眼下的贸易战能推迟中国制造具有竞争力的宽体客机那一天的到来吗? [美国媒体]


Can a tradewar now defer the day when China makes competitive wide-body jets?


One of thestated aims of the Trump trade sanctions is to get China to respect USintellectual property protection.


Many U.S. firms have been willing to transfertechnology in return for access to China’s labor and consumer markets.


US sanctions did hurt ZTE.


Most companies are not as protective as SpaceXabout innovation and are not making as much innovation


In 2012, Elon Musk said SpaceX did not have anyinterest in holding patents. A “We have essentially no patents in SpaceX,” Musktold Wired . “Our primary long-term competition is in China-if we publishedpatents, it would be farcical, because the Chinese would just use them as arecipe book.”

2012年,Elon Musk说SpaceX没兴趣持有专利。“SpaceX中基本上没有专利。”Musk对《连线》杂志说:“我们的长期竞争对手在中国——如果我们公布专利,就太可笑了,因为中国人用起我们的专利就像用菜谱一样。”

US andEurope have competitive passenger jets


Since both Europe and the US both havecompetitive passenger jets, it seems that China and Russia know exactly wherethey need to improve in engines and materials to make a competitive passengerjet.

Europe was able to catch up to Boeing with theAirbus project so there it seems reasonable that China and Russia will succeedwith their $20 billion project to develop competitive passenger jets.


Chinaand Russia have $20 billion project to crack the passenger jet market


China, Russia and some western suppliers areteaming up on a $20 billion project to replicate the success of Airbus andachieve a major breakthrough into the passenger jet market.


The China-Russia Commercial AircraftInternational Corporation Limited (CRAIC) 50-50 joint venture was launched onMay 22, 2017 in Shanghai, targeting a 2025-2028 maiden flight and firstdelivery. It aims to take 10% of a market dominated by Boeing and Airbus of9,100 widebodies over 20 years through 2035, with a plane 10-15% cheaper torun. Based in Shanghai where the assembly line will be located, CRAIC willoversee the programme : technology development, manufacturing, marketing,sales, customer services, and programme management. The fuselage will bealuminum, total investment will be $13-20 billion.


Airbus is a European joint venture which tookbillions in funding to capture about 10-20% of the passenger jet market overthe first twenty years before breaking through to get about 50% of the market.


For 2023–45, UAC and Comac forecast a 7,000widebodies demand for $1.5 trillion – an average of $214 million, their goalfor first delivery is 2027. The 280 passengers capacity over 12,000 km iscomparable to the Airbus A330-900 but with a nine-abreast economy seating, theshrink would seat 230 while the stretch 320.


china's civilaviation industry is far far behind


the fastest way for them to catch up is the demands to build in china whichlets them steal


exactly, Ithink the question of the article title would be....CAN China build a wide bodyjet that anyone would want to buy? These things have to bear as near flawlessas one can get because of the sheer amount of use they get. Shoddy constructionor lax material standards and service will just result in deaths and sour thebuying relationship. 

Likewise, China seems to be betting on slow landlocked train travel as itsmeans to mobility. So even China doesn't seem to have much faith in an airline industry.



3楼Mark Stewart
Brazil makepassenger jets so I would assume that China eventually will. Just know thatthere are economical traps waiting for the Chinese. There is the middle incometrap. And then the Japanese real estate trap and the Japanese too much of myeconomy depends on export trap. Then there is the regular business cycle traps.And the most of my population are seniors trap. And the Communist party isafraid of losing power trap. And of course there is the usual trap of theChinese turning inward at the cusp of world domination trap.


riff_raff99 回复Mark Stewart
Ifestablished OEMs like McDonnell-Douglas and Lockheed could not remaincompetitive in the wide-body commercial aircraft market, what makes you thinkChinese companies would fare any better?


Deserttrek回复Mark Stewart
Embraer isnow partnering with Boeing. Boeing does not make regional jets and Embraer is agood fit for marketing and development


4楼Luca Mazza
Chinais already selling their C919 jet to customers now , we do notneee to wait until 2020s. I think the main issue here is that the turbine motoris still GE made when they will be able to develop their own they will be ableto sell to Iran as well. Cant wait !


Deserttrek回复Luca Mazza
the customersare Chinese carriers who are mandated to by an amout


Luca Mazza回复Deserttrek
until chinamake their own


Jim回复Luca Mazza
You might beable to produce more sophisticated aircraft sooner. It all depends on whenyou'll be able to steal the technology.


Luca Mazza回复Jim
We will tryour best t to do it as soon as we can dude


We have lawsforbidding companies from bribing in international trade. Chinese forced IP transfersare a form of bribery. The prosecutions should start, immediately.


Joe Wong 回复WarrenTheApe
There is noprosecution, it proves the forced IP transfers is fabricated allegation justlike fabricated phantom WMD allegation against Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi.American is liar.


WarrenTheApe回复Joe Wong
Keep it up,wu mau!


To the extentthat the Chinese government funds development of competitive wide body jets,the flying public benefits.


However, to the extent that Western companies cooperate with the Chinese intransferring technology, they are being foolish. In the long run, China's goalis to do it all

