俄勒冈对峙结束,最后四名占领者向FBI投降 [美国媒体]

俄勒冈州,伯恩斯 - 周四,长达41天的俄勒冈野生保护区武装占领行动和平落幕。在一小时的戏剧性和情绪化的谈判后,最后四名反政府激进分子向FBI特工投降,整个过程在YouTube上直播。美国网友:他们自比为国父们?这是最搞笑的部分了。

Oregon wildlife refuge standoff ends as last four occupiers surrender to FBI


By Carissa Wolf, Mark Berman and Kevin Sullivan February 11 at 8:33 PM


BURNS, Ore. — The 41-day armed occupation of a remote Oregon wildlife refuge ended peacefully Thursday as the last four anti-government activists surrendered to FBI agents, following a dramatic and emotional hour-long negotiation with the final holdout broadcast live on YouTube.

俄勒冈州,伯恩斯 - 周四,长达41天的俄勒冈野生保护区武装占领行动和平落幕。在一小时的戏剧性和情绪化的谈判后,最后四名反政府激进分子向FBI特工投降,整个过程在YouTube上直播。

After repeatedly threatening to shoot himself, complaining that he couldn’t get marijuana, and ranting about UFOs, drone strikes in Pakistan, leaking nuclear plants and the government “chemically mutating people,” the last occupier, David Fry, 27, lit a cigarette, shouted “Hallelujah” and walked out of his barricaded encampment into FBI custody.

在不断威胁要自杀、抱怨搞不到大麻、喊着有不明飞行物、在巴基斯坦的无人机袭击、核电站泄漏和政府“让人们化学变异”后,最后一名占领者,27岁的David Fry,点着一支烟,喊着“哈利路亚”,走出营房工事,向FBI投降。

Fry’s surrender, which had an audience of more than 30,000 people listening live, capped an extraordinary 18 hours in which the country’s growing and extreme anti-government movement morphed into something that more closely resembled a strange and nerve-racking reality-TV show.


The drama included the unexpected and high-profile arrest Wednesday night of Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher whose sons started the refuge occupation and whose armed 2014 standoff with federal officials over grazing rights established him as something of a patriarch of the anti-government movement.

剧情还包括内华达牧场主Cliven Bundy周三晚上引人瞩目的意外被捕,他的儿子们发起了对保护区的占领,他本人也曾在2014年为了放牧权与联邦官员武装对峙,并确立了他某种反政府运动长老的身份。

Bundy, 74, was arrested at the Portland airport on his way to the refuge, after issuing a Facebook call for “patriots” and “militia” to “wake up” and head to Burns, the tiny town near the refuge. He was charged in federal court with six counts stemming from the earlier standoff.


Fry surrendered hours later, bringing an end to a bitter five-week standoff at the snowy Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in the remote high desert of eastern Oregon that drew international attention to the nation’s growing anti-government movement and long-simmering anger over federal land-management policies in the West.


The episode resulted in the death of one occupier, LaVoy -Finicum, a cowboy-hat-wearing grandfather and occupation spokesman who was fatally shot by an Oregon state trooper during a Jan. 26 operation that resulted in the arrest of the occupation’s leaders.

LaVoy Finicum的死是这中间的一个插曲。1月26日,俄勒冈州警在拘捕占领运动首领的行动中,不幸射杀了这位带牛仔帽的祖父、占领运动发言人。

The arrests and Finicum’s death came after FBI officials had deliberately allowed the occupiers to hold the refuge without challenge for nearly a month, mindful of the severe backlash after sieges in Waco, Tex., and Ruby Ridge, Idaho, turned bloody in the 1990s. The FBI did not send its elite Hostage Rescue Team to the refuge to avoid the perception that authorities were using disproportionate force.

在拘捕行动和Finicum死之前的一个月里,FBI一直有意让占领者不受干扰地占据保护区,避免发生1990年代德州Waco或爱达荷Ruby Ridge那样被包围者剧烈反抗造成的流血事件。FBI也没有派精英人质解救队伍进入保护区,避免官方使用不当武力的嫌疑。

Still, Finicum instantly became a martyr to anti-government groups. A folk song called “The Ballad of LaVoy Finicum (Cowboy’s Stand for Freedom)” was posted on YouTube the day after he died. Fry, in a video this week, referred to the refuge as “Camp Finicum.”

然而,Finicum很快就成了反政府群体的殉道者。他死后第二天,一首名为《LaVoy Finicum之歌(牛仔的自由立场)》的民歌就出现在YouTube上。在本周的一段视频中,Fry将保护区称为“Finicum营”。

The anti-government movement, which believes that the federal government operates largely outside the powers granted to it in the Constitution, was energized in recent weeks by the sight of a handful of “patriots” and “constitutionalists” holding out against authorities in a dead-of-winter drama that was fanned like a brush fire across social media.


While the occupiers regard themselves as defenders of American liberty, the Anti-Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center and others who track extremist groups describe them, and the “militias” that support them, as dangerous and at times violent. Many of those groups have been around since the 1970s, but the militia movement that has enthusiastically rallied around the occupation largely arose in the 1990s after Waco and Ruby Ridge.

占领者自称为美国自由的守护者、反诽谤联盟、南方贫困法律中心或其他什么极端主义群体的名头。而支持他们的“民兵”同样危险,数倍暴力。许多这种团体是1970年代建立的,自从1990年代Waco和Ruby Ridge事件后,民兵运动就大规模发展起来。

The final four holdouts were Fry, of Blanchester, Ohio; Sandy Anderson, 48, of Riggins, Idaho; her husband, Sean Anderson, 47; and Jeff Banta, 46, of Elko, Nev. They were arrested and taken to Portland, where they will face charges of conspiracy to impede federal officers.

最后的四个坚守者是:来自俄亥俄州布兰切斯特的Fry;来自爱达荷州里金斯48岁的Sandy Anderson;她的丈夫,47岁的Sean Anderson;来自内华达州艾尔科,46岁的的Jeff Banta。他们被捕后被送往波特兰,将在那里面对阴谋妨碍联邦官员的指控。

The four had been alone at the refuge since shortly after the Jan. 26 arrests. For most of that time, they had stayed in communication with the outside world via videos and phone calls in which they likened themselves to the revolutionaries who founded the nation.


They spent about five hours on the phone Wednesday evening — a call carried live on YouTube to more than 60,000 listeners — engaging in sometimes hysterical negotiations involving evangelist Franklin Graham and Michele Fiore, a fiery Nevada state legislator and Republican candidate for Congress.

周三晚上,他们花了5个小时打电话——超过6万人收听了YouTube上的直播——与福音传教士Franklin Graham和Michele Fiore进行了歇斯底里的谈判。Fiore是位冲动的内华达州立法者和共和党国会候选人。

During the phone call, the four alternately expressed their willingness to die for their cause and their willingness to surrender. They likened themselves to Mel Gibson’s character in “Braveheart,” the Scottish independence fighter William Wallace.


The occupiers had asked for Graham, the son of evangelist Billy Graham, to negotiate on their behalf. Fiore, an early and vocal supporter of the occupation, spoke for hours with the occupiers, trying to keep them calm, encouraging them as “patriots,” praying with them and urging them to turn themselves in.

占领者曾请求福音传教士Billy Graham的儿子Graham代表他们去谈判。占领行动的早期口头支持者Fiore与占领者们谈了数个小时,试着安抚他们,以“爱国者”鼓舞他们,与他们一同祈祷并劝说他们自首。

“If we go to jail, that’s admitting that we did not follow the Constitution. And we did follow the Constitution,” Sandy Anderson told Fiore on the phone call. “. . . That’s why we’re here. We were standing up for the Constitution. Expressing our First Amendment right to peacefully assemble. And they are crucifying us for that.”

“如果我们入狱了,就等于承认我们没有遵守宪法。然而我们确实遵守了宪法。”Sandy Anderson在电话中告诉Fiore,“……所以我们就在这里。我们是为了宪法站出来的,行使第一修正案授予我们和平集会的权利。他们却为此定我们的罪。”

The refuge standoff was initially orchestrated by Bundy’s sons, Ammon and Ryan, who are among 23 people now indicted in the case. A federal judge in Portland has denied bail for the Bundy brothers and several others; they have been charged with conspiracy to impede federal officers.


At the heart of the occupation was fury over the management of federally owned land. In Oregon, more than half the state’s territory is controlled by the government; in Nevada, it is more than 80 percent.


Residents have long been granted permits to graze their livestock and conduct other commercial operations. But in recent years, the government has imposed more restrictions, largely in response to an increasing emphasis on environmental concerns.


Some ranchers complain that the government now places more value on protecting species such as the sage grouse than on helping people earn a living. Environmentalists and others counter that the government has a responsibility not to allow commercial interests to trump smart environmental management.


The federal government says Cliven Bundy owes about $2 million in unpaid grazing fees. But when Bundy rallied hundreds of armed supporters in 2014, the government backed down, allowing him to declare victory.

联邦政府称Cliven Bundy欠了200万放牧费没交。但当Bundy在2014年召集了数百武装支持者后,政府退让了,由他去宣布胜利。

According to those who study anti-government groups, there has since been an increase in similar armed standoffs at mines and other sites in the West. So few were surprised when a Jan. 2 protest in Burns to support two local ranchers who were ordered to return to prison for setting fires on federal land evolved into an armed takeover at the refuge.


The vast majority of area residents never supported the takeover. While most understood the occupiers’ frustration over federal land management, only the most hard-core approved of taking federal property with armed force.


“I’m proud of this community,” Harney County Sheriff David Ward said at a news conference Thursday afternoon. “I’m proud of my friends and neighbors. . . . I love this country. And a house divided against itself cannot stand. I’ve seen division in our community, division in families, division amongst friends and neighbors, and divisions in our church congregations. There’s good that can come out of this. Our friends and neighbors can get off social media and sit down over a cup of coffee and talk out their differences.”

“我为这个社区骄傲,”哈尼郡警长David Ward在周四下午的记者会上说,“我为我的朋友和邻居骄傲……我爱这个国家,自我割裂的房子是立不住的。我知道社区中有不同,家庭有不同,朋友与邻居间有不同,教堂集会中有不同。这就是其中好的地方。我们的朋友和邻居可以离开社交网络,坐下来喝杯咖啡,谈谈彼此的不同。”

Fry, the final holdout at the refuge, was a late arrival who was not a core member of the occupation. He is a dental assistant from a town near Cincinnati who said he left a family vacation in Costa Rica to join the Oregon siege. Fry has a criminal record that includes convictions for drug possession and disorderly conduct.


On Thursday, after the other three holdouts surrendered to the FBI about 9:40 a.m., Fry remained behind, refusing to leave and spending the next 75 minutes on the live-broadcast telephone call.
The call was orchestrated by Gavin Seim, an unsuccessful Washington state congressional candidate and self-proclaimed “liberty speaker.” He was joined on the line by KrisAnne Hall, a lawyer, author, speaker and radio host.

通话是由Gavin Seim安排的,他是华盛顿州一名不成功的议员候选人,自称为“自由发言人”。他同时连线了KrisAnne Hall,她是一名律师、作家、发言人和电台主持。

Hall patiently reasoned with Fry, whose thoughts seemed to wander, and urged him to walk out of the refuge headquarters and give himself up to the FBI, who were waiting outside with Graham and Fiore.


Fry spoke about his anger at the government, “monopolies” and “corporate interests,” and said, “My future, my life, my country was stolen.”


“David,” Hall said, “you will never know your future if you don’t walk out of that room.”


Fry relayed a long list of his “grievances” with the government, such as “paying taxes for atrocities,” that he said included drone strikes that killed “Pakistani children.” He called President Obama a “traitor.”


He said he was willing to die, and could be heard telling the FBI negotiator on the other line that “I’ll kill myself before I [expletive] let you take me.”


“Do you want to walk out of this room and help us in this fight, or do you want to leave us alone?” she said. “You need to live, that’s the bottom line here.”


Hall urged him to keep himself alive, surrender and keep helping in the “revolution” against the government.


Fry complained that if he surrendered he would end up in jail.


“I’ll be buried behind the court system, and you people will go back to watching football,” he said.


Then, just before 11 a.m., Fry abruptly changed his tune.


“One more cigarette,” he said, followed by the scratching sound of a lighter.


“Well, all righty then,” he said.




“David, how’s it going?” Hall said. “Are you still talking to the FBI?”




“You say hallelujah!” he shouted, and SWAT team members and others could be heard shouting with him.


Then: “I’m walking towards them right now.”


The connection to Fry’s phone went dead.


Hall began sobbing with relief.


Seim directly addressed the tens of thousands of people still listening to the live stream.


“It’s a shame that our country’s come to a point where people like David have to fear their own government,” he said. “This should be a lesson to everyone.”


Pamela Katz
11:29 AM
I retired from teaching last year, but in following this armed take over, I was reminded of a teaching incident which occurred a year after Obama took office.
The students were studying the unit on the Constitution. One of my students informed us that, as per his father, there was a specific article in this document which called for armed insurrection as a way for redressing grievances against the government. 
Not wanting to appear confrontational, I invited him to take the book home an, with his father's help, locate said entry.  
He returned the next day and said, 'yep, just as his father suspected, Obama had had the article and section removed from the Constitution'. 
I pointed out that the history book we were using was 17 years old.  
In retrospect, the frightening aspect of this memory is that this family had 6 children at the time, and counting. 6+ more Ammon Bundys, David Frys, Seans and Sandys.

回想起来,这段回忆中最吓人的,是他家当时已经有6个孩子了。那就是6+个Ammon Bundy,David Fry,Sean和Sandy这种人。

11:38 AM
That is scary. Did the student respond that you were lying and the book had a false publication date? Or that you were clearly part of Obama's conspiracy? I'm surprised if he didn't. There seems to be absolutely no truth for these folks except what they create inside their own heads.


Pamela Katz
11:50 AM
One does not even try to inform, persuade or much less argue with this 'mind set.' Their rhetoric is like a continuous loop tape, designed to appear intelligent whist concealing the presence of any basic human thought process. ISIS would be another example of this 'group thought' identity.


1:27 PM
It is funny how every nutcase and law breaker wraps himself in the flag and calls himself a "patriot"...while real patriots fight and die fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan... and the nut cases get all the attention when the real patriots remain unsung heroes.


1:37 PM
It is oh so true that "patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel"


El Howard
2:10 PM
Some real patriots are also working on defending us here at home. They're called "law enforcement officers". You know, the same guys Sean and David threatened to shoot...


1:32 PM
America gets a six-week look at the kind of disturbed nutjobs who come from the Republican base. These are Trump and Cruz voters, folks.


6:06 PM
They sure are a whole lot better than what is running on the Democrat ticket.


1:23 PM
I have railed against these seditious thieves for 2 years - since the original Cliven Bundy standoff. Now that it's resolved with the outcome I'd hoped for, I'm also a bit sad. I listened to an hour or so the live streaming stand-off today, and I was left with the impression that these terrorists weren't so much horrible people as they were breathtakingly uneducated and ignorant. They have been manipulated by right-wing radio, given completely bogus legal advice by public land robbers like Ken Ivory , encouraged by politician like Gary Herbert and Michele Fiore, and given comfort in more conservative wings of the Mormon church. They're really just pawns in a much larger conspiracy for a privileged few to steal lands that belong to all Americans for their own personal enrichment.

自从当初Cliven Bundy的对峙以来,我已经抱怨了这些扰乱治安的贼人两年了。现在的这种解决问题的方式正是我希望的。我也有点伤感。我今天听了差不多一个小时的对峙实况,离开时,我深深感到这些恐怖分子没有那么可怕,他们只是不可思议地缺乏教育和愚昧。他们已经被右翼电台操纵,被Ken Ivory这样的土地强盗给了完全错误的法律建议,被Gary Herbert和Michele Fiore这样的政客鼓动,被更保守的摩门教安抚。他们真的只是更大阴谋的爪牙,这个阴谋力图偷取本应属于全体美国人、为美国人造福的土地。

1:28 PM
No, no and no. Those people are 100% responsible for their actions, they are not pawns in a large conspiracy. You sound like you're auditioning to be the Bundy clown brigades defense attorney.


2:39 PM
You have to admit that these occupiers appear to represent the left 1/4 of the IQ bell curve.


Blues Clues
3:22 PM
He was not defending them at all - he started out by calling them terrorists. He is making a larger point on how these imbeciles parrot the very stupid talk radio points. Hold your fire.


1:29 PM
And, as proven by Fry, possibly mentally I'll. That the supporters treated his grievances as legitimate even as he grumbled about conspiracy theories and UFOs is telling.


El Howard
2:12 PM
David appears completely disassociated with reality in his last moments before arrest. The others do appear to be misled, which is an indictment of the echo chamber that just reinforces people's bigoted ideas.


3:17 PM
That's what's so sad. There are people who really believe the nuttier stuff on right-wing talk radio, and act on it.


2:42 PM
I hope our Right Wing friends take pause. Frey's rant is proof of what a steady diet of Right Wing radio and Conspiracy Blogs can do to a simple mind. While they are at it they should take the Congress woman and Franklin Graham into custody for speaking treason and giving comfort to the enemies of America.

我希望右翼朋友消停一下。右翼电台和阴谋论博客能将一个思想单纯的人喂养成什么样,Fry的疯话就是证据。同时趁他们还在,最好把那个女议员和Franklin Graham以叛国言论和安抚美国之敌的名义羁押起来。

3:08 PM
Yep, no conspiracy here! 


John Pierce
2:05 PM
Also all you people don't give enough credit to the law enforcement, especially the FBI. They have families too and have a life of their own.  
It's ridiculous the kinds of BS they have to put up with in their line of work. Armed occupation of a federal building because you think you are entitled to privatize public land? W T F is this chit?


2:35 PM
They don't appear to be all that opposed to free stuff from the government, when it's them getting the free stuff.


1:55 PM
Good riddance to last of an arrogant, self-centered, and comically inept group of un-patriotic, un-American thugs. Enjoy your time in a federal penitentiary. Losers w/ a capital L.


3:10 PM
Yeah and this guy did it all for patriotism. 


Johan Kartoffel
2:10 PM
They likened themselves to the founding fathers? That's maybe the funniest part of this.


11:41 AM
Bundy basically has grazed his cattle for free on our land. First of all, the government charges well below market rates for grazing rights. Then, Bundy pays $0 - when the discount rate was $2 million. I'm happy that our money will now be used to provide his prison meals. I hope he enjoys his government hand-out.


11:48 AM
I'll be surprised if any of these people do any significant jail or prison time.


11:52 AM
They won't, because they'll have too many commitments to speak at conservative fundraisers and as NRA spokesmen.


No Right Turn
11:20 AM
David Fry has done a brilliant job of positioning himself to win the GOP presidential nomination in 2020.

David Fry漂亮地赢得了2020年共和党总统提名。

11:46 AM
Hilarious (or scary)


3:17 PM
THIS is what happens when jocks who never paid attention in class hit 38 and suddenly discover AM radio: faster than you can say "my first wife left me", they become Constitutional scholars and start buying weapons to substitute for... you know, the non working man parts.


12:31 PM
Feds waited until they could arrest Cliven Bundy in an area where there was unlikely to be a shoot out. Great Job Feds. Question: What alternative universe was Bundy living in that he thought he could go to Oregon without being arrested? These guys are simply nuts.

联邦特工在一个看起来最不可能搞突袭的地方拘捕了Cliven Bundy,干得漂亮。问题是:Bundy生活在什么宇宙里,以至于他认为不会在俄勒冈被捕?这些人完全是傻的。

12:19 PM
The Feds played this well. The only mistake made was making no arrests when Cliven Bundy surrounded himself with armed idiots several months ago. They thought they got away with it which only encouraged them to keep provoking other confrontations. Now that they've been arrested maybe the "militia" activities will calm down.

联邦特工干得不错。他们惟一的错误是没在几个月前Cliven Bundy身边都是武装白痴的时候拘捕他。他们以为躲过那次了,可以鼓舞其他地方的反抗。这次拘捕可能会让“民兵”活动消停下来。

2:07 PM
The charges these vermin are facing are far too light. Try treason -- add Michele Fiore to the list -- and, upon conviction, life without parole.

对这些害虫们的指控太轻了。试试叛国罪吧——把Michele Fiore也算上——还有,一旦定罪,判处终身监禁不得假释。

5:02 PM
Treason? -- They didn't expose any state secrets to the enemy. Oh, I forgot, that was Hillary...


12:17 PM
"After repeatedly threatening to shoot himself, complaining that he couldn’t get marijuana, and ranting about UFOs, drone strikes in Pakistan, leaking nuclear plants and the government “chemically mutating people,” the last occupier, David Fry, 27, lit a cigarette, shouted “Hallelujah” and walked out of his barricaded encampment into FBI custody." 
Fry really needs to get away from smoking pot. See kids, this is what can happen to your mind if you smoke too much pot. A little is ok, just remember to 420 in moderation! Either that or he need to get onto some anti-depressants or anti-psychotics. He's one wacked out young man.  
"“It’s a shame that our country’s come to a point where people like David have to fear their own government,” he said. “This should be a lesson to everyone.”" 
Yes, the lesson should be to let your parents test you for psychological disorders and get some medication and keep taking it. Self medication with pot is not the right way to go. 

在不断威胁要自杀、抱怨搞不到大麻、喊着有不明飞行物、在巴基斯坦的无人机袭击、核电站泄漏和政府“让人们化学变异”后,最后一名占领者,27岁的David Fry,点着一支烟,喊着“哈利路亚”,走出营房工事,向FBI投降。

12:34 PM
I have to reply to what is an obviously uninformed statement. Marijuana - even the strongest available strains - does not produce psychosis such as what we have observed in Mr. Fry.


12:38 PM
Actually, it can.


11:41 AM
It's a shame our country breeds low-wattage unbalanced hicks with delusions of grandeur.


11:42 AM
These goobers should be more nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rockers.


11:43 AM
Look on the bright side - they get to vote, too.


12:13 PM
Not after they're convicted.


2:24 PM
I have no idea whether this represents " the country's growing anti-government movement" as you say above, or even what that statement is based upon. 
I do know that this fiasco in SE Oregon has shown an aspect of America which gives us pause about our future. How many poorly educated delusional people do we have trying to act out their bizarre conspiracy theories of the world around them? Where will this lead them, and where will it force the rest of us to go in dealing with them? “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.”

