GM bets Americans will buy cars made in China
Chicago (AFP) - General Motors will be placing a big bet the American public is willing to drive a car built in China when it unveils the Buick Envision.
The largest US automaker is certainly not trying to bring it to market quietly: Buick's latest sport utility vehicle will be introduced at a lavish party on the eve of the Detroit auto show in the hopes of maximizing media coverage.
"We expect it to be a great success," Molly Peck, US marketing director for Buick, told AFP.
“我们预期这款车会在美国获得巨大的成功,”别克公司的美国市场总监Molly Peck如是说。
Edward 1 day ago
This is one bet I sincerely hope GM loses. I, for one, will NEVER buy a car made in China. I hope GM falls on it's butt on this one. How in the heck can an American company build a car in a communist country and expect hard working Americans to buy it? It is way past time for us to get off the Chinese tit and make this country great once again. My god how long before American companies start building in mid-eastern Muslim countries?
Joe 1 day ago
Your money. Your choice.
Just don't you dare call me unpatriotic for buying a 'foreign' vehicle that was assembled by the UAW in Michigan when you buy a freaking GM vehicle made in China.
I actually put Americans to work with my vehicle purchase. And a good American job is not an easy thing to find anymore in this country, as anyone with half of a brain understands. You'll be putting Chinese to work with your Buick purchase. If there is any shame on anyone, it's on you, not me.
Blackadder 1 day ago
I bought a can opener made in china, had to take it back three times before I found one that would work.
Robert H 23 hours ago
I'm sure there are some Americans who don't give a toss where their stuff comes from, who made it and under what conditions, as long as the price is right. All I can say is that as long as cars are made here I will buy those. I've had it with bean counters off shoring jobs and bleeding our economy. There may not be much I can do, as one person, to stop others from destroying America, but I'll be damned if I'm going to help.
Mockingjay 14 hours ago
Just fricking perfect. First the big three moves most of its manufacturing, via their suppliers, to Mexico or elsewhere off shore. Now they move the final piece, assembly, there. But they are right. Americans will continue to buy foreign made goods without concern for their or their children's futures. We can all sell each other hamburgers and insurance or join the millions on the dole. We do still, for the present, manufacture weapons and wars. Can anyone think of anything else we manufacture within our borders?
Leroy 14 hours ago
If Americans auto workers want to see where their job went, they can go to the
auto show and see it. Former CEO of GM Dan Akerson bragged to the SAIC and
FAW in communist China in 2011 that 7 out of 10 GM vehicles are made outside
of the U.S. GM has 11 Assembly Plants, 4 Power Train plants and 2700 dealer -
ships in China. After American taxpayers bailed GM out, they showed their
appreciation by moving more jobs out of the country.
如果美国汽车工人想知道自己的就业去了哪,那么他们可以去汽车展看看。通用汽车前CEO 2011年在共产主义中国对国家工商总局和中国一汽自夸说每10辆通用汽车就有7辆是在美国之外的地方制造。通用在中国有11家装配厂,4家动力传动系工厂以及2700家经销商。在美国纳税人救出通用后,通用公司通过将更多的就业机会转移出美国来报答美国人民。
Harrisk 14 hours ago
China used to dump their motorcycles into my original country few years ago. they quickly overtook market shares from local and other international makers due to their much cheaper price than others. but how quick they ovwrtook the market, so as how quick people shyed away their vehicles due to quality.
Buick Envision will be in my not-to-buy list, even how nice and cheap it is, and perhaps entire Buick lines. I buy Chinese stuff, of course for saving money, but for not important things that I would rarely use. For a car that I drive daily, surely look for somewhere else.
Keith 15 hours ago
Those who say they will never buy a car made in China are a lot like those who said they would never buy a car made in Japan. Americans in general will buy anything made anywhere if they think they can save a few bucks. A then they'll bellyache about the loss of American jobs. They hate illegal immigrants, but live in homes built by them, eat fruit and vegetables picked by them, rent housing to them, and sell them everything they consume while they are here.
Dan 11 hours ago
No rice-burners for me! Until now, buying an American vehicle even if produced Canada or Mexico still meant the profits stayed in this country. Foreign cars made in the U.S. do help the auto workers but the profits do not remain here. American cars have finally caught up to Japanese quality, or even surpassed them. While Honda and Toyota try and keep selling higher volumes, there quality goes down and their recalls increase. To me there is nothing more pathetic than seeing a Toyota or Hyundai where the owner pastes an American flag sticker on it.
desadiste 1 day ago
With China's reputation for junk that falls apart in short order, who wants to load their family into a Chinese car and barrel down the freeway at 65-70 miles per hour? A car isn't a phone nor a computer, there are many parts that can fail in a car that can mean the death of everyone in the vehicle. NO CHINESE JUNK!
James 1 day ago
Of course we will buy cars made in China, Many of us will eat our children to save a few dollars and GM knows that. Soon after all the other manufactures will follow GM's lead as they are giving us what we want.We Americans have never understood the power we have with our wallets. All we care about is right now and not what will happen around the corner. We deserve everything our wallets have done to us! Buy made in China, it is the American way of life!
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