阿根廷击沉中国渔船 [美国媒体]


Argentiniancoast guard sinks Chinese fishing boat


Argentinianforces opened fire on and sank a Chinese boat illegally fishing in the South Atlanticafter it attempted to ram a coast guard vessel, officials said Tuesday.


A video postedon the coast guard's website showed a large Chinese boat listing in the opensea while apparently under pursuit.


Poaching of fishis a perennial problem in the Atlantic and Southern Ocean, and has sometimesseen law enforcement agencies pursue violators for weeks on end at sea, but itis highly unusual for such incidents to end with a vessel being sent to the seafloor.


And here Ithought Argentina could not get anything right ( and I'm saying this as anArgentine ). China has eaten to extinction and polluted all their waterways intheir economic zone, now they need to steal other country's resources tosurvive. Hence the SCS fiasco. And as we see here, they go all the way toArgentina to steal. Bunch of lying thieving commies.
And why does ittake country like Argentina to show China not to mess about their waters???


*Robert R
Good jobArgentina for doing the right thing. china is the worlds bully and believes itcan use up and pollute all of the worlds waters like they have done with theirown. They have no respect or regard for anyone they just take take and takesome more until all of your resources are depleted then they just move on toanother area and take all that they have etc. etc. etc. The world MUST stopchina and BTW russia does the same damn thing.


Looks like theArgentines are serious about their territorial waters, too.
Regardless whatsome boneheads commenting here might think, rescuing the crew was the rightthing to do. It's what an honest-to-God sailor of any country would do.


Good jobArgentina! Let's stop China in claiming every land and water they see. probablyin the end they might say that they own the moon as well. They know they arepowerful and they're using it to their advantage by threatening anyone whochallenge or dispute them.


Chinesefishermen destroys the habitat of these marine life by using illegal methodsand devices to haul everything in their ships. They do this without any fear orregard for intruding territories of other countries, no regard for any lawsbeing violated for their illegal means of fishing. They must be stopped for thesake of the survival of the world's next generation.


Blow all theillegal fishing boats out of the water!


CarefulArgentina! China might start building an artificial Island next to you.Claiming that pacific ocean is part of the acient China


I love to knowthis action against the culprit.. I salute to the Argentinian govt standingagainst this greedy people... hope Asian countries must do the same when thiskind of people are trying to cross over the borders.


If Argentina didnot sink the vessels then communist china will say it belongs to them. That'show they'll act. The World Body will also implement harsh measure for thecommunist fishing in West Philippine. The World must treat communist china justlike North Korea.


Argentina issinking Chinese ships. Indonesia is sinking Chinese ships. They must beeminantely sinkable. No wonder China prefers manufacturing islands instead ofbuilding ships.


USA mediacensored those information
Chinese govt andArgentina govt had reach a deal about fishery agreement in those region.


You sank mybattleship!


Argentina didthe right thing. Good job, others may follow.


*Omighty OneHotel
Food & waterbecoming the new oil.


*Thien 1
Nice jobArgentina! You have courage to act while others including the mighty US stillhave "serious concerns" or "strongly protest" ...


When did theChinese become more arrogant than the Americans?

