中美相争,他国得利 [美国媒体]


In attempting to punish China for its trade practices, President Donald Trump may open the door for other countries to grab U.S. market share, including Mexico and Japan, which he has also targeted with sharp trade rhetoric.


According to detailed U.S. import data those nations are among the top alternate suppliers of some 1,300 product lines due to be hit with a 25 percent tariff if they are imported from China, and the possible winners of such an abrupt shift in relative prices.


Mexico already ships about $6 billion of flat-screen televisions to the United States, about twice that of China, while Thailand's $3.5 billion in hard disk drive exports to the United States is about four times that of China.Japan, Malaysia and Vietnam are all rivals in the market for printer parts.


Shifts to those and other countries won’t happen overnight. The list of hundreds of goods Trump wants to tax is subject to appeal and could be withdrawn if, as some analysts suspect, the aim is to reach a negotiated settlement with China over broader trade issues.


According to U.S. census data, despite some high-profile items, like televisions, the list seemed tilted toward goods with less Chinese market penetration. However research firm Panjiva noted that in some cases, such as thermostats, China supplies in excess of 40 percent of U.S. imports, with alternatives perhaps less available.


Every republican administration since Reagan has tanked our economy. Trump has done it in record time.
When will people learn.


President Obama handed tRump a gift when he left (lowest unemployment 4.6 percent and record high DOW 19,750), he is on his way to squander it just like GW Bush did. Senior citizens, if you haven't moved your investments to a stable fund, you might not be able to recover your losses after tRump's meltdown, this is going to be worse than 2008. tRump will blame Obama for this one too...


Trump's actions will hurt the pocketbook of many Americans. I just hope many of those were the Trump supporters.


Howard E
First thing that you need to understand . . .
A trade imbalance is NOT, repeat NOT necessarily a bad thing. I have a large trade deficit with my local supermarket and that's OK. The technical explanations take much longer, but understand that this is something that is NOT controversial among economists. There is no Right/Left thing here. Just a right/wrong thing.


This is why I only invest in crypto currency.


If the US can produce more of what we consume we could be on the verge of a new Golden Era of prosperity and employment for all those that seek it.


Yes, we tried that. us produced junk and unreliable products... that's why Germans and Asians killed us


I’m a Chinese, I don’t want a trade war with you because it’s benefits us,too. Let me explain this:The 100$ iPhone “make in China” sell to other countries, we only keep 2$for the workers,the rest goes to some Korean or Americans poke,even the factories move back to US,it only move 2$from China worker to US worker,not 100$.but it did even the trade Deficit.and if bean from other country, the billions will move from Americans farmers to other country’s farmers, am I right?


We could make everything here but it's not about doing it here as capitalists only want high profit and lowest costs. That's the real problem in this country.


Exactly! By placing tariffs on imported goods, Made In USA goods become relatively cheaper and the capitalists start allocating their investments to U.S. manufacturing.


This is a change of status quo in world trade by the US.


That is obvious, but what are you getting at.


In the end, US gets a bigger trade deficit thanks to the trade war.


China has been conducting a trade war against America for decades. Time to admit it and put a stop to it. Let's just see who is more powerful, the Chinese Communist Party or the American citizen. How about we stand up for ourselves. Boycott "made in China" products on April 15th. Pass the word.


Bill I wonder where your white T-shirt is made from?


Throw everything in your apt made in China for good, then? Hypocricy might be problem here, LOL


One should go to any port on the west coast and watch those huge container ships come in stacked up 60 feet high on the deck alone, then unload and head back to China or any Asian county empty. Then you get an idea of why we need this.


I have been saying other countries are going to benefit from the trade between the US and China. Farmers should be glad for trade war with China. Keep the pressure on Beijing forever. Let Russia help them.


Breaking News you have heard about.. The U.S. economy grew at a solid 2.9 percent annual rate in the final three months of last year, a sharp upward revision that caps three quarters of the fastest growth in more than a decade. The Trump administration is hoping the economy will accelerate further this year, aided by sizable tax cuts and increased government spending.


The gross domestic product, the country's total output of goods and services, grew at a faster clip than its previous estimate of 2.5 percent, the Commerce Department reported Wednesday.


Theo the Cat
I totally support this --- BUT QUIT HAMMERING ON NAFTA AND JAPANESE TRADE AS WELL. The reason we have trade deficits with Mexico and Japan is because they have less people and in the case of Mexico, poorer people. Embrace NAFTA and start moving manufacturing there instead of China -- it is even cheaper now to manufacture in Mexico than China and the shipping is less. Oh, and the language is easier, and for you Evangelicals-- they are even Christian.

