Indian police fire on caste protesters, one killed
New Delhi (AFP) - Police opened fire on protesters innorthern India on Friday, killing one, as rival caste groups clashed during amass rally over access to jobs and education.
The army was called in after several were injured in theviolence in northern Haryana state, as demonstrators clashing over preferentialtreatment for certain castes defied police orders and went on a rampage.
State police chief Yash Pal Singal said a protester had shotat a member of the security personnel first during the demonstrations in Rohtakdistrict triggering the violent retaliation by police.
"The BSF (Border Security Force) then fired in self-defenceand unfortunately one protester lost his life. Some other people have receivedinjuries," Singal said in comments broadcast on TV channels.
Haryana's dominant Jat community, a comparatively affluentcaste group, has been calling for quotas in government jobs similar to thoseallocated to lower-caste groups who have faced generations of societaldiscrimination.
The Jats say they are struggling to compete with lessprivileged castes for government jobs and university places -- but other castegroups have opposed their demands for special treatment.
The government called in about 2,000 troops to quash theprotests, Press Trust of India reported, as TV footage showed demonstratorstrying to set fire to vehicles and a house belonging to a state minister.
The protesters have blocked major highways and disruptedrail traffic since Wednesday, prompting police to clamp prohibitory orders onmany districts.
Haryana state is ruled by the right-wing BharatiyaJanata Party (BJP) which has come in for criticism of late for itsperceived iron-fisted approach on sensitive issues.
哈利亚纳邦一直由右翼的印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party)所控制,这一党派近期正因它在一些敏感议题上的铁腕政策而饱受争议。
The protests echo caste violence that swept the westernstate of Gujarat in August last year, leaving several dead.
The state saw weeks of protests by the privileged Patidar orPatel caste, who demanded special treatment to put them on a level footing withlower castes.
India sets aside a proportion of jobs and places to peoplefrom so-called lower and backward castes under measures intended to bringvictims of the worst discrimination into the mainstream.
But the policy of "reservation" causes resentmentamong other communities who say it freezes them out.
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