在弗吉尼亚州,一名13岁的孩子可以和大她一倍年纪的人结婚,只需符合“Clerk许可”,证明她怀孕并有父母的许可就行。然而,在本周弗吉尼亚州长Terry McAuliffe签署了改革法案后,这个情况可能会有改变。如果他签署的法案于周二通过,弗吉尼亚将成为全国范围立法链条上的第一块多米诺骨牌。
Several states are trying to outlaw a taboo marriage practice
Lisa Suhay, Christian Science Monitor
Lisa Suhay,《基督教科学箴言报》
In the state of Virginia, a 13-year-old child can legally marry an adult twice her age, and all that's needed is a clerk's consent, provided she is pregnant and has parental consent.
That is expected to change this week, however, after Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe signs reform legislation. If he signs the bill passed Tuesday, the Virginia law may be the first domino in a chain of legislatures around the nation.
然而,在本周弗吉尼亚州长Terry McAuliffe签署了改革法案后,这个情况可能会有改变。如果他签署的法案于周二通过,弗吉尼亚将成为全国范围立法链条上的第一块多米诺骨牌。
Similar bills are in the works in New York (A. 8563), Maryland (H.B. 911), and New Jersey (A. 3091) where, as in many other states, marriage age limits set at 16 to 18 years old are easily set aside through exceptions based on parental and/or judicial consent, or pregnancy.
“Child pregnancy should trigger alarm bells, not wedding bells,” says Marlene Hartz, spokesperson for the legal advocacy group Tahirih Justice Center. The Virginia-based nonprofit, founded to help women who are survivors of a wide range of violence, including forced marriage, recently analyzed marriage data from select states and found “disturbing results.” The group is working in partnership with Hogan Lovells, Unchained at Last, and the National Organization for Women (NOW).
“儿童怀孕应该敲响警钟,而不是婚钟。”法律救济团体Tahirih正义中心的发言人Marlene Hartz说。该团体是建于弗吉尼亚的非赢利机构,用于帮助遭受广义暴力(包括强制婚姻)的女性。他们近来对选定的数个州所做的数据分析显示出了“糟糕的结果”。该团体与霍金路伟律师事务所、“最终解脱”和全国妇女组织(NOW)都建立了合作关系。
“A child who’s 13 and pregnant – it’s rarely the case that the 13-year-old is marrying a 17-year-old,” said State Sen. Jill Vogel (R), who sponsored Senate Bill 415 in Virginia, to local media. ”It’s more often the case that it is a child marrying somebody decades older than they are.”
“一名13岁的怀孕儿童,很少是和17岁的人结婚,”弗吉尼亚州参议院415号法案提案人、共和党州参议员Jill Vogel告诉当地媒体,“通常是儿童与大他们数十岁的人结婚。”
Proponents of this legislation want to see it in all 50 states, because they say that victims of forced and child marriage can face severe and lifelong consequences – including physical, psychological, sexual, and economic abuse, mental health problems, and a loss of freedom to choose and make their own futures.
“The common assumption we are seeing is the belief that child marriages don't happen that often – and when they do, it's believed they are Romeo-and-Juliet-aged peers, which is not what we are seeing happen here," says Jeanne Smoot, senior policy counsel for Tahirih.
“人们通常都假定童婚不那么常见——即便有,也是发生在‘罗密欧与朱丽叶’这样的同龄人之间,而我们所看到的并非如此。”Tahirih的高级政策顾问Jeanne Smoot说。
"The data shows it’s girls under the age 18, including some who are well under age 15, being married to adults and one-third of the time that adult is over 21."
The Tahirih study found that nearly 4,500 children were married in Virginia between 2004 and 2013, and more than 200 of them married at age 15 or younger. About 90 percent of the underage spouses in Virginia are girls. Among the very youngest (15 or younger), there are 13 times more underage brides than grooms.
In Maryland, Tahirih found that, since 2000, more than 3,000 children were married. About 85 percent of the underage spouses were girls. Particularly alarming was a 2012 case in which a 16-year-old-girl married a man in his late 30s.
“In 2006 the State of Georgia did away with the pregnancy exception to their underage marriage law, to respond to cases in which those being investigated on charges of statutory rape had tried to avoid punishment by simply marrying the child they were accused raping,” says Ms. Smoot.
In New York state, 16- and 17-year-olds may marry with “parental consent” and 14- and 15-year-olds may wed with judicial approval. The data show that 3,853 children were married between 2000 and 2010.
State data from 2011, excluding New York City, showed that a 14-year-old married a 26-year-old, a 15-year-old was wed to a 28-year-old, another 15-year-old was wed to a 25-year-old, and a third 15-year-old married someone age “35 to 39.”
All of those marriages were approved by New York judges.
Sonia Ossorio, President of NOW New York, says that when she met with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo about the issue, “He was strongly supportive of the bill. He said it’s time for something to be done to end this.”
纽约国妇组总裁Sonia Ossorio称她和纽约州长Andrew Cuomo谈起此事,“他强烈支持这个法案,说是时候做点什么结束这种事了。”
Overall, there has been little public opposition to anti-child-marriage legislation. “There has been no organized push-back against our efforts," says Fraidy Reiss, founder of Unchained at Last. "I don’t think anybody wants forced marriage to continue.”
总之,对反童婚立法的反对声并不大。“没有什么有组织力量反对我们的工作,”最终解脱的创始人Fraidy Reiss说,“我认为没人想让强制婚姻继续下去。”
Between 1995 and 2012, 3,499 New Jersey children were married, says Ms. Reiss. Most were age 16 or 17 and married with parental consent, but 178 were between ages 10 and 15, meaning a judge approved their marriages. Of those children, 91 percent married adults, often with age differences that could have triggered statutory-rape charges.
“The worst case in New Jersey was that of a judge in 2006 approving the marriage of a 10-year-old boy to an 18-year-old woman,” Reiss says. “A judge in 1996 allowed a 12-year-old girl to marry a 25-year-old man.”
In Texas from 2009 to 2013, some 718 children between the ages of 15 and 17 were married. Texas, with its every-other-year legislative cycle, will see this legislation next year.
“That is just the few states where we have completed the data examination,” says Reiss. “We intend to examine every state in the nation. We are also looking for more partners to help us protect children.”
Globally, 88 percent of countries set 18 as the minimum marriage age, but more than half allow minor girls to marry with parental consent, according to the World Policy Center.
depression on Mar 9, 8:27 PM said:
Fantastic! Now we can pay child support AND the cost to imprison the father .....
Seems more of a win win if they want to get married from my perspective, at least that way the child has a father and the mother doesn't have to live out her life as a single mother ...
One could make a case that sexual abuse has occured, but then we could also argue human nature as well ... This is why I'm assuming that the family would have to give consent for the daughter to marry .....
Honestly at the end of the day I think the court system should be there to extract a measure of justice if the families so desire but at the same time if that family would like to take another route that option should also be there as well ...
S. Johnson on Mar 9, 11:36 PM said:
@depression: "Depression" - your comment is idiotic. Children should never be married off, even if their parents think it's o.k.
Blanche Quizno on Mar 10, 12:12 AM said:
@depression: I can see why you're depressed, "depression". Yeah, the world's a horrible place, we should just accept everything that happens and try to make the best of it, right?
BeauCharles on Mar 10, 4:34 AM said:
@depression: Back in the 1960s my then 14 year old sister got pregnant by her 17 year old boyfriend. She actually let him in through her bedroom window. Both sets of parents were upset but that was pre-abortion times. When my nephew was born she was just 15 and the father was 18. They got married after my parents agreed to it. Of course it didn't last - they were divorced within five years. That's how things like that were handled 50 years ago though. Funny thing - I was less than three years old at the time and my nephew ended up being like my little brother. We were very close growing up. Back the subject of the article - my sister and ex-brother in law were only three years apart and both still in high school. Kids marrying adults substantially older than them is just... suspicious.
HarleyBob on Mar 10, 6:52 AM said:
@depression: You can't be serious. If you are, I hope some three letter government agency is watching you.
savage393 on Mar 10, 6:54 AM said:
@depression: At thirteen, no child WANTS to get married. Most likely she didn't want to be pregnant either. If she is marrying some one who is twice her age, I'm sure it isn't consensual. In most states any child must be at least 16 to give consent for anything legal. If the parents want the girl married at 13, they should be shot on the spot. Any girl who is pregnant at thirteen was raped. Someone should be going to jail. The girl should be allowed an abortion, or the parents must sign a binding document saying they take full parental oversight for the child to be born.
Aloha Snackbar on Mar 9, 9:17 PM said:
This new law will discriminate against us Muslims. We prefer child brides!
Razpootina on Mar 10, 8:12 AM said:
@Aloha Snackbar: You are not paying attention you inbred imbecile (Aloha Snackbar), given the demographics the perps are holier-than-thou so-called Christians who always harp about 'traditional marriage,' while you pork your under age cousin in your trailer park.
Mncookie on Mar 10, 8:15 AM said:
@Aloha Snackbar: Well if that is what you like then go back to where you can marry children. You are in the USA and we do what is needed to protect the children.
TODD on Mar 10, 8:54 AM said:
@Aloha Snackbar: Aloha, unlike the rest of the commenters, I see your politically incorrect humor, and was thinking the same exact thing myself. Wake up folks, he's shining light on the parallel issue we have staring us in the face here and abroad. The animals who are marrying, raping and killing children in the name of a 'peaceful' religion want to bring those 'religious rights' with them to America. And guess what - I wouldn't be surprised if this pathetic, spineless, politically correct government allows it because, heaven forbid, we infringe on someone's religious 'rights' or 'freedom'. Everyone hand over your guns, and lock up your children and goats.
maikalwolf on Mar 10, 9:13 AM said:
@Mncookie: He's not Muslim MN, he's being an idiot!
maikalwolf on Mar 10, 9:22 AM said:
@TODD: He's not being funny or sarcastic. He excersicing his right to stupidity! This article, which you both want to ignore, is about American children being forced into marriages right here in the US. These are Roman Catholic/Protestant/ Baptist adults forcing their girls into these marriages! Oh and lets not forget Mormons! Well how about that, all sects of the Christian faith! I would have never guessed such a moral religious community would stand for something like this. Why I believe its in their holy book with example of how evil it is...Oh wait, it's not!
TODD on Mar 10, 11:18 AM said:
@maikalwolf: Well no shit, Sherlock... I was merely pointing out HIS reference, and the importance of it, and how it IS a problem like, and even worse, than that which is going on here. I certainly did read the article, and find it abhorrent in nature, never mind how the hell it ever gets approved by a judge. I don't care what religion or faith you're of, children are NOT adults; not mentally, physically or legally.
Heathen on Mar 10, 11:59 AM said:
@TODD: @TODD, these laws were made by a "Christian" nation according to conservatives. Look and see how long the laws were on the books and you'll see that it was Christians who wanted these laws to cover up their sin. Check you morality, I doubt you'll find it.
TODD on Mar 10, 4:12 PM said:
@Heathen: Check my morality? WTF is that supposed to mean? I don't disagree with you, and find ANY religious fanaticism to be the crux of so many evils, Christianity certainly not excluded!
MargretWhite on Mar 10, 5:12 PM said:
@TODD: Seems we already do the same thing! Did you not READ the article! 13 year old girls marring men TWICE their age!
KCRob on Mar 9, 9:28 PM said:
“Child pregnancy should trigger alarm bells, not wedding bells...”
A past Kansas DA thought something similar and got his you-know-what in the ringer. He posited that when young girls undergo an abortion that there may be a case of statutory rape behind it. But since it was abortion, not marriage, he was the bad guy.
JosephTheStarfish on Mar 10, 7:59 AM said:
@KCRob: "Child Pregnancy" is impossible. Children, by definition, can't get pregnant. The ability to reproduce is what defines adulthood. Or wait, did you think an arbitrary number cooked up by the state defined who is and isn't adult?
Razpootina on Mar 10, 8:16 AM said:
@JosephTheStarfish: Morals and decency dictate age of consent as it relates to sex/marriage you pervert; and no, you can't pork your under age cousin in your doublewide Joseph.
JosephTheStarfish on Mar 10, 8:22 AM said:
@Razpootina: "Morals" and "decency". Whose morals? What decency? My morals come from the Bible, which says that if a man has sex with a woman he should marry her. What "morals" is your arbitrary 18-year-old age of consent based on.
But nevermind the facts. You've got insults to hurl.
swan.feather on Mar 10, 8:54 AM said:
@JosephTheStarfish: I had a cousin that was five years old and started sexually maturing. Her mother noticed that her daughter was developing breasts and pubic hair and took her to the doctor. He said it can and does happen. I can't remember what they did to stop it and, I believe, reverse it.
So, according to your "theory", my cousin should have been allowed to get married at five just because her body was maturing faster than she was? Really?
You sound like a pedophile.
SMH on Mar 10, 9:02 AM said:
@JosephTheStarfish: Spoken like a true pedophile.
someoneelseiscaleb on Mar 9, 11:29 PM said:
so a girl can get an abortion at 14 without any parental knowledge but she can not get married until she is 18 even with parental consent. Sorry but I am thinking of a girl I went to high school with who was dating a guy 2 years older than her, he knew he was going into the army so her parents let her take summer school and graduate a year early and marry him at 17. Its a good thing because he has spent so much time in the sandbox. They have been married 13 o 14 years now. Out of all the people I know who got married young I only know 1 who got divorced and that was because she dropped out of high school to marry him because she was mad her parents were getting divorced. She was 18 at the time. Just my 2 cents but if your attitude is that teens are going to have sex then why is it wrong to let them marry first?
jae.pea.1217 on Mar 10, 12:12 AM said:
@someoneelseiscaleb: Are you kidding? Sex is a HORRIBLE reason to get married!
JosephTheStarfish on Mar 10, 8:01 AM said:
@jae.pea.1217: SEX IS THE REASON FOR MARRIAGE. My God, what has happened to society?!
Razpootina on Mar 10, 8:25 AM said:
@someoneelseiscaleb: Clearly you are confused someoneelses, abortion and teen marriage are two different issues. And no you can't have sex with a minor, so stop it.
maikalwolf on Mar 10, 9:28 AM said:
@JosephTheStarfish: Christian fundamentalism!
Blanche Quizno on Mar 10, 12:10 AM said:
When we left North Carolina in early 2001, the legislature was just about to review laws on the books that allowed girls as young as 12 and 13 (with their parents' approval) to marry older men, provided the girls in question were pregnant by these older men or already had children by them. There's no such thing as rape, in other words.
jae.pea.1217 on Mar 10, 12:11 AM said:
I have no problem with polygamy as long as everyone involved is a consenting adult. Little girls who have been brainwashed since birth that they must marry old farts twice their age or burn in hell, are NOT consenting adults. They are exploited children.
Redbaron719 on Mar 10, 4:33 AM said:
Just about everything concerning our age of consent laws is illogical and borders on the ludicrously inconsistent. Did you know that back in 1880 the age if consent in Delaware was 7? A few states had it at age 12; most had age 10. By 1920, Georgia had the minimum age of consent at 14, most states were at 16 and some few at 18. By 2007, Colorado stood at 15 for age of consent, 8 states at 18 and the rest were a hodgepodge of 16 and 17. Why the differences? Were kids in 1880 that much more mature, or were we a nation of pedophiles? Is there anything unusual today about young folks in Colorado? Why all the differences, PROVIDED any of the legislatures have a clue what they are legislating? And then. why all the exceptions above among the various states when marriage after the fact gets thrown into the mix? And, calling (mostly female) teens barely under the age of consent "children"? Seriously? You want to equate, say, a nubile 17 year old Lolita with a garden variety 9 year old girl? Or fail to differentiate between a 6 foot, 195 pound 16 year old linebacker on a high school football squad and a skinny 10 year old boy?
Be logical and face it. We're psychotic on a national level over many aspects having to do with sex. It's silly and wasteful and needs to stop. No one chronological age could possibly be a "correct age" for consent to have sex, anyway. Children mature at different rates. Humans engage in sex for any number of reasons that arbitrary laws aren't going to change. Attempting to legislate morals, or common sense is a complete waste of time, effort and $. When will we ever learn?
What about declaring individual puberty as the age of consent and getting the governments and DA's out of our sex lives once and for all. We have many more important matters to attend to in 2016 America than what really boil down to trivial infractions of age of consent laws, that themselves are a mockery of blind justice and even-handed jurisprudence.
Janeway on Mar 10, 7:38 AM said:
@Redbaron719: Right. Like the important fact that 100,000, at least, American children are trafficked each year. I guess that isn't imoortant for you? I strongly suspect you're a pedophile, since I reckognize your arguments from debates in the 1980's. I hope some 3-letter group attached to the Government check you out. Soon.
Joe Nitro on Mar 10, 8:37 AM said:
@Janeway: Or a catholic priest
Redbaron719 on Mar 10, 1:41 PM said:
@Janeway: Whoa, J! Nice job of changing the subject from the above stated topic and accusing someone you don't know a thing about of a serious crime, all in what, 4 lines of text? Do you even know what sex trafficking is? Let me disabuse you with a cut and paste straight from 22 USC 7102: Sex trafficking
means the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a person for the purpose of a commercial sex act. Oh and BTW, official govt sources claim there are 300,000 victims (still) alive in the US as I type Try actually reading what I wrote, noticing that nowhere did I mention, advocate or defend sex trafficking. Furthermore, along the way in the normal course of my life which has not ever included pedophilia by any definition, not one, but several govt alphabets have checked me out thoroughly finding bupkis. So, I gotta wonder, could YOU be projecting elements of your personality onto mine? Maybe the govt alphabets ought to be checking YOU out.
哇,J!偷换主题、指责你完全不了解的某人有什么严重罪行,干得漂亮啊。4行字就搞定了?你知道性贩卖是怎么回事吗?让我来给你解惑吧,直接从22 USC 7102法典中复制给你:性贩卖,指以商业性行为为目的的招募、藏匿、转运、供应、流通、拉拢人的行为。顺便说一句,政府官方来源称在美国有30万还活着的受害者。仔细看看我的文字,我从未提倡或为性贩卖辩解。此外,在我平凡的一生中从未被以任何方式看作是恋童癖,某些政府字母部门查过我几次,结果啥也没有。我倒是怀疑啊,你是不是把你个性中的某些东西投射到我身上了?也许政府字母部门该查查你。
Redbaron719 on Mar 10, 1:51 PM said:
@Joe Nitro: That's funny, JN. Also, very off topic. Whatever. For the record, I am not now, nor have I ever been a catholic priest. Nor, am I ever likely to be. Once long ago, before I became a recovering Calvinist, I was the youngest deacon my Presbyterian church ever elected at age 18. Does that count for anything among your twisted allegations?
Kathy Kalb on Mar 10, 6:17 AM said:
I think we should make a law against Muslims having four wives! The Syrian refugees they want to bring here believe in young brides, 40 something men with 12 yr old girls or younger!
blakely on Mar 10, 6:20 AM said:
so what will the jews do now that child marriage is outlawed. West Virginia he last state that a jew could get a wife.
charles.martel.750331 on Mar 10, 6:30 AM said:
why stop at 16? why not 3 years old? since its muslims who are pushing these islamic sharia laws..
savage393 on Mar 10, 7:03 AM said:
@charles.martel.750331: Your a F-n mental case. these laws have been on the books in these states, before you were even a gleam in your daddy's eye. this has NOTHING to do with Muslims or sharia law. if that's your real picture, I'll bet you gene pool only has 4 people in it. Your mother, your sister, and your first cousin.
chris.sievert1 on Mar 10, 7:11 AM said:
@charles.martel.750331: Colonial America ranged from a High of 12 to a low of 8 years old to Consent to marriage AND Sex. You know, Christian Law.
Jenfinn on Mar 10, 10:31 AM said:
@chris.sievert1: Life expectancy in Colonial America was 25 to 30 years. Do the math.
CharlieK on Mar 10, 6:49 AM said:
Is this a change that would make the life better?
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...