朝鲜将暂停核导弹试验并将关闭试验场 [美国媒体]


North Korea to suspend nuclear missile tests and will close nuke test site


TOKYO — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has declared that he will suspend nuclear and missile tests starting Saturday and that he will shut down the site where the previous six nuclear tests were conducted.
The surprising announcement comes just six days before Kim is set to meet South Korean President Moon Jae-in, a precursor to a historic summit between Kim and President Trump. The U.S. president is set to meet Kim at the end of May or beginning of June, although a location has not yet been set.


Both Moon and Trump have been saying that North Korea is now willing to “denuclearize,” a term that means different things to the two sides.
“North Korea has agreed to suspend all Nuclear Tests and close up a major test site,” Trump tweeted shortly after the announcement from Pyongyang. “This is very good news for North Korea and the World — big progress! Look forward to our Summit.”
But Kim’s statement on Saturday made no mention of North Korea giving up its program. It simply signaled a freeze, apparently because the leader is satisfied with the rapid progress the country made last year, developing what it said was a “super large heavy warhead” and a missile capable of carrying it to the U.S. mainland.


North Korea has “verified the completion of nuclear weapons,” Kim reportedly said during a meeting of the central committee of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea, convened Friday to discuss policy issues related to “a new stage” in a “historic” period.


As such, it “will stop nuclear tests and launches of intercontinental ballistic missiles” effective immediately, he said.
“We no longer need any nuclear test or test launches of intermediate and intercontinental range ballistic missiles, and because of this the northern nuclear test site has finished its mission,” the official Korean Central News Agency quoted Kim as saying.
There has been considerable skepticism among North Korea experts that Kim, having poured so much money and effort into the program, not to mention his personal prestige, would give it up so readily.


Many pointed out that Kim’s statement does not in any way suggest that he’s about to do so.
“There is nothing in North Korea’s statement that signals a willingness to give up their nukes,” said Benjamin Silberstein, a North Korea researcher at the University of Pennsylvania.

宾法大学的Benjamin Silberstein说“朝鲜的声明中没有任何迹象表明了弃核的意愿”

“On the contrary, the tone of the message is one of confidence and strength,” he said.
[No ‘lunatics’ or ‘war maniacs’: North Korea dials down the anti-U.S. rhetoric ]
Still, the step is part of a broader and rapidly developing effort to use diplomacy to resolve the standoff on the Korean Peninsula, following months of threats at the end of last year that stoked fears of a military conflict.


Next Friday, Kim will cross the Military Demarcation Line that has divided the peninsula since the end of the Korean War, becoming the first North Korean leader to do so since then. He will step into “Peace House” on the southern side of the line to meet Moon, with their encounter being broadcast live.
Moon signaled this week that everything was on the table at the meeting. 
“North Korea is expressing its intention for complete denuclearization,” Moon said Thursday. “And it is not making demands that the U.S. cannot accept, such as the withdrawal of the U.S. forces in Korea.”


The U.S. military has 28,000 troops stationed in South Korea, with backups in Japan and on Guam — the legacy of the standoff that has ensued since the Korean War ended in an armistice in 1953.
Trump also this week voiced optimism about his summit with Kim, although he said he would walk away from the talks if they were not looking constructive.
“I think we’re going to be successful,” Trump said shortly after it was revealed that his CIA director, Mike Pompeo, met Kim in Pyongyang over the Easter weekend for talks about the summit. “But for any reason if I think we’re not, we end,” the president said.

在透露他的CIA局长Mike Pompeo会于复活节周末在平壤与鑫会面商谈峰会的事情的不久之后,特朗普说道:“我相信我们会取得成功,但不管是什么理由只我认为我们不会取得成功,我们之间就结束了。”

As the presidents of South Korea and the United States prepare for summits with the previously reclusive Kim, there has been much conjecture about what exactly the North Korean leader is prepared to discuss. 
North Korea had said very little about all this — and that had plenty of analysts worried that expectations for this summit are too high. 
The fact that the North has now signaled it is prepared to at least freeze its program is extremely significant, said Daryl G. Kimball, executive director of the Arms Control Association in Washington.
“North Korea’s pledge to close down its nuclear weapons testing site is a very significant pledge toward denuclearization,” Kimball said. “The U.S. and others should solidify this by securing North Korean signature and ratification of the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, along with a confidence-building visit by the Comprehensive Test Ban [Treaty] Organization.”

华盛顿军备控制协会执行理事Daryl G. Kimball说朝鲜现在表现出来的至少是冻结核计划的事实非常重要。

Others point out that North Korea has been sending signals through what it has not been saying. It’s not talking about the U.S. strike on Syria, about the U.S. military conducting drills in South Korea, or about the “heinous” and “hostile” United States.
It hasn’t even commented on the return of national security adviser John Bolton, a man the regime once derided as “human scum and a bloodsucker.”
This is a sharp change from its usual tirade of vitriol against the United States, especially at this time of year, when the U.S. and South Korean militaries are practicing war drills on the southern half of the peninsula.

其甚至没有对于国家安全顾问John Bolton这个朝鲜曾一度称为“人渣和吸血鬼”的男人的评论。

It also hasn’t been using one of its favorite phrases, about being a “strong nuclear power,” since March 10 — the day after Trump agreed to meet with Kim. Previously, the phrase had appeared in the Rodong Sinmun, the mouthpiece of the Workers’ Party, on a daily basis.
“That’s not a coincidence,” said Peter Ward, a North Korea researcher at Seoul National University. “I think North Korea is on a serious drive for peace right now.”
[North Korea’s definition of ‘denuclearization’ is very different from Trump’s  ]
But others were more circumspect, noting that Saturday’s announcement fits with North Korea’s previous declarations that it had “completed” its nuclear and missile programs.

“这不是巧合,”首尔国立大学朝鲜问题专家Peter Ward说,“我认为朝鲜现在是真地寻求和平。”

“This echoes what Kim Jong Un has already said about its nuclear program. Kim Jong Un is satisfied,” said Melissa Hanham, a researcher at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif.
“This means North Korea is also satisfied with fewer tests than many other states that possess nuclear weapons,” she said.
Last year was an exceptionally busy one for North Korea’s nuclear and missile specialists. In September, the country detonated a huge nuclear device that it said was a hydrogen bomb.

“这与鑫早先说过的核进展相符。鑫很满意,”加利福尼亚州防核武器扩散研究中心的研究员Melissa Hanham说道。

This claim, experts said, was supported by the size of the blast, which caused a 6.3-magnitude earthquake in North Korea’s northeast, an area not known for natural seismic activity.
Mount Mantap, the 7,200-foot-high peak under which North Korea has detonated all its nuclear bombs, visibly shifted during that last nuclear test, leading some analysts to wonder if it was suffering from “tired mountain syndrome” and was at risk of collapsing.
If that were true, closing the site would be something North Korea would do anyway, although perhaps without announcing it at such a fortuitous time, if at all.


Then, after launching several intercontinental ballistic missiles in the middle of the year, the North fired an ICBM that it said put the entire U.S. mainland within reach and could carry a “super large heavy warhead.”
With that test, North Korea declared that its “rocket development process has been completed.”

jeannette ann 12 minutes ago
Total Sham...
Trump and Kim are both puppets of Putin. It's like the WWE that Trump likes so much... fake feud between wrestlers leading up to the big match, but the "winner" is pre-determined. Trump is in big trouble and desperately needs a win in his column.


12 minutes ago
Donald Trump: Born into privilege, groomed to inherit an empire, no empathy for other humans, demands absolute loyalty, craves attention and approval.
Kim Jong Un: (see above)
I can see why these two would hit it off...


17 minutes ago
This echoes what Kim Jong Un http://www.gari.pk/used-vehicles/ has already said about its nuclear program. Kim Jong Un is satisfied,

这里记录了鑫关于核计划是怎么说的http://www.gari.pk/used-vehicles/ 。鑫很满意。

washpo999 1 hour ago
Pompeo went and talked to Kim. Now what did he give up? And is it legal and binding?
The negotiations already happened folks. Thats why this news release. Now Trump is going to go make himself look good.
Question is what was promised to Little Kim? Trumps P P Tapes?

问题在于向小鑫承诺了什么? Trumps P P Tapes?

eaglespdx 1 hour ago
It looks like China told Kim how it is going to be on Kim's recent summons to Beijing. China is not going to give the US a justification for possible nuclear attack on North Korea, risking the collapse of the North Korean buffer state and a nuclear wasteland on China's border.
China would invade North Korea and take it over, installing a puppet regime before it will allow the loss of North Korea.


pause2reflect 1 hour ago
"The James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif."
Well there's an organization I can't recall being referenced too many times. Maybe they're in fact quite prestigious and credible, but it's not easy to quickly determine via Googling.

“加利福尼亚州防核武器扩散James Martin研究中心”

Mr Trump: who are the biggest "animals"?
Mr Trump: why these biggest "animals" pay no price at all for these illegal attacks (Iraq, Libya, etc) and endless atrocities?
Leaders of countries with a history of attacking illegally (like US, UK, France attacking Iraq, Libya illegally) must face the music, must be charged/jailed for life..
US/UK/France have no regard for the safety and security of people and have no respect for human life.
Are US/NATO above the law?
Are all these illegal attacks the principles and instincts deeply rooted in the American spirit?
Is this how America stands by their principles and values, national prestige, international legitimacy?
These illegal attacks/invasions require global response and actions to charge/jail these leaders responsible.
Justice must be served.
Justice must be seen to be served.
US is now the biggest threat to world peace.
US must be kicked out of Europe, Asia and elsewhere and the prospects of world peace will improve dramatically.
When you're dealing with US, always remember they'll lie, they'll cheat, they'll break laws, they'll murder/rape/torture//traumatize/displace millions of innocent people.
No one believes US anymore, no one trusts US anymore, no one feels safe anymore, no one can be sure current or any future US presidents will not attack/invade another nation(s) illegally. Everyone is forced to get nuke to defend oneself.
Everyone knows the US is the guilty party that provokes & creates the Korea crisis with frequent drills, war games targeting NKorea.
As usual, US has no intention to solve the Korea crisis, in fact Uncle Sam has every intention to provoke/prolong the Korea crisis to serve their own self interests, flying US Air Force B-1B Lancer bombers escorted by fighters near to NKorea to further provoke/escalate the crisis...tensions are running higher & higher because of US.


portland123 1 hour ago
Typical liberal, always American's fault...MOVE.


amerihe11 58 minutes ago
Typical conservative, absolute contempt for facts.


kate999 1 hour ago
The frequent, bellicose drills targeting NKorea, the deployments of US troops / THAAD in Korea, the hostile US policies and mafia actions are the real root causes of Korea conflict.
One thing is certain, the more US meddles, the worse the Korea crisis becomes.
The utmost urgency is to de-escalate to stop the Korean crisis spinning out of control that will lead to utter disasters.
US must stop all military drills in and around Korea.
US must remove all THAAD in Korea.
N.Korea must stop all nuke/missile development.
US may shrug but there're heavy costs and severe dangers, the reckless US's actions/behaviour will destroy the global system or even lead to WW3, the world should raise its voice to stop US's reckless actions/behaviour.
Behaving like hookers, SKorea's leaders are prostituting themselves to the Yanks.
If SKorea's leaders have any common sense and worth their weight of credibility, value Korea as a nation, value Koreans as a people, SKorea must stop being a pawn used (and abused) by the U.S., SKorea must unilaterally stop all drills, remove all THAAD in SKorea.
The Korea crisis is for the 2 Koreas to resolve.
Leave the 2 Koreas alone to build the bridge of communication, build rapport, create conducive environment to meet/discuss/ reconcile
Just let the 2 Koreas to work together in a conducive/friendly environment which will expedite reunification more readily.
All the above are not fake news.
The mainstream media, why are you self-censoring all these undeniable, indisputable, and in-your-face ugly truths?
The poisonous hypocrisy is too toxic.
Until all this poisonous hypocrisy is stopped, these ugly truths must be told and retold.
Until all this poisonous hypocrisy is stopped, the world continues to face endless conflicts and bloodshed.

美国也许不屑,但将付出惨重代价和巨大危险 ,美国鲁莽的行动/行为将会破坏全球体系导致三战的爆发,世界应当提高声调阻止美国鲁莽和行动/行为。

portland123 1 hour ago
Put the bottle down, Kate.


camasca 1 hour ago
It’s promising good news.


thereldonald2 1 hour ago
Thank you, Mr Trump. Your pressure forced NK to the table. Rocket man is desperate.


1 hour ago
What pressure? Just curious. Seems like he’s the nicest President by meeting with him. Niceness pats off?


dahogsii 2 hours ago
1.) This may signal that North Korea feels that it has produced enough bombs for an effective deterrent
2.) What could be worse for the US than giving Trump what will be touted a historic victory (with China's urging and blessing), and bolstering the self-destructive and divisive force of his presidency along with today's GOP?
China is often credited with taking the the long view, and if you want to weaken America's standing in the current world order, having Trump as President is a sure-fire way to accomplish that goal.


sergeant2 2 hours ago
Maybe Un is brainwashed beyond hope of changing his thought process. But he seems the type that has an ego in which he could be wined and dined to the point of being convinced that maybe joining the modern world ain't so bad after all. He would still be King of North Korea, and that is what concerns him most.

grumpyoldphart 1 hour ago
C'mon...I know you're smarter than this! Un is greedy, cruel, privileged, evil even. But absolutely nothing has been written about him being stupid.
He's developed his nukes. He's tested his nukes. He can now reach Japan, SKorea, and US territories, if not the US mainland, with his nukes. He's pretty much accomplished what he set out to do, which is develop a nuclear deterrent to any invasion of his little worker's paradise. Meanwhile, he has an unusable test site, so what's it going to cost him to close it down that it hasn't already cost him to close it down?
As for not being able to test rockets, think about NKorean ties to Iran. Iran can test rockets (and imagine their unrestrained test cycles after Trump pulls out of the Iran agreement). So, NKorea and Iran jointly develop and test long range rockets.
Trump's just been played the sucker.


uncommon man 2 hours ago
A nork in hand is worth two in the bush.


watermarkOn 2 hours ago
Thanks President Moon of South Korea.


seesthelight 2 hours ago
I don't believe a word of this from either side! Let's face it trump and un are both liars who likevto play to the camera.
Mark my words, a meeting won't happen


bill simpson 2 hours ago
It would be interesting to know how much bomb design work the North Koreans did themselves, or if they got the design from China, Russia, or Pakistan. A small implosion style nuke which uses plutonium is tough to design and build.


vici2018  5 hours ago
Trump belittles and bullies Little Rocket Man into submission.


bill simpson2 hours ago
Ah, no. China cut off their oil after their last blast shook Chinese territory along the border.4


barry bailey 4 hours ago
If Xi or Putin did not want NK to have a Nuc program, they would not have one.
The NK Nuc program is a thorn in the side of the US, and a leverage tool with good deniability.
Xi and Putin want the US to be more like China and Russia.
No free press, more government power, no democracy, and the wealthy rule.
Trump is their man, because he wants those things as well.
The end of NK's Nuc program is a gift to Trump, their tool is being employed to their advantage.
Make Trump the hero by giving him something no other president has been able to do.
Keep their Traitor Trump card in play.
Trump is giving Putin Syria, and giving China the entire South China Sea.
Trump will destroy lives and careers to get what he craves, power and hero worship.
Trump is morally bankrupt and his policies are the antithesis of the democratic rule of law.
He is everything Xi and Putin want for the US.
They will play the cards to make him look more accomplished.
Trump as president for life would be Putin and Xi's wet dream come true.
Trump is a traitor to everything the US stands for.
If we do not evict Trump from the White House, Putin will own us, and we will lose democracy.


carpentero 4 hours ago
Kim will not give up his nuclear weapons. He will probably work out some deal with South Korea, Russia, China and possibly the UN to get back into communing with the world at large in an economic and political way (=much like Iran has done). But, he will make sure that the Wacko/Dumpster Fire stays on the sidelines in this whole scenario. We will see...


jlwallace2 13 hours ago
Good Work China
Bribery works
