美国雅虎:日本在中国日益壮大的形势下组建海军陆战队 [美国媒体]


Japan launches Marines unit amid China's growing presence


Osprey aircraft: Japan's new Marine unit will be equipped with them (AFP Photo/Kazuhiro NOGI)

鱼鹰飞机:日本的新海军陆战队将装备它们(法新社照片/kazuhiro NOGI)

Japan's military on Saturday launched its first Marines unit, tasked with defending remote islands in the face of China's growing maritime presence in the region.


The Self-Defence Forces' amphibious fighting unit staged an exercise with US Marines at Sasebo in western Japan following the inauguration ceremony.


The 2,100-member brigade, based in Sasebo, will be responsible for defending remote islands and retaking them if they are invaded.


"Defending remote islands is a pressing task at a time when security surrounding our country is getting more severe," vice defence minister Tomohiro Yamamoto told the ceremony.

日本国防部副部长山本友一(Tomohiro Yamamoto)在仪式上表示:“在我们国家周围的安全形势日益严峻之际,保卫偏远岛屿是一项紧迫的任务。”

Japan has a longstanding dispute with China over uninhabited islands in the East China Sea. These are administered by Japan, which calls them the "Senkakus", but also claimed by China, which knows them as the "Diaoyus."


Chinese coastguard vessels have routinely travelled close to the disputed islands since relations worsened in 2012, when Tokyo's government took over some of them.


The new amphibious operations unit is expected to grow into a 3,000-member force, using V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft and amphibious assault vehicles for storming beaches, Kyodo News said.

据日本共同社报道,新的两栖作战部队预计将发展成一支3000人的部队,使用V-22 鱼鹰倾斜式旋翼飞机和两栖攻击车辆袭击海滩。

Japan had long been reluctant to create an amphibious fighting unit in light of its pacifist constitution, which bans the country from using force to settle international disputes.


17 hours ago
Why is this world constantly at war? How can we change?


12 hours ago
Can we hurry up with the tariffs on Chinese goods?


Planet Rock
21 hours ago
The Japanese are tech giants. I can't even imagine what they'd cook up if their brilliance was focused on military tech.


Reality Sandwich
12 hours ago
Japan needs to protect the Land of the Rising Sun... Army, navy and air programs need to be built up at full speed ahead. The US alone can't and should not protect and defend Japan. Japan needs to spend less time slaughtering whales and dolphins and more time building up their economy and military.


Nabla Aves
2 days ago
Russia and China have combined military forces both in nuclear armament and cyber espionage, they are using North Korea as a front to threaten and economically disable the region.
BOYCOTT china made products


8 hours ago
Spent years training with the Japanese Navy and Army. So glad they are getting better at this.


5 hours ago
China makes a mistake of banking on Japan's pacifist constitution. China didn't know that it just awakens a sleeping giant.


5 hours ago
I have owned a Toyota and a Honda both of which went over 300K miles on a 4 cylinder engine. I would not place much faith in Chinese technology in a war, even if they have more quantity. You just can not beat Japanese quality if it comes down to war I expect the Japanese to have far superior technology to more than compensate for the numerical advantage of China


10 hours ago
Are the Japanese marines issued Samurai swords??


21 hours ago
Japanese marines will go through the Chinese army like a dose of salts.


17 hours ago
If there was any army that ever made china soil it's collective loincloth, Japan would be it.


12 hours ago
About time Japan start to defend its property. China must stay out.


Tom Sawyer
16 hours ago
Military force should always be the last resort , for force begets only the use of more force .
The Polish and French Resistance in WW2 , and such has not changed with advances in technology except to ,ake those Resistances more Deadly .


20 hours ago
Well, who knows they may reactivate the Kamikaze too?


9 hours ago
And the weak UN has done NOTHING. 70% of all goods in the world flow through there.
So its not just Japans problem. I say slap some more tariffs and tell the to BLOW UP those "fake islands" they call there own


China does Not waste money for war, China does not Bomb here and there, not military drill and gunboat diplomacy everywhere, not dirty political attack on others, not demonize others to benefit self, not active stir up and carry out regime changing operations everywhere destroying legal countries as Iraq and Syria, not start war by lie that killed 100 thousand innocent life in Iraq along , making Iraqi people suffer for decades even till today. Not waste fund as NSA to spy on all mankind including world leaders and U.S. Citizens , China did not as brutal Hawk Japanese to invade Asia , to bomb Pearl Harbor not slavery Asia women , known as comfort women, The fact that Japanese extreme right wing hawkish leaders and Abe still go worship the WW2 war criminals yearly even today ..


China solely focus to self improvement and reform, in promote trade, to invest and to build infrastructure, economic development, investment, provide jobs to help citizens and economy , build highway, high speed rails, provides need goods for all, rich and to those who are not that well off, win win for all.
China with 40 years in reform, in promoting free market economy and continue in self improvement in fight poverty, improve people living standard, China has transform 1.34 billions of Chinese citizens, including all minorty ethnic groups citizens life in remote provinces, out of the poverty line to a better, more free and more prosperity life.
Even just as a developing nation, lot need to improve, China walk the walk in fight poverty, build affordable public transportation, communications systems, Internet, cell phone, wireless communications, train, highway, high speed rail, build renewable energy and power plant. Promote education, enhance culture developments for all Chinese citizens in each and all 56 ethnic groups.
China is not an enemy but major and long time trade and business partner for many if not all..
Cold War end long time ago.. Abe and his extreme right wing gangs step by step to use any excuse to in do military expansion and tweeter invasion is just nonsense ..


21 hours ago
Stay strong and alert, because you have a monster at your doorstep (china).


Roger That 1
3 hours ago
China you shouldn't have irritated the Japanese. They have been peaceful for a long time and now the rising sun is coming alive again. BIG MISTAKE!


Dragon Dawn
8 hours ago
What does NYork, LA, and Kazakhstan have in common and difference?
All 3 have freeways but those in Kazakhstan has no pot holes and it runs almost 3000 km and is a key infrastructure built by China's One Belt One Road connecting Asia to Europe for the New Silk Road. Both NY and LA are excluded, leading to further isolation and poverty in USA. If you want to see what a 21st Century looks like, look at Shanghai and Astana. Most of Astana buildings are Made by China.


1 hour ago
Now China better watch out. If these new Japanese Marines are like their force during WW II they'll fight to the death. If the Chinese army is the same as they were during WW II they'll be running the opposite direction. China's in trouble now.


12 hours ago
Jape marines = Easy PLA meat

日本海军陆战队= 解放军砧板上的肉

5 hours ago
THIEVING CHINA is hell bent on taking as much land as possible. BOYCOTT ALL THINGS CHINESE and that includes any GM products made there and shipped here. BUICKS!


The Black Fist Rising
16 hours ago
Its good to see them get out from underneath the false protection of a white super power. Hope they change their constitution and create their own military for their protection, after white powers destroy all the other colored nations, it will look to go after Asia when they are the last men of color standing.


5 hours ago
let the rising sun fight their own battles. America needs to secure the mexican border from the drug Blow-Flies with our own ARMY!


21 hours ago
Even the US military dare not confront China military , let alone this pony Japan , what a joke.

