美媒称:中国正在部署相当于两倍美国海军规模的海军力量 [美国媒体]

华盛顿——中国正在部署相当于两倍美国海军规模的海军力量,致力于替代美国成为主要的全球强国,分析家对众议院一委员会如是说。到2030年中国将拥有约550艘战舰,几乎是今日美国海军规模的两倍,前海军情报官员、现日内瓦安全政策中心研究员James Fanell如是说。

WASHINGTON — China is developing a navy twice the size of the U.S. Navy and working to replace the United States as the major global power, analysts told a House committee.  China will have about 550 warships by 2030 — nearly double the size of today’s U.S. Navy, said James Fanell, a former Navy intelligence officer now at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy. “Expect China to push us out of the region. Expect to lose more allies,” Fanell told the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday. 

华盛顿——中国正在部署相当于两倍美国海军规模的海军力量,致力于替代美国成为主要的全球强国,分析家对众议院一委员会如是说。到2030年中国将拥有约550艘战舰,几乎是今日美国海军规模的两倍,前海军情报官员、现日内瓦安全政策中心研究员James Fanell如是说。“中国将把我们赶出该地区,我们将失去更多盟友,”他对众议院情报委员会如是说。

New-Reality 12 hr ago
So finally it's all about its own interests, not about those countries in the South China Sea...


FemmeBaby2k1 12 hr ago
Any countries are raising their power in economy or arms will threaten US because US wants to control the whole world.


WHOCARES 13 hr ago
China population is 4 times larger than US's, US should make complain once China has 40 carriers and use them for invading Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Kosovo, Panama, Cuba, Grenada.....


Joey White 12 hr ago
Honestly I can not figure out how China threatens us in any way. To me it seems they want peace and prosperity for all. What's wrong with that?


PS 12 hr ago
The US has a $ 700 billion defense budget. Bigger than the next 10 countries combined (including China). So where exactly does the money go?


Robert 12 hr ago
NOT impressed. We have had Aircraft Carriers for generations and have the know how,they don't. We have had practice with Naval warfare, they don't... etc...


Denis 13 hr ago
why this is threat? Is that the responsibility for every country to advance its military capability to defend its national security and be ready for possible attacks by foreign aggressors? Is that what the US doing all the time. In fact, the US military budget is mort than total of all other countries budgets. I think the US is up on something and feel guilty. China is for peace, stability and prosperity for China and Chinese people.


evereachyu 7 hr ago
US News & World Report twists facts, misleading, disinformation, lying to public and propaganda.


1 14 hr ago
quantity doesn't equal quality


Democracy Exporter 13 hr ago
The US is like the boy crying wolf while the wolf has not come, YET!


Sean 14 hr ago
Looks like there's a new Sheriff in town.


The Liger 8 hr ago
OH Cmon, this is just the military way of saying give me more money!


Express 12 hr ago
what are we waiting for?


Darren 11 hr ago
China will rule the world one day. My advice learn mandarin so you can be ahead of the curve. The west is in terminal decline and this won't change any time soon. It's been a good run but the baton of hegemony will be passed from us to China in the coming decades.


Raiban 8 hr ago
China? Threat? .. Whatever....


Tomtom 6 hr ago
China is challenging US and Western European countries.


henry 10 hr ago
china carriers will go around protecting all chinese buffet restaurants in the world.


Jing 10 hr ago
any country in the world expanding military capability is a threat to the US, reverse is also true.


charles 12 hr ago
What threat? If US is not showing mussel and threatting China in that area, China would not need to spend that money in building navy rather than building more house and provide better food for its own people.


Boss 11 hr ago
you need 70 Chinese soldiers to beat one American soldier. So twice the size of US army is not even close.


quark 5 hr ago
China military is for peace and sadly Americka military is for war

I have Bigly words that I know. 4 hr ago
I remember how the USSR lost the arms race with the US, it bankrupted them. Now there is a new arms race with China, except they have the cash.


RULE OF 13 14 hr ago
we can thank bill clinton for selling US military secrets to china back in the 90's for his personal gain. THE CLINTONS AND OBAMAS ARE TRADERS OF THE USA!!!!!!! and should be tried for treason!!!!!


Will 12 hr ago
China shouldn't threaten the US hegemony. There is only one king in the jungle. That's us.


Walnutcalvery 13 hr ago
why do we have to eye them as enemy??


Liem Neymar Global 12 hr ago
Please do not say thing that you do not know. How China is going to build 20 aircraft carrier in 12 years? Please stop your non-sense and ignorance.


Grant 7 hr ago
Chinese are virgins in any warfare

