【龙腾网字幕组】自由主义:它从哪里来?它的日子已经屈指可数了吗? [美国媒体]

【龙腾网字幕组】 自由主义:它从哪里来?它的日子已经屈指可数了吗?


【标题】Liberalism -  where did it come from and are its days numbered - The Economist



【网盘】链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ah9tO_3-nSdKHzGf9E42KQ 密码: pctu



Stephen Johnson
The term liberalism was hijacked by socialists mid century.  That's why freedoms are being replaced by unsustainable public bribes.


mystery guest
Make liberalism great again.


rob roberts
another progressive trying to cloak themselves as liberal.


Social Justice and identity politics are as far from liberal as possible

社会公正和身份政治(identity politics,又称认同政治)离自由主义越远越好。

Daniel Di Martino
There' s a large difference between classical liberals and the new leftist liberals


Liberalism, as most things, has stages.
Not caring what race, nationality, orientation or income bracket someone belongs in is good liberalism.


There is nothing in common between the classical liberal n modren progressive.. that simple.. using its name does not mean it was still the same thing. 
People that choose Trump were often simply chosing the lesser evil.. most of them really2 hate Trump. BUT they fear the modren progressive more


It seems odd that you represent liberalism with American hipsters. Liberalism is the defence of a free and open society against the anti-individual collectivism of socialism, racialism or large state authoritarianism. Liberalism has indeed been hijacked by American bearded people calling for political correctness. Simply call them illiberals.


Bernardo Rocha
I think this word could be divided in two:
Market liberalism (conservative in social affairs, but liberal in market ones) = right wing
Social liberalism (literalism practiced in social affairs, intervention in market) = left wing
I think that, as all that is human, nothing is simple, as this word who's meaning is changing. 

市场自由主义 ( 社会事务上保守,市场事务上自由) = 右翼。
社会自由主义 ( 在社会事务中实践自由主义,对市场进行干预 ) = 左翼

Populist just got support from those who think like them, once you are affected by a populist decision turn that all this time you was a liberal and bias. Thanks god this right movements are going to fall soon they are already failures in Europe of those populist right wing governments. And of course Trump stupidity is the best example of it.


Scott Martin
Well done! Exactly the sort of clear headed, reasonably unbiased approach I admire the Economist for, beyond your 'capital-centric' tendencies. Now how about lowering the subscription price to a more 'working-class centric' level, eh!


Joseph Molto
Calling Hobbes a 'liberal' is controversial to say the least, although the reason here seems to be to present liberalism as simply the basic intellectual underpinnings of modernism. That raises the question of whether Liberals (ie of the partisan variety) simply see themselves as the 'true' representatives of liberalism, which they claim is the larger theoretical basis for all democracy and the only moral ground for political authority. This would call into question what democracy is for then but simply to 'manage' the success of liberalism. Indeed, this may well be what the economist is saying, in which case their intellectual underpinnings will simply collapse - as did the hard reading of the 'end of history' thesis - as their liberal teolology increasingly contradicts any meaningful non-partisan conception of free democracy.
However, they notably leave out of their didactic 'history' the more problematic aspects of liberalism since the revolutionary era - the growing identification of liberalism with radical nationalism in the mid nineteenth century and then its collapse at the turn-of-the century when liberal parties were mostly replaced by social democratic parties on the left. Nor do they mention debates on the right about what it means to be a conservative nationalist/regionalist/social or religious conservative as conservative movements were increasingly infected by liberal entryants in the late 20th century.


World's Netizen
CCP's propagandists named them as ‘‘白左’。They took advantage of western world's democracy to gain strength in the past 40 years(use democracry to desotry democracy) then finally showed up their true color.

中国共产党的宣传部门称他们为“白左”,他们利用西方世界的民主,在过去的40年中获得了力量 ( 用民主来摧毁民主 ),终于露出了他们的真面目。

Kr Tong
this is the most wrong and british take on american economic hsitory ive ever seen. The founding fathers werent liberals. They were mercantilists, capitalists and protectionists because we needed supplies and wealth of our own. We nearly lost the revolution and needed more wealth and our own manufactories to make sure we wouldnt lose another invasion. So the founding fathers closer resembled trump than hillary clinton.  Socialism wasnt seen in america until the southern states seceeded and needed to pool wealth to fund buying supplies for their own military. because they had no industry to manufacture their own. 
Europe has always misinterpreted the american economy, opting for more socialism and state planning because in part because it was never able to overthrow the monarchies and oligarchies that america never had, and in part because it cant compete with america at its own game of free trade and industrialization.


Political Wasp
Liberal thinking does not make you a Liberal party member. Anyone from any party, who has a kind heart and an open mind is a liberal thinker. Farage/Trump & Co have hijacked the Western political word and added the "elite" tag to try and discredit every positive, liberal action taken by Labour, Tory, Republican & Democrat governments since WW2. Yes this video is simple and patronising to the intellectual mind, but liberal complacency has created the rise of the Far-Right across the Western World. No one is ever too old or too intelligent to stop learning so please share this video to re-educate ourselves and others.


Matthew Pegler
Liberalism is a disease. Authority should be maintained. All within the state, none outside the state, none against the state.


Daniel de Burgh
Liberalism today is conservatism(in europe)

