越南就岛屿飞行向中国发出第二次警告 [美国媒体]


Vietnam issuessecond warning to China over island flights


Vietnam hasissued its second rebuke in a week to Beijing, accusing its northern neighbourof "threatening peace" after more Chinese aircraft landed on acontested reef in the South China Sea.


Kim 1 hour ago
China isbluffing.
Vietnam can just keep on shouting again and again to embarrass China on worldpublic opinion.
China already lost in the SCSea.
The rocks and reefs won't bring China any crumbs at all. Activities are all forChinese domestic propaganda, to an ignorant brainwashed Chinese population, toshow "Chinese (delusional) greatness".


Toan 1 hour ago
China is aperfect example of a thief empire. The Chinese have stolen lands for centuriesusing the worse crimes. Stealing is in the Chinese DNA. She-Huang-Di inventedthe "Bill of Steals" 2500+ years ago: Steal everything, everywhere, everytime possible. Unlike others, the Chinese always copy the new things from theWest and use them always for the evil purpose. Without the Western inventedairplanes, the Chinese wouldn't have been able to invade Tibet, East Turkestanof the Uighur people,.. Without the Western invented modern ships, the Chinewouldn't been able to invade the Parcel and part of Spratly islands today.Thieves yesterday, thieves today and thieves forever. That is how Eternal Chinais.


Robert 1 hour ago
Maybe VN shouldinvite the Americans back. LOL.


roger 1 hour ago
The Viets aretough Asians ,,the chinese are cowards


Unit731 1 hour ago
Vietnam beganconstruction of its airstrip on Spratly Island in 1976, making this the firstrunway in the Spratly island group. In 1978,
the Philippines incorporated Thitu Island after airstrip construction hadalready begun.
In 1983, Malaysia built a resort and airstrip atop Swallow Reef.
The Nationalist Chinese government occupied Itu Aba in 1946, but did not beginconstructing its airstrip until 2006, and construction finished in 2008.
China is the most recent Spratly claimant to build an airstrip, which it beganon Fiery Cross Reef in late 2014 after it reclaimed the former low-lying feature.
Vietnam’s Spratly Island airstrip is 550 meters long.
The Philippines’ runway on Thitu Island is 1,000 meters long and unpaved.
Malaysia’s Swallow Reef airstrip is 1,368 meters long.
Taiwan’s recently-renovated runway is 1,195 meters long
. China’s Fiery Cross airstrip measures 3,000 meters. Analysts have speculatedthat Beijing may also build a second airstrip on Subi Reef.


Rogerperelman 1 hour ago
Mainland Chinaand Taiwan claims the same islands inside the 9 dash line, they are family.


Unit731 1 hour ago
they all havethe claim but...china has ownership on what they had built.


ColdPizza 59 minutes ago
Perhaps theGovernment of Vietnam would be better served by pressuring my country (theU.S.) - to finally pay for, and implement the clean-up of the toxic legacy ofAgent Orange - which ( even after all these years) is responsible for Vietnamhaving the highest rate of birth defects in the world today ! Not to mention -the removable of the land mines & unexploded bombs that continue to killtheir children every freakin' day ! It's called PRIORITIES ! Ho Chi-Minh mustbe spinning in his grave ! USMC (1961-1965)


HungDungSangTrong 1 hour ago
these warningsare pre-recorded and been played over and over like parakeet. chinese does notgive it a sh$t since they know vietcong is spineless and balless.


Come 1 hour ago
What good is awarning when Vietnam has no power to expel the intruder? It's a waste ofenergy.

