中国称“真的需要”南海防卫以面对美国 [美国媒体]


China says 'really needs' South China Sea defenses in face of United States


BEIJING (Reuters) - China "really needs" its defenses in the South China Sea in the face of a militarization process being pushed by the United States, and can deploy whatever equipment it wants on its own soil, China's Defence Ministry said on Thursday.


M 13 hours ago
I needed a toaster. Went to Walmart. Sorted thru the China toasters until I located one which was made in the USA. We really all need to buy stuff made in the USA.


eiji 16 hours ago
China have right to deploy missile shield, fighter jet on their own islands.


John 15 hours ago
I agree that we're creating a lot of hype (for who knows what reasons) about incremental developments China and other countries have engaged in in this region for many years now, and as for militarization: we alone militarized this region for decades with our Pacific naval and air forces. Now that someone else is finally deploying military assets in the region, no matter how few in comparison to our ever-present battle groups, we react with hysteria. It's as if we regard the South China Sea as an American lake or something.


Jack 2 hours ago
I travel to China on business a lot. The people are very welcoming and the culture is enjoyable. The country and government are about ready to collapse. There is much malcontent among the people. In private, many I have meetings and talk candidly about how bad the pollution is, how fractured their society is becoming, and concern about civil war. Many of those in the countryside really feel screwed over by the economic policies that have turned their country into a cancerous waste dump. China is imploding all by itself I fear.


John 6 hours ago
How about the U.S. just "sanctions" China, and bars all Chinese goods? We can give our business to Vietnam, or Central and South American countries. No aggression...just trade with our friends, rather than those who consider us enemies.


Barry Williams 9 hours ago
The Chinese are smart...They know their economy is going into a slump so they shift employment into their military industrial complex just like the US did in WW1 and WW2, and they get to build up some strategic locations. They do this heavy handed stuff because they know they will have to do business with all of these local countries sooner or later. They scare tactic is working,,,ie cut a sweet deal with China and be China's partner or we will just take all of the resources without you.Hey, 20% of something is better than 100% of nothing. ALL of the SE Asian countries will give in sooner or later and accept China as their real-world partner whether they like it or not. China will cut a deal with India by 2030 and that will end the US's source for cheap goods. Who wins? Who loses?


MannyB 10 hours ago
So, what is Obama going to do about it?


Seth 13 hours ago
I understand paranoia from authoritarian governments, its the nature of the beast. But why do Russia and China continue to believe that the US intends to invade them? 
Rule number 1 in war: "Don't fight a land war in Asia" 
We've ignored that rule for oil in the Middle East and to get revenge post 9/11, but seriously guys, we are not going to invade either of the two largest countries in Asia. Both of which have tons of manpower and a history of resisting invasion to the death. 
We are perfectly happy buying your manufactured goods and your energy products and leaving the pollution and slave like work force for you to have.


Troy 16 hours ago
What's needed is for those countries threatened by China's actions to stand up and claim their own territorial rights. Right now, this looks like a China - US debate when this is really between China and those smaller countries being bullied. We just have their backs in case China gets a little too heavy handed.


Darrell 13 hours ago
The only reason their is a militarization going on is that China started it in the first place. They are building military islands to use as air strips for their military jets and bombers. No other country in SE Asia is doing this. Now they are making excuses and blaming it all on the United States. And we are supposed to believe this? How about all you Chinese turn to faith in Christ and do away with your military? Same for the rest of the world. We are just a dot in the sky of the universe and we can share this little space on earth without someone wanting to rule the whole thing. You have to take it away from God first. Good luck. All our smartest people on earth have figured everything out and what the smallest things are that make mass, but I have a question. What is dark made out of. And the answer can;t be "nothing" or "space". We can see it, therefore it is. All you world wanna be in charge of the whole world, when you die, which you will, guess who'll be waiting?


Concerned American 2 hours ago 6 10 
Doesn't China mean, to continue our militarily aggressive moves into all our neighbors EEZ'S, we need to build these military defenses so we can continue to steal their oil,gas,fish and minerals. China has proven to be the most provocative, distabilzing influence in the ECS and SCS. There will come a point, when the U.S., it's allies and the world will say, enough is enough, then China will get the shooting war it has been after with the world and it's military will be crushed, so sad...


boxcar willie 2 hours ago 
So many comments blaming China, and Russia, and others I guess, but really, we need look no further than our own towns to see what the real issue is. We surrendered to China when we shipped our industry offshore. Solution? Embargo of Chinese merchandise. Buy as much made in USA as possible, reward companies that operate factories here in the US. Moving our mills and factories out results in no tax revenue anyways, why not provide real incentives to the big money guys so they can make money here? Greed makes the world go round, play the game and make it profitable for big business to have Made in the USA on their products.

