法官:美国不能要求苹果公司提供手机数据 [美国媒体]


NY judge: US cannot makeApple provide iPhone data


NEWYORK (AP) — The U.S. Justice Department cannot force Apple to provide the FBIwith access to a locked iPhone data in a routine Brooklyn drug case, amagistrate judge ruled Monday.


U.S.Magistrate Judge James Orenstein's written decision gives support to thecompany's position in its fight against a California judge's order that itcreate specialized software to help the FBI hack into an iPhone linked to theSan Bernardino terrorism investigation. Apple's filing to oppose the order byMagistrate Judge Sheri Pym in California is due byFriday.

美国地方法院法官奥雷斯顿判决支持苹果公司对加利福尼亚法官对其之前对出的判决提出异议。加州一法官曾对其做出判决要求苹果公司研究一款专门的软件支持FBI侵入美国圣伯纳迪诺一起恐怖事件涉案相关人员的手机。苹果公司针对该加州法官Sheri Pym所颁布指令的诉讼周五到期。

Woodrow56 seconds ago
Iagree, we can not start down that slippery slope. Once we go there it will behard to reverse course, indubitably.


Mr.Wizard 1 minute ago 
"InOctober, Orenstein invited Apple to challenge the government's use of a227-year-old law to compel Apple to help it recover iPhone data in criminalcases." I wonder how much Apple paid Orenstein for this very timelydecision.


ThisIs Not The Country I Served For! 1 minute ago
Applestock is about to go through the roof.


Lougene1 minute ago
Obamaand the FBI wants to turn this country into another North Korea...


Shepherd2 minutes ago
FBIneed someone that can read old fashion machine language. FBI needs to hireprogrammers.


KISSME 2 minutes ago 
YE A H !!!

太 好 了!!!

john3 minutes ago
governmentdoes not need to have such power and software cause they will surely abuse thepower.our government cannot be trusted


AnonymousBy Necessity 5 minutes ago
Thiswas false flag. US Courts and FBI are putting on a dog and pony show.In reality, the feds do not want that stuff released b/c it will reveal thereal players


GorillaCookie 6 minutes ago
islamcontinues to wage war against the civilized world. islam and all followers mustbe eradicated.


WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot6 minutes ago
Iwonder what it is that so many people have to hide.
Youcan look at my phone. I don't care. I don't keep secrets there.


Shepherd6 minutes ago 
Doyou want the government looking into your bedroom. Do you want the feds to comeinto your house any given moment. I'm sure ATT hasall the numbers the phone has called, all the numbers msg, follow those leads.If I make my own language and write a message to another person that is theonly one that know my language oh well. Learn my language.


jimc 6 minutes ago
Itseems to me if Apple can break into the phone then the feds should be able tohire someone who is willing to do it to break into the phone. Hopefully theyhave people working on it now cause even if they can get apple to do it, itwon't be for a very long time.


Bamanator7 minutes ago
Youpeople are stupid. I fought for my freedoms & yours. The government has nobusiness knowing whats on my phone. Commies have no business hacking my phone.Also?? How much is the government going to pay APPLE to employ engineers forweeks to destroy the product they worked so hard to build for years?? 100million?? 200 million?? THE GOVERNMENT can not conscript an entire company youmorons.


John7 minutes ago
Anargument is usually loudest, when both sides are right.

