鸟瞰:令人震惊!中国武汉鳞次栉比的新郊区 [美国媒体]


Stunning Photos Of China’s New Sprawling Suburbia From Above
Ross McG Tue, Mar 15 3:54 AM PDT 


These photos give an amazing glimpse into China’s expanding suburbs from above.


The overhead shots of the sprawling city of Wuhan, home to 10 million people, show how maze-like suburbia can be.


D Moore 2 hours ago
I see a lot of people making comments like "paid by America"..it's funny because we do a lot of talking with no action. Nowadays the cars I see most out on the road are Asian cars..most of our products are made overseas..even this recent competition between videogames is laughable ..you have Americans who show undying loyalty to a Japanese company that could care less about them..Asians stick together they wouldn't dream of buying anything other than homegrown products. That's why Microsoft has sold almost no consoles in Asia..I lived in Korea for a while and I never saw an American made car but I see Korean cars all over the place in America..lol


Thomas 51 minutes ago
What is the evacuation plan?


ED or BROTHER 3 hours ago
With the lack of arterial highways it must take forever to get anywhere.


duingtime 7 hours ago 
Lack of highway system? You must never have been there? They have very good highway system that is modern and growing rapidly. Also they have very good public transportation: subways, buses and trains. Before you make uneducated statements you need to go there and see for your self.

缺少高速公路系统? 你一定是从没去过那儿?他们有非常好的高速系统,这个系统现代而且发展迅速。同时也具有非常好的运输系统:地铁,公交和轻轨。

The Divine Immortal 48 minutes ago
This is the exception not the normal Chinese way of housing. It is far and away skyscrapers with apartments more so than houses. Don't be misled, this is an anomaly not the way most Chines people live at all.


Donald 1 day ago
Is that outsourced version of American dream?
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Wasup 1 day ago
Close up of the homes would be much more interesting.
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Dennis 1 day ago
First of all, this is not fake! Go to Google Earth 30*43'26.41"N, 114*14'49.66"E. Second, the Chinese do a lot of construction all at one time. I speculate that the government hasn't given anyone the keys to their new places yet. You can tell that Wuhan is a master planned area. Just 3 miles to the northwest is a major 2 runway airport under construction. It's funny how this so-called suburbs is completely surrounded by lots of apartment buildings and industrial areas.
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首先,这些不是假的。你可以用谷歌地球查看这个位置,30*43'26.41"N, 114*14'49.66"E.

Ted 1 hour ago
Wonder how many are empty with no electric or plumbing? Apparently that's a "thing" there with ex pat Chinese-they make their money in America or elsewhere and then build a facade house back home to show to others that they "made it". No one ever lives in the houses and they are not fully finished, just shells.


JanetQ 1 day ago
American jobs at work!


Caveman Truth 6 hours ago
Ok, I AM an American, when I look at these photos, it looks fake, bigtime! Looks really nice, but it looks totally computer generated. Don't allow yourself to be deceived, I am sure China is sprawling due to all of the business that our Government outsourced after the Bush administration ... 


HA HA 9 hours ago
Fake, no cars, China fakes things like this but thanks to outsourcing American jobs they have the cash to do such things.


Bugspit 1 day ago
Looks like a nice burb, no different or any larger than around most US cities.
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thomas 1 day ago
Paid by America, instead of Made in America.
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MK 1 day ago
Note that there is not a single car in the picture and China has lots of cars. This is a ghost town.
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        Maarten Van den berg 1 day ago
        I can see cars... not many, but most are likely in the garage as these pics are taken around sunrise, which is probably very early.


        Dan 1 day ago
        It looks like that you are turning green by the development of China, you need something, anything to belittle China. The truth is that in a short period of time, Chinese economic and technological progress will exceed US's and EU's combined. There is no stoping it.

