孕妇故意绊倒一4岁男孩。为之网上热议四起 [美国媒体]



It seems right out of a particularly mean-spirited Groucho Marx routine: A little boy sped through some plastic curtains knocking them into the face of a pregnant woman eating near the door.


The boy was rushing to collect some chopsticks from his parents who own the spicy hot pot outlet local media reported.


The boy's breezy entrance caused the young woman to spill some food. So as the 4-year-old ran back out the door the woman stuck her foot out to trip him.


The toddler went flying landing on his belly. Doctors later confirmed he had a concussion.


The episode which took place last Friday in China's Shaanxi province was caught on security camera.


And it has quickly made the rounds on the country's social media. The clip has been shared on Weibo at least 67 million times. One comment about the “Bad Mom To Be” collected from the What's on Weibo website sums up a common sentiment: "I think this pregnant woman is overreacting. The child is still young and ignorant. You can tell him off but you can’t tackle him. He is carrying chopsticks in his hand — what if you’d really hurt him? You’ll be a mother soon aren't you afraid of your own children being harmed? Your aggression is not good for you baby. You're an adult — shame on you!"


The story has since been covered by several Chinese media outlets.


After the boy told his mother what happened she pulled the CCTV footage to confirm then called the police. “At first I thought my boy tripped himself but later he told me that the woman tripped him which was confirmed by other customers in the shop” the boy's mother told the China Youth Daily according to the South China Morning Post. “I checked the CCTV and was so angry that I called the police.”


The woman later turned herself in and apologized. She offered to pay the boy's medical expenses and was given a short suspended police sentence and a $158 fine.


According to local news outlets the boy's mother has said she is satisfied with the outcome and glad the woman won't go to jail. “We do not wish to affect her” she told China Youth Daily. “I have children myself. I can understand.”



[–]ivancurtis 36 指标 1 天前 
Just another woman in China who is going to smack her own kids around in public and whine at them like a child herself. Literally one of millions. Not really a story.


[–]C-Jen 19 指标 1 天前 
It seemed to end reasonably well. The perpetrator apologized and paid for the boy's expenses and the mother said she didn't want any permanent consequences for the pregnant woman.
Tellingly the mother also said she kind of understood the woman's feelings at least from having to deal with a kid of her own.


Parenthood can be draining. Props to those people who can do it conscientiously.


[–]FileError214 0 指标 17小时前 
You’re excusing an adult who purposefully tripped a toddler?


[–]dandmcdUnited States 1 指标 3小时前 
If you don't excuse every shitty thing you see in China you're going to have a bad time. Also everyone has a really shitty stressful day in China and might do something they regret. A pregnant women is already dealing with enough stress as it is.


[–]mr-wiener 8 指标 1 天前 
I snort-laughed when I saw this vid..
I'm a bad person...


[–]kali_yuga_a_gogoCambodia 5 指标 22小时前 
I also liked how she did a test run with her leg before actually smacking the kid down.


[–]stealmyrecords 8 指标 23小时前 
Meh I tripped a kid who was running around a restaurant screaming while his parents remained oblivious. Tough shit kid. He stopped running after that.


[–]mr-wiener 3 指标 23小时前 
A broken leg will do that I guess..



[–]DiickBenderSociety 2 指标 17小时前 
It didnt help that he stomped on his femur after


[–]kulio_forever 1 指标 14小时前 
I read that the kid got a concussion but not positive its true


[–]Eitsky 6 指标 22小时前 
She probably shouldn't have lashed out like that but I can understand her frustration. Some little emperors here are given too much freedom and parents (or grandparents) don't properly educate them on how to be courteous or considerate.


The other day I was on the subway and a pair of parents was letting their little boy continually scream. A high-pitch squeal kind of scream. I could see the people around me cringing each time. He wasn't upset or anything. He was happy and having fun. Instead of telling him that's not okay the parents were smiling and laughing thinking it's funny.


So yeah he's a kid. But who's gonna teach him? Maybe she should have tried talking to him and teaching him but would he have listened?


[–]GenericAtheist 6 指标 20小时前 
Whenever this happens you literally just shout in English and shit magically fixes itself. Used it myself on planes buses and trains to great effect.


You don't even have to say anything mean. Generally I say "WOW IT'S SO GREAT TO BE ON A QUIET SUBWAY." Or something stupid like that and then suddenly people are all hush hush. The problem with china is that generally the other citizens know when people are being dickbags but they're too afraid to say anything. Once 1 person says something they all gangbang whoever is being a dick.


[–]Eitsky 3 指标 19小时前 
Lol yeah occasionally I'll speak up but usually it takes a lot. I remember one day a dude stepped on with his cell phone on full blast and started swiping through those random Chinese videos. The songs and sounds constantly changing were more annoying than the loud noise itself. I took out my headphones and said "song gei ni le" and he took the hint. Afterwards some Chinese people asked him what happened though. As a foreigner I still try and tread careful because a good amount of time they'll see you in the wrong. I can imagine them being upset that I made him lose face or the fact that "[I'm] in China!!".


[–]FileError214 3 指标 17小时前 
Dude there’s a lot of other options besides physically hurting a child. This woman is a grade-A Cuntasaurus Rex



[–]d_realist[🍰] 3 指标 23小时前 
The birth of the #donttrip movement has begun.


[–]Sycronax 3 指标 1 天前 
That kid didn’t need to go to hospital.


[–]nikatnightUnited States 7 指标 1 天前 
He had a concussion. Hospital is best.


[–]Sycronax 2 指标 1 天前 
dude he's a kid. they fall over like that 10 times a day.
They don't weigh anything so they don't get hurt.
I seriously don't see how a fall like that can give a kid concussion especially because it looks like his shoulder broke his fall


[–]nikatnightUnited States 4 指标 18小时前 
I'm a teacher and while I certainly agree that kids eat it often with no issues there are certainly concussions that happen which can cause real issues immediately and over time.


[–]MrsPandaBear 1 指标 23小时前 
It’s hard to say but from the video he may have hit his head on the ground when he fell. Kids can get hurt just as easily as adults when they fall. And it’s always good to get a knock on the head looked out.


[–]lindsaylbb 3 指标 23小时前 
The kid has heart disease.


[–]Abc123_000 1 指标 21小时前 
Get a grip and find a way out asap!


ilikeeephuspitches 1 day ago likes73
Treated myself to a great seat last night at the Nats/Giants game right beside the dugout. When I arrived there were kids in my seat trying to get players to sign. Were I the woman in this story I would have sent them away. Instead I let them crowd in until game time and had a lot of fun chatting with them/their parents even when one of them stepped on my foot.



herr doc professor 2 days ago likes49
although kids can be strong irritants  at times there are more intelligent and productive ways to deal with them
Life's better when you're pleasant.


elle fant i day ago likes5
Aka:  a mature adult response.


david mackie 1 day ago likes28
Handled in typically sensible Chinese fashion: woman turns self in apologizes pays small fine and medical bills child's parents accept the apology and the money everyone moves on. No jail time needed no permanent criminal record needed no lawyers needed. America should learn from this (but we probably won't).


lana_st 1 day ago likes8
Yep. In the US she probably wouldn’t have tripped the kid but just sued the restaurant out of business instead.


kickhimout 1 day ago likes23
Wow where I grew up you would never think of hurting a 4-year old. That would never cross anyone's mind. Instead you would stop the kid kneel down and let them know that they have to slow down. Over time the kid will get it. Hitting to solve the problem? Odd if you ask me. Develops combativeness.


legofeel 2 days ago likes18
That annoying kid deserved to be tripped lol.


susan goldstein 2 days ago likes32
Really? And the lol at the end is supposed to be what...sarcasm? humor?


allen 2 days ago likes40
Really Donald? So he would have it deserved it if the chopsticks went through an eye? I guess you were never four years old? Or are you still four years old?



bhaines213 1 day ago likes17
That was a really mean-spirited woman. I so glad that her actions were captured on video and that the internet tracked her down. I share the concerns that she might not be a good mother but now she'll probably have a lot of people watching her to insure bher baby's safety!


elle fant 1 day ago likes16
"The Internet went crazy."
The Internet IS crazy.


giosbiz 1 day ago likes13
I feel for the unborn child if this mother can't handle getting a little food on her clothes. What's she going to do when her own kid pees in her face as she's changing his diaper?


graytok 1 day ago likes11
Love the 'perfect parent' responses below which blames the kids and / or the parents but not the woman.


OK the kid was running. Kids run. It is what they do. If the woman had been a decent caring yet concerned individual she had options. She could have talked to the parents and told them what happened and request they address the issue with their kid. She could even have called the kid over to her and explained that he had hit her and that he needed to be more careful in the future.


No. She took it upon herself to become a child herself and up the ante by tripping him and giving him a concussion.


And people on this forum think she was right to do so.


Good golly you must all be conservatives because all you can think of is punishment and revenge. How about a little compassion and understanding and MATURITY? Too much to ask I think.

