过去几年来国家安全圈里有这么一种趋势,即美国亚太安全专家声称中国的战略家察觉到了美国进入了衰退期。美国网友: 盟友和地区政治无关。傻瓜,盟友只在乎钱。所有美国的”盟友“都加入了中国领导的亚投行。
It has been fashionable in national security circles over the last several years for U.S. experts on Asia-Pacific security to claim that Chinese strategists perceive the U.S. to be in decline. As Daniel Blumenthal queried Ambassador John Bolton at a November 2015 forum at the American Enterprise Institute: “I don’t mean to ask such a leading question… Do you think China perceives us as… declining…?” Predictably, Bolton answered in the affirmative and went on to explain that the U.S. confronts a grave credibility problem. A similar line of thinking seems also to undergird more centrist appraisals in Washington that highlight China’s “brimming confidence” as part of the problem confronting U.S. national security policy. To be fair, there has been some evidence from Chinese sources, particularly in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, for that line of reasoning. But even during that unstable time, key Chinese sources, including analyses by military experts, did not forecast any diminution of America's military advantage.
过去几年来国家安全圈里有这么一种趋势,即美国亚太安全专家声称中国的战略家察觉到了美国进入了衰退期。正如丹尼尔先生(Daniel Blumenthal)在2015年11月美国企业研究所论坛上提问约翰博尔顿(John Bolton)大使的那段话:“我并不想问这么一个问题……你认为中国察觉到我们的衰退了么?”果不其然,博尔顿(Bolton )给出了肯定的回答,并进一步解释说美国面临严重的信誉问题。类似的观点也同样存在在华盛顿的温和派中,他们强调中国的”充满信心“已经成为美国国家安全政策的一个难题。事实上,这个推理的证据是来源于中国的一些证据的,特别是2008年金融危机之后。但是在那个动荡不安的年代,中国的主流观点(包括军事专家分析)并没有预测到美国军事优势的降低。
Undoubtedly, sound U.S. policy toward China will take account of how Chinese strategists assess American power. Indeed, the prevailing wisdom that China perceives U.S. frailty seems to form an important tenet of the logic of those arguing for more robust U.S. military deployments to the western Pacific, lest Beijing sense that Washington is weak in either resolve or capabilities. However, a spate of new Chinese analyses from 2015 seem to call into question these assumptions regarding Beijing’s view of the emerging balance of power. A series of articles and two fora were published on the subject of hypothetical “U.S. decline” [美国衰落] during 2015 by the two major Chinese journalsContemporary International Relations [现代国际关系] and The Chinese Journal of American Studies [美国研究]. This edition of Dragon Eye will examine these discussions with the hope of shedding additional light on current Chinese perceptions of America’s trajectory.
The Norseman • a day ago
1) It will be 30 years before the PRC even gets near the USA's military capability.
2) The USA has allies. Not partners like the PRC and Russia, but real allies. The PRC has LOTS of enemies, though.
3) The PRC's success in stealing modern technology will be short-lived as the West learns it's lesson. The civilized democracies of the world will continue to innovate, however.
aspone The Norseman • a day ago
Allies dont exist in geopolitics. It's all about the money you idiot. All america's "allies" joined the china-led aiib.
Scott Schymick aspone • 18 hours ago
Yeah, but then the USA turned around and got a lot of countries on board with the TPP
Merlion Economist Scott Schymick • 18 hours ago
Yes, by offering lots of carrots. That will be a loss for american jobs cause this TPP means more access to american markets which are still heavily protected.
China did not lean on her partners and friends or enemies and said you must not join. China is giving joining the TPP serious thought but only when she is ready cause it will mean good protection for her intellectual property and industries which is on the up and up. and really good access to america;s markets which is still heavily protected. Lots of american companies doing their research and dev in China also.
Will be like joining the WTO all over again. This is why China does not resist it. She doesn't play that way.
USofA Merlion Economist • 13 hours ago
Those are jobs we dont have already (low labor). China doesnt have the soft power to sway others away. This has been proven countless times.
A Chinese USofA • 12 hours ago
China's patent registrations have surpassed the American and Japanese last year. TPP's emphasis on IP protection is good for China, even if China does not join the TPP because China can cite TPP's rules to protect its IP rights against the TPP members, so that the American and Japanese cannot steal Chinese IP with impunity.
USofA A Chinese • 8 hours ago
why do you think they are not eligible to join currently LMAO
USofA A Chinese • 8 hours ago
China does not have IP laws currently. FAIL
Hi banana republic USofA • 12 hours ago
go to Vietnam Laos Cambodia and have a look all their factory run by Chinese...China slowly get rid of all primary industry
and place them elsewhere.....upgrade yr knowledge first before debate with others
USofA Hi banana republic • 8 hours ago
they are not in the TPP
USofA aspone • 13 hours ago
haha the bank only has $100bil.. Others, have trillions.
good luck, youll need it.
注析1:这里的IP指的是 intellectual property ,也就是知识产权。
The Way The Norseman • 12 hours ago
1. Why 30, and not 10, or 1 ? Yes, you got it right out of your a**
2. First of all, for most countries, or for all people if they are rational, see the u.s. as a terrorist state. China on the other hand make it a policy to not have alliance to not make the mistake of the past. The question is, if there is war, can China defeat the U.S., and if there is no war, can China defeat the U.S. What does defeat entail in both cases.
3. LOL... Do you know even know what "innovation" mean?
Merlion Economist The Norseman • 19 hours ago
Let me answer your points.
1) Its of no concern for China to achieve parity with the US militarily in 30 years because it doesn't matter now, or even 30 years ago. China has been getting what it wants and its able to get what it wants with what she has. That is a slow and methodical rise that now challenges the US. Her rise has diminished american geopolitical power to a huge extent. Thats just unprecedented. She did it without using her military. She's going to do it for the next 30 years without using her military which gets ever bigger by the day. She is achieving her goal of a declining US simply by letting the US be herself. US will make the US decline faster than china ever could. You don't need a huge military to do that, so China achieves her goals.
2) US had allies. Now the US have partners. Her allies poked her in the eyes and joined the AIIB. With allies like these who needs enemies. This is just evidence of the diminishing influence the US has. And this is despite her huge military, which emphasizes my first point.
3) Her so called success in gaining access to technology that are bared to her plays a huge part in her development. Instead of going no where for 60 odd years like the Indians, China has surpassed the US as the largest economy and trading nation in this Universe, whilst the Indians have regressed.. No small feat. Not an insignificant feat. This isn't short lived, cause it could be still happening on a mega mega scale as we speak.
Of course I don't have any evidence that china is stealing so this is all conjecture at this stage.
China is innovating now cause she's got the money to devote to R&D. The US is in Decline so the US has innovated less.
老三 Merlion Economist • 9 hours ago
Sir, you must write logical English to make your statements understood logically. For instance, what does "the US has innovated less" mean? As far as facts are concerned, Chinese cannot live a day without US innovated tools; they even are dressed like Americans. No Chinese is dressed like a Chinese. The US has innovated more than all the other countries combined, not less. more than what China has done in its 5000 years of history.
The logical English is: The US is in decline so the US is innovating less than otherwise.
You said China has got money to devote to R&D. Why a money-rich China refuses to repay her debt she owes to American private citizens?
Merlion Economist 老三 • 2 hours ago
I'm happy to have you as and editor. But of course I retain all copyrights and creative control.
-------------译者:账号 飞鱼-审核者:rumor四起------------
Florin • 19 hours ago
I don't think anyone can say with certainty whether the US is in decline or not.What seems like a decline now can turn out to be a temporary problem or it can turn out to be permanent.In the late 70's the US also seemed to be in decline until things changed drastically in the 80's.The Soviet Union was assumed to be largely stable despite economic and social issues then it collapsed quite quickly taking 90% of the so called experts by surprise.The problem is the future is not written yet.That doesn't mean that no one can predict it.Someone somewhere will always see what is coming but his or her voice will also be drowned out by many other voices.Trying to figure out who is right and who is wrong can be daunting to say the least.
USofA Florin • 13 hours ago
Its Obama. Once hes gone, this whole myth will disappear. Hes too soft to run the US
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...