中国称媒体忽略了其他国家在南海的武器部署 [美国媒体]



BEIJING (Reuters) - China on Wednesday complained the media were ignoring radars and weapons deployed by other claimants in the South China Sea, and unfairly targeting China, following reports of its deployment of fighter jets and radars in the disputed waterway.


Over the past week or so China has been reported to have deployed advanced missiles, fighters and radar equipment on islands in the South China Sea, especially on Woody Island in the Paracels.



By the time the world or US understand the real intention of China in Woody Island, China had already militarized it. So while others talks and talks, China have already done it. So what are you going to do about it? Ask them to remove it, fat chance. 


Who cares? At the right time a tsunami is planned! 


The new World Orders started right after WWII by the WWII victors. China announced the Dash Lines and physically claimed the features within the Lines right after WWII and received no renunciation from WWII victors including USA. That means the features within the Lines belong to China and China has the sovereign right to do whatever is appropriate on them. For others to interfere with China's sovereign actions is a serious violation of international laws and could endanger the peace, stability, security, freedom of navigation and prosperity in the region. When America granted Philippine its independence, no features within the Lines were included as the territories of Philippine. When France and America were fighting in Vietnam and later withdrew from Vietnam, no features were granted by both as territories of Vietnam. So the territories that both Vietnam and Philippine now occupy within the Lines are illegal. 



*Abby Normal
"I hope friends in the media can objectively, justly, rationally and calmly make their reports."
Rotfl. GOOD LUCK with that! Apparently he doesn't know the media that well. 


The Chinese are entirely correct on this. The current "militarization" of this area is being BLAMED on the very party that has been handing out weapons to the other claimants. What do the Vietnamese use to "defend" the more than 900 oil rigs in contested waters? Aren't those weapons? What do the philippino pirates use to execute unarmed Taiwanese fishermen? In ALL these other cases, the US has done worse than simply "look the other way", but has actually been trying to flood the region with weapons. China's DEFENSIVE response is being painted as somehow "creating: a situation...that was (similar to the current chaos and bloodshed of the middle east) authored in Washington. 



This universe belongs to China. What are you going to do about this? China Sea is part of the it belongs to China. 


China is good at deflection. 


Double standard for China is not fair game and besides China have global 
interests and is entitle to military outposts just like US dos. More balanced
powers are main ingredient in preventing war are securing 5 trillion global
trade passes smoothly through South China C. 



Bunch of idiots. So then....The Gulf of Mexico belongs to Mexico...The Indian Ocean belongs to India....The Baltic Sea belongs to the Baltic States, Long Island Sound belongs to New York, Lake Michigan belongs to Michigan. Nothing I say makes a hill of a beans of difference, but China needs to back off, they are wrong on this one. I don't usually support military actions of the U.S. outside the U.S but, International Law says 200 miles away from the coast of a territory is INTERNATIONAL WATER. U.S. if they ram you....SINK THEM 


That sea should be renamed Asian Sea. China is biggest thief in the world. China claims seas, reefs more than 200 to thousands of nautical miles away from it's seashore but only less than 200 miles from Philippine islands. China does not respect United Nations UNCLOS that provides economic zone of 200 nautical miles around Asian nations; China invaded and illegally occupied these economic zones of Asian nations bullying other nations with it's navy ramming and threatening it's neighbors' ships; ironically China voted and approved UNCLOS but disobeys this UN agreement. Start a war China and we will be glad to destroy everything you're proud of; your island defenses is nothing and will collapse in minutes. 



*Abby Normal
Apparently China is right. I have never heard what military hardware the other countries have and this article that even brings the subject up doesn't even talk about it. The media really is worthless.


The stronger ones have always right. No justice."Vae victis" - the Gaklic king war winner Brennus said, when he defeated and has occupied Rome at 390 b.C. But when exiled roman dictator came back to Rome and defeated Brenus and liberated Rome, the justice changed.It was the time for Camillus to say "Vae victis" to Brennus and to those romans that had exiled him. The winner always right. No justice.

强大的一方总是正确的。没有公正可言。所有成王败寇——高卢王战争的赢家Brennus于公元前390年打败并占领罗马时如是说道。但是当被驱逐的罗马独裁者再次回到罗马并打败Brennus 从而解放罗马时,正义又改变了。这次轮到他对Brennus以及其他驱逐他的罗马人说“成王败寇”这句话了。胜者总是正确的。没有正义可言。


The Chinese government calling out western media as being biased is hilarious considering how the Chinese media is not allowed to stray too far off script. The worst you could say about the western media is that they are selling whatever their audience want to hear and clearly fear is a safe bet to make money. If the audience was buying more nuanced balanced articles western media would scramble to serve that up. 


if it was not for the news in western news circles, the Chinese would not have a clue to what is truly happening in the world. 


China should place its armed forces in SCS and exercise its freedom of defense. 



I would expect all neighbors of China to start aggressively pursuing nuclear arms to defend themselves against a ravenous China. A ring of missiles facing China that if ever fired would destroy China. No country is sitting there waiting for China to come claim them, but they are planning on how to strike back and make the bear bleed. 


China does not need to defend its arming of its territories. It needs to take concrete actions to recover lost land. 


Israel's land has been in dispute for centuries, and the U.S. gives Israel $3 billion each year to arm itself against Palestinians.
China has every right to arm itself. 

