【 Quora 】:历史上最伟大的文明是哪个?(上) [美国媒体]


What is the greatest civilization in history?

【 Quora 】:历史上最伟大的文明是哪个?(上)

The obvious one… Ancient Rome.
They were one of Earth’s most powerful civilizations for roughly 1,000 years.
There was three main stages of Rome… the Kingdom, the Republic, and the Empire.
The Roman Kingdom was founded in 753 BC and ended in 509 BC.
The Republic was founded in 509 BC and dissolved in 27 BC.
The Empire was founded in 27 BC and fell in 476 AD.
From around 753 BC to 476 AD, Ancient Rome lasted around 1,229 years!
This makes Rome one of the longest lasting civilizations in history.
I mention that Rome is one of the most influential civilizations in history. Modern day governments like the US get their form of government from the Roman Republic.
Rome’s roadways were some of the most advanced and extensive in all of human history up until the point of the Industrial Revolution. As the famous saying goes “All Roads Lead to Rome.”
Rome is often considered the most advanced civilization up until the point of the Industrial Revolution. That means even a thousand years after Rome’s fall it was more advanced than any civilization on Earth at the time.
Roman architecture is also some of the most advanced in ancient times. The Colosseum is often praised as an architectural wonder but another often overlooked by people is the Pantheon. To this day the Pantheon remains the world’s largest unreinforced concrete dome. The Circus Maximus is also another example of Rome’s engineering skills.
Rome is also know for powerful and successful emperors like Augustus, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, etc. These men led Rome to conquer land and make it vast and more influential.
Other than emperors, Rome was know for many intellectuals such as Cicero, Seneca the Younger, Livy, Epictetus, Ovid, Virgil, Horace, Plutarch, Seneca the Elder, etc.
Romans were also know for their extensive Aqueducts, concrete, bath houses, temples, libraries, statues, etc.
I could go on longer but I think you get the idea. Rome was a great civilization and arguably the greatest.





During the age of the Mauryan Empire, India was was no doubt one of the greatest civilizations on Earth. Much of it’s intellectual and scientific achievements continue into modern India and globally. Founded in 322 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya, with the wise council of the world’s first political Scientist Prime Minister Chanakya. The Mauryan dynasty was quick in it’s pace to dominate the Indian landscape. Chanakya authored the Arathshasthra, and this contained the world’s first volume on the art of just rule. Following these principles, Chandragupta quickly ousted the Nanda Dynasty, which had made deals with invading Greeks, and westward expansion began. Taking full advantage of the weakness of the Greek Satraps Alexander the Great had left behind, all of India was liberated from this foreign presence. And, in a surprise battle Chandragupta, defeated the Greek General Seluescus, and gained all territories west of the Indus River.Thus, a new philosophy was adopted, and territories coming into the Mauryan Empire were integrated with entirely new policies. There was no pillaging or looting. Instead trade was encouraged, and new religious and social concepts of equity and unity were being spread. This would all culminate and reach a level of development never seen anywhere in the world under, Chandragupta's grandson Ashoka.
The Mauryan Dynasty would reach it’s geographical and cultural zenith under Emperor Pyadaasi Ashoka. For many ages people in India believed him to be a myth as it seemed impossible that such a ruler could have existed in reality. But, in the 1800’s it was proven by archaeological studies, and that he was even more than the even Indian Buddhist records indicated. As Ashoka united the entire Indian Sub-Continent under one rule, he had a profound moral awaking. Ashoka, had reoccurring dreams of the Campaign he waged in Kalinga, which had been one the bloodiest campaigns in his drive for unification. It is said there were over 100,000 causalities. Thus, by many accounts he entered a deep state of depression. When he emerged from this he had converted to the new Indian Religion of Buddhism. And, for the rest of his life he attempted to create a system of humanity for his subjects which even today remains a feat unmatched by modern governments.
During this period in India inventions took place which laid down the basic principles by which mathematics would be governed in the coming ages. The Indian decimal system was invented and replaced all other numbering systems. Many mistakenly call these Arabic Numerals, but in reality they simply introduced these to Europe 1200 years later and played no part in creating this system. The concept of Zero was invented in India used as a place holder. Indian medicine took off in ways not seen again until modern times. Plastic Surgery, standardized herbal medicines to treat illness, and surgical tools were developed. In addition to this, vaccinations were performed. Nearly 2000 years before the West would even conceive of such ideas.
Emperor Ashoka, instituted social reforms to level out economic wealth, he created a system of punishment which was merciful and in which all accused had the right to appeal their sentences directly to the Emperor. He prohibited all acts of torture and mistreatment of prisoners, acts of violence were discouraged, and he gave animals basic rights as well. The world’s first ecological laws were implemented, and needless destruction of forests was forbidden. He created protected species immune from hunting as they were deemed proper for the health of the forests. Ashoka, then went further and created State Sponsored, Medical Research facilities and free health care for all his subjects. Roads were built through out India and Western Asia, with four types of fruit bearing trees so that travelers would have food sources while they traveled in any season. A system of standardized currency and weights and measures were introduced. During his rule, India was the largest economy in the world by far and he had nearly 90 million people under his rule. In 250 B.C. this was more than 1/3 of the world’s population. In terms of scale Ashoka’s India was 1.9 million square miles, and was larger than modern India. He had a standing army of 650,000 men in arms. This was the Ancient world’s largest fighting force. And yet, he voluntarily stopped expanding his Empire. Something never seen in the ancient world. During his 50 years of rule unprecedented achievement occurred in Religion, art, sciences and expression. In Emperor Ashoka’s court open religious debate took place something not seen again until Emperor Akbar’s court in India nearly 2000 years later. Emperor Ashoka even defined the rules of civilized debate as consisting of “ arguing the subject and not against the person.” Most of the symbols and underlying architectural styles used to signify India, in later Empires and even Modern India came about under the Mauryan Dynasty, and especially under Emperor Ashoka. The Indian Stupa style was spread and today is so integral to Chinese,Korean and Japanese design that it is mostly forgotten that this also originated in India, along with Karate and it’s sister Yoga. Indian astrology which was far superior to anything in the world, including the computation of a solar year, gravity and the correct meaning of solar eclipses were documented in this age. During the last 20 years of his life, Ashoka began the process of spreading Indian Culture, Science, and Indian Buddhism.
His ambassadors circled the known world, reaching Greece,China,Japan,Indonesia and Sri Lanka. Much of the world today calls Asian values are actually Indian Values from the time of the Mauryan Empire.He placed pillars all through out India’s borders, and inscribed them with words which stated that the Indian Empire was no threat beyond it’s borders and to trade openly. Emperor Ashoka forbade all forms of torture and capital punishment. And, he discouraged the eating of animals. Thus, Emperor Ashoka was ecologist and humanitarian before much of the world had the vocabulary to describe his vision and edicts. At this point in history India was truly the greatest civilization on Earth. It was his message, which inspired an India ravaged by colonialism and utter poverty to again begin the path to rebuild itself. Through out the course of Indian history, the message of Emperor Ashoka has shown like a guiding star. That an Empire of Spirit, can give birth to an Empire of magnanimity and justice, that so many Empires came and left but the Empire Ashoka created always is present in the hearts and minds of Indians, but also of all those who seek inspiration and renewal. In 1947, the emblem of Emperor Ashoka once more became the Emblem of India. And a unified secular Republic took birth.







China, no doubts. The State of the Middle.
Why? The Chinese civilization has lasted for almost 4,700 years more or less continuously. It is one of the most populous civilizational spheres today, and is the economic powerhouse of the world, the factory of the world and the giant of the East. Its power has never been that of military and violence, but that of economy, intellect, education and civilization.
China has made more contributions to the history in invention, discovery, science, engineering and culinary than all other civilizations combined.
The Chinese art, architecture and design reflect an immense strive for harmony, beauty and balance. The Chinese philosophy and statesmanship skills are an example of a great, advanced civilization.
China has set the yardstick and hallmark to all Eastern Eurasian civilization to which follow and where to strive. Japan, Korea, Indochinese states… you name it. They all have more or less copied the Chinese example yet developed their own national identities.
The second would be Rome - whose descendants we all Westerners are today. But that is another issue.



It depends on what's the criteria you want to use.
In the following paragraphs, I included only civilizations that existed before the industrial revolution.
If you want to use the Architectural criteria, I would answer without any doubt, China. The Chinese civilization (1600BC-700BC) had developed a lot of new architectural design. There are many different styles of buildings. This is what made other civilizations and countries like Korea, Japan and Vietnam get influenced with these styles of buildings and tried copying them. It's well known that the Roman, Arabian and Chinese civilizations were the best in architecture. But I chose the Chinese because it's the most ancient one between these three.
Let's move to the military criteria. We can distinguish two civilizations who got a lot of territory in no time. The first one is the Islamic civilization (during Rashidun and Umayyad Chaliphates). The Islamic civilization could destroy two of the most powerful civilizations at that time who are Persia and Byzantine. The Islamic civilization fought both Persia and Byzantine at the same time. Persia got defeated quickly specially because they suffered from a lot of defeats in Iraq . Also, Byzantine got defeated in many battles like the battle of Yarmuk. Sources mention that the number of Muslims during this battle was 30000 while the opposite side had troops 9 times more than Muslims which means around 300000, plus the Byzantine troops were better equipped, but despite these two facts, Muslims could win, and this war leader to the conquest of Turkey by Muslims. The other civilization that can be ranked as first is the Mongol civilization. This one could conquer almost all Asia, plus the eastern part of Europe in no time. They were so powerful that no civilization could stop them. They fought with a lot of other civilizations like the Indian one, and the Islamic civilization. And they won all their battles. Everyone feared Mongol and its power. The Mamluks who are a part of the Islamic civilization coumd finally take back the land from Mongols in the end of the 13th century, and since then, the mongols started to lose their territories and get defeated. This is what explains the conversion of many Mongols to Islam. This is why I classify the Islamic civilization as number one in this criteria.
If we talk about the scientific criteria, I would again choose the Islamic civilization. Everyone knows about the Islamic Golden age (800BC-1400BC). Science, economic development and cultural works flourished during this period. Muslims also worked hard on mathematics. There were many mathematicians like Al-Khawarizmi and Al-jayyani . Also, Muslims developed science, for exemple Ibn Am-Haitham is known as the world's first true scientist.Al-Biruni estimated the radius of the earth as 6339.6 km, the best estimate at that time. Today, we know that its radius is 6371 km which is amazing. I can continue mentioning hundreds of discoveries. I know other civilizations also had a lot of discoveries, but it's admitted by European scientists hat Europe wouldn't be Europe if Muslims didn't do these discoveries.
Maybe you won't trust me, but watch Neil Tyson's speech about the Islamic golden age and you will be impressed.
So, as you see bro, there are different criterias we can use to choose which is the greatest civilization in history.



如果我们谈论科学标准,我将再次选择伊斯兰文明。每个人都知道伊斯兰黄金时代(公元前800年-1400年)。在这一时期,伊斯兰的科学、经济发展和文化事业蓬勃发展。穆斯林在努力学习数学。有很多数学家,比如Al-Khawarizmi和贾亚尼。此外,穆斯林也发展了科学,例如Ibn Am-Haitham被称为世界上第一位真正的科学家。还有阿尔比鲁尼估计地球的半径为6339.6公里,是当时最好的估计。今天,我们知道它的半径是6371千米。我还可以说出成百上千的发现。我知道其他文明也有很多发现,但欧洲科学家都承认,如果穆斯林不做出这些发现,欧洲就不会是现在的欧洲。


Modern Western civilization, of course.
In terms of technology, ethics, not enslaving people, human rights, average standard of living, advancement, etc, it is without a doubt the greatest civilization in history.
Throughout nearly all of history, no matter where you lived, things were pretty similar. You lived in a small shitty house, farmed enough food to eat, dealt with the environment, and prayed the barbarians from the north didn’t come steal your crops, rape your wife, and kill you. Sure, in some places the houses were bigger and more insulated, in others the farming techniques were better, and in others the barbarians were a distant threat you didn’t think about much, but things were pretty similar.
In the last 200 years in the West, everything changed. Only a very small group of people farm, and they do it completely differently than before. Houses that we’d look down upon as tiny, cramped, and cold would have been seen as fit for a king by pre-modern people. Your average middle-class Westerner lives a better, longer, healthier, and more comfortable life than any pre-modern king could ever hope for in their wildest dreams.
Here I am, a non-noble, non-famous nobody, typing on a hunk of metal and plastic, using a complex writing system that 99% of Westerners can understand (a mind-bogglingly high literacy rate for pre-modern societies), creating an answer to send across a magical force that anyone in the West and outside can read. I’m sitting in a comfortable bed made of near perfect materials, in a well-light room, heated by a complex system of pipes, in the middle of a massive city with amazing infrastructure (at least compared to pre-modern cities), with no need to worry about famine, crop failures, barbarian invasions, the winter, etc.
We have eliminated slavery in the West, given equal rights to almost everyone, created a very high standard of human rights, eliminated many devastating diseases, and just generally fixed everything.
I’m sure I’m going to get all sorts of non-Westerners claiming that their civilization is much better, that their culture is richer, their history is longer, etc. Guess what, Western culture is pretty rich, and even if it wasn’t, I’d rather have a great life  than the other way around.
Also, please recognize that I’m talking solely about modern Western civilization. Before the Industrial Revolution it was no better than others.



