美国:“中国杀死我们”和其他民粹神话 [美国媒体]


‘China Is Killing Us,’ And Other PopulistMyths


I ran across a Gallup poll today that found50 percent of Americans believe China is the world’s leading economic power.Fifty percent. Only 34 percent believe the United States is the world’s mostpowerful economy, despite every shred of evidence available. The idea that aplurality of Americans believe we’re worse off than China helps explains a lotabout the anxiety of voters.


Politicians could argue, of course, thatAmericans should be rooting for China (and Mexico, etc.) to build a wealthy andstable economy, considering it’s not only beneficial for the Chinese people andfor the spread of liberalism, but for American consumers and workers. China isour third-largest trading partner. But imagine a “Go China!” pitch at acampaign rally of socialists or Trumpkins—or anyone else, for that matter.Democracy propels a perpetual loop of paranoia.


The idea that international trade is solely a competition rather than mutuallybeneficial is embedded in politics. To think otherwise makes you anunsympathetic elitist bloodsucker. And because the benefits of tradeinevitably, if often temporarily, displace some of the working class, we nowlet that working class drive economic debate.


But if we’re going to judge the world in this way, someone might point out tovoters that Credit Suisse found that American private wealth was at $85.9trillion while Chinese private wealth at $22.8 trillion. (Although I imagineeven saying the words “Credit Suisse” would make you a lily-livered GOPeglobalist these days.)


When it comes to GDP per capita, the World Bank puts the United States at$54,629 and China at $7,590. (China’s income inequality gap, which seems tomatter to people, is wider than the United States’s.) Although the nearly eightyears of progressive economics creeping into U.S. policy has degraded economicfreedom, the World Economic Forum still ranks the U.S. economy as the thirdmost competitive in the world. China is 28th. I could dig up another 100metrics of wealth and well-being and they would all say the same exact thing.So, yeah, they’re not “killing us” in any measurable way.


Kyle • 4 days ago
Not sure if these numbers are even thecorrect ones to be looking at. But on a more antidotal note, there ishistorical precedence for this. Remember in the cold war when most Americans(including some in government) considered the Soviet Union to be our equaleconomically. Turns out that was far from the truth and the reason that Mr.Gorbachev did tear down that wall. They were out of money and didn't want tohave to buy any more tanks.


Mango99 • 4 days ago
The author seems to dodge all the relevantfacts! The US has a $365 billion trade deficit with China! Virtually noclothing is manufactured in the US while 30 million people are out of workliving on government assistance. The US owes China $2-$3T (national debt).China has been on a 20-year spending spree buying American companies, includingAMC Theaters, Morgan Stanley, IBM PC business (Lenovo), and more. It shouldalso be mentioned that China hackers compromise critical US government andcorporate computers DAILY! But if this author somehow finds solace that theaverage American is wealthier than the "average" rice-paddy livingChinaman, I guess that is all that matters!

本文作者似乎逃避了所有相关的事实!美国与中国的贸易逆差是3650亿美元!美国几乎没有服装厂,而且3000万人失业靠政府救济。美国欠中国2-3万亿国债。中国已经开始为期20年的消费热潮,购买美国企业,包括AMC电影院,摩根斯坦利,IBM PC业务(联想)以及更多。而且中国黑客每天入侵美国政府和企业的计算机!但是如果作者可以从普通美国人比种稻田的普通中国佬更富有中获得安慰的话,那我也没话说了!

Mr. Brown Mango99 • 4 days ago
Your point about Hacking is fair, but thatproves that China is a rival, not that they have a stronger economy. As forbuying US companies, US companies buy foreign assets as well. I dare say we doit better than China. Our trade deficit is actually a sign of our free trade,China's lack of a trade deficit is a reminder of how the communist governmentcontrols the economy. As for manufacturing clothes, I'm not sure that's a greatmetric. We make far better things here, and in safer facilities.


David Mango99 • 3 days ago
Rice-paddy living Chinaman? boy am I gladyou don't live in my neighborhood...


Aaron A • 4 days ago
The poll doesn't surprise me. ManyAmericans do not understand the true scope and size of our economy. It's sheerimmensity is beyond what most people can fathom.

调查结果并不让我感到惊讶。很多美国人都不了解美国经济的实际规模。美国经济的广大让 大部分人无法看穿。

jporter9034 Aaron A • 4 days ago
You are the one who don't understand thatall the gangster ccp members have taken out all the money and invested back into the US economy buying homes and businesses, in US, japan, Canada, Europe,Thank you for bring it back. That is why china's economy has collapsed!
And you have no idea how many fake undergroundbanks in china, fake stock market pyramid schemes who cheated billions frommainlanders, fake housing schemes. All lying and cheating.


Alan Smithee  jporter9034 • 4 days ago
Sounds like the US. Everything youdescribed happened in 2008.


The Delivery Guy  Aaron A • 3 days ago
Sure I can, its annual production isslightly below the national debt.


puahia • 4 days ago
Living in a bubble. The US economy wasdowngraded. What characterizes the few Triple A economies left? They have apositive trade balance! Bernie Sanders have not even discovered why theScandinavian countries that he promote have a Triple A economy, low nationaldebt and high job participation. They copied the US economy in the 90s, becamecapitalistic and have had a positive trade balance ever. That was before the USmoved production to China and changed the economy. Not one other country in theworld believes and practice "Free Trade". It does not exist. It is anillusion.


Arthur Burnside • 4 days ago
Anyone who has eyes can see thatpractically everything we buy is made in China.
Ypu can quote all of those irrelevant statsyou want, but this country is in debt up to its eyeballs - when interest ratesgo back up, we can hardly pay for the interest on our national debt. But keepthat rosy scenario going,fella, someone might actually be stupid enough to fallfor it.


Shooi Dan Tom • 4 days ago
US will be part of Mexico in 15 years. Thisis no myth. Look at your grade schools and
maternity wards.


ken_lov • 4 days ago
Many Americans have baseless fears thatChina is economically more powerful, or (even sillier) that ISIS is a seriousthreat to their national security, but can't appreciate why so many people inother countries have well-justified fears that the US is ACTUALLY far and awaythe most economically powerful nation, and a threat to their national security.It's a very strange failure of empathy.


Delong Tsway  ken_lov • 4 days ago
I agree it is ridiculous

