日本高中英语水平达不到政府规定的标准 [美国媒体]


Japan's high school English proficiency falls short of gov't targets


English proficiency of students at Japanese public junior and senior high schools is improving but remains well behind government targets, an education ministry survey showed Friday.


Aiming to enhance students' English ability ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the government has set targets for results in the Eiken Test in Practical English Proficiency, which assesses examinees' skills on a seven-stage scale with Grade 1 being the highest qualification.


The government seeks to have a majority of students acquire proficiency equivalent to "Grade 3" or higher by the time they graduate from junior high school, and "Grade Pre-2" or higher by the time they leave senior high school.


But as of December, only 40.7 percent of third-year junior high school students and 39.3 percent of third-year senior high school students met the targets, although the percentages respectively rose 4.6 percentage points and 2.9 points from a year earlier.


Eiken tests, administered by the Eiken Foundation of Japan and backed by the education ministry, are one of the most widely used English proficiency tests in Japan.


While the education ministry said the survey shows student English proficiency has improved overall, the results varied greatly among Japan's 47 prefectures, prompting the ministry to call for sharing successful practices to improve English education and narrow disparities.


By municipality, Fukui Prefecture cleared the target for junior high school students with the highest ratio of 62.8 percent, followed by the city of Saitama at 58.9 percent and the city of Yokohama at 54.0 percent. Fukuoka, Osaka, Tokyo, Kumamoto and Ishikawa prefectures achieved the goal as well.


Fukui also fulfilled the target for senior high school students with 52.4 percent, while all the other 46 prefectures failed to meet the goal.


The ministry also released the results of a separate English proficiency measurement survey covering 60,000 third-year junior high school students and 60,000 third-year senior high school students, which also failed to meet government-set targets.


The results were particularly low for speaking and writing by senior high school students, with less than 20 percent achieving the targets.


Teachers also failed to meet targets set by the government to have at least 50 percent of junior high school teachers and 75 percent of senior high school teachers holding an English proficiency level equivalent to "Grade Pre-1," the second-highest ranking equivalent to a university student level.


Some 33.6 percent of junior high school teachers and 65.4 percent of senior high school teachers reached the desired level, respectively up 1.6 points and 3.2 points from the previous year.


SchopenhauerApr. 7  07:03 am JST
Learning spoken English should be done outside schools and listening comprehension tests should not be included in entrance examinations of colleges. It is acquired by habit and environment. It produces unfairness to students who live in remote areas and cannot have chances to talk with English speaking people. There is a tendency in Japan to praise those who speak English and they speak with foreigners ostentatiously.


Michael JacksonApr. 7  07:23 am JST
Why do they have to tie everything to the Tokyo Olympics, does that mean no stop once they're over?


Tommy JonesApr. 7  07:26 am JST
Schop: Its called preparing your citizens to be able to function in a globalize world in which English is the language of business.


Michael JacksonApr. 7  07:31 am JST
My comment should read "they'll stop", but auto-correct had other ideas


oldman_13Apr. 7  07:42 am JST
Embarrassing to say the least.


don-in-japanApr. 7  07:44 am JST
The ridiculousness of asserting that you cannot learn a language in schools...


maybeperhapsyesApr. 7  07:57 am JST
If they would listen to the native English teachers. Those who have taught in many schools for many years, they'd all tell you the same thing. Too much focus on grammar, reading and writing. Not saying those are not important, but when you have students taking English classes 8 times a week...and only one of those classes is conversation based...the answer is right there. And one 50 minute class with 20 or more other students doesn't buy you a lot of talk time.


Aly RustomApr. 7  08:14 am JST
Eiken tests, administered by the Eiken Foundation of Japan and backed by the education ministry, are one of the most widely used English proficiency tests in Japan.
And stupidly enough NEVER taught at schools. If the gov wants higher eiken scores, they are going to have to instruct the BOEs around the country to make it the national textbook. But how can the students excel in eiken when most schools don't even teach it??
Its called preparing your citizens to be able to function in a globalize world in which English is the language of business.
Well said Tommy. The idea that the Japanese learn english because America makes them is laughable to say the least. English is the language of global business, and if and when Japan gets to a stage to where it feels it doesn't need english then its time to return to the Edo period of isolation.


Haaa NemuiApr. 7  08:27 am JST
Just out of curiosity, how many of you have sat through and supervised the students during the Eiken tests?


SchopenhauerApr. 7  08:45 am JST
Speaking English acquires superficial knowledge while reading ability of English acquires deeper knowledge. I do not need speaking ability of English to exchange with you. I have not spoken English for decades and I have not been abroad in my life.


kurisupisuApr. 7  08:48 am JST
Teachers in schools are managed from the top down-when my son suggested that there could be some time allocated for Eiken study once a week, at lunchtime he was rebuffed!
This might not be the case in many other schools but generally teachers will do as they are told and Eiken is considered an extra curricular activity.
CALL is also a rare option in public schools (due to low funding) so don’t expect young Taro to ever acquire linguistic competency since his stress, pronunciation, etc have never been listened to enough, let alone corrected.
Never mind though, it’s too late now...


Ricky KaminskiApr. 7  08:59 am JST
It’s the test based teaching that is the problem ya donkeys! I live in Fukui and believe me students still can’t speak English to save their life. They may have been cohersed into spending long hours doing muti choice question tests over and over but it doesn’t mean jack. Eiken is a farce and the whole approach to the global language is misguided and self defeating. Hide behind as many scores and figures you like. Strike up a conversation and see for yourself.


thepersoniamnowApr. 7  09:24 am JST
No really? I’m so shocked!
Good luck keeping on doing things you always have been.


GoodlucktoyouApr. 7  09:28 am JST
the way the world is going, i think Chinese may be more useful.


billygonzoidApr. 7  10:08 am JST
Disillusioned is right. Students are taught grammar but are not taught how to use it or develop it. Rather than just upping the complexity of grammar levels, it would be better to get students to figure out how to use the grammar they know first.


JimizoApr. 7  11:11 am JST
Stop force-feeding English to Japanese students. Make it an option and focus on those with the capacity and desire to learn it. I’ve lost count of the number of times a new initiative to raise the standard of English has been rolled out with predictably miserable results. Stop wasting tax and stop wasting lesson time on this.
I’d forgotten just how bad the level of English among the majority of Japanese people is until I visited Spain this year. I came across quite a few Japanese people ( mostly in their twenties ) who were just incompetent when faced with simple, understandable English. We are talking ordering in a restaurant level. Many didn’t even seem to have the capacity to offer a simple ‘gracias’ as a sign of courtesy to the Spanish people speaking a second language. The pronunciation of Spanish thankfully provided some with much amusement.
Flogging a dead horse.


dcog9065Apr. 7  11:19 am JST
Who cares that much, most of these kids won’t use English too much anyway as the domestic economy is easily big enough. There’s enough low quality English teachers in Japan anyway, best if a good portion are replaced or made redundant.
Learning Mandarin will likely become a more attractive option for many kids very soon anyway as the vocab part would be much easier I assume


HarukaApr. 7  11:34 am JST
But as of December, only 40.7 percent of third-year junior high school students and 39.3 percent of third-year senior high school students met the targets.
How come I have never met one of them that can actually speak to me even about the weather?


JimizoApr. 7  11:37 am JST
Learning Mandarin will likely become a more attractive option for many kids very soon anyway as the vocab part would be much easier I assume
I speak basic Mandarin badly. I’d say Mandarin is more difficult to learn than English. My Japanese coworkers who attended Mandarin classes agreed.


These statistics are based on Eiken scores in both public and private high schools. Eiken is a step test mostly based on memorised responses and answers. I work as a TEAP examiner a few times a year. The TEAP test is a much better structure that shuns memorised responses and gives a much clearer indication of the examinee's English comprehension level. It is also not a 'step-test'. It is one test with one score.
As for the speaking: From 2020 universities will require an English interview test as part of their entrance exams. The high schools are panicking about this, especially the private high schools. However, the interview will typically be based around memorised responses to set questions. This is because the private universities want the students' money, so they will not fail them.
The English education of Japanese will never improve until there is a purpose for learning it. A purpose besides passing a test. I cannot count the amount of times I've heard a student say, "This is Japan! I don't need English!" Although, I have never heard one tell me in English, of course.


SchopenhauerApr. 7  03:08 pm JST
After all, we do not need English very much to live in Japan. Many necessary foreign words are already in our life written in katakana and used daily. We have a fine language. We do not feel we have to speak English.


zichiApr. 7  03:18 pm JST
Guess you don't do much internet work or coding all of which requires some degree of understanding English words. We have several students who are also learning computer science at uni's. Then there are the hundreds of thousands of translators, interpreters, movie dubbing and voiceovers.


Tommy JonesApr. 7  03:28 pm JST
We do not feel we have to speak English
You speak for all 120+ million Japanese? If so, then you all seem to want to watch your economy sink from 3rd even lower.


SchopenhauerApr. 7  03:45 pm JST
Let those who need English in their professions learn English. I do not think all the Japanese have to learn English as a compulsory subject at public schools. If it is going on as a national project. Something is wrong. Not all the jobs in Japan take English.

