Why China Freaks Out if You Use the WrongMap
A family of bleary-eyed touristsstrolls into Shanghai’s Pudong International Airport. Fresh from a long-haulflight, Mom drags little Tommy along while Dad takes out his handy map. Acustoms officer stops them in their tracks and slaps them with a fine thatcosts more than their Mercedes-Benz. Why? Because the Pacific giant has ahard line on any illegal map that “endangers the country’ssovereignty, safety and interests,” according to a statement from LeWeibin, the government mapping official.
You can be finedup to 200,000 yuan, about $31,400, for the “wrong” map.
Herbert 4 hours ago
They really are a government of ridiculousclowns. My goodness. What a joke. If you don't agree to my theft of others'territories you will be arrested and fined. I live in China and really dowonder why most people come here. It's interesting in so many ways but is alsoa complete clown show.
NicolaB 3 hours ago
Mr. Zha needs to understand the reality ofthe situation. Hong Kong has been administered as a separate country for manyyears now. Taiwan and Tibet also have their own cultures, language, andtraditions. It seems pretty clear that China's insistence on them remaining apart of its nation state is for reasons of national pride and the fact that twoof those countries have dynamic economies.
wcc 5 hours ago
Nonsense propaganda by shameless VNreporter.
sing 4 hours ago
by repeatedly telling lies to the worldthat they own the entire s.e.a they - the chinese govt are conditioning theminds of their people to the point that they would think of what they say aretrue and rightfully theirs... Propaganda at its finest of telling a lie overand over again hoping that it flies and brainwashes generations of youths tocome ...
rrr 4 hours ago
What a bunch of idiots. I thought that NKorean dude was delusional .
Light 3 hours ago
What a bunch of BS. China would never, in amillion years, fine some unsuspecting tourist for using some kind of"wrong map"... Fear mongering at its best, this stupid writerdoes....
As an aside, but speaking of maps,Philippines will not stamp visas on passports of Chinese citizenss because theyconsider the map in the Chinese passport to be inaccurate... they will put thevisa on a separate loose piece of paper.... fact - you can check it out...
Yahoo 4 hours ago
Western propaganda.中国means central nation ! 美国 means USA,not a kingdom !
K1 2 hours ago
The whole world needs to turn it's back onChina, they can live for themselves, in their own fantasy land. We in the westhas totally sold out on our principles to make China happy, a sad violation ofour own integrity
Westwind 3 hours ago
Is Leslie Nguyen-Okwu in kindergarten? Thisis the most amateurish article I have seen in a long time. First, Diaoyyislands are in the East China Sea, not the South. And "Diaoyu" is thename the Chinese like, as opposed to the Japanese name "Senkaku".Yahoo must be recruiting reporters from elementary schools.
asng15 4 hours ago
and why the US Freaks Out if You Use theWrong currency for OIL.??
et041053 2 hours ago
this is so wrong why are the chineseputting up with this , all i can say that chinese need to show some #$%$ andgrow some balls..or else they all look cowards to me
Jake101 5 hours ago
Chinese propaganda.
Teddybear666 2 hours ago
maybe we need to be doing the same thing.
i recently talked with an"american" while overseas and i asked a simple question; whatlanguage do they speak in hawaii?
his reply; Hawaiian language.
but when i asked him what color are thejerseys of a sports team he knew that one and all of the players names. but askhim to find america on a map, and its like teaching a chimp how to open abanana.
Angeles 2 hours ago
your dream of China claspe won't true
Mel Gibbons 2 hours ago
I've been to China several times, and theynever went through my luggage or cared about any maps or books I had.
Paul 4 hours ago
These so-called communists are positivelychildish: no other country in the world has such a hang-up over maps that itwants to punish people for owning them.
Kellie 21 minutes ago
Oh please. I have lived here for severalyears and I have never, ever, ever, ever known this to happen to anyone. Ever.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...