毕马威《2018年全球技术创新报告》:印度排名第三,在美国中国之后 [美国媒体]


India ranks third after the US and China as the Top Global Tech Innovation Leader


US ranked on the top, followed by China and India as the leaders of tech innovation, while Shanghai, Tokyo, London, and New York are seen as leading tech hubs outside Silicon Valley/San Francisco, in a report released on March 28 by KPMG.


注释:硅谷(Silicon Valley),位于美国加利福尼亚州北部、旧金山湾区南部,硅谷的主要部分位于旧金山半岛南端的圣塔克拉拉县。

The recent report was released by KPMG after its tech innovation survey, now in its sixth year and conducted from November to December. The report looks at the global leaders in tech innovation, which included countries, companies, and leaders. It also talks about who and what is driving tech innovation in the companies.


Tech innovation: India ranks third
13 percent of global technology industry leaders indicated India’s potential for tech breakthroughs, which is great news. According to the report, what has worked in India’s favour is that “India has prioritised government support for entrepreneurship and a burgeoning culture of innovation. Many start-up business models are leveraging emerging technologies to cater to India’s mobile-first generation”.



“Start-ups are at the core of India’s transition journey towards becoming a leading innovation hub in the world. With the young and dynamic pool of entrepreneurs and skilled workforce, India is likely to become a focal point to generate innovative ideas in the near future,” says Akhilesh Tuteja, Head of Technology, KPMG in India.

毕马威在印度的技术负责人Akhilesh Tuteja表示,“初创企业是印度迈向世界领先创新中心转型之路的核心。通过年轻活跃的企业家和技术工人,印度很可能在不久的将来成为创新理念产生的中心。”

The US continues to maintain its ranking at 34 percent, in fact showing more growth vis-a-vis last year, and is closely followed by China. In the US, according to the report, the momentum of innovation continues as other cities try to duplicate Silicon Valley success. “In addition, market cap technology companies are spreading the headquarters and operations across many US hubs, feeding economic growth opportunities and the creation of a more diverse innovation ecosystem,” states the report.



China has 26 percent of the votes, with the tech companies of China leaving no stone unturned to develop products and services for a tech-savvy Chinese market. According to the report, “In China, the government-industry collaboration, the aggressive investment of tech giants in start-ups, and massive addressable markets are fostering innovation.”


After India, the United Kingdom – with Japan – stands at 6 percent votes. The former has seen a drop when compared to last year’s data, while the latter continues to show its tech acumen with its current ranking.


Leading tech hubs: Bengaluru in top 10
The report states that after Silicon Valley/San Francisco, there is competition among cities to become leading tech hubs in the next four years. Shanghai and Tokyo lead in the race, followed by London and New York (both ranked third) followed by Beijing, Singapore, and Seoul. Bengaluru and Tel Aviv, along with Berlin, close the top 10.


According to the Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2017 by Startup Genome in collaboration with organisations like Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN), Crunchbase, and Orb Intelligence, Bengaluru holds the top position in tech hubs in India. However, when pitted against other global players in the ecosystem, it drops to rank 20.

根据Startup Genome公司与其他一些公司合作发布的《2017年全球创业生态系统报告》表明,班加罗尔是印度科技城市中的领头羊。然而,当与生态系统中的其他全球对手竞争时,它的排名下降到了第20位。

With Bengaluru having been dubbed as the Silicon Valley of India and as one of the major startup hubs in the country, will the city – with its high traffic volume and low infrastructure – be able to deliver on expectations? Given that government support and encouragement to startups continues, India has the potential to move forward, even if it is a long way from overtaking the US or China.


I'm very surprised, but also very pleased.


Seriously. I would've expected UK or France or something


I guess pessimism is just inherent lol but I'll definitely look into this, cause I still can't believe it haha
Edit: OK I didn't read this the first time, but it seems it's based on survey results from "nearly 800 technology industry leaders globally".


India ranked ahead of UK and Japan, this survey done by KPMG. Also Bangalore is ranked 8 in the tech hub ranking lead by San Francisco


Damn, I just realized we think of India to be in such a deplorable position that we actually find it hard to believe if we read something positive about it.


This is weird.
On one hand we have a fine technological lead over many countries.
On the other hand we can't even provide basic infrastructure in the cities and towns.
