我在中国碰到的怪事 [美国媒体]



TheAllDogDiet 于 14小时前 * 发表
Hi guys I just got back from a short time living in China (mainly Guilin Ankang and Xi'an) and I ended up discussing politics with several people fairly in-depth. I just want to preface by saying I'm not the kind of person to espouse Western politics or education as superior to Chinese although on subjects like medicine it's quite obviously the case.


Anyway several young women I spoke to (between ages 20 and 24) seemed to have the idea that "Jews rule the West" or that "Obama was a puppet of the Jews". I was pretty stunned the first time I heard this and wrote it off but the second and third time in different cities I began to realize that this opinion may be more common than I thought.


One girl I asked why she thought that Jews ruled everything and she basically broke it down to "old money" vs "new money" and how the Jews were the only true old money still in power. This girl hadn't heard anything about the holocaust either; just that the Jews had been targeted in the past. I also asked if she had heard about the Tienanmen Square incidents and she had. She said her dad now a stock broker was a student at the time and she was very anti-PRC. She also seemed to have a deep grasp of Chinese history and all the various dynasties and was otherwise very well-informed.


My question is has anyone else had this experience? Was it just a fluke that I encountered so many people that held this belief? Is there a reason for it? Thanks for reading.
TLDR: A lot of people I met in China believe that Jews rule the West/the world. Is this common?


–]shishiqiushi 92 指标 13小时前 
It comes from the book 货币战争 Currency Wars. It is a best selling book in China which basically peddles anti-semitic conspiracy theories.
Not surprising really the mainstream Chinese worldview is one that essentially understands the world in terms of race.

这种思想来自于《货币战争》(Currency Wars)这本书。这本在中国最畅销的书基本是在兜售关于反犹太的阴谋论。中国的主流世界观本质上是出于种族角度这点毫不令人惊讶。

[–]Jman-laowai 7 指标 9小时前 
I think the thinking has been around longer than that I’ve heard that kinda stuff before the book was published. The book was probably recycling a line of thinking that has existed in China for some time.


[–]shishiqiushi 8 指标 9小时前 
Yeah no doubt I think that book did help popularize it though.


[–]TheAllDogDiet[S] 13 指标 13小时前 
That makes a lot of sense. Does the government encourage these sorts of books or is it just a nonissue to them?
It definitely feels like the 40's culturally over there.


[–]americarthegreat 7 指标 12小时前 
I don’t think the government supports it but does find it convenient in generating anti-western sentiment.


[–]shishiqiushi 18 指标 12小时前* 
货币战争,probably not but they certainly encourage a view of the world based on racial identities as a defining category and a conspiratorial worldview of elites manipulating events from afar.


[–]REM_ember 6 指标 8小时前 
Not that I'm defending it but that's because they have such a close connection to their inherent culture history and being Chinese that it's natural to assume the same of everyone else.


[–]twat69 5 指标 10小时前 
“a conspiratorial worldview of elites manipulating events from afar.”
But um..Come ON. Why aren't they worried about that back firing?


[–]Tesseractyl 28 指标 10小时前 
Because it creates the feeling that we need "our elites" to counteract "their elites." See: Evangelicals supporting Trump even though he's utterly immoral because he's their man. See also: Putin complaining constantly about how the liberal world order is trying to keep Russia down so that Russia needs their strongman daddy Vlad to keep the globalists at bay.


[–]shishiqiushi 11 指标 9小时前 
Because the PRC is already ran by conspiratorial elites quite openly and their legitimacy is based on the elite seeming beyond mere mortals not on reflecting the spontaneous will of the people. In many ways the conspiratorial worldview towards the west (e.g. assuming that amnesty international etc are somehow controlled by the CIA the belief probably partly sincere that all protests in China are secretly paid for by the west and also the idea that a struggle between Jewish financiers and other elite groups is a useful paradigm to understand centuries of geopolitics) is merely reflecting how they are used to things being ran in China. It means spontaneity and opposition can be put down to the shadowy machinations of enemy powers but this worldview actually supports their own legitimacy by implying that they have greater power than they do in reality and also by implying that elite manipulation is the natural state of affairs and the common people cannot shape their own destinies or be political actors.



[–]TheRealSalimShady 1 指标 4小时前* 
“e.g. assuming that amnesty international etc are somehow controlled by the CIA”
It's not surprising in the slightest. CIA routinely uses non-profit organisations and vaccination programs as cover in the Middle East and Africa notably the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in Pakistan.


​And all without permission of the organisations themselves they're justifiably as pissed off as the locals.


the belief probably partly sincere that all protests in China are secretly paid for by the west
This is built on the established fact that American British and Russian intelligence agencies secretly pay for protests just about everywhere else. China's intelligence apparatus has been fairly naive and ineffective at copying them so far probably because of the language barrier. But I'm sure they'll get into the swing of things soon.


[–]shishiqiushi 2 指标 1小时前 
Yeah but it is taken to an extreme and a conviction that no truly independent organisations exist. China's intelligence organizations have failed to copy them because they have overestimated the artificial nature of them - the orange revolution in Ukraine was supported by US funded NGOs but this would have been impossible without willing volunteers and the reality of Ukrainian nationalism. Chinese "sharp power" is totally different as there is only money and no will.


Moreover it extends into a belief that everyone is working for someone. Chinese academics who report information on protests etc will be accused of spying because they may receive money from a foreign university.


Taken to the extreme this means no political movement is ever legitimate. The French Revolution was led by the Illumimati the Civil Rights Movement was backed by the Soviet unx the Arab Spring was instigated by western NGOs the IRA were tools of Colonel Ghadaffi. Don't you see that this explanation of world affairs is inadequate and overstates the power of various intelligence agencies?


[–]LaoSh 5 指标 6小时前 
If something is on the shelf in China then it's implicitly encouraged by the regime.


[–]DiscoTut 7 指标 9小时前 
The government doesn't encourage these books so much as doesn't fight the prevailing culture that places Nationality Race and Ethnicity into the same brackets. Your average Chinese person strongly believes in cognitive attributes being derived from race.


[–]Kendos-Kenlen 2 指标 7小时前 
You don’t say... they send people to “re-education camps” and flag them depending on their religion while propagating racial-differences ideas...
I’m sad to see that the “lesson” the west learned didn’t propagate (and is sometimes even forgotten in our own countries).


[–]TheMediumPanda 3 指标 5小时前 
Interesting. I wasn't aware of that. I don't exactly think it helps either that the Chinese seem to see things very black or white. It's a subjective experience for my part. Maybe it has something to do with the educational system that debating and interpretating material is rarely encouraged? Compared to discussing things with other foreigners where you more often tend to see a grey-scale and can talk about things from different points of view I don't often get that with Chinese. They might appear to agree or change the subject out of politeness but that is often obvious.


[–]TheRealSalimShady 1 指标 4小时前* 
No this is normal everywhere.
Critical thinking is very hard to teach particularly to young children that have no knowledge of how the world works outside of a schoolyard and their home life.


[–]TheMediumPanda 4 指标 4小时前 
I know it's somewhat encoded in our brains but there's still a big difference in societies actively trying to promote critical thinking in the educational system and societies where they blatantly do not.



[–]buckwurst 19 指标 13小时前
I've heard before from Chinese that "Jews are the best business people", I think there are even business books like "Negotiate Like A Jew".


China doesn't really have a lot.of trustworthy sources of information due to censorship and ignorance, so a lot of opinions aren't triangulated with other balanced sources and often one will just take hold, like KFC having 4 winged chickens or whatever


[–]BuddhaBobby 2 指标 9小时前
4 winged chickens? What's that about?


[–]bbjvc 6 指标 8小时前
Some people convinced KFC secretly uses chicken with 4 wings, that's why they can supply that many wings in their restaurant.
you would be surprised how many would believe such nonsense.


[–]ArcboundChampion 2 指标 2小时前
My students, who are otherwise brilliant, tried to tell me about this (like it was new - this was last year, and I’d known about it since 2013). I was like, guys... You learned biology and genetics (and economics) in English. Wtf do you think it would take to accomplish this?


They said that they were genetically modified, so I asked if GMOs were just magic that figured themselves out. Or maybe researching and implementing this system would be more expensive than just getting more chickens?
They had an aha moment at that point and stopped talking about it.


[–]fojiaotu 3 指标 7小时前
Years ago a very rudimentary photoshop of a chicken with 4 or 6 wings made the rounds of the ignorant Chinese populace and was immediately believed to be true by an embarrassingly high number of people.


[–]-exbob- 2 指标 4小时前
Come on, plenty of the ignorant anywhere populace would buy it. More than 10% of people in a study in the US though chocolate milk comes from brown cows.


[–]IIAOPSW 4 指标 8小时前
“like KFC having 4 winged chickens”
KFC certainly has the money to invest in genetic engineering. And 4 wing chickens would let them produce 2x as many chicken wings per chicken.
Wake up sheeple!!!


[–]americarthegreat 3 指标 6小时前
Fuck it, it's actually cheaper to just put growth hormones in their feed so they grow twice as fast and ready to slaughter after just a couple months, along with cramming them so tight they can't even move, then fuck over the farmer you contracted to raise the chickens for you so you make all the money and he makes none.


[–]-exbob- 1 指标 4小时前
And people were actually sad about that whole chicken shortage


[–]balthisarUnited States 1 指标 13小时前
... or the Jew's ear mushrooms labelled as such (what we'd call "wood ear" mushrooms).


[–]Orbqs 5 指标 12小时前
It's supposed to be Judas' ear in many European languages but the English mixed it up (In addition to wood ear and other names).



[–]trenchgun 3 指标 9小时前 
In Finnish language it is just korvasieni literally "ear mushroom"


[–]buckwurst 2 指标 5小时前 
The term Jew's ear mushroom is an English one not something Chinese


[–]balthisarUnited States 1 指标 5小时前 
Be that as it may I’m referencing it because it only appears in English in China. I’m not sure what the Chinese call it but Chinese packages use the English term.


[–]JackReedTheSyndie 25 指标 14小时前 
Yes Jewish conspiracy theories are pretty popular in China like how Jews control the entire western world etc. Don't know why though. I'm from China.


[–]PristinePlankton 24 指标 12小时前 
Most Chinese people barely even know the word Judaism (and I'm talking Chinese here not English). It's pretty rare that they would have an opinion on Jews. But yeah if they do it might be some stereotype they picked up somewhere. Stereotypes spread faster to foreign cultures than proper information. Many Chinese will also say that the English are gentlemen (lol) and that the French are very romantic. Basically our 19th century stereotypes. And the same vice versa. Here in the West I get asked all the time if people in China still smoke a lot of opinium and similar stupid questions.


[–]yuemeiguiUnited States 3 指标 7小时前 
I dunno every taxi driver who finds out that I'm Jewish knows that this explains why I do business.


[–]PristinePlankton 1 指标 6小时前 
How would a taxi driver even "find out" you're Jewish? Sounds like confirmation bias.


[–]yuemeiguiUnited States 3 指标 5小时前 
By asking me what I do for Christmas.


[–]KilgoreTrouserTrout 2 指标 3小时前 
Yeah but how do they do know you're Jewish from that? Everyone goes out for Chinese on Christmas in China.


[–]yuemeiguiUnited States 1 指标 1小时前 
"I don't celebrate Christmas"
"But Christmas is the most important holiday of the year"
"Not for everyone"
"I thought all Americans celebrate Christmas"
"It's a Christian holiday not an American holiday"
"You aren't Christian?"
"Are you Muslim?"
"I'm Jewish."
"Jews are very smart. Did you know Marx was Jewish?"



[–]BillyBattsShinebox 5 指标 8小时前
Misc tidbit - I live in a city called Wenzhou which is a city surrounded by mountains near the sea that has its own dialect/language that is famous for being one of if not the most difficult Chinese dialect/language to learn. As a result Wenzhounese are pretty insular and tend to distrust/dislike anybody from outside the city and they tend to do business among themselves (which they're also famous for being good at).


Mainly because of the last thing I said they're often called the Jews of China (despite the fact that China has its own actual Jews) but it's not meant in a derogatory way at all.


[–]relativisticrhinoUnited States 11 指标 10小时前
Chinese-American w/Jewish heritage here:


My grandmother was a Jewish immigrant in Shanghai in the early 1900's with her family. For some reason she (and the entire family on my father's side) has always been very secretive about her Jewish heritage. I know her neighbors address her as "洋婆子" or "Western woman" because of her distinct features -- but it seems like people that lived around had no idea who Jewish people are basically considered everyone from the west/outside of China the same. I haven't heard of any accounts of hate against her. It probably helped that she essentially assimilated into Chinese culture though...


Growing up my Chinese mother (not Jewish) told me a lot about my grandmother. In retrospect the way she talks about Jewish people seemed a little derogatory ... but she always frxd Jewish culture in a positive and sympathetic light and encourage me to explore it and be proud of it. Aside from her I don't know anyone else that talked about/knew about Jews. But then again I was quite young.


My understanding is that most people in China don't know anything about Jews -- if they do it'll probably be a dim anti-semitic understanding that traveled over from western countries. I highly doubt China has a long history of anti-semitism as China didn't really have enough interactions with Jews. Also "Jew's ear" as a translation for "wood ear" is just a shitty translation from the english name "Judas' ear" -- not actually antisemitism.


[–]TriedForMitchcraft 4 指标 8小时前
Jew here most Chinese people I've talked to will tell me "wow you must be so smart/clever/good at business" and usually mention how Einstein was Jewish but really don't know anything about Jews. Apparently there is some short story that Chinese people often read in school that teaches that Jews put honey on books as part of our tradition which isn't true and beyond that they usually know nothing about Judaism.


[–]EricGoCDS 19 指标 12小时前*
I had a similar experience starting from my second year in China. Basically CPC teaches many "strange" things to ALL the Chinese people and China although big is stunningly homogeneous; that is if you hear something in Beijing you'll run into it again and again in Shanghai guangzhou Xi'an everywhere.


If you think Alex Jones has a lot of followers imagine a country where he is in absolute control in Youtube Twitter Whatsapp CNN ABC NBC Fox News WaPo NYT even Nintendo and EA...Welcome to China. LOL

如果你认为亚历克斯·琼斯的追随者很多,那你一定没有去过一个对油管、推特、Whatsapp,CNN、ABC、NBC和FOX新闻、Wapo、NYT 甚至是任天堂和电子游戏都管控得死死的国家......欢迎来到中国,哈哈。

[–]americarthegreat 16 指标 12小时前
Yup there are also a lot of Nazi sympathizers. Try discussing that one.


[–]EricGoCDS 7 指标 11小时前
I learned to live with this one when I was in China. It is not just Nazi sympathy but wide adoption of Nazi ideology. Given that Nazi has a LOT of similarity with CPC and that many Chinese people full heartedly love CPC one shouldn't be surprised by this.


[–]AirFell85 5 指标 9小时前
The Nazis were in alliance with Japan who invaded and did unspeakable things to the Chinese.
The people of china would have been subject to the same genocide as the Jews.
The people support this?



[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 14 指标 8小时前*
“The people of china would have been subject to the same genocide as the Jews.”
Well that doesn't make sense. Chinese people aren't Jewish silly! It's not like they would come for them or anything.


“The people support this?"
It is shocking that a historically authoritarian expansionist territorially (yet insular culturally) chauvinist anti-liberal anti-civil-society corporatist hypercapitalist and anti-trade-unxist racially homogeneous country would support an ideology like Nazi Fascism.


... BRB there's another article on the ghettoization and police state building in Xinjiang that just popped up...


[–]shishiqiushi 6 指标 8小时前
They don't really know about Hitler's alliance with Japan and there is some fake news about how Hitler admired Chinese people because a kindly Chinese family took him in when he was an orphan or something ridiculous. Also the Nazis were allied briefly with the Guomindang before changing sides which is used to support this view of Hitler admiring China.


[–]Jman-laowai 6 指标 8小时前
“Hitler was a great man who brought his country together”


[–]irate_wizard 1 指标 6小时前
The Nazi held both in an alliance until they abandoned China after the Japanese invasion: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-German_cooperation_1926%E2%80%931941


Ironically most of their armament used in fighting the Japanese was German.


[–]PristinePlankton 1 指标 4小时前
“I learned to live with this one when I was in China. It is not just Nazi sympathy but wide adoption of Nazi ideology.”
That isn't really true. Many people say they admire Hitler but when digging deeper you'll find they don't know much about Nazism at all. Pretty much the same way Mao was admired amongst leftist students in the West.


[–]GuessImStuckWithThisGreat Britain 12 指标 14小时前
I've not met that many Chinese who really are aware of who the Jews are or what they believe. I'd say maybe if you were chatting with English speaking girls they'd either been watching lots of YouTube videos to improve their English or had maybe picked these theories up from other foreigners (especially if you were in touristy places)


In my experience China attracts a lot of conspiracy theory nuts and people with quite right wing views from the rest of the world.


[–]TheAllDogDiet[S] 34 指标 13小时前
Yeah a lot of white people I met in China are huge Big Brother conspiracy nuts about the West which seems ironic since they're now in an ethnocentric surveillance state as an obvious foreigner.



[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 13 指标 11小时前 
I noticed this too! Lots of wingnut expats.
I mean I guess it makes some sense. Birds of a feather and all that. Don't have to live under librul oppression in a country that hates liberal values as much as you do.


And I guess the fact that the government is authoritarian can be excused by "Well duh they all are wake up sheeple!"
Ironically the most cranky right-wing wingnut at my local watering hole was Jewish.
Fucking misfits man.


[–]TheAllDogDiet[S] 9 指标 9小时前 
I think the concept of being a misfit definitely applies to them. They don't feel understood in their own country so they go somewhere else where it's either easier to be understood or normal to be misunderstood and therefore granted more leniency for being so different. I think there's also a bit of fantasy that they'll be treated better than native citizens solely because they're foreigners (which is true in some small ways but not generally).


[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 6 指标 9小时前 
As a recovering misfit I'm inclined to agree.
Thinking on it our laowai bar was the island of fucking misfit toys.
Why am I such a misfit?
Laowai FOBs just don't get it
China is such a shit-pit
But we don't need to fit in!


[–]TheAllDogDiet[S] 16 指标 9小时前 
Oh man the expat bars are always such an insane amalgamation of cartoon characters.
You'll get fighters from Sweden who opened up shop in town former professionals now in their 50s covered in tats who write murder fantasy novels people that straight up lie to you about everything since they're running from the law in their home countries insane people who came to China to teach but ended up hopping school to school for years prescxtion drug junkies Germans etc. But there's something so comforting about having them around. It's interesting.


[–]midnightblade 5 指标 8小时前 
It's not too surprising I guess.
The Chinese have been compared to the Jews in the past. King Rama VI of Thailand called the Chinese the Jews of the East due to the large Chinese diaspora the way they generally controlled trade and businesses and also the way they were generally hated/despised by the locals.
There's a pretty long history of Jewish and Chinese interaction. There's also a lot written about how Jewish and Chinese views about family and education and economics are very similar which is why there are a lot of Jewish/Chinese couples.


[–]mbx94 2 指标 5小时前 
This doesn’t mean they don’t like Jews They just admire Jews ability to earn money and wish they have the same ability of Jews to control the international finance . I talked with several Chinese friends before and all said the same. 犹太人很厉害!said by all Chinese I met.

