黑石CEO谈世界贸易 [美国媒体]

在中美进行贸易谈判之际,黑石CEO Larry Fink并不觉得中国会对美国作出让步。

Larry Fink on trade: 'China is our banker'


BlackRock (BLK) CEO Larry Fink isn’t optimistic that China will offer concessions to the U.S. as the two countries negotiate on trade. On Friday, China denied it had offered to slash the U.S. deficit by up to $200 billion, a goal President Donald Trump aimed to achieve through trade talks.

在中美进行贸易谈判之际,黑石CEO Larry Fink并不觉得中国会对美国作出让步。

“China has, in my mind, more cards than we do,” Fink told Yahoo Finance Editor in chief Andy Serwer during an interview on Thursday. “China is our banker, Generally, when you borrow money from a bank, I don’t know how successful a strategy is when you try to harm your banker and they call your loan.”


The Wall Street billionaire, who called himself a globalist, noted that China has been the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt for nearly a decade. China owns $1.19 trillion of U.S. government debt in March 2018, according to the latest U.S. Treasury Department data. AsU.S.-China trade tensions have heated up since March, there are some concerns that Treasury bonds could be China’s trump card in a looming trade war — if the country dumps its U.S. Treasuries it would push down the value of the dollar.


China has been on a shopping spree of U.S. Treasuries to keep the valuation of its own currency weaker than the dollar, interest rate lower and exports more competitive. China has said it won’t cut its holdings of U.S. Treasuries anytime soon — selling too quickly would cause the value of its remaining portfolio to fall.


andrew 1 day ago
It is because we let it happen. We don't have long term plan


Zephon 1 day ago
Sadly too few realize that debt causes trade imbalances. China does not force us to take on massive debt whether from the 2007 Great Recession or our Perpetual Wars. But China will lend us the money for our mis-adventures that we created. And we have only ourselves to blame. Maybe we could be smart and let the Chinese build our infrastructure like they do for so many other needy countries instead of funding our wars and corruption.


John S 1 day ago
They have to buy U.S. Treasuries. What else are they going to do with all the money we send them to buy their stuff?


Syzygy 1 day ago
One more thing to consider, the U.S. owes almost three times as much to Social Security in U.S. debt than we owe to the Chinese. This is not money that the government has PAID OUT IN BENEFITS, but money the government stole from the Social Security fund to put into the general fund. How many wars did we fund, how many food stamps did we buy with that $3 trillion that supposed tgo be safeguarded for our elderly?


Andy 1 day ago
The US largest bond holder is actually citizens of the US. China is a small fraction of that.


John 1 day ago
Don't we already pay something like 25 cents of every tax dollar to the Chinese government to pay interest on federal debt. What will happen when interest rates rise? If I ran my household like that I would be bankrupt...


manniesalado 1 day ago
The quicker Trump's trade wars and wars on immigration fade away the better the economy will do.


OldSage 1 day ago
I believe all Fink is concerned about, being the globalist that he is, is the dollar, the strength of the dollar and how it affects his investments without any concerns for the overall wellbeing of the US. Trump, on the other hand, cares for not only the dollar, it's effects on the strength of the economy but the overall economy and it's effects on the citizenry and acts to benefit both.


MasterModa 1 day ago
US should ride on the trend with China, endosing One Belt One Road and other initiative by China. After all, we chinese using US dollar most of the time in those projects, which means our hardworking and knowledge are sustaining your dollar value.


frank 1 day ago
Americans have bought a KrappTon of Chinese goods over the past 30 years. Now that China has an emerging middle class, they can begin buying more things made in America. That's how fair trade should work. There should be no losers. For the past 2 decades, American blue collar workers have been getting reemed.


Brian 1 day ago
quit spending money we don't have.


Zephon 1 day ago
Borrow when you need to expand rapidly or defend a down turn when sunnier days are expected. When times are good pay off those debts and save as much as possible for a rainy day! I thought times were supposed to be good currently? Why are we not paying off our debt instead of increasing it?

