumped" ornot. Jumping into a well wouldn't necessarily be an immediate death either. Ifyou didn't hit the bottom, you might float for a while. But if the people whosaw you jump didn't give you a rope to pull yourself up with...
bill d 21hours ago
Economic growth at any cost is expensive.That being said, I hope the trapped individuals are rescued quickly
El Gabriel 5 hours ago
Same action I would expect those guys onwall street to take in times economic downturn.
ZoraJ 1hour ago
Could you imagine that people in charge ofcompanies here in the USwere held accountable for the their actions in a similar way? Bank CEOs heldaccountable for the damage that their companies did to individual home ownersand such as that?
The Truth Hurts. 5 hours ago
Just think for a moment, what if the CEO'sof American followed this type of tradition. America's corporations would neednew CEO's monthly for wronging the public.
Danilo 4hours ago
The person is honestly remorseful. Now, ifthat happened here in the US,the " boss " will hire some high powered lawyer so he can weasel hisway out. And he will.
SAM 3hours ago
A CEO in America would never do this. Hewould keep making his millions and blame it on someone else or keep quiet.
Yuengling 1 hour ago
If it was in America, the boss will get a nicepackage from the insurance company. He will also hire a good lawyer to makehimself out of any responsibility. The victims' family may get somecompensation from the insurance company, like 50k funeral service fee.
A?=D011AR 5 hours ago
That is not necessary. See former bosses ofJP Morgan, AIG, Bank of American, even Bush and Clinton,,, all lives like kings.
Display Name 5 hours ago
This man may have been responsible to someextent for the mine tragedy, but he did have honor. Not only did he killhimself, but he killed himself in a way that inflicted the same type of horroron himself that the mine workers went through. He jumped deep into the ground.Not a coincidence I think. RIP
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...