“美国优先”把世界推向中国 [美国媒体]


‘America First’ surrenders the world to Chinese influence


Fuck that noise. We're kicking Trump out in 2020 and bringing back the American-led world order back. Our institutions are still strong for now. The repair to the decay will take some time, though.


bringing back the American-led world order back.
It's dead, Jim. Everyone in the world has been chomping at their for your downfall.


Personally, I think it is too late - the damage to your reputation is done. The US has proven themselves to be an unreliable, and unstable ally. Why would we (non-americans) prioritize diplomatic relations with the US when there is no guarantee that any agreement will be honoured by the succeeding administration?


Because you don't have much of a choice? The EU is unreliable at best and suicidal at worst, China's view of the global order is fundamentally at odds with the modern conception of human rights, freedom, liberal democracy, and general openness, and after that you are left with powers that will likely not possess the necessary power projection capabilities to prop up any global system 30-50 years from now. Also, in the present we are literally the only state with that capability.


Because you don't have much of a choice? The EU is unreliable at best and suicidal at worst,
The EU is a more reliable, and more attractive option than the US
China's view of the global order is fundamentally at odds with the modern conception of human rights, freedom, liberal democracy, and general openness.
So is the US'.
You have a detention center where you torture and hold prisoners indefinitely, without due process.
Your lack of workers rights is an embarrassment; Workers are not paid a reasonable wage, you are the only western country that does not guarantee maternity leave, never mind paternity leave.
Your health care system is an embarrassment.
You have a prison system more concerned with making a profit, and using prisoners as slave labour rather than rehabilitating them.
You have imprisoned larger portion of your citizens than any other country in history.
You are the only western country which still uses capital punishment.
You have a president and major political party which has advocated for the imprisonment, and assassination of political opponents, and has encouraged violence against anyone critical of them.
You have a political system which prioritizes corporate, and financial interests over the intrests and well being of Americans - the US is not a democracy.
You have a military which has repeatedly overthrown democratically elected governments, and replaced them with brutal dictators sympathetic to American corporate interests.
You have a military which indiscriminately bombs civilians, and simply defines any one who happens to be in the vicinity of the strike as a combatant.
The US is not the shining city on a hill you think it is.
China and the EU aren't perfect, but they are viable alternatives.


Personally, I think it is too late - the damage to your reputation is done.
Still have the largest economy and largest military. Never too late when you're far ahead.


Still have the largest economy
Not for long.
and military
Just because you spend more on your military doesn't mean it's the most effective. We know what happened in Vietnam, And the current situation in the middle East shows that you would not be able to exert influence across the globe through hard power alone. You need soft power for that, and that is diminishing rapidly.


China's GDP doesn't mean shit to anyone. They are going to have the largest economy only because they have over a billion people, if they had the same population as the U.S, their GDP would only be a 4th of what the U.S GDP is. Their people are dirt poor and only 20% have flushing toilets.


The US economy is considered the most influential precisely because it is GDP, not GDP/capita which is relevant.


You're still forgetting that china has some pretty extreme problems like censorship, population, the environment, mass corruption in the military, extreme poverty, all the money being at the top, they will never be able to gain influence in the west because they don't care about human rights. China's GDP is like 9000 bucks compared to the U.S's 58000 dollars.
China's influence in Africa isn't even Trump's fault, it's because the U.S requires that countries receiving aid put it towards benefiting the country, China will give Africa money and if they put it in their personal bank account while the people starve, China doesn't care.


The US has 350 million people and a shrinking/stagnating middle class. China has 1.3 billion people and a rapidly growing middle class - that's a lot of people who can buy a lot of shit, which in turn means they are gaining economic influence. That's all there is to it.


Still have the largest economy
Not for long.
We'll see about that. ;-) Automation is not going to be kind to the Chinese economy.


Automation is not going to be kind to the US either. The countries that will fare the best with automation are those with the strongest social safety nets; something the US does not excel at.


Automation is not going to be kind to the US either.
Of course not, but we've been moving away from manufacturing for decades as China has been moving into it.


America isn't the most robust superpower due to corporate influence on the government, but rather in spite of it. It's successful due to the incredible ability for it to globally export culture and morph the world into it's own image through Hollywood, define the global infrastructure of the 21st century through Silicon Valley, control global financial flows and international affairs through NYC and DC. The UN, the World Bank, the IMF, etc. are all powerful tools at our disposal to shape global norms and practices that help enable us to project power and make the world more like us. You need to improve your parodying capabilities more. You aren't funny and you aren't caricaturing anyone well. If you did either of them, it'd be better. 


Honestly, I can't see a) Trump being in office in 2019 and b) America not having self reflection and coming back harder and meaner with the mean racist underbelly sent back where they came from.

老实说,我看不到a)特朗普在2019年还会出现在百宫里; b)美国没有进行自我反省,而且还变回了以前那么刻薄和卑鄙,用种族主义的方式把移民赶了回去。

dropping completely out of tpp cedes an entire hemisphere to china
the state department is basically non-functional, there are few ambassadors, and the direction of foreign policy in america is based on who has recently flattered the president the most
in addition, we just cut taxes right during the final buildup to a major recession and there's no indication the government has any ability to deal with that recession
if we pull out of nafta, there's another nail in the coffin. trump doesn't understand many things, but certainly that america is a services based economy and standards of living are too great here to really compete with the secondary sectors of nations abroad
but hey at least we have someone that thinks virtually everything in life is a zero sum game, despite all evidence to the contrary


Agreed on all counts. Trump is going to hurt us, but if we elect the right congress and President we'll be fine.


Trump hasn't helped but I feel this was inevitable regardless of who was in power. China simply has too much economic hegemony right now, and the US is in no position to compete with it because our economy is simply not as booming. China has been luring Latin America and Africa for many years now, and they've become too powerful for us too much about their aggression in the East China Sea.
To me, I don't think this is so much a result of America getting weaker (which it has a little bit) but more so that China has grown much stronger and beyond our capacity to compete it. We surrendered any ability to compete long ago when we let them essentially turn the US into a market to sell their goods.


Disagree, respectfully. It's about adaptation. The US can never compete for Labour. But it could for science. Like making clean energy advances then selling them off. But the current administration is fixed on the past. China also luring Asia (Cambodia or Sri Lanka as examples I've seen). They have the brawn, but the US has the brain. If it chose to. I'm a Brit and we have the same issue. Let's sell ideas not t shirts.


China simply has the capability to adapt faster than us because of their authoritarian political system and massive resource potential. We could try to sell science but China's been doing that for a while already, too. Since the recession, we've essentially become complacent and essentially given up any initiative we once had. China wisely found ways to both expand its influence in the world and be one step ahead of major innovations while the US was in economic withdrawal.


Agree. You are well informed. I hope the US seizes back the initiative.


Not necessarily a bad thing. China’s stated goal is to economic dominance. That will probably be better for the world than America’s “world police” m.o. The Chinese aren’t interested in expanding their system to other countries. They just want to make money.
Especially if you don’t live in America you should welcome waning American influence. Sucks for you guys though.


The Chinese aren’t interested in expanding their system to other countries. They just want to make money.
Very, very wrong. I suggest that you look at how they project their soft power overseas. They actively stifle speech critical of the CCP, even if it means kidnapping dissidents abroad and forcibly repatriating them to China for forced confessions. They disrupt and harass activists for such issues as Falun Gong across the world. They're also more than happy to export their system of government to regimes in southeast Asia. Economics is a tool for them to stifle human rights across the world, doing things like exporting harsh riot control hardware to Maduro in Venezuela, using loans as leverage to extradite Taiwanese citizens to the mainland from Kenya, and punishing Korea for hosting US military hardware. The list in this regard is very, very long.
You talk about the US being the world police, but this is a basic result of an EU completely lacking in hard power. The US is functionally in the position of being the "right arm" of the west, and often finds itself doing the dirty work of an EU that isn't sufficiently advanced in terms of military integration.

大错特错。我建议你看看他们是如何在海外投射他们的软实力的。他们积极地压制批评TG的言论,即使这意味着要在国外绑架持不同政见者,并强行将他们遣返中国进行bi供。他们因为诸如轮子一类的问题而在世界各地破坏和骚扰活动分子。他们也非常乐意将他们的政府体制输出到东南亚国家。经济是他们在世界范围内压制人权的工具,他们做一些类诸如向委内瑞拉的马杜罗出口严酷的防暴装备,利用贷款作为手段,将“台湾公民”(译注:原文用Taiwanese citizens)从肯尼亚引渡到中国大陆,并因为部署美国军事装备而惩罚韩国。这种事情说也说不完。

No. As an American this is good for me. It sucks for us that we waste Trillions of dollars maintaining our global status(through force) , when we could be spending that money on Americans, or protecting more immediate foreign interests, like Mexico.
Really, we should completely pull out of the Middle East. Like, remove everything we can move, and sell the rest to the highest bidder. And then we should do the same with our European military assets. Take everything we can back, and sell the rest. Let China, Russia, or the EU handle everything in those regions.
If we took the 6 trillion dollars we spent on the War on Terror, we could have made college free for everyone in America, given stimulus packages to cities in dire need (like Detroit or Baltimore), build renewable energy infrastructure, and probably could have destroyed the cartels and helped Mexico back into the first world.


the chinese system today is closer to nazi Germany than any other country. Yea we should totally welcome it.
1、highly nationalist
2、one party authoritarian
3、socialist party control over key industries
4、based solely around the chinese ethnicity
5、control over media, culture, to promote fatherhood, baby making, and chinese culture. All subversive influences like hip hop banned.
6、belief in social Darwinism, racial IQ differences, and other taboo ideas in the west. Nobody here really knows just how conservative/racist countries in Asia are. I live there and its hilarious. If only you knew.
The chinese look out for the chinese. They could give a rats ass about the rest of the world. Is that who you want to be the global leader?


Yeah that’s a totally balanced and not at all biased view of the situation! 
1、it’s less nationalist than the US. Their military isn’t worshiped like heros like they are in America, and people never say stuff like “I’m proud to be Chinese” or “China is the greatest country in the world”
2、It’s also one of the most efficient systems in the world, for example in the city I live in they are tripling the size of the subway system and only taking 1 year to do so. That would be impossible in a western democracy.
3、Not a problem. Actually benefits the majority of people by keeping costs low.
4、That’s just not true, it’s not the CPCs fault that the vast majority of the country is Han, it’s just the reality.
5、They banned hip hop on state run television. It’s influences are still all over the place. Western media blew that “ban” totally out of proportion. Western TV is hugely popular here. The only government control is on the internet and are easily bypassed with little fear of getting in trouble.
6、I live in China. I doubt you do because you seem to not understand what it’s actually like living here.


Chinese people definitely have a "China is the greatest country/longest living civilization and we have to rise to make it great" cultural thinking, it's also ingrained in school. I spent a lot of time in India, Malaysia and China, the post you replied to is hyperbolic but not really off the mark. Your response has many outright denials of obvious things.


I’ve lived here for awhile and the closest I’ve ever heard is “we have the longest continuous written history”. It’s much more common to hear people saying good things about the west than saying China is the best. There’s a different between being proud of your culture and being jingoistic. People hold Chinese people to an impossible standard.


I live there
and yes all of those things are true. Socialism with chinese characteristics is national socialism.
probably why they are so successful.
1、lmao sure. Yes the red army is worshipped as heroes. All kids study it as well as all of their historical figures. They memorize the stuff. You have to have blinders on not to see how nationalist the country is. Every kid does military training when they are in middle school.
2、Yea, Nazi Germany was also one of the most efficient systems in the world, particularly when rebuilding after turmoil.
3、see above.
4、America is majority white, and so is Europe. Not their fault either. Although that doesnt stop leftists from turning that into a negative and something to be remedied. Seems like whites are more beloved in China than in their home nations. Where are the drives for China to be more diverse? Nobody cares because leftists are focused on destroying white nations. Chinese would laugh in your face if you tried that shit here.
5、The biggest thing I noticed when I first moved here was the emphasis in all media towards fatherhood and families. In the west those things are demonized and mocked. Here they are promoted. Another thing the Nazis were well known for. Not saying its a bad thing though. Just highlights the weakness of a free press. Its free to degrade a society with poisonous morals.
6、I understand what its like to live there. Been doing so for 5 years. I'm not judging them, because in all honestly a system like theirs is the only way to keep the country together. It may in the end prove more effective than western democracies. I'm merely pointing out the reality and the value differences to our left wing friends here. All of the criticisms of America as being racist, too right wing, etc. lmao. If only they knew.


I’m an American. And there is nothing about our administration or government in general that makes me want us calling the shots on a global scale.


China is a way more responsible superpower for two reasons: it does not really believe in getting in endless constant wars and military operations like the US does and secondly it provides aid and economic development to poorer nations without lecturing them about their political systems. China also has way more competent and intelligent leaders, a Trump style pol in China is not possible. China also has a culture that values education and hard work and family, something the US does not


China also doesn't have any democratic institutions and no concept of free speech. They also don't have a fair judiciary so the government is free to execute protestors as long as international reporters can't prove it.
Definitely a great example for the rest of the world.


And the US has good democratic institutions? Is that why a moron like Trump can become PResident when he doesn't even win the popular vote, or you have gerrymandering permitting the GOP to control Congress even when they don't win the most votes?
Whenever americans discuss China all teh can whine about is free speech and democracy. maybe look at the US and see its not even democratic before whining about China.
Oh and how is the US doing with executions and imprisoning its population? Or torturing people, or holding them in Gitmo with no charges for almost 20 years now?


Nice whataboutism. I never said the U.S is perfect but if nothing else, Trump shows that even when the government hates a candidate they don't intervene if he wins under their rules.
And ya, the U.S executes people but China is on a whole different level. So no, the crimes of the U.S are not comparable to China.


Have you even been to China? Americans have such a black and white view of China and the rest of the world. Its hilarious they whine about democracy, executions, jailing ppl, Tibet. Meanwhile the US does the same or worse shit all over the world. At least China minds its own business and doesnt kill hundreds of thousands in bullshit wars thousands of miles away


When the world is looking at what our freedoms brought us, it is easier to sell people the idea that those freedoms are unimportant. Trump was able to sell racist ideals through free speech. FOX news has sold that global warming isn’t an issue through free speech. The cost of free speech has been high in the US, and I don’t know if others looking at our example would necessarily want to follow us knowing that.


Having a joke like Trump make decisions is preferable to being thrown in prison for criticizing the government.


It would hurt our economy and China would get to control the narrative. China is corrupt, and with the power to influence other nations we would be in trouble.


China is corrupt, and with the power to influence other nations we would be in trouble.
Outside of America:
America is corrupt, and with the power to influence other nations we would be in trouble.


Having the global reserve currency is a nice perk. The dominance of the USD is a really good reason to bear that burden.


Am Aussie, I would rather make a deal with China by far. They would respect the deal and respect us. Its a shame considering Obama had so much respect from me.


And what does your "respect" do? does australia make a deal based on your "respect"?, some random internet guy "respect" is worth much less than a fart that come out during your morning shit


Respect means countries turn to you for leadership and are more cooperative. Right now a lot of big deals are being made without you since it isn't worth the hassle or risk.
Not to mention, Americans like you pissing off citizens like me makes it unpopular to work with you. So yes, Australia does make deals based on its population's respect. That really shouldn't be a question?
Trump is going back on deals and spilling intelligence heck your country isn't even trustworthy anymore.


Got to say, I've been wondering how much how world leaders feel about Trump might be affecting their willingness to start or continue trade negotiations with the US.


We surrendered that back in 1993 when Clinton signed the China Trade Agreement. Between that and NAFTA, we shipped manufacturing and farming overseas and across borders from rural America and effectively killed that demographic and turned it into what it is today to maximize corporate profits.


Everyone hated the TPP, and it had its flaws, but it was better than the alternative- handing the next generation of economic power to China. Which Trump was eager to do.


When did American hegemony suddenly become cool again? Is it because it's the perceived opposite of Trump's direction?
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that China becoming a more dominant force on the global stage is a good thing, but I don't think America's "world police" is a force of good either. I thought that was just a given after endless disasters in both the Cold War era and the current conflicts in the Middle East.
I don't think it's unfair for Americans to be growing tired of the burden that comes with the title, or for people across the world to be tired of us shoving our finger in the pot. Obviously Trump isn't the answer, and hasn't handled this problem well at al.


Because the dumbasses don't realize that America's wealth is propped up based on that. You don't give that up without giving up a lot of other shit and the morons haven't figured that out yet. There's also no take backsies and there's very long term consequences to what will happen. If another nation takes that mantle, you can't just undo it or change your mind later.
I wish someone would smack each and every one of the idiots with a history book. Very hard. America's rise to power happened because at that time all the other large nations destroyed themselves in war. America profited off of that war, took that money and ran away with it. They established strong footholds that enabled them to get great global trade deals.
Things like rebuilding Japan wasn't so much for them as it was for us. All that bullshit in the Middle East was also for us. Did you forget? We started shit there so we could get money. UN? Built for us. NATO? built for us. They were mechanisms established so US could maintain power on an international stage.
Seeing people trying to destroy those things because they're too stupid.


It'll take a decade to repair the damage to the State Department. It'll take another to re-enforce the Monroe doctrine. US power has persistently grown since WWII and for the first time since FDR we are a weaker nation internationally.
Trump's legacy will be a skid mark on the Oval Office. Absolute fucking disgrace of a President.


Monroe doctrine.
This is why China wins. American unilateral hegemony will no longer pass. The US wants to dominate and control, China is looking for partnerships.


China is not looking for partnerships. They're adopting the guise of partnerships while working towards domination and control. It doesn't take long to see that any time they alhave the opportunity to, they attempt to control their "partners."


As far as I am concerned, all major powers will attempt to dominate and control at some point, including the US. At the very least, I am not expecting Chinese drones looking for Muslim terrorist anytime soon.


At the very least, I am not expecting Chinese drones looking for Muslim terrorist anytime soon.
Then you know little to nothing about Chinese history. You should start reading about how they treat their own muslim minority, then reuate how you think they will treat them in countries from which China is extracting resources.


Oh, I have been reading a lot about Chinese history. My country was practically existed because of China.
Put it this way. China never conquered SEA like the Europeans do. Sure, they demand tribute and that they acknowledge that China is top dog in the world, there never have been Chinese troops invading and imposing Confucianism onto countries.
I assure you, living next to that giant we have plenty of historical dealings with them.
And about the Uighurs that is my point about China, the Muslims don't really give a fuck. Just a couple of days the Muslims in my country decided to send back Uighurs that escaped Thailand back to China on their request. They never protested like they way they protest against you about treatment of Muslims.
See, in the end, what China does within its borders are their business. China never invaded Iraq, never invade Afghanistan. Simple as that. You may not like what I say, but that is the truth.


See, in the end, what China does within its borders are their business.
Until they start exporting the same treatment overseas. If you are sufficiently naive to believe they will treat foreigners who threaten their economic interests better than their own citizens, I can only shake my head.


As far as I am concerned, an Iraqi, Syrian, Yemeni or peoples from MENA countries have nothing to fear from China's drones. The Yemenis however, have many many reasons to fear US ones.
Of course, if you are a dissident in China, well, you have all the reasons to fear. I mean, being Swedish will not protect you, of course. But then again, if you know the dangers, you should have gotten the fuck out in the first place. After all, democractic dissidents not in China are hardly molested.
In the end, my point applies, what China does within its borders is still China's business. You may not like it, but that is the fact. However, if you can show proof on cases where China militarily invades an African country for whatever reasons, perhaps we can talk seriously.


Of course, if you are a dissident in China, well, you have all the reasons to fear... But then again, if you know the dangers, you should have gotten the fuck out in the first place.
Or China could become civilized.
However, if you can show proof on cases where China militarily invades an African country for whatever reasons, perhaps we can talk seriously.
Lol, get ready!


Or China could become civilized.
See, this kind of attitude just make people pissed off with the US and the West. Especially when it is spoken off Trump's mouth. "We westerners are superior and with civilization. You other inferior nations must listen to us or you are uncivilized barbarians. China, let go of Tibet". And people like you wonder why in Reddit there are so many Chinese nationals practically give you the finger whenever you moan about China.
As for your article, I call that smart use of power. Instead of drones and boots on the ground, they could topple governments by economics and influence alone. Something the US could do long time ago. Now, you rely more on dumb brute force.


Especially when it is spoken off Trump's mouth.
Yeah, we hate Trump because he acts too much like a Chinese official, criticizing free press, looking at global trade competitively, etc.
You other inferior nations must listen to us or you are uncivilised barbarians.
You are uncivilized if you torture people who criticize your weak government. We hope, eventually, you will learn enough to become a nineteenth century power. Those people do not deserve to be brutally punished just for wanting a better life and a government that has a shred of respect for their lives. Those people are moral heroes and the CCP is uncivilized for torturing them.


You are uncivilized if you torture people who criticize your weak government. We hope, eventually, you will learn enough to become a nineteenth century power. Those people do not deserve to be brutally punished just for wanting a better life and a government that has a shred of respect for their lives. Those people are moral heroes and the CCP is uncivilized for torturing them.
Yes. Continue to lecture over them. Continue to belittle them. I am sure you are going to change a lot minds this way. It may be a very bitter pill for you to swallow, but you do realise that for the vast majority of Chinese there, the CCP enjoys very high popular support, usual grumbles about the government aside, and particular resent Western peoples calling them and their governnment "uncivilised".


I am sure you are going to change a lot minds this way.
I am not trying to change minds. I am telling the truth. Weak governments torturing people for wanting better lives is vile. If you support it, or support governments that do it, you belong in the eighteenth century. That is the bottom line.
It may be a very bitter pill for you to swallow, but you do realise that for the vast majority of Chinese there, the CCP enjoys very high popular support, usual grumbles about the government aside, and particular resent Western peoples calling them and their governnment "uncivilised".
It is bitter for the torture victims, but one day they will be free and China will have a legitimate government.


I am not trying to change minds. I am telling the truth. Weak governments torturing people for wanting better lives is vile. If you support it, or support governments that do it, you belong in the eighteenth century. That is the bottom line.
Dunno about living in the 18th century. But during the times I visited China, they sure are living in the 21st.
It is bitter for the torture victims, but one day they will be free and China will have a legitimate government.
That is like your opinion, man, and I frankly doubt you are a PRC citizen...


But during the times I visited China, they sure are living in the 21st.
Legitimate governments and educated people outgrew torturing dissidents in the nineteenth century. If it's still happening, your country is uncivilized, archaic and two-hundred or so years behind the US.
That is like your opinion, man, and I frankly doubt you are a PRC citizen...
Of course I am not. If I were a PRC citizen, I would be arrested and tortured for typing that.


Legitimate governments and educated people outgrew torturing dissidents in the nineteenth century. If it's still happening, your country is uncivilized, archaic and two-hundred or so years behind the US.
MY country? Oh my....I am not from the PRC. I am just a outside observer telling you what I see. China has somewhat different values from people like you, but you know what, I have not heard something as arrogant as you as calling others "uncivilised".
But you know what, keep beating that wall with your head. It changes nothing and I assure you, many people don't see what you see, because the world doesn't revolve around "western values", really.
Of course I am not. If I were a PRC citizen, I would be arrested and tortured for typing that.
More likely you get post deleted by some mods. That is all. China is not North Korea, not even close, and their people bitch online all the time about the government. That is a fact.


MY country? Oh my....I am not from the PRC.
Your is a common English usage, my bad if I was unclear, but it's a general statement because China is not the only offending country. China's ally, North Korea, also tortures dissidents.
China has somewhat different values from people like you, but you know what, I have not heard something as arrogant as you as calling others "uncivilised"... many people don't see what you see, because the world doesn't revolve around "western values", really.
There is no difference in values that justifies torturing dissidents. Only the difference is between human values and uncivilized, illegitimate government. Torturing dissidents is more fitting of archaic forms of government, like monarchy or empire, happily relegated to the past in civilized countries.
More likely you get post deleted by some mods. That is all. China is not North Korea, not even close, and their people bitch online all the time about the government. That is a fact.
Unless you are arrested for internet posts criticizing government corruption.


That's whataboutism mixed with a lack of understanding that there are different degrees of attempting to control others. France and Russia both attempt to influence Europe, but the methods and motives for each are different.
Your cherry picked example is just showing one side. I could easily reply with "At the very least, I'm not expecting the USA to build military installations in other countries waters without their permission."

这是混杂了对“试图控制他人的程度是不同的” 不理解的“whatabout主义”。法国和俄罗斯都试图影响欧洲,但它们的方法和动机各不相同。

Interesting that you deem historical facts as "whataboutism". Also, the actions of France and Russia doesn't just "attempt to influence Europe", unless you deem Syria, the stans, Mali and Francophone African states "Europe".
The US did build military installations in other countries without their permission. I didn't recall the Taliban or god knows who else in charge or Saddam gave the US military permission to build bases there.


If you want to compare with other countries, look at their circumstances, norms of the time, and so on.
My example wasn't to say influencing Europe is the only thing those countries do -- it's pointing out that two countries can have the same goal but different methods and motives.
The examples you're giving are wartime temporary forward bases that were removed when requested by the re-formed government. That's significantly different from simply taking over part of a country you're not at war with and staying there despite their protests.


Maybe not over the middle east, but western China over their Muslim populations? Wouldn't doubt it in another few years.
It's not like China hasn't been attacking it's own ethnic Muslim minorities over the last few years, there's always another crackdown, always more rules. If they're willing to run over Han protesters in the capital of China with tanks why on Earth would they not use drones if they felt it was needed? I wouldn't bet money on China not using drones on people in the near future.
Don't get me wrong, it's behaviors the US already shows, I'm just not buying the Chinese PR just because they've got a better message, the same guys that will kill their own civilians rather than give up any power are still there, still ruling.


In the end, what they do in their borders is their business. You may not like it, I may not like it, but it is their country. You may not like Tibet is now an integral part of China, so what? That is the defacto fact of life. What matters is how China treats other sovereign states through its history. The fact now that they have the ability to supplant you in countries where you left speaks volumes.
Harping on Tibet or West China changes nothing. Fact is, no one really gives a fuck what China does within its borders. Take that bookkeeper kidnapping case for instance, will the EU going to brake off ties with China just because Sweden is pissed off? Nope.


What they do within their borders is an indication of what they would like to do internationally, and is important to many people.
Regardless, I agree with you that the best indicator is how they treat others. Let's see, off the top of my head the CCP has...
1、Warred with India and Vietnam over territorial disputes.
2、aggressively encroached on the Philippines, Japan, and South Korea and their maritime resources.
3、Attempted to economically bully SK over THAAD.
4、Repeatedly and extensively attempted to undermine Taiwan’s independence.
5、Undertaken extensive cyber espionage campaign against Western powers.
6、Ignored the sovereignty of foreign nations over ethnically Chinese individuals.
7、consistently stolen foreign IP and military tech.
8、manipulated their currency subsidized local companies in violation of World Bank, IMF, and trade agreement statutes.
As far as "no one cares" there's a reason why China has no allies, only one military partner (Pakistan, not exactly an A-lister) and foreign investment has been shifting to competitors year after year despite significant skill and infrastructure advantages held by the Chinese. No one on the international stage trusts China. 


Again, like I said, if you are not in direct territorial disputes with them, there are no reason to be scared, at least militarily. My country has territorial dispute with them, and now we are deeply tied with China economically.
As for your list, yeah, there is called looking after your interest. I could swap your list with the US too if I am bothered. I am not denying it factually, but as far as I am concerned, this is what powers do in its own interest.
As for your argument about allies, we shall see. Xi Jingping may be a strongman, but he is an effective captain so far managing China's interest. Beats Trumpism anytime though. Also, I am not optimistic that Americans will not vote another Trump like idiot in the future.


Half of what I listed has nothing to do with territorial disputes but are still good reasons to be wary of China.
Having allies isn't really a "we shall see" thing; it's been consistent since the Sino-Soviet split.
Xi Jinping effectiveness is certainly debatable. That is a "we shall see" issue. As far as him being better than Trump I mostly agree, except for the fact that he's far more competent and able to hold onto power and change the system -- if you don't like those changes, better to have a moron.


Small countries should be wary big countries as a rule, if they want to survive that is. Funny you think that the US is somehow better than the Chinese in that regard.
The Sino-Soviet split is ancient history. The Soviets are no more, and China is far more powerful, richer and influential than the 60s. China is just starting the process of building the very same institutions the US had for decades. Before that, they are just busy minding their business, if you do follow global events. Perhaps it won't be as effective the US influence, again, time will tell.
Trump is a mere sympthon of a bigger problem in the US. The US is very badly fractured that it is no joke. Corporations practically owns the government. Dumb people speaks louder than actual smart people.
As for your moron argument - if you have no competitor as intense a China that 4 years moronic rule wouldn't matter. Put it this way, if you want to contain China, best time to do so was in the 90s. That was over. 2nd best time, the 2000s. Oops. Instead of managing China, the US chooses to mess with Central Asia and Middle East. Obama tried during the his last 4 years, barely could do so until the US elected an actual moron that undid what Obama tried to so.
China is not going to sit still for the next 4 years. And I am not sure the US won't elect another moron in 4 years time or the next for 4 years afterwards.

