警方找回被丢失的笔记本电脑,据说在波比·沃辛顿(Poppi Worthington)去世的那晚,她的爸爸曾使用过该笔电。
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Police have recovered a laptop believed to have been used by Poppi Worthington's father on the night she died.
警方找回被丢失的笔记本电脑,据说在波比·沃辛顿(Poppi Worthington)去世的那晚,她的爸爸曾使用过该笔电。
Paul Worthington claimed that he used a computer on the night he is believed to have sexually abused 13-month-old Poppi before she died in 2012 in Cumbria.
在波比于2012年在坎布里亚郡去世之前,保罗·沃辛顿(Paul Worthington)声称在据信他性侵了13个月大的波比的当晚,曾使用过一台电脑。
Worthington has previously avoided any court action despite a coroner and a family court judge both ruling that he sexually assaulted the youngster in his bed.
However there were hopes of a breakthrough today after it emerged that police have seized a laptop which may hold the key to the case.
A police spokesman said today: 'The Constabulary can confirm that during the course of their enquiries officers have recovered a number of items including a laptop.
'The laptop is subject to meticulous forensic examination by specialist officers to determine whether it is relevant to potential enquiries concerning Poppi Worthington.'。
The upxe came after The Sunday Times Magazine reported that Mr Worthington claimed he gave the laptop to his neighbour.
Earlier this year a coroner said Mr Worthington had assaulted Poppi before she died in his bed. A similar conclusion was reached by a family division judge in 2016.
At an inquest Worthington refused to answer questions about Poppi's death relying 252 times on his right to remain silent under inquest rules designed to prevent people incriminating themselves.
He reportedly told police he had watched pornography on the night Poppi died.
Police failed to secure the family home and did not collect key evidence including the bed sheets Poppi was taken to hospital on or samples from her body.
Worthington was not arrested until August 2013 and no charges were brought.
Earlier this year the Crown Prosecution Service ruled out what would have been a fourth review of evidence saying no new witnesses had come forward.
[A coroner ruled Poppi was sexually abused after her father took her into his bed pictured]
Three attempts at a prosecution have failed primarily because of a lack of evidence gathered by police at the time of Poppi's death in 2012 in Barrow in Furness Cumbria.
The first attempt was in March 2015 following a referral from police; then in June 2016 following the outcome of a Family Court hearing; and again in November 2016 when the decision not to prosecute was subject to a Victim's Right to Review application.
Mr Worthington's sister has previously said that he maintains he has done nothing wrong.
Firefox83 Fishbowl United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Oh I hope to god that this brings enough evidence for him to be prosecuted.
Fred Titmus My Local Store United Kingdom 8 hours ago
I recall reading an article about Poppi awhile ago and recall seeing the photograph of her lonely grave in that lonely cemetery and then contrasting it with the same photograph of her in this article with a bright smile and trusting eyes and being filled with despair that people can do this and still be walking around and experiencing a life when that child is cold in the ground in that lonely cemetery. Her life and future stolen by a despicably cruel and inhuman act perpetrated by a wicked individual. That individual should be made to consider that lonely grave in that lonely cemetery every second of every day in perpetuity.
concerned79 Over the rainbow United Kingdom 8 hours ago
And yet people are convicted of historic abuse that goes back 50 years or more just on someone's say so. Why so difficult to prosecute this one?
LH Norfolk 8 hours ago
Because the poor kid can't tell anyone
Moomin Mama Hampshire United Kingdom 6 hours ago
They have Poppis DNA on his penis. How is that alone not enough?!
Sam UK United Kingdom 7 hours ago
I will say this again how did the little girls DNA end up on the end of his you know what if he did not put it somewhere. Why is this not being addressed??? Some form of abuse took place!
ets Exeter United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Playing devils advocate you could easily explain that by transference. For example he got Poppi's saliva on his fingers then went for a wee and touched his w.i.l.l.y. Unfortunately the presence of the DNA does not prove he committed any offences. You can draw an inference from his failure to give an explanation but that's all.
Blue Upnorth United Kingdom 6 hours ago
That's exactly what he said ets. That her DNA was transferred by him holding her and then going to the toilet. Personally I think he's sick.
Tony West Yorkshire United Kingdom 8 hours ago
Justice for poppi
Any Port Bournemouth United Kingdom 7 hours ago
The guy is vile. How could any parent give a no comment reply when their child has died? Apparently he also wanted a new identity at our cost. Unfortunately because there was no competent investigation at the time the poor little girl will be denied justice. The police officers involved should hold their heads in shame.
Nicki13 Colchester United Kingdom 7 hours ago
I never understood this people are prosecuted over crimes fifty years old on someone's word. There has been overwhelming evidence but still nothing had a been done. An innocent man would fight for the truth of what happened a guilty one would not cooperate and would hide away.
Stussy999 West midlands United Kingdom 7 hours ago
Surely this little girls dna being found on a particular body part belonging to this disgusting piece of filth should be enough to convict this evil evil #######. How on earth has he got away with it for this long is beyond me. What on earth was the judge thinking. How did the prosecution explain that? Is he still walking our streets or has he been given a new identity somewhere?
Hellojess London United Kingdom 5 hours ago
Surely as her father you would do everything to find out what happened? He refused to answer over 250 questions posed to him? I understand about the DNA transferal Cez disappointing that it can't be pin pointed etc. This case is so troubling and upsetting. Beyond belief. Sleep tight Poppy.
K an English Women in formally - England United Kingdom 8 hours ago
So now we wait and poor little poppy waits for some kind of justice
hairytrotter Yorkshire United Kingdom 6 hours ago
One of the biggest injustices I've ever read about. That poor baby girl I hope she gets justice.
DanaFenton London United Kingdom 8 hours ago
What more evidence do they need ?
Kittyloulou Derby United Kingdom 6 hours ago
There was clear evidence from the start that this evil piece of scum abused that poor girl. The incompetence and lack of care in this investigation has allowed this thing to walk free. I just hope that any new evidence can secure a conviction at long last and give Poppi the justice she so deserves.
Miss Defied The Land downunder Australia 8 hours ago
Heartbreaking....that beautiful little girl. The last face she saw on this Earth was an evil one.
June Zerbino Pontypool United Kingdom 5 hours ago
Come on everyone this should get our comments more than Megs and Harry's. Show our support for justice for this little girl.
Middle-earther Rivendell United Kingdom 8 hours ago
If the coroner and a judge said he had assaulted her then why on earth has he been able to avoid prosecution?
La chat noir Chester United Kingdom 6 hours ago
They can't prove he assaulted her. They have to prove it beyond a shadow of doubt. Hè would need to confess.
EnglishRose London United Kingdom 9 hours ago
We have to remember everyone is innocent until proven guilty.
girlabouttown World 9 hours ago
There are always traces of guilt. Why did he REFUSE to answer questions pertaining to the DEATH of his OWN CHILD.? I would be giving a million and one answers if I was innocent.
Truthful 21 Aegean sea Greece 8 hours ago
But Two judges said he had sexually assaulted her??
GoldLDN London United Kingdom 6 hours ago
He remains innocent until proven guilty and it is important to remember that remaining silent does not mean a cover up of guilt. If you are innocent there is absolutely no benefit to you to be interviewed by police.
Lady Leonora Whitley Bay United Kingdom 5 hours ago
Having worked in a professional capacity within the law for many years I can tell you that the only ones who remain silent or answer every question with 'no comment are invariably guilty.
kale bubble nottingham United Kingdom 5 hours ago
Except wouldn¿t you think he¿d want to know why his daughter died?
CherylThePeril Chester United Kingdom 4 hours ago
I don't see the significance of his watching or not watching porn on the night Poppi died. Watching porn is a daily event for millions upon millions of men in Britain and yet only a tiny handful of those men subsequently commit sexual assaults. The man might be guilty or he might be innocent but whether or not he watched porn on the night of the alleged crime is entirely irrelevant.
MrsRochester Haworth United Kingdom 4 hours ago
If it was entirely irrelevant it wouldn't be under consideration. I'm assuming there is some sort of specific lix to the facts of this horrible case.
Jules44 Westcliff On Sea United Kingdom 7 hours ago
She's gone bless her heart. Nothing that is proved now will bring her back.
KARLY15 London United Kingdom 6 hours ago
Oh well that's ok then! Nothing will bring her back so no need to prosecute anyone!! Stupid comment!!!
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