China's go-to beverage? Hot water. Really.
China's annual legislative sessions are infull swing in Beijing. Thousands of delegates are convening daily at the GreatHall of the People to listen to speeches, discuss government work reports, andreview economic plans for the next five years.
Essential to keeping things moving? Hot water. Brigades of young women (and afew men) are toting thermoses around the massive building all day, pouringdrinks for delegates. Some use the steaming hot liquid to make tea in papercups that read "Great Hall of the People," but many others simplydrink it straight.
For many Westerners, the idea of drinking plain hot water is odd. But mostChinese (among others) think Americans' habit of chugging ice water is equallybizarre, and even unhealthy.
As the daughter of a traditional Chinese doctor, I am a devoted hot waterdrinker.
I drink it the first thing in the morning, and throughout the day. Even in thesummer. I cannot live without it. In the big family I was brought up in, no onewould dare to pour even room temperature water – doing so would risk a chorusof criticism, with parents, aunts, cousins and grandparents chastising youalmost simultaneously: "Cold water gives you cramps!"
Some people trace the hot-water habit to the founding of Communist China in1949, when tap water quality wasn't high.
Drinking a hot liquid several times a dayis a natural cold and flu remedy. Since many strains of flu originate fromChina's swine and poultry farms, the Chinese hot water fad could be keepingmany viral strains from breaking out.
China makes a great beer Tsiantao.... and Idon't think they drink it hot!
I worked in a Chinese take-out restaurantfor a number of years, and never saw the owners or workers drink anything else.And they never offered to share it with their resident "round-eye".
There's another very good reason fordrinking "hot water" -- boiling water, especially LA tap water,removes volatile chemicals used to sanitize the water, kills any remainingbacteria, and renders the water safer and more tasteful for drinking. Indeed,even after being cooled, the water retains these values; we make two pots ofboiled water every day, one to cool for later use in the coffee pot and theBrita, and another to put in a thermos for plain old "hot water" andtea.
Real Fit
Well written and nice story, but it doesn'tmake a case for drinking hot water, other than old habits die hard.Sterilization is a good reason, in Asia at least. If you had in mind anymedical benefits, I would have liked to see the studies cited in the article. Ahot beverage is a soothing thing, and a cold beverage is a refreshing thing,but this is all psychological. For sure plain water, at any temperature, ismore healthy than a sweetened beverage.
Tony Villar
A lot of Chinese don't have refrigeratorsor freezers. So they are not accustomed to cold food or beverages. In fact,even in the U.S. it's not unusual in Chinese or Vietnamese houses to see foodleft on the table, but covered with plastic nets to keep out the flies.
No Trump for Prez
I remember having breakfast twenty yearsago before a work conference. I asked the waitress for a cup of hot water. Thepeople I was with laughed at me. Recently I went to lunch with one of theseco-workers. He asked for a cup of hot water. I chucked inside.
No Trump for Prez
I remember visiting relatives in southernChina in 1999. It was 10 am in the morning and 90 degrees with 90% humidity. Iwas served hot boiling water. I was ready to pass out.
@No Trump for Prez That's like howTaiwanese like to eat mala hotpot in the middle of the summer!
As a frequent visitor to China, it hastaken me a while to appreciate the soothing effect of hot water. I am still notcompletely converted, but it is an interesting and curious culturaldistinction.
The Delinquent in Winter
Restaurants and fast food joints here inDenber serve water and soda with the container filled with ice, leaving littleroom for the beverage itself, as if to say, "See, we've got ice! Just likeback East in St. Louie!" or whatever their "thinking" might be.
Hot water is a fave of mine in non-summermonths, and water w/o ice is perfect in the summer when I'm dehydrated. If Ipour cold water into my stomach, the first thing that happens is my body has towork to bring the water up to body temp before absorbing it. Meanwhile mysystem isn't benefitting from the liquid.
Hot, warm, or tepid water is the way to go.Sorry I went on about it, but I feel a stranger in my own town w/ thisice/no-ice mini culture war.« less
My mother grew up in Southeastern Kansas inthe '30's and drank 'Depression Tea' water.
What a useless story. Guess there's notmuch else going on today, huh?
Ron Martinaz
@Thinkandverify91 A news paper covers manysubjects no one is forced to read those which they are not interested in
I remember traveling there in the early80s....I was told it was a water safety issue, just as cooking food in woks (athigh temperature) helped kill any bacteria, so too did boiling all water.
There is an abundance of proof that warm /hot water is better for the body than ice water, the typical version of H20 forwesterners. No wonder why 'Muraicans #1 OTC and prescription pills are centeredaround digestion and stomach related problems (GERD, Heartburn, Acid Reflux,etc).
Jake Gimbel's Guppies
Is it any wonder why people are continuallysaying that Chinese tourists are in hot water???
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...