美国警方:中国谋杀嫌疑人据信已经飞到北京 [美国媒体]


Chinese murder suspectbelieved to have fled to Beijing: U.S. police


BEIJING (Reuters) - AChinese national suspected of a double murder in Los Angeles has fled theUnited States for China, U.S. police said on Saturday.


Deyun Shi, the44-year-old suspect, is believed to have killed two teenage boys, aged 14 and15, at a home in Arcadia, a city in Los Angeles county, Sara Rodriguez of theLos Angeles County Sherriffs Department told Reuters by phone. Police believeShi fled on a plane to Beijing.


The boys, who were Shi'snephews, suffered from "blunt force trauma" and were discovered bylocal police on Friday afternoon, Rodriguez said.


Shi, who police consider"armed and dangerous", is also wanted in a spousal assault that tookplace Thursday, according to a statement from the department.


A backlog of tens ofthousands of Chinese nationals awaiting deportation for violating U.S. immigrationlaws, including 900 classified as violent offenders, have not been repatriated,often because China has been slow in providing the necessary documents. Theissue has strained relations between the world's two largest economies.


Gary 3 hours ago
In the Philippinesawhile back six Chinese's national drug smugglers were arrested and when toldthey were going to be deported back to China they cried and begged to be put inprison here: Why? Because as soon as they stepped off the plane in China theywould be executed? 
Remember when the US government opened their arms for all those Cuban when theyarrived and then found out that Castro had emptied out the Cuban prisons to berid of them?
Now the US is trying to get back Deyum Shi and making it a big deal of it? Whydon't they instead just turn it over to the Chinese authorities and see howthey handle it? Sleep well


Rosemarie Davis 6 hours ago
Well if China is notcooperating with the U.S. in taking back their criminal's than how can the U,S,think that law officials in China will be waiting at their airport when thisman arrives and take him into custody and send him back to the U.S.??? andbesides what ever flights that have left the U.S for China.between Thrusday andFriday should long be there by now, and so far no arrest and it want be anarrest especially, if there is no extradition treaty between the two countriesthan the U.S. chances of getting this man return to the U.S.is zero, because Chinais not obligated no matter what the crime is..


FrancoisMarie 8 hours ago
Another"entrepreneur" who bought his visa with $500,000 from our statedepartment under the valued investor immigrant program. Or as I like to callit, the bribe visa.
The only way a person can get that kind of money is by embezzlement. If I as anamerican withdraw $10000 the FBI will investigate. But if a foreigner shows upon our shores and hand a suitcase with $500000 to our state department they arelabeled an "entrepreneur" and given visas and green cards for theirentire family.


TheTruthHurts 11 hours ago
"Westerngovernments have long been reluctant to hand over suspects to China because ofa lack of transparency and due process in China's judicial system. "
ALSO, Western governments love to keep all the money that the Chinese criminalsbring in to buy real estate and invest. Don't want to give those Chinese backbecause of the "lack transparency."


Kyle 56 minutes ago
SO! Donald Trump isright about immigrants?


July 45 minutes ago
America Likes to takeall Trash in when others Country are throwing out,thats why in America everysecond every minutes there are happening in every damn corner , AM I RIGHT,YES!!!refugees every others Country but actual fact are rubbish that Countryare getting rid off.


Susan 2 hours ago
Thank you Mr. President,for our OPEN BORDERS.


Caxton 12 hours ago
"A backlog of tensof thousands of Chinese nationals awaiting deportation for violating U.S.immigration laws, including 900 classified as violent offenders"
What does this has to do with this incident? As in, was the Man here illegally?did he violate US immigration laws, just don't get the connection, unless imissed something in the article.
Either way, he's gone.
Things are missing here, when did the police realize he might have committedthe murders? The suspect left the US for China when? How come no one stoppedhim from getting on a plane after the fact.


Ken 12 hours ago
Never mind thepaper-work, just send them back and do the paper work later.


Ming 1 hour ago
you know what, there aremore than hundred of Chinese criminals in USA that China really wants themback.

Just TRADE with them.


S M G 2 hours ago
It has long beenreported that Chinese police already detained him with pictures, why west mediatries to make big fuss about this?


West 6 hours ago
Hey! There's dozens ofmurder 'suspects' right there in Chicago of multiple murders so the policedon't even need to travel to China to catch a few hundred of them. Why don'tthey begin there?


Ryan 4 hours ago
Western governments havelong been reluctant to hand over suspects to China because of a lack oftransparency and due process in China's judicial system. In the past, Chinesegovernment officials convicted of corruption have sometimes been sentenced todeath.
Anyone else like thatlast sentence? Sure maybe China is different, but most could agree that Americacould use such a law. Then again, America wouldn't have a fully seated Congressfor starters.


Ralph 9 hours ago
USA made a stupid moveby not returning Chinese criminals back to China. Karma is at work here. Nowthis murderer runs to China and the USA expects China to return him to the USAfor trial. I don't think so! Trump is right. The US government is full ofstupid people.

