为了避免特朗普灾难性的贸易战,有三件事需要解决。唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在与中国的贸易战中加大了筹码,威胁要在首轮500亿美元的基础上再增加1000亿美元的关税。在这样做的时候,特朗普政府没有意识到一个关键的现实:美国需要中国,而不是中国需要美国。
U.S. Needs China More Than China Needs the U.S.
To avoid Trump's disastrous trade war, three things need to be addressed.
Not one to be outdone by any adversary, Donald Trump has upped the ante in a rapidly escalating trade war with China, threatening an additional $100 billion of tariffs on top of the initial round of $50 billion. In doing so, the Trump administration is failing to appreciate a crucial reality: The United States needs China more than China needs the U.S.
唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)在与中国的贸易战中加大了筹码,威胁要在首轮500亿美元的基础上再增加1000亿美元的关税。在这样做的时候,特朗普政府没有意识到一个关键的现实:美国需要中国,而不是中国需要美国。
Yes, China is still an export-led economy, and the American consumer is its largest customer. But China’s export share of its gross domestic product has fallen from 37 percent in 2007 to slightly less than 20 percent today, an important outgrowth of a decade-long rebalancing. By drawing increased support from domestic demand, China is better able to withstand the pressure of tariffs and other actions that are aimed at its exporters.
Not so with the United States. The U.S. depends heavily on China for providing the low-cost goods that enable income-constrained American consumers to make ends meet. The U.S. also depends on China to support its own exports; next to Mexico and Canada, China is America’s third largest and by far its most rapidly growing major export market.
And, of course, the U.S. depends on China to provide funding for its budget deficits. It is the largest foreign holder of U.S. Treasury securities — some $1.3 trillion in direct ownership and at least another $250 billion of quasi-government paper. A lack of Chinese buying could turn the next Treasury auction into a rout.
America depends on China because of a fundamental weakness in the structure of the U.S. economy — a profound and worrisome lack of domestic saving. In the fourth quarter of 2017, the net domestic saving rate (depreciation-adjusted saving of households, businesses and the government sector, combined) was just 1.3 percent of national income.
Lacking in savings at home, and wanting to consume and grow, the U.S. must import surplus foreign saving from abroad – and run massive balance-of-payments and trade deficits to import this capital. In 2017, the United States had merchandise trade deficits with 102 nations!
President Donald Trump continues to single out China as the villain in the great American tragedy, when in fact he should take a careful look in the mirror.
美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)继续把中国列为美国大悲剧中的反面人物,实际上,他应该仔细照照镜子。
First of all, he continues to insist that the U.S.-China trade deficit is $500 billion, fully one-third larger than the actual figure of $375 billion published by the Commerce Department.
Second, data from the OECD and the World Trade Organization suggests at least 40 percent of this bilateral imbalance reflects supply-chain effects of components and parts that are produced outside of China but assembled inside China. That means, based on the value added of what is actually produced in China — the essence of the alleged China threat — that the 47 percent share of the U.S. deficit ascribed to China would be reduced to around 28 percent.
Yes, this is still a big number. But it is far below the claims of President Trump and the official figures of the Commerce Department. While the international specialization of comparative advantage explains this portion, that argument doesn’t carry much weight in the political arena.
其次,经合组织和世界贸易组织的数据表明,至少有40%的这种双边不平衡反映了中国以外生产但在中国组装的零部件的供应链影响。这意味着,基于中国实际产生的增值 - 所谓中国威胁的本质 - - 美国在中国的赤字中的47%份额将减少到28%左右。
Third, Trump’s budget deficits will make America’s trade problems worse. A low-saving U.S. economy can’t square the circle without trade deficits. With tax cuts of $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years and another $300 billion in spending increases added in by a reckless Congress in order to avert a government shutdown late last year, the net domestic saving rate is headed toward zero – or even lower – with trade deficits likely to widen sharply in response.
And that leads to the uncomfortable truth of China bashing: protectionism in the face of widening trade deficits. Courtesy of Trump tariffs, China’s deficit will now be distributed to the other 101 nations that make up America’s multilateral merchandise trade deficit. Relative to China, these are higher-cost producers, meaning the likely response to this retaliation will have the effect of taxing the very families Trump insists he is protecting.
第三,特朗普的预算赤字会使美国的贸易问题变得更糟。如果没有贸易赤字,一个低储蓄的美国经济就无法摆脱这个圈子。在未来10年减税1.5万亿美元,再加上为防止政府在去年晚些时候关闭而增加的3000亿美元支出增加,国内储蓄净额率将走向零或甚至更低 - 贸易逆差可能急剧扩大。
Chinese labor input was just $2.30 an hour while the average for foreign suppliers ranked two through 10 was about $26 per hour. Trump’s tariffs would, in effect, shift U.S. imports toward these higher-cost producers — with huge potential consequences on the purchasing power of beleaguered American consumers.
Three things need to be addressed to avoid this nightmare:
One, communication: The exchange of views between the U.S. and China is far too episodic — annual gatherings of the Strategic and Economic Dialogue, the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, as well as periodic leader-to-leader summits. A permanent secretariat, staffed by high-level experts from both sides, would be far preferable in tackling the complexity of a challenging relationship.
第一,沟通: 中美之间的意见交流太过于片面 - 每年一次的战略与经济对话,商务与贸易联合委员会,以及定期领导人峰会。由双方高级专家组成的常设秘书处在解决具有挑战性的关系的复杂性方面会更具有可取性。
Two, market access: Both nations should put a high priority on breaking the 10-year logjam in negotiations of a bilateral investment treaty. For U.S. multinationals, access to China’s rapidly expanding domestic markets is a major growth opportunity. The same is the case for China’s “going out” global investment campaign.
Three, intellectual property: The thorny issue of technology transfer — the essence of the battle over intellectual property rights — needs to be resolved. In doing so, an important distinction must be made between contractual sharing of operating systems by partners in commercially negotiated joint ventures and outright theft, coercion and cyberhacking. In today’s knowledge-based world, there can be no tolerance of these latter infractions.
三,知识产权:技术转让的棘手问题 - 知识产权战争的实质 - 需要解决。在此过程中,合作伙伴在商业谈判的合资企业中合同共享操作系统和赤裸裸的盗窃,胁迫和网络黑客时必须作出重要区分。在当今以知识为基础的世界中,不能容忍后者的违法行为。
In the 1930s, protectionist tariffs and a global trade war exacerbated the Great Depression and destabilized the international order. Sadly, one of the most painful lessons of modern history is now at risk of being ignored.
Jaqen H'ghar • 5 hours ago
I have to disagree with the balance of power here - there are plenty of other Asian countries that would be eager to pick up the slack of suddenly American multinationals started looking for alternative low cost manufacturing locations. The last thing China wants is for its neighbors and competitors to rush into a void it willingly leaves, all because they refuse to accept international norms regarding intellectual property. On top of that, don't underestimate how important maintaining full employment is to the Chinese government, which probably equates that to stability.
dnjake • 10 hours ago
If China does not need the US, why would China endanger its economic expansion by engaging in some kind of trade war with the United States? If the US does need China and China does not need the US, what kind of future can the US expect from its relationship with China? America's international trade policies have been driven by those who imagined that the US held some perpetual dominant global economic position. They could make big profits from elite top tier services and international business dealings. The working class jobs could be farmed out to second class low wage emerging economies. Perhaps the biggest problem with this vision is the fact that China does not intend to remain a second class nation. It is in the process of developing its own advanced economy with the full range of advanced services and advanced technologies. As it succeeds, it is going to favor Chinese doing business with Chinese. If America intends to remain a major economic power, it needs to maintain a globally competitive manufacturing economy. The Chinese are likely to be much more interested in developing their own advanced economy than they are in a large effort to block the United States from regaining a more competitive industrial economy.
Well you could have made the same argument about Saudi oil 15 years ago that "we needed it". Look how things have changed. The US does not need China for it's toothbrushes and plastic toys. Given enough innovation and market pressures the US can find someone else to fill that gap. The same can't be said of Chinese flying around in Boeing jets or using American software.
The article's premise: "low income consumers need low cost goods". The reason we have "low income" here in the USA is that we shipped all our blue collar manufacturing jobs to China and now these workers are at McDonalds working for minimum wage. The idea that saving 50 cents on a pair of socks in exchange for wiping out ALL our textile jobs is just not logical but accepted Dogma for economists & politicians. I don't like Donald for a lot of reasons but I back him fully on this one!
Klondike Mike
We need China for their cheap stuff. With tariffs it will just make things cheaper from places like Vietnam or Malayasia. Realize most of the stuff exported from China are not from Chinese companies. It's from Apple, Samsung, General Motors. When you look at overall trade, there's an imbalance, meaning they send more here than we send there. What do we need? We need jobs. We need more exports in the US. Tariffs will bring back the balance. It will also stop the trade problems with China.
Who's In Charge Here?
It's common knowledge that China throws up barriers to foreign countries trying to do business there. They also steal trade secrets and IP from those that do. China as a matter of policy, has no scruples. And I'm not anti-China. Just stating the facts. I work for a tech company that sells a lot to China. Once you give them a data sheet for a device, Chinese knock-offs appear within a couple of years.
We do not depend on Yuan, but they depend on the Dollar!
Duy Nguyen
Buy more American made products and less China made.
In a trade war, export economy always loses. If anyone think US needs China more, then move to China.
US is a sovereign currency country. US gov't can support affected sectors in many ways.
Nobody seem to remember the history. Did we not have tariffs in 1970- 1997 on almost all Chinese imports? US did not have lack of funds for schools, roads, etc, in those days like now! Where are the good journalists who are supposed to expose the facts? China gets over a billion every day in trade above what they buy from US. We should simply have a policy, any time the trade deficit goes over 10% of the total trade, add 10% tariff every year, 10, 20%,etc, until the difference is less than 10% of the total trade. But the corporate lobbyists would not give $ to politicians then. Wasn't there a news article last year, that GM has to build cars in China if they want to sell cars there? We are so
似乎没有人记得那段历史。我们在1970- 1997年没有对几乎所有的中国进口产品征收关税吗?在那些日子里,像现在这样的学校、道路等,我们都没有资金短缺!那些应该揭露事实的好记者在哪里?中国每天的贸易额超过了10亿美元。我们只要有一个政策,任何时候贸易赤字超过贸易总额的10%,每年增加10%的关税,10%,20%等,直到差额不到总额的10%。但是,公司的说客们不会给政客们一分钱。去年有没有一篇新闻报道说,如果通用汽车想在中国销售汽车,就必须在中国生产汽车?
I would not buy anything made in China if I had a choice but when you go to the stores that's about all you can get.
omnis r
So does the customer need the store more or does the store need the customer? How many other countries like Vietnam and India are salivating at the thought of getting US orders that are currently going to Chinese factories? Supply chains are very good at adjusting to find the lowest cost producers. At the same time who will the Chinese factories sell to in a saturated world that can replace the US market? In times of crisis where are the people of the world going to stash their money? US Treasuries. And what does the low US personal savings rate have to do with a trade deficit?
This does not make sense and is not logical. We have the biggest consumer market in the world. So they need us more than we need them. We can find substitute for those goods from China.
For the past 2 weeks, so many articles mention that companies in USA will suffer. I did not see one article about any company in China will suffer for the trade war. I assume that China is a haven on earth or may be all the reporters in USA have no idea about China economy or all reporters are working for China' s propaganda.
China needs us way more than we need them. Without the US consumers buying their goods, their manufacturing goes belly up, and their economy tanks. They also won't be getting the food they buy from us. We on the other hand won't have the cheap goods that Walmart and Amazon sells. Might even big good for our manufacturing. There's always going to be a market for our food.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...