美国2019年国防预算节选之二:建设更具杀伤力的部队 [美国媒体]


U.S. Department of Defense Fiscal Year 2019 Defense Budget 


The surest way to prevent war is to be prepared to win one. Doing so requires a competitive approach to force development and a consistent, multiyear investment to restore warfighting readiness and field a more lethal, resilient, and agile force. The DoD aim is a Joint Force that possesses decisive advantages for key potential warfights, while remaining proficient across the entire spectrum of conflict.


Achieving peace through strength requires the Joint Force to deter conflict through preparedness for war. During normal day-to-day operations, the Joint Force will compete to: deter aggression in three key regions—the Indo-Pacific, Europe, and Middle East; degrade terrorist and Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) threats; and defend U.S. interests from challenges below the level of armed conflict. In wartime, the fully mobilized Joint Force will be capable of: defeating aggression by a major power; deterring opportunistic aggression elsewhere; and disrupting imminent terrorist and WMD threats. During peace or in war, the Joint Force will deter nuclear and non-nuclear strategic attacks and defend the homeland. To support these missions, the Joint Force must gain and maintain information superiority; and develop, strengthen, and sustain U.S. security relationships.


Lethal. Destroy massed enemy forces in contested domains from the outset of conflict.
Resilient. Sustain operations while under sophisticated multi-domain attacks.
Agile. Move quickly and unpredictably.
Ready. Fight on short or no notice.


Recognizing the persistent nature of terrorist threats, the Joint Force must also be able to operate cost-effectively against less sophisticated threats. To achieve these goals, the DoD must invest in redesigning the Joint Force through modernized force structure – i.e., capable capacity – for contested domains. This endeavor will require sustained, predictable budgets. The 2018 National Defense Strategy is the driving logic behind DoD’s planned FY 2019-FY 2023 program, accelerating its priority capability investments in a sustained effort to solidify DoD’s competitive


1. Nuclear forces. The Department will modernize the nuclear triad—including nuclear command, control, and communications, and supporting infrastructure. Modernization of the nuclear force includes developing options to counter competitors’ coercive strategies, predicated on the threatened use of nuclear or strategic non-nuclear attacks.


2. Space and cyberspace as warfighting domains. The Department will prioritize investments in resilience, reconstitution, and operations to ensure the Joint Force’s ability to use space and cyberspace, even while under sophisticated multi-domain attacks. The DoD will also invest in a full suite of cyber capabilities and integrate these into DoD’s military planning and concept development. These investments will contribute to deterrence by denying potential adversaries an advantage from attacking United States space and cyberspace assets.


3. Command, control, communications, computers and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR). Investments will prioritize resilient, survivable, federated networks and information ecosystems from the tactical up to the strategic level. Investments will also prioritize capabilities to gain and exploit information, deny competitors those same advantages, and enable the DoD to attribute non-kinetic attacks and to hold accountable adversaries attempting to exploit deniability.


4. Missile defense. Investments will focus on layered missile defenses and disruptive capabilities for both theater missile threats and North Korean ballistic missile threats. In particular, the Department will seek holistic, cost-effective solutions to countering the threat posed by competitors’ missile systems.


5. Joint lethality in contested environments. The Joint Force will be able to strike diverse targets inside highly contested environments to destroy mobile power-projection platforms from the outset of a conflict. This includes capabilities to enhance close combat lethality in complex terrain. Particular focus will be placed on munitions, to include building stockpiles of current munitions, modifying current weapons for future conflicts, and developing future systems to ensure lasting advantage.



6. Forward force maneuver and posture resilience. Investments will prioritize ground, air, sea, and space forces that can deploy, operate, and sustain operations in all domains while under attack. This will require transitioning from a peacetime posture of large, centralized, unhardened infrastructure to resilient, dispersed, smaller, adaptive basing protected by active and passive defenses.



7. Advanced autonomous systems. The Department will invest broadly in military application of autonomy and artificial intelligence, including rapid application of commercial breakthroughs, to gain competitive military advantages.


8. Resilient and agile logistics. Investments will prioritize prepositioned forward stocks and munitions, strategic mobility assets, partner and allied support, as well as non-commercially dependent distributed logistics and maintenance to ensure logistics sustainment while under persistent multi-domain attack.

