[Quora]:Which isthe worst place to be born in, China, India, Iran, Iraq, Vietnam from thewestern perspective?
Balaji Viswanathan, Knowledge lover.
One thing I want to add to Luke's goodanswer is that it also depends on which class & locality you are born in.If you are going to be born as a poor villager, then India is likely worse thanVietnam, Iran and China. India's healthcare, sanitation and primary educationis terrible if you are poor.
If you are going to be born in a rich,urban family India is the best place to be in. Ultra rich often face troublefrom the party in China and face slightly more security issues in Vietnam. Arich Indian can have an outsized power in the society, have access to greateducation & healthcare and can also greatly utilize India's fast growingeconomy. Politicians, media, army and the civil society will not come in the wayof a rich person.
If you are going to be in the urban middleclass, it is a tie between China and India. Middle class Chinese have a varietyof advantages - such as far better roads, airports, trains & uninterruptedpower, while a middle class Indian has better political power, the benefit ofEnglish & better relations with the west to travel the world more. A simpleexample is that, for an Indian it is fairly easy to get a 10 year multipleentry visitor visa in US, while until recently Chinese were limited to 6 monthsat a time [due to reciprocal arrangements]. Middle class Indians and Chinese are thus roughly comparable in therange of benefits they can get from the society.
Edit: There seems to be some confusion inthe comment thread on what Middle Class means. Middle Class in Indian standardsrefers to about $600/month [10 times less than in the west] and that translatesto about Rs. 40,000/month. Only a small fraction of India is in middle or uppermiddle. Everyone in India thinks they are 'middle class' and almost noone actually is
Balaji Viswanathan,知识爱好者
注释:评论里关于怎么定义中产阶级这个问题似乎有些疑惑。印度标准的中产阶级是指收入约600美元/月(比西方标准少10倍),换成卢比大约40000卢比 /月的人群。印度只有一小部分人群属于中产阶级或上层中产阶级。
链接: Everyone in India thinks they are 'middle class' and almost noone actually is
Aaron Zhang, M.A. of German studies. Interestedin economy and culture. Now study in Israel.
To answer this question is quite simple,you do not need much argument, but a new perspective.
You can compare the number of foreigntourists (or per capita) as well as the number of international students, whichindicate the overall "atractiveness" of a country to foreiners(certainly not only including "western" people).
China ranks 3rd (revenue) or 4th (arrivals)in international tourism after US and France or Spain, all other countriesmentioned in this list do not enter top 10. Considering the size only India andChina are comparable but China more "attractive".
Number of International studens in China377,054
The number for India 33,151(about 1/10 of China) .
That says a lot, but if you can get theexact number of long term expatriates and compare them it could be moreconvincing.
So in Asia Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan, HongKong, Singapore and a few oil rich countries are very attractive, for certainreasons Thailand, Malaysia and certain metropolitan areas of China also.
Aaron Zhang,德国文学硕士。对经济和文化感兴趣。现在在以色列学习
Arti Gupta, Indian at heart
I generally stay away from answering suchquestions... but I guess I would go for this one.
I am sure there are enough people in thewest whose lives are bigger struggle than many people in all the countries youhave stated.
There are enough people born to richparents in developed countries.... and they are struggling in their life.
Personally I feel that the parents one isborn to, are more important than the country one is born in. I am sure thereare enough parents in Iraq and all other countries who have supported theirkids to grow up and have happy life.
Someone mentioned that being born rich canbe helpful in certain countries like India.
I was born to very simple parents. Myfather lost his mother when he was 12 years old, my grandfather was perpetuallyon bed. My father worked first to feed and educate his siblings and then toeducate us. I feel I am so lucky to beborn to such parents in India.
They taught me the value of hard work.
They taught me the value of love in afamily.
They taught me that one does not need to berich to give to others, giving comes from attitude one has, and not from thebank balance.
They taught me that responsibilities inlife are above pleasures.
They taught me the value of money... andthe fact that it really does not have any value... it is a means to fulfilother needs/goals and should not become a need/goal in itself.
Worst place to be born in is a family thatdoes not love you, support you, has no time for you, and fails to teach you tobe a good human being. And this can happen in any country in the world.
Arti Gupta,常怀印度在心间
Anup Shanker, works at Ameriprise Financial
How come you came up with India (or Chinaor some other country?). I am an Indian and wish to be born an Indian for thenext of my lives else not be born at all.
Its a blessing to be born in India.
From a poor who can't earn his day's mealto a rich who can change his limo each week, if you find one who ain't proud ofbeing an Indian or doesn't get goosebumps while our national anthem is sung ordoesn't want next life as an Indian, I'll quit quora!
If you're an Indian I'm sorry to you for noanswer can help, and if you ain't an Indian I'm more sorry and pray you be bornonce (each nation is perhaps the best for it's individuals, or perhaps I'mwrong 'cause I feel so.)
PS: I ain't jingoistic, rather perhaps oneof the most pragmatic persons you can find.
Visit India. Give us a chance to serve youand you'll return back in goosebumps.
Anup Shanker,工作于阿默普莱斯金融
你怎么会想到印度(或中国和其他国家) ?我是一名印度人,我希望我能出生在印度,而不是任何别的地方。
Frances Chua, works at AmnestyInternational
It depends on your ideology, race and levelof ethics. If you are Han Chinese and from a prominent communist party memberyou will have unlimited privileges. If you are not Han Chinese nor communistparty member and poor China is the worst place to born. You will be framed asterrorists no matter how good you are. You will have higher chance to beexecuted and have your organs to be harvested for money. Basically you will beraw material.
Frances Chua,工作于国际特赦组织
Max Zhang, worked at Ctrip
If you are ultra rich, best in India.
If you are government officer, best inChina.
If you are a woman, best in China.
If you can't live without Facebook, inVietnam.
If you are a poor people, nowhere would bea good place.
Max Zhang,在携程工作
Niki Zhang
My answer is
Niki Zhang
Amber Mao, Beijing
I know it's really unbelievable that wecan't use Facebook Twitter Google in China,and that may push people think it'sreally bad to be a Chinese. What's more,Chinese students always face differentstress from school or parents even peers.But you know what, I feel safehere.Because guns are not allowed and people need security check before enterin subway.As a girl who lives all by myself ,sometimes really enjoy theloneliness,never worried about being injured here. I usually went back home alone by walking at 1am from aparty or bookstore.And the education is really cheap here. I came from a poorfamily but I worked good in my college life .
Amber Mao,北京
Qi XIn
China is the best,Ilove my country and my city
Guangzhou, thrid largest city of mainlandChina.
Qi XIn
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